sore_ass_losers ago

Some follow-up at the Haiti Sentinel:

Owner of Kaliko Beach Hotel is "uncooperative, defiant, and boastful".

Number of arrests of involved adults went from 18 to 12 to 9. Original post said arrests included missionaries and foreigners. Girls talked of 'blans' luring them (could mean 'whites' or 'foreigners').

Police issued departure bans on Monday, hoping those individuals were still in the country.

Police found marijuana and cocaine, not used much in Haiti since pricey.

'The commissioner also said that a laptop was seized at the scene. He said there are photos and videos of adults participating in what he described as “abuse” and sexual acts with minors, not of the some 31 who rescued at the hotel. He says he is more certain than ever that the “child-trafficking”, as he called it, that was thwarted at Kaliko Beach Club, includes sex-trafficking and the sex-trade. For his assistant, Madame Prévost, findings in the laptop, drugs and currencies at the scene hint to a “large network”, she said.'

(I originally posted this on another thread, but copy/pasted over here since this is a great discussion. )

juhos ago

My VPN service says that site is "reported as dangerous"...

IAmJohnBarron ago

seriously none of these links to this article are working for me

KingKongisCTR ago

Was this one of the hotels the CF built instead of houses for the homeless after the earthquake?

JoJoVoat ago

In regards to Haiti and the earthquake of 2010 The very next year a few democratic politicians got pretty wealthy. Organ harvesting, stem cell harvesting and human and child sex slave trafficking bring in big bucks. Just sayin'..

Six of the top wealthiest politicians (when this was written in 2011) were democrat. That's some big doe.

VieBleu ago

Apparently though, the whole press release is about the corruption of judges, so was his case sited as one of the cases that proved an instance of corruption? I gathered that the female opponent said that she knew nothing about the judgement, which presumably went against her, as though signed by a judge without a proper notification or representation of both parties.

witheyestosee ago

Hi all. Long time lurker and now a voater, I found this today. I haven't seen it here yet, so I thought y'all might wanna look into it.

sleepingbeautycan ago

Welcome. I think that happened in November but still have yet to see connections between this and the DC centered Child Traffickers. I am sickened yet relieved that these people are being stopped.

witheyestosee ago

Thank you! It's good to be here. I brought this here to see if we could make those connections, if any. I do feel that in a sense, it's all related as our governments often work hand in hand. Perhaps the reason we never heard of this in the states. I got this from a Canadian friend. If we can get names, maybe we will see a different side to this story.

isthisreality ago

The Clinton Foundation is an NGO, correct? :D

VieBleu ago

lol guilty!

remedy4reality ago

So, we have two fewer than what Silsby was caught with, and we all know what happened there.

This is positive but in no way am I satisfied.

VieBleu ago

This small article from 2011 has some interesting connections:

Owner of Kaliko Hotel where children were kept in this sting Samy Kuraik is named again. His hotel is a neighbor of another resort called Club Indigo. Both are testifying that there is not enough investment in hotels in Haiti, Haiti needs more luxury hotels, and they cost a lot. Club Indigo's advertising talks about how the Clinton's honeymooned there, so there is a direct connection.

I read elsewhere that Clinton Foundation money went to build a big luxury Marriott with Digicel a phone/technology (spying?) company

MY SPECULATION FROM THESE CONNECTIONS - Seems like money is funneled from foundations/charities towards these hoteliers/business people, and in return they provide the infrastructure for the illicit payoff - hotels and staff to handle children in "safehouses" and in the case of Samy Kuraik, who is an importer exporter with a condo in Miami, perhaps shipping and safe houses in America.

Obviously more proof is needed. Looking at Mr. Kuraik's shipping activity would be interesting. Also if he owns more places in the US. Also Club Indigo Connections.

VieBleu ago

Can someone help with translation of this document? It is about Human Rights, Judges in Haiti, Corruption, and happens to name the owner of this hotel where the children were trafficked, Samy Zuraik -

archived here

NotTooLate ago

More...Happened yesterday and they say 3 month investigation so that damn George, I'm choked up.

Rigg5 ago

Im going to guess that there were actually 33 girls lined up in this group and the reporting is iffy.

sleepingbeautycan ago

I've seen some reports saying 31 and some saying 33.

ObamaFAG1 ago

My guess is this is something that can be used to strengthen the case against Satan... I mean Killary (good 'ole Billy too). (I would bet their hands are all over this).

VieBleu ago

Randomly just ran across this dated Jan 20th demanding stolen monies be returned to Haiti - has a small timeline and lists all Haiti's Banks plus foundations money was funneled through, including CF

carmencita ago

But there are not enough of us to go out into the streets, not yet. But when the news starts coming out. Believe me they will be.

carmencita ago

I hear you. And yes we will win over them. There are times I have read such horrible things I could hardly fall asleep at night. But I can't let this go. I know you cannot either. That's because we care about the children. They don't. Whether people believe in God or not, this is against God and the Laws of Nature.

carmencita ago

I understand your anger, but unfortunately it is them against us. We will prevail. It is nasty what they are doing, I agree. They have been doing this for a long long time. It will take a bit of work. They will be taken down. Not by me or you but by those that are in agreement with us. There are good people, even though we have seen so many horrible ones.

carmencita ago

Well, there is the small problem of the CIA, but everything else sounds like a great plan. The old toad. He and George HW Bush and Kissinger have lived far too long considering the lives they have lived.

PepeDidNothingWrong ago

Soros Jr. will just assume the mantle. This shit runs deep, but at least we know who is (partly) responsible. Uprooting the rest of the shadow cabal is going to be tough.

carmencita ago

Pappy Bush the Rockefellers the Rothschilds for starters

party1981 ago

Oh my God. Haiti = Clinton Foundation = George Webb was right = it's happening

Jem777 ago

This feels like head Fake. The operation was outed by G. Webb as sinister with cover of rescue op involving mormons (explains Beck) Want everyone to believe something is being done and look away. Already been archived evidence Dyncorp (US contractor) are the Haitian police.

NotTooLate ago

O.U.R is the front rescuers. Ex intel guys.

PepeDidNothingWrong ago

That Glenn Cuck broke this story is suspicious as hell. I fear you may be on to something.

Freemasonsrus ago

"Missionaries" helped expose the other "missionaries" who had the children. Hmmm...could it possibly be "Mormons" exposing them?? Great cover for being hailed the heroes and given a ton of trust by the plebs.

beepinboopin ago

The investigation began in December and remains ongoing to uncover the true breadth of the operation that appears to include non-governmental organization and international elements.

truthvibe ago

was gonna copy and paste that too! after reading those lines, the voice in my head said "No shit Sherlock". NGOS and international 'elements'... elements is a good way of putting it. as always, wtf.

Freemasonsrus ago

NGO-check Missionaries-check Underage girls- check Foreigners- check

I'd say this is a hat tip by some friendlies in DC. Good sign.

VieBleu ago


girls were at the Kaliko Bay Hotel in Côte-des-Arcadins. - Who Owns this place? "How all the girls were able to pass hotel administrators and staff to be kept in one room is being investigated by police, according to Inspector Gary Desrosiers. The hotel owner, a driver of a bus that transported the children and some caregivers were held by police."

Also - "The investigation began in December and remains ongoing to uncover the true breadth of the operation that appears to include non-governmental organization and international elements." NGOs involved - charity groups?

Drkadrka ago

I archived the whois on the website. Owner seems to be Samy Zuraik, who sits on the administrative council of Capital Bank executives involved in child trafficking and sex where have I heard that before?

KolnSandwich ago appears to be his facebook page.

A few powerful FB friends. Reginald Boulos jumps out. Maurice Acra as well. Not sure if he's related to the 'Acra' family but they own a lot of stuff in Haiti and got caught smuggling cocaine/heroin recently.

Also FB friends with Gregory Brandt (another of the richest guys in Haiti) who's son was arrested for running a kidnapping ring.

Obviously has the right connections.

kidavenger ago

looks like it's a private FB page, but here's the archive anyway

Edit: oops, my bad. Looks like I didn't give it enough time to load. There is some info on the FB page.

KolnSandwich ago archive of his FB friends as well.

Drkadrka ago

Is that the same guy as the linkedin profile? I found that account but I don't login to facebook anymore and i couldn't verify it. I didn't want to post it because I found several people who share his name or have a letter or two difference, some of them doctors and researchers, and we don't need any bad press. No need to give MSM ammo to discredit us goats.

KolnSandwich ago

I think it is, looks like a guy the right age. He is also facebook friends with Renee Zuraik. It doesn't state his job or anything though. Also has a lot of FB friends in Miami/Ft Lauderdale.

VieBleu ago

Interesting. Besides CEO of this resort, he happens to be an importer/exporter.

Also: Samy Zuraik, Haitian import export executive. Certified Business Administration. Officer National Order Labor Haitian Governor; Member Interam. Business Association, Haiti Chamber of Commerce, American Society of Heating. Background- Zuraik, Samy was born on September 29, 1940 in Beyrouth, Liban. Son of Salim and Victoria (Kawas) Zuraik.

Owner manager Retail Textile Store, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, 1963-1967, Import and Wholesale Textile, Port-Au-Prince, 1968-1971. General manager Import and Distribution Electronics and Appliances, 1971-1988. Director Kaliko Beach Hotle, Port-Au-Prince, since 1981, Land Development SAIDA, Port-Au-Prince, since 1983.

He and his wife Renee own a condo in Miami Dade County: SAMY ZURAIK ZREIK &W RENEE 5610 NW 114 PL #101

Seems to have business ties to Dominican Republic too, but not sure. This seems to be a review site for businesses/people in DR - MIAMI, FL 33178-4170

Drkadrka ago

Yeah i was trying to track down exactly what the company that he owned did when i noticed that it was located in a shipyard/industrial area so I thought that might be it. Good to know.

VieBleu ago

added a Miami address and link in comment above - he and wife named renee at SAMY ZURAIK ZREIK &W RENEE 5610 NW 114 PL #101 MIAMI, FL

Drkadrka ago

Kaliko Bay claims it is an all inclusive hotel, but I bet you had to pay extra for access to those kids.

There are 55 rooms, all less than 350sf, they have 3 conference rooms with theater style seating and Vincent D is listed as the sales manager and seems to be answering the questions on the travel sites.

Anyone see Vincent D come up with connection to #pizzagate? There is no way in rooms this small at an all inclusive resort, that management did not know. None.

carmencita ago

Laura Silsby copy cat crime. They must investigate this to the core. Down the rabbit hole until they catch the rabbits They know that we know and they are still brazenly trying to take these kids out of the country. This will keep happening until they catch the people at the top. Lock Them Up.

srayzie ago

I agree. I was thinking how this sounds just like what Laura Silsby was trying to accomplish! So this person who owns the hotel must be involved. If so, then this probably happens on a regular basis. Traffickers know it's a safe place to hold these kids until they get into the Dominican Republic.

carmencita ago

They also have the organ transplanting operation all set up as well. They have their hospitals, hotels, airports, landfills, all strategically placed. We aim to stop that. Right?

srayzie ago

God help these poor kids

carmencita ago

We are giving God a little help here. Many of us are working to save the children from this nasty fate.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

When I talk boldly about these things, as I did last night to 5 friends, feeling their anger and panic and fear, they're mad at me, too, it feels like the first time I got up on skis. I felt scared and free, and I knew, I could do it again. The depth of the average Americans ignorance or denial about the deaths the rapes the USE of children scares me. One friend said "But not American children!" I mowed on, I set her straight. I hate hurting people I care about. They crumple, especially a mom like her. She raised 5. 2 of her own, 3 of her husband's. I felt like I killed a part of her. How is it they don't know?

carmencita ago

They are scared because they know how the world has become. They don't know how to go about stopping these people. Where do we start. This is not for everyone. I told a friend and she said she said she believes everything I have told her but she does not want to hear any more about it. It was too much for her. So it is up to us.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

It's too much for me as well, but I've been steeling myself. I think the key is to be happy in small victories. And try to add on to them.

carmencita ago

You have a wonderful outlook, even after what you have been through. I also think you are right about being grateful for small victories. But I am ready for a big one. I am hoping that those that have not participated in the party of the cabal for decades now, will band together and help end it once and for all. I can hope.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Thank you, btw.

carmencita ago

:) I am looking all of the postings of Wolftrail7272 again. I am hoping to have something click in my brain, see something fresh. Tenet Healthcare committed horrible crimes of euthanasia during Katrina. They are 'the core of this whole mess called Pizzagate. I am doing this for the children of the world and for someone like you. Pray and Pray hard that this is Explodes soon. I am having a hard time sleeping.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Yes. I will. I am.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

You mean elites who are not committing these murders and rapes?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Yes. I am ready. I am taking steps. I believe all my research has informed me so I can be safe long enough. I've acted without caution in the past. I'm learning so much on here. I thank God for all of you. I'm a child survivor so this means everything to me. So many years I wondered if anybody really cared. I love animals so much because I considered them better than people my whole life. The kind, loving pets I have and have had, saved my life.

carmencita ago

I am so sorry you had to endure that. I will keep you in mind for that is why we are working against them. We must put an end to the horrible torture. The pain does not end after the act of terror, it can go on for a lifetime. I am so glad you have found some solace. The animals I always say are so much better than we. They only kill for food which is for their survival. We kill for so many other reasons and they are all horrible. Peace.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Thank you. Peace be unto you, also.

chaos16 ago

We have to red pill as much people as possible. They cant operate if everyone is aware.

They work only in the dark. We jave to bring thr light to everyone so we can shine them out and burn them.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Yes. I was thinking ,if I could put up a sign at the McDonalds where I've seen it, we could write" no trafficking allowed here. We're watching you." I would like to wear a t shirt that says "are you trafficking? Then I'm watching you"

srayzie ago

Of course