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CameraCode ago

Step 4 to step 5 is a HUGE leap. Stop conflating loli porn and actual child porn as being the same thing or close to the same thing. They are not. In no way am I defending loli porn. Saying the two are even CLOSE to similar delegitimizes how bad child porn actually is. A real child is victimized and sexualized.

You know real child porn has been posted to Voat, right? It was deleted soon after it was posted, as it should be. This site is still up. Thinking that anyone would defend actual pornography of children is absolutely absurd.

theoldones ago

we have hard proof of him posting real CP.

we know he's capable of going that far.

CameraCode ago

What is your definition of child pornography?

iCUsusKunt ago

Fuck off you filthy fucking creature!

Tallest_Skil ago

Do you know what porn is? Do you know what children are?


GoyimNose ago

Child engaged in pornography or naked children

CameraCode ago

That's fair. A further question would be what is the definition of pornography? Some might say it is a nude person being sexualized, and some might say it's even a person wearing a bathing suit. This is why I prefer to use the legal definition of what is porn (and further, child porn) because it is heavily reliant on context. If someone has posted a picture of their child in a bathing suit, should they be considered a pedophile? Certainly the ones Aged has posted are not innocent. However, there is a lot of content on the internet that I dislike or disagree with, but censoring things that are legal but immoral is a slippery slope.

iCUsusKunt ago

CameraCode Get in the oven you gutless kike

Decidueye ago

An obvious theoldones alt, just like OP.

iCUsusKunt ago

Yeah sure retard.

More like @theoldones @CameraCode @GoyimNose and you @Decidueye are parasitic pedo izwayleez just like @aged but you four shitkickers are pushing CP topic more than @aged since its only through your ballshit circle jerk fake discussion posts that i have ever seen this sick shit mentioned let alone people insisting everybody needs to discuss it in detail. Also accusing those not interested of being "squeamish" which sounds like a kike speak to me......TLDR both sides of the "debate" on this post are filthy kikes.

GoyimNose ago

Show us all one proof of your claim regarding me , pro-tip you have none.

Obrez ago

We dealt with this on 8chan during gamergate when the CP spam was going on, banning blatant CP was easy but what about lewd photos of clothed children and so on, in that time we found out two important things google will de-list you if they want to de-list you and that under US law nudity doesn't explicitly equal child porn but the definition is largely up to a judge or a jury and, one guy for example got imprisoned for CP but he had simply made photorealistic drawings, according to some they were tracings of actual CP but that wasn't explicitly in the ruling.

The point I meant to make here was that the clearest detail we can point to in the law for something being explicitly sexual or sexualized is "cropped" images so for example a picture of nude children at a nudist beach isn't inherently illegal, if you cropped the image to zoom in on the kids though they could easily throw the book at you but they might not if you took the photo, they posed for it and it's a photo album picture or something like that but for example if you are caught with other CP they would count that same image and every other image that has nude children most likely any with a focus on primary or secondary sex characteristics via cropping or the nature of how the photo was blocked, (to put the focus in the center).

8chan rooted out CP boards first and then three types of alternative rule skirting boards popped up, The text primarily(eventually text only) erotic discussion and "pedo-sexuality" discussion boards (ultimately banned although I think one text only discussion board is left), type two were NN boards (non-nude) these boards were almost always poorly moderated on purpose and so CP was frequently posted and because of the sheer volume of content often posts of clothed children with wardrobe malfunctions would stay up for a long time since admins and global mods didn't have the time to inspect each image and just browsed thumbnails, this is where we learned another strange element of the US laws, Sheer and see through/wet fabric that make a child or woman appear nude is not considered a part of any violation and so unless the image is cropped in a lewd fashion it's completely legal, apparently the legal definition includes fishnets with huge nets (so long as they aren't ripped) I'm pretty sure paint wasn't mentioned so that means it's not included in see through garments and therefore illegal, anyway as you can imagine long before 8chan "modeling agencies" knew this and so a glut of non-nude images with see through clothes were freely available, this specifically it seems was what lead to the de-listing even though Hotwheels(admin) consulted with US FBI and they told him they weren't willing to subpoena any user data nor were they involved in any legal action concerning the content on 8chan and they called the moderation adequate and within the letter of the law, NN boards got the boot after a couple of months and google never, to this day, re-listed 8chan. Type 3 was nudist content, these subs got shutdown but dedicated threads to nudism existed on the non-nude boards and in other porn boards until 8chan got serious and cracked down. after the second big crackdown mods were itchy and tired of working so much for so little so they also shut down 3D computer generated loli porn boards and threads, and also banned the JB threads and boards even briefly banned a some erotic fiction boards, they were overzealous by most folks accounts and they never once laied a hand on any drawn or "2D" content of minors. and for context google has never once de-listed a website for hosting Drawn porn of minors, stylized or not.

Long post but I hope it gives you some context for the whole situation.

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theoldones ago

oh what an interesting question this topic turned into.

its almost like we're circling the drain of something and you're not willing to directly name it...

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CameraCode ago

Discussing the exact definitions and boundaries of what is and isn't acceptable, legal, or moral is an uncomfortable but necessary discussion to have, and I will not avoid the conversation out of squeamishness.

Apparently you are referring to picture of very young girls in swimsuits. Is that child pornography? Maybe, unfortunately according to the law it is not illegal. I think many people would assume you are referring to picture of nude children when you talk about "CP".

iCUsusKunt ago

What you need to realise you foul cretin is that discussing the specifics of CP will never be normalised in a human society no matter how much you try. The most clever pedo lawyers in your swarm can try and turn CP into an online intellectual debate. But try this shit out in public in the light of day, with real people and you will quickly find that there are still plenty of humans ready to clarify this very straight forward subject. No need to debate at length.

theoldones ago



smoking-gun proof. direct match.

Decidueye ago

Not a definition. Try again.

theoldones ago

VERY MUCH a definition.


noun Slang.

a girl with whom sexual intercourse is punishable as statutory rape because she is under the legal age of consent.

CameraCode ago

Pilpul in action.

A definition of CHILD PORNOGRAPHY is what I asked for, not for jailbait. If you are a White man, argue like one, not like a Jew. You know exactly what he was talking about.

Obrez ago

I googled Pilpul because I recognized it but didn't know what it meant and this image: is what came up next to the google definition on the side; OY VEY, it came from this thread on v/whatever:

Good post btw.

theoldones ago

jailbait and CP are one in the same.

please explain what the jailbait is used for if not fucking.

Decidueye ago

Quit dodging the question, or I'll assume your definition of CP is very malleable, stretching as you see fit. That would be no different than how SJWs redefine racism for their own ends.

theoldones ago

"jailbatanon" and "youngladies" seems pretty damn close.

i'm willing to hear alternative explanations for what either of these things imply.

Decidueye ago

Give an actual definition instead of deploying smoke and mirrors evasive maneuvers and flipping it on me, malevolent nigger.





theoldones ago


young ladies, which in this context are provably children


look up the dictionary reading for jailbait. i'll wait.

boom. i just answered all your questions.

Decidueye ago

Still dodging, huh? You were asked a very specific question, dotard. Instead you try defining a different term lazily and don't even bother defining the next in order to imply you answered the question. Manipulative piece of shit.

slang for a young woman, or young women collectively, considered in sexual terms but under the age of consent

Now define CP directly for me and state the differences between those definitions. Since you're aggravating me, you're going to pay the asshole tax by doing more work.

theoldones ago

you answered your own question.

explain what'S done with this "young woman, or young women collectively, considered in sexual terms but under the age of consent".

seems to me like instead of being eye candy she gets FUCKED.

Decidueye ago

Answer what defines CP and state the differences between both.

theoldones ago

CP is images of fucking a kid.

jailbait is a kid pedos fuck.

the only difference is whether or not a camera is recording the whole thing.

Decidueye ago

You've already redefined jailbait and your definition of CP is lacking coverage. There's more to defining it.

theoldones ago

"lacking coverage"

what the fuck even do you mean by that

Decidueye ago

the legal definition of sexually explicit conduct does not require that an image depict a child engaging in sexual activity. A picture of a naked child may constitute illegal child pornography if it is sufficiently sexually suggestive.

Copied directly from the DOJ.

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theoldones ago

i dare you to post a photo of a naked, unclothed child then.

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Decidueye ago


theoldones ago

becuase you just said it's not CP.

why are you suddenly so worried?

you, just said yourself that you should be fine, so do it, prove you're fine.

Decidueye ago

The definition of CP covers a lot more than you stated.

Obrez ago

Just stop replying to him dude this is a ploy to get you to say a short comment he can take out of the larger context to "out" you as a "pedo" or "bot" on v/protectvoat or one of his subverses or in an anon-sub.

He's done this before and it's looking like he's up to his old tricks: in the comments I link another user's complaint of his misconduct which has other details.

This guy makes maybe hundreds of posts a day getting into internet slap fights where he says absolutely nothing correct or of value just like he's done with you here, learn his username, downvoat him when you see him and expect that he will try some underhanded tactics to target you or harass you for disagreeing with him, he actually keeps lists of users who have pissed him off and is actively vying for moderator-ship across voat, he wont hesitate to ban you if given the chance so share that submission exposing him whenever you see him roping somebody in to a comment chain like this, your are maybe the fifth person he's done this with in just this comment section and I haven't finished reading it.

Decidueye ago

I've probably pushed his buttons further than most in just one day. A smear campaign by that insane asshole doesn't intimidate me, and I'm keeping a record of just how insane he is for when he tries that shit.

theoldones ago


you fucking defend a thing but wont goddamn do it yourself when challenged to. fucking says a lot, that!

theoldones ago

explain more then.

dont just goddamn say "that's inadequate", explain how so.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Jailbait is a young girl who looks and or acts much more developed at a quick glance or at certain angles. It has nothing to do with porn

theoldones ago

jailbait gets fucked. you idiot.