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Decidueye ago

Hahahahaha! You are the case study for why Narcissistic Personality Disorder should be considered a form of mental retardation. You're being completely dishonest, you're omitting actual proof of why he's doing this, you're mislabeling his accusations on purpose, and you're going straight to DARVO. When you ask and tell a user to post child pornography, people are going accuse you of soliciting child pornography. Just like when someone posts pictures of kids in a jailbait sub, they'll be accused of being a pedo.

It's funny that you purposely leave me out since I'm the user you solicited on more than one occasion. No one should trust your name, as you've earned your reputation as it is. IDGAF if people click on your deceptive rebuttal, because I already refuted your devious bullshit there, but I'll let it be known here too.

Liar. That cuntflicker @Aged never posted actual pictures of naked kids, otherwise he'd have been nuked from the site a long time ago. But you told me to post CP in more than one instance. You can't hide that shit, take it back, or your (((pilpul))) tactics regarding definitions.

Defamation only works when the statements are lies (they aren't). Claiming he's the one initiating the idea of suing is also an outright lie (check times on comments on this link versus the link OP provided). You've been directly accused of soliciting CP the entire time since you wanted me to post such appalling and illegal content, not as being a pedophile. So pretending your link in /v/whatever is what you've being accused of the entire time is absolute bullshit. Your defense is also bullshit, because it hinges on intentional misinterpretations of definitions (((pilpul))), and false equivalencies.

@Puttitout, would soliciting child pornography from another user be considered as a violation of rule 2 since it breaks federal law? He's also in the middle of the process of doxxing @Dortex, so is this a violation of the doxxing rule? I would like to hear your clarification on both.

Obrez ago

I've been busy the past couple days but seeing the smackdown you've been throwing down on this faggot warms my heart, Great work.

Decidueye ago

He's making it really easy with the most breathtaking implosion since SGIS.

Maggotbait88 ago

Putt has had to delete one of theoldones submissions for doxxing before.

Decidueye ago

Not a first time offender, huh. Doesn't surprise me, and I suspect he won't receive a lenient reprieve this time.

theoldones ago

you're an idiot if you think pissing me off was a good idea here.

Decidueye ago


theoldones ago

okay, here's what you 3 shits have set in motion.

Decidueye ago

So, you want the rest of Voat to realize you're a CP solicitor? Have you not heard of the Streisand effect?

theoldones ago

you can go fuck off and read my rebuttal while i do my work proving your asses wrong.

theoldones ago

i'll mark this spot in the comment chain for later. you'll eat those words.

Decidueye ago

Honk honk

Maggotbait88 ago


theoldones ago


i have just had a day or two of pedo-trolls ommitting my rebbutal like i never said, thus dragging my name through the mud like i'm a goddamn CP peddler, and i'm fucking pissed off about that.

read my goddamn rebuttal.

this situation is done.

Decidueye ago

I read your rebuttal, hence why I smashed it apart like it was an African mudhut.

theoldones ago


the next time you accuse someone of being a CP peddler and they give you a reply, don't fucking ignore it for days on end like that shit didnt happen.

Decidueye ago

CP solicitor.

theoldones ago

that is not the truth of the situation and you know it you fucking troll

Dortex ago

It is the exact truth of the situation, and I won't allow you to pretend otherwise.

theoldones ago

fuck you no.

read the goddamn rebuttal, i have nothing more to say to you

Dortex ago

You sure? Seems you have plenty to say.

theoldones ago

fuck off and die, and when you're dead i will piss on your corpse.

does that enlighten the situation at all?

Dortex ago

But will you give me ypur address for the lawsuit?

theoldones ago

you dont want that shit, stop lying.

Dortex ago

I do want that shit. I've been helping you understand everything about me from day 1. You haven't accepted my help. So this all seems like random trolling to you. :(

theoldones ago

I do want that shit. I've been helping you understand everything about me from day 1. You haven't accepted my help. So this all seems like random trolling to you. :(

you slimy tongued fuck. you've lied, you've omitted, you spent this time calling me a CP peddler.

don't you fucking dare give me that good cop shit.

Dortex ago


Solicitor. And it's true. Everyone's been helping you out this whole.time. you just need to stop pretending you're the smartest guy in the room.

Obrez ago

Have you found the Minds account linked to his gay pagan 9 worlds "game" yet? He was over-sharing on there pretty hard so I stopped digging because I didn't feel like I should open him up to doxing( I don't know explicitly that there would be any dox to find) but considering he's threatening people and continuing to solicit CP like he was months ago it might be worth digging into, it's where I found out he's a complete NEET living with his older parents and a few other things, I warned him back a couple months about it so he might have cleaned it up, but if you haven't found it yet I can probably get it for you.

All I know is he shut the fuck up for a couple of months when I brought all of this up last time.

Dortex ago

That would be a good start. I have no interest in doxxing him, but as it stands, his local police department may be interested in hearing about his illicit activities on here.

theoldones ago


read the rebuttal and fuck off.