SearchVoatBot ago

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Laurentius_the_pyro ago


theoldones ago

fuck you, you're not involved. i already knew you were an asshole

Diggernicks ago

Voat users now approaching reddit levels of faggy e-drama and worthless crying over things they cant control.

theoldones ago

they perhaps ought to have thought before testing someone with principle.

Diggernicks ago

I guess principle is code word for insanity

CarpenterforChrist ago

Hey, I got banned from his subs for, look out, SPAM. He's just a power mod who hides in his safe spaces. No point in having an actual discussion with him. God bless!

v/BloodOfEurope (theoldones) > CarpenterforChrist | Sent: 2 months ago on 2/12/2019 3:58:08 AM You've been banned from v/BloodOfEurope :( @theoldones has banned you from v/BloodOfEurope for the following reason: Rule Violation: Spam; Description: you picked the wrong time to talk shit, while we're all busy shutting down pedos. in the pile you go.

theoldones ago

your infraction was busting in to call all pagans satanists, repeatedly, unprompted, and it became a problem

because of you i later added the rule

christians are not banned, but to some degree i expect mutual peace regarding religious differences.

your right, spam isnt correct but i didnt have the right fit before, let me update it.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Lol. You are too funny! Are you sure you weren't a comedian in a past life?

Decidueye ago

/v/Feminism also bans like they're a subreddit.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

/u/theoldones really isn't arguing well against the accusation of /u/BeastofBalthazar being his alts when they both issue mass bans at the same time to anyone calling out the other...

theoldones ago

fuck you i'm not connected to that, that has fuck all to do with anything

Decidueye ago

Actually it was @ZombieLordZero who banned me.

theoldones ago


theoldones 4.9 hours ago

Decidueye ago

I was speaking about /v/Feminism you illiterate faggot.

theoldones ago

oh sorry

maybe its just that i dont trust you to hold a goddamn beer truthfully, right now.

Maggotbait88 ago

I see that the numbers still at seven, damn you're a lazy pedo.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Ah I assumed it was Bathazar as he's the one who banned me, despite not ever posting to said sub.

I'm fairly sure at this point that BeastofBalthazar is a sock account of theoldones, ZombieLordZero however has a robust enough posting history where it's not likely that he's the same person.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Thank goodness I don't read posts from that sub.

Diggernicks ago

Fph IS a sub reddit

Decidueye ago

Different one, but absolutely true.

Dortex ago

If your "good name" is ruined because people found out you were begging for child porn,Repeatedly, And again for good measure.... All I have to say is "good".

theoldones ago

read my rebbuttal, fuck off, fuck you.

MrPim ago

This is the gayest voat drama ever.

theoldones ago

it's now done. i have 7 names locked up, and all i want is one goddamn apology from one the the 3!

Diggernicks ago

Take it from MrPim, NO ONE has more first hand experience with being gay than him.

MrPim ago

You had to go and ruin our moment

Diggernicks ago

Its what I do best.

theoldones ago

i just my good name and and reputation dragged into the mud falsely because one spic-pedo troll decided to omit my rebuttal, thus letting the situation escalate.

i'm fucking pissed off as fuck for getting called a pedo when i kill pedos, ffs.

that spic fuck needs a broken neck.

but until then i have other ideas :)

Diggernicks ago

This is an anonymous message board you attention whoring queer

Seeking e fame is gay as fuck

Dortex ago

I resent that. It's all true.

Decidueye ago

i just my good name and and reputation dragged into the mud falsely

I wuz a good boi who dindu nuffin!

When you asked and told me to post child pornography, did you not realize you'd be rightfully accused of being a CP solicitor?

theoldones ago

fuck you, i was doing a sting op, as you can see in my rebuttal. go read it.

Decidueye ago

One just like your retarded bot check?

theoldones ago

you apparently think i dont fight pedos.

i'll prove your ass wrong, till you see what you get with your HONK HONK that you just fucking did

Dortex ago

I see. So your plan was to blend in with them and strike when the time is right.

theoldones ago

you dont know fuck about my plans.

no, it was taunting him.

MrPim ago

Have you tried mindfulness meditation?

Decidueye ago

Gayer than SGIS committing rape in 1990?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I mean Theoldones has basically threatened to sue you in delaware for criminal shilling.

Are we sure OP isn't Sanegoat?

WickerMan ago

I said the same a bit back.

Maggotbait88 ago

v/BloodofEurope has 136 subscribers at this time, but over 30 banned users. You're just a censoring pedophile piece of shit.

theoldones ago

oh those new bans are in PT2 dickbag. say sorry goddamn once and they're unbanned and the new rule is gone

theoldones ago

fuck you, read my rebuttal, and i keep up with PVs known troublemakers. a good amount of them are completely dead bot accounts.

speaking of how many banned users there, a few new people were informed/ are about to be informed, that their ban is your fault.

Maggotbait88 ago

(*≧▽≦)ノシ)) Are you stupid? Why would your autism be my fault?

Decidueye ago

I'm glad you linked to a thread where you get BTFO for your ceaseless kikery so no one else has to put in the effort of providing the link, CP solicitor.

Fambida ago

There's plenty to hate about him without making huge exaggerations. He didn't solicit CP and you fucking know it.

And please feel free to link the post that you think constitutes asking for CP, because it only shows just how disingenuous you are.

Just be honest. He's wrong and you're right. You don't need to tell lies to win here. Argue in good faith and be an adult.

Decidueye ago

Here's one, here's another. No matter what reasons or excuses might be said, he tried getting me to post pics of naked kids.

Fambida ago

Trying to bait you into entrapping yourself is not the same as actually desiring CP and you know it.

Just be honest. He's wrong and you're right. You don't need to tell lies to win here. Argue in good faith and be an adult.

Decidueye ago

Solicitation is the act of persuading or soliciting another individual or entity to perform or participate in an activity that is typically criminal, illegal, and unlawful in nature. The classification of Soliciting behavior can be a difficult task due to the fact that prosecutors in litigation of a case involving Solicitation must prove the criminal intent displayed by the individual charged. As a result, there oftentimes exists an ambiguity to selling or peddling and Soliciting. However, intent is far more noticeable within events such as scams, schemes, and manipulations involving the unlawful persuasion of participation.

OP has stated his intent for doing so in this thread and in comments in the sole nested chain on one of the links I provided.

theoldones ago


fuck you

Fambida ago

Motte and bailey motherfucker, do you speak it? You are attempting to paint /u/theoldones as a pedo, and when you get called out on it you shift the goalposts. He is probably not a pedo. You are probably not a pedo either. Behave like a goddamed adult and have reasonable rational discussions with no spurious and ridiculous accusations.

I understand that you're angry. Rise above that anger and use the magic of logic.

Decidueye ago

Trying to bait you into entrapping yourself is not the same as actually desiring CP

Where did I claim this? I posted those links where he tried getting me to engage in a criminal act. My claims were about him soliciting CP, not being a pedo itself. If you want to argue intent to refute solicitation, then go ahead.

Fambida ago

OK, you lying rules lawyering faggot. You didn't REALLY do it, you just did everything that constitutes it instead...

You can be a better person than this.

Decidueye ago

If I thought he was a pedo, I would straight up call him that. You shifted the goalposts from asking me to show his solicitation to saying it can't be that because he didn't desire it. Even you inadvertently agreed on his intent (scheme), by recognizing the entrapment.

theoldones ago

If I thought he was a pedo, I would straight up call him that

what a difference from your accusations.

Decidueye ago

Demonstrating you're a CP solicitor doesn't prove that you're a pedo. You admitted your intent was a sting, which falls under scheme for solicitation.

Dortex ago

Well now. Where is anyone calling him. a pedo?

Fambida ago

Really? That's what you're going with? I'm pretty sure i pointed out the whole disingenuous thing already.

Argue in good faith. You're on the right side. You don't need tricks to win.

Dortex ago

Yes. It's what I'm going with. I've spent days spamming direct links to him begging for child porn. So either you're a fucking moron, blind, Or a liar. We both know he begged for child porn. You admit it yourself and make excuses for it when you try to shove in whether or not the beggar actually wanted to own CP personally, as if anyone but you and the faggot was talking about this at all.

So tell me: Where did anyone call him a pedo?

theoldones ago

you had my rebuttal and you white-lied.

every time you spammed it, i had to be the one to fucking point out my side, you piece of dishonest shit

theoldones ago

go read my rebuttal, and shut the fuck up.

Decidueye ago

You're the one continuing to lose your god damn marbles with each post.

theoldones ago

you motherfuckers are literally accusing me of being a "CP solicitor" when i have a goddamn rebuttal written opposing that read.

if that spic-fuck hadnt white-lied we wouldn't be here, doing this.

theoldones ago

your read of the situation is incorrect, as ive stated in my rebuttal.

you challenged me, one of the websites most anti-pedo faces, with being a pedophile. you idiot. obviously it seems a great idea to hunt a few pedophiles to prove you 3 cucks goddamn wrong.

i fully intend to inform every person banned under the rule, that you and the other goddamn 2, are absolutely responsible for the ban rule existing :)

Decidueye ago

You might want to double check that link you provided before you screech again.

theoldones ago

looks fucking solid to me.

i wrote a rebuttal to your claims, maybe you should read it :)