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MrPim ago

This is the gayest voat drama ever.

theoldones ago

i just my good name and and reputation dragged into the mud falsely because one spic-pedo troll decided to omit my rebuttal, thus letting the situation escalate.

i'm fucking pissed off as fuck for getting called a pedo when i kill pedos, ffs.

that spic fuck needs a broken neck.

but until then i have other ideas :)

Decidueye ago

i just my good name and and reputation dragged into the mud falsely

I wuz a good boi who dindu nuffin!

When you asked and told me to post child pornography, did you not realize you'd be rightfully accused of being a CP solicitor?

theoldones ago

fuck you, i was doing a sting op, as you can see in my rebuttal. go read it.

Decidueye ago

One just like your retarded bot check?

theoldones ago

you apparently think i dont fight pedos.

i'll prove your ass wrong, till you see what you get with your HONK HONK that you just fucking did

Dortex ago

I see. So your plan was to blend in with them and strike when the time is right.

theoldones ago

you dont know fuck about my plans.

no, it was taunting him.