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theoldones ago

garbage bin kicking faggot ninjas, the lot of them

Apexbreed ago

Ninja is too much of a compliment for those goofy pussies. We need something lag rag-face or maskedkikeniggerfaggots. Or whatever...

bad_dreams ago

why do you spam so bad?

Dortex ago

Well when someone begs you for child porn, and tries to dox you, the problem tends to become personal.

bad_dreams ago

seems hard to tell if you just want to be a troll or not

bad_dreams ago

you keep speaking borderhopper i might think your a spic

Dortex ago

But I am a spic. I even said so.

bad_dreams ago

spics ought to stay in mexico then

Dortex ago

Hi there. I still have your details. I guess this is your alt too.

FuckredditKenobi ago

If he is a spammer, they both are.