Hellboar ago

hwhahahahahahahahaah they still chant 'hands up don't shoot'

Remember when it was proven without a shadow of a doubt that Michael Brown not only did't have his hands up, but he had tried to wrestle the gun from the officer, causing it to discharge inside the police car (he was reaching through the window), which caused him to panic and flee,only to turn around and make a running charge at the officer.

Anyone who chants this shows they know absolutely fucking nothing.

FuckredditKenobi ago


sticks head in ground



HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Something tells me you are really not supposed to tase people on the neck.

Cat-hax ago

Kind of don't care

HillaryClintonsShoe ago


0011000100100111101 ago

i always thought it would be fun to taze a commie just leave the button held down and while it is twitching on the ground looking at you show him a 12 pack of 9volt batteries that you will be swapping out over and over.

Cat-hax ago

Or make one big 9v battery pack

0011000100100111101 ago

where is the fun in parallel 9v packs (Mah), you make the effort to let them breathe while you reload and you taunt them :D

BloatedVoatGoat ago

Was it a noosgerian that did it?

DasReich ago

They're terrified of getting tazed. Fucking pussies.

Podge512 ago

Child raping communist terrorist filth should be subdued with two warning shots to the back of the head.

TheLastCrusader777 ago

Ammo conservation, use only 1 bullet to the head.

Podge512 ago

True, true. Have to learn self control...

subscribetopewdiepie ago

Remember there is still some good left in this world.

gazillions ago

The only people hiring college grads are globalcorp inc. They're doomed. Small business hires the majority of employees, and they're not going to see their livelihoods collapse because of the me, me, me, it's all about me indoctrinated trash with paper degrees that don't even apply to their line of work.

Globalist gets stuck with 3rd worlders and walking debt holes that can't think fighting it out for last place. I bet globalcorp tanks significantly.

Putzmiester ago

They already have tanked. Many times in fact. We are required to bail them out via our tax dollars, but heaven forbid you cross them...

Hellboar ago

Quantitative Easing was a massive redistribution of wealth to the banker class.

GM got bailed out but they came out of it stronger.

Putzmiester ago

Yeah, you'd come out stronger too if you couldnt pay your Bill's and the government just took everyone's money and gave it to you, no strings attached.

Hellboar ago

There were string attached. Your comment and your downvoate show you are ignorant. GM had to massively re-structure and get rid of bloated middle management, and the quality of their cars improved.

This all or nothing thinking of yours is a dead end.

Plus, ya stupid.

Putzmiester ago

You are a shill if you are defending the 2008 bailouts. I never got any refund from GM paying back that loan with my tax dollars... if anyone did, it weren't the taxpayers....

Hellboar ago

I gave up on GM and the bailouts were bullshit, but it is still my estimation that is one of the very few things the Obama admin pulled off. (wrt GM not the banks and QE, that was fucking theft)

gazillions ago

Immigrants are exceedingly good at tax evasion and bribery is part of normal life. The bottom is going to fall out and the only people that will really feel the pain are the hard working honest taxpayers that remain obedient to paying. They won;t know how to survive under the table.

Start practicing now and accelerate the demise.

Putzmiester ago

I'm on it buddy. Everyone who reads this needs to have their own business set up. Just do it. Sell anything and you will make money.

transitive ago

Did you see the spindly arms?

Target_Renegade ago

Love the whole leg right across the back of the neck. Snap that fuckers spine and make him a paraplegic. 😍

gerberlyfe ago


Apexbreed ago

Really you fucking dorks? Hands up, don't shoot? You guys want to be niggers that badly that you bring that one up out of nowhere with zero relevance. Outstanding. Keep up the retardation. Good entertainment...

FridayJones ago

Especially since they tackled someone who not only didn't have his hands up, he was actively assaulting someone with a sprayer full of an unknown liquid. And after that they never went near their sidearms, even when there was a whole bunch of people trying to force their way through the door that one cop was interdicting. And that woman in pink who tried to open the other half of the door and let them in anyway> She ought to be arrested and charged with Incitement to Riot for that shit.

Apexbreed ago

For sure. At minimum she needs to be arrested for obstructing the cops. Cops are such pussies now days when dealing with lefties and non-whites. It's empowering them to act like cocksuckers. To everyone, not just cops.

Sosacms ago

NPC just running their programed response.

Tekedo ago


my hands are up after I shot and killed 4 people, you're legally required to not shoot me

voater_person ago

this modern bullshit: person a assaults person b, cries victim when police clean up. "hands up don't shoot!" fucking white people.

Spectral ago

Kill yourself jew

voater_person ago

you sure seem angry and miserable. not even circumcised tho, bub

HappyMealBullshit ago

You first lefty faggot.

Spectral ago

Not lefty. Its just my automatic response when someone says "fucking white people" even if it is a joke

tomdogg ago

Those comments make me feel a lot better about society.

Bottled_Tears ago

I love it

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/university0news/status/1116537222973612032 :

UMKC University News on Twitter: "BREAKING VIDEO: One person injured following protest at event hosted by conservative group Young Americans for Freedom. According to guest speaker Michael Knowles, a student threw bleach at him and was arrested.… /sSh9OYRtxj"

This has been an automated message.

Civil_Warrior ago

It's a "her".

theoldones ago

garbage bin kicking faggot ninjas, the lot of them

Apexbreed ago

Ninja is too much of a compliment for those goofy pussies. We need something lag rag-face or maskedkikeniggerfaggots. Or whatever...

bad_dreams ago

why do you spam so bad?

Dortex ago

Well when someone begs you for child porn, and tries to dox you, the problem tends to become personal.

bad_dreams ago

seems hard to tell if you just want to be a troll or not

bad_dreams ago

you keep speaking borderhopper i might think your a spic

Dortex ago

But I am a spic. I even said so.

bad_dreams ago

spics ought to stay in mexico then

Dortex ago

Hi there. I still have your details. I guess this is your alt too.

FuckredditKenobi ago

If he is a spammer, they both are.

Grospoliner ago
