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ForTheUltimate ago

who is aged?

Ocelot ago

User who posts a shit ton of lolicon images and half of voat hates him. He was recently banned from /v/gaming because he posted nonstop loli of game characters. It's been a very controversial banning because it wasn't against any rules, but many found it to be spam-related and revolting and agreed with the ban. An interesting case considering how voat's two favorite things are free speech and dead pedophiles.

ForTheUltimate ago

lol I so want to troll you guys with illegal stuff, but it's illegal so I won't.

Ocelot ago

Hentai isn't illegal though, I thought. At least not in the USA.

ForTheUltimate ago

some hentai is.

CameraCode0 ago

What kind of hentai would be illegal? I don't see how any drawing could be illegal, except maybe if it was traced from actual pictures of child porn (I think that's a grey area, but still might be legal in the US).

ForTheUltimate ago

From what I've heard any depcition of children under 18 in a sexual setting is pedophilia. so basically all hentai judging form the head to body ratio.

CameraCode0 ago

No I know the drawn loli stuff isn't illegal at least in the US. 8ch had issues with that, here's a pretty good comment summing it up. The US is pretty lax on laws like that; even obviously sexual pictures of real children in revealing (like somewhat opaque) are legal. Not saying that's a good thing, obviously.

ForTheUltimate ago

Idk some nations are ok with naked children. I guess their not pedophile enough to see anything sexual about it and become hysterical.