SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/PedosOnVoat comment by @TruthDefender.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer comment by @TruthDefender.

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OdinsWrongEye ago

There was some post a while ago about a hobby. If you want a short-term hobby, buy some rope (I bought paracord which was like $10 or abouts) and learn various knot making. When you make the knot right, it is very satisfying. Of course, the first knot I decided to learn was the hangman's noose. I got it right on my first try. I am a natural!

iLuvJews ago


I love it.

gabara ago

Fuck you, loser.

iLuvJews ago

Wow, two replies to me and can't correct me because I said nothing incorrect.


IAmMightGuy ago

wheres the follow up i love my isekai, seeing a hitler system on a sjw who believe that socailism is the best thing ever then finding out the system is how hitler rose to power would be the fucking best

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

Putt sucks nigger dicks.

Halstan ago

He is famous at least. Good for him. Nobody posts shit about me.

heygeorge ago

@Halstan should kill his self for wanting to be famous like @aged

@friendshipistragic you should notice this person

friendshipistragic ago

I feel like there’s some subtext here

heygeorge ago

I feel like I implied that but the truth is I put nearly zero thought or effort in. So if you discover subtext you can let me know

friendshipistragic ago


theoldones ago

go chase your animes, buddy! XD

moistsoup333 ago

You guys are fucking brutal. Are you sure your established on the other side?

zyklon_b ago

1990 death to @aged

Diggernicks ago

You seem upset

CameraCode0 ago

Isn't it time you start drinking?

Pronebone45 ago

Closet rails.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/AlopixHate submission by @Anson.

Posted automatically (#33569) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Anson ago

lol @alopix

zyklon_b ago

Anson ago

zyklon_b ago

yes is @alopix

Anson ago

@aged is a man!!!

zyklon_b ago

a gay @aged

Anson ago

@alopix would say a man with tits and lipstick is a female, so yes.

zyklon_b ago

@alopix is gay

Anson ago

how gay is @alopix?

zyklon_b ago


Anson ago

math checks out

zyklon_b ago

lets kill him

Anson ago

he may have killed himself. I'll check the obituaries in his city at some point

andrew_jackson ago


zyklon_b ago


ForTheUltimate ago

who is aged?

zyklon_b ago

@turquoiselover is his alt

Ocelot ago

User who posts a shit ton of lolicon images and half of voat hates him. He was recently banned from /v/gaming because he posted nonstop loli of game characters. It's been a very controversial banning because it wasn't against any rules, but many found it to be spam-related and revolting and agreed with the ban. An interesting case considering how voat's two favorite things are free speech and dead pedophiles.

Cat-hax ago

If he's doing it to the point it's spam then he can fuck off

Ocelot ago

It was borderline behavior. It wasn't like a hundred posts a day, but it was a good dozen or so I believe. And subverses don't have a lot of posts anyways. Hence the controversy.

jewsbadnews ago

I'm not for free speech when I comes to promoting degeneracy.

ForTheUltimate ago

lol I so want to troll you guys with illegal stuff, but it's illegal so I won't.

Ocelot ago

Hentai isn't illegal though, I thought. At least not in the USA.

Obrez ago

It's not, that guy just doesn't know what he's talking about.

ForTheUltimate ago

some hentai is.

Obrez ago

No hentai is illegal in the US, traced CP is illegal but all other drawn porn is legal, even photo realistic 3D computer renderings are legal.

As a point of distinction pedophilia isn't a crime, child molestation and child pornography are crimes. Pedophilia is a mental state or condition not an action and thought isn't yet a crime in the US.

ForTheUltimate ago

doesn't animated child pornography fall under child pornography?

Obrez ago

It's not CP unless it's a depiction of real children; animated, drawn or 3DCG, aren't real children.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Drawn or rendered pornography is criminal if it depicts a representation of a real person who is not of age.

Obrez ago

Under US federal law it is not.

CameraCode0 ago

What kind of hentai would be illegal? I don't see how any drawing could be illegal, except maybe if it was traced from actual pictures of child porn (I think that's a grey area, but still might be legal in the US).

ForTheUltimate ago

From what I've heard any depcition of children under 18 in a sexual setting is pedophilia. so basically all hentai judging form the head to body ratio.

theHubrisOfMan ago

“From what I’ve heard” is a red flag for someone who is spewing bullshit and doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

That's not true. The law concerns characters representing real people who are not of age.

ForTheUltimate ago

What about Canada?

ForTheUltimate ago

that's totally arbitrary

not by head to body ratio

CameraCode0 ago

No I know the drawn loli stuff isn't illegal at least in the US. 8ch had issues with that, here's a pretty good comment summing it up. The US is pretty lax on laws like that; even obviously sexual pictures of real children in revealing (like somewhat opaque) are legal. Not saying that's a good thing, obviously.

ForTheUltimate ago

Idk some nations are ok with naked children. I guess their not pedophile enough to see anything sexual about it and become hysterical.

KarateCowboy ago

what's that from?

Ocelot ago


CameraCode0 ago

Which part? Am I brain damaged, because I don't remember that chick.

Ocelot ago

She's the investigator who was following Light. Maybe an American? Been a while since I've seen it so I don't remember the fine details, but he outwits her and writes that she kills herself where no one will ever find her. The moment before the command kicks in, he tells her that he's Kira. A short sequence thereafter reveals that she hangs herself in a secluded place.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Her husband was the FBI guy pursuing light (my wife is Asian)

CameraCode0 ago

Ah ok now I remember. Yeah she was the fiance of the CIA guy that Light gets to give him names of other agents then kills him. Pretty obscure reference.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Well when 99% of anime characters look exactly alike I'm not surprised people think its obscure.

Ocelot ago

Fairly obscure at least. Surprised I got it, it's been years since I saw the show, only saw it once and I don't really care for it either.

Glipglup ago

You know a show is well written when people who don't like it still remember the plot.

Itsdone63 ago

She was a chick that coulda blown kiras cover early in the series who he made kill herself. Dont know why shes brought up here though


Fucking spicy.

TakenOutofContext ago

...bedroom doorknobs? Maybe even closet ones like that kung fu guy.

shagamuffin ago

The knob on the other side of the door. Still too short for a proper hanging though, you'd be strangled, not have your neck snapped.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Your neck does not snap unless it is a very long drop, hanging from a ceiling orbsome

shagamuffin ago

Doesn't have to be that long, a few feet is enough as long as the stop is sudden. Too long and it gets messy.

LarryBagelstein ago

You just get the Clintons to send over a guy to pull your legs until you asphyxiate.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

There is no easier way to placate a man than giving him a wife

Glipglup ago

CIA investigator: He fell and hit the back of his head on the doorknob twice, then put himself in a duffle bag.

Sounds legit.

LarryBagelstein ago

He then drove the car back to his house and had a manic paper shredding session and a small bonfire in the back yard, before finishing himself off by beating himself to a bloody pulp with a baseball bat.

White_pride_cis ago

Like a rat with cheese

moistsoup333 ago

They couldn't created the nuke, so they created the waifu.


The dicksucking Roomba will supplant all of humanity.

zyklon_b ago

@aged muss b kilt

moistsoup333 ago

If you encounter one that looks at you funny, stomp on it.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

They glow in the dark, you can see em when your driving.

LifeWillChange ago

You son of a bitch. I came to this thread to laugh at an implied suicide suggestion. Now I'm sad.

gabara ago

ceiling fan

Shortest_Skill ago

Quit fucking with my brother, or I'll beat you up.

TheBuddha ago

Holy balls! It's a landline telephone!

iLuvJews ago

Which Buddha are you?

TheBuddha ago

The bad one.

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

No nigger. It's guitar night.

TheBuddha ago

Damned right, it is!

fuckingmockies ago

Maybe it's a hotel room?

DontBeRacist ago

It looks like hotel room curtains.

TheBuddha ago

Possibly. I have a landline, technically two. I'm pretty remote and cell service is spotty, at best.

Shotinthedark ago

I have a landline because it came with the cable package.

fuckingmockies ago

Yeah, but I'd bet you've got wireless receivers on your landline phones haha

TheBuddha ago

LOL Only on one. The other is mostly there for reasons too long to get into right now, 'cause the guitar thread is just opening and that'll consume my next four to six hours.

Samsquamch ago

Legit lol'ed at this, well done @gabara

iLuvJews ago

I hate Gabara for trying to push out Stonetoss, his sub as wells as mods and verses for WatchPeopleDie, but this is good.

gabara ago

I hate Gabara for trying to push out Stonetoss

Lol. Nope. u mad

heygeorge ago

Gabara for trying to push out Stonetoss

I am not sure @gabara was interested in that at all. Also, if you look (not even that) carefully, you can see that @stonetoss is a moderator of v/SoapboxBanhammer. This does not lend credence to your posit. I don’t remember this watch people die thing either.

iLuvJews ago

How does him not being a mod in his own sub help your case?

Yes, he was one of the many users who removed him and the original mods of v/WatchPeopleDie, effectively killing both of these subs/verses.

gabara ago

I even modded stonetoss