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theoldones ago

say the fuck what now?

tell us what sub, who deleted it

protectvoat will want to hear of this.

Dortex ago

I think they're more concerned with the fact that you were begging for child porn from several different people.

theoldones ago

more libel is it?

you need to start mentioning i made a statement already:

YOU, implicitly admitted to being an illegal spic in the US:

Dortex ago

I'd rather mention that you've been begging for child porn. Repeatedly

theoldones ago

rebuttal statement:

go the fuck away you fucking spic

Dortex ago

You hear that, guys? He has an excuse for begging for child porn. Repeatedly. And again for good measure

theoldones ago

who beat you as a child to make you like this?

allupinyogutts ago

I think it's aged, he's mad you called him out.

theoldones ago

i'm starting to think that might be it.

the pedo has been awfully quiet lately...

Dortex ago

Probably the same guy that got you begging for child porn. Repeatedly. And again for good measure

theoldones ago

oh, so i got to beat the fuck out of you when you were a kid?

if only

Dortex ago

Note: /u/theoldones admits to begging for child porn of his own volition.