Hand_of_Node ago

West Virginia mom charged with false report over abduction claim that got Egyptian man jailed by 3144146 in AnonAll

[–]17880219 0 points (+0|-0) 2.5 hours ago

They let the nigger in Chicago go. Maybe they will let her go too


mrPingPong removed 2.5 hours ago on 4/7/2019 2:56:23 PM

"Rule Violation in v/AnonAll: Posting rules; Description: B. No nigger talk here."


ruck_feddit ago

Same here. I think it was Dfens who did it.

calfag ago

The fucktards over in the anon subs delete my comments all the time for telling the truth about various invaders from kikes to sand niggers to taco niggers. The censorship is real in those shareblue, I meam anon subs.

Thatsmybutthole ago

How do I screenshot the message in my inbox and post it?

It was @mrpingpong. Reason for deleting the comment was "no nigger talk here"

Rotteuxx ago

You screenshot it, upload it to imgoat.com and then post the link... or just fucking tell us what sub it was in, you know public logs and all that shit.

Why the fuck wasn't that info in the OP to start with ? You trying to pass yourself off as a concern shill ? Doing a good job.

blatent101 ago

This comment has been deleted

Reason - Promoting Faggotry

zyklon_b ago

who done it?

boredTech ago

75 posts to truth hurts. just henycorp

zyklon_b ago

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/DumbStuffBigotsSay submission.

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EpiPendemic ago

No comment should ever be deleted.

totes_magotes ago

Probably one of the anon faggot mods with an alt thinking they could get away with it.

Vrblpollushin ago

Was it an anon sub? Because @mrpingpong and @ otist are censoring fucksticks.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Depends on where it was really... FPH doesn't like racial epithets and usually dont tolerate race based hate

HenryCabotLodge ago

What is FPH?

HenryCabotLodge ago

ok thanks.

elitch2 ago

A bunch of self hating, tv watching fat asses.

MrPim ago

ruck_feddit ago

They'll do it, too.

drj2 ago

Lol what a load of dumb ass logic they got going there

Hey_Sunshine ago

I think their rationale amounts to race being out of ones control whereas being a fat ass is well within it.

muffalettadiver ago

A wild concern nigger has appeared! Pics or GTFO. ;)

Whiteflighter ago

Kike infiltration is constant.

Tubesbestnoob ago

Circle the wagons niggerfaggots!

We've got a power tripping kike infiltrator to gas.

edistojim ago

Where and when niggerfaggot?

theoldones ago

say the fuck what now?

tell us what sub, who deleted it

protectvoat will want to hear of this.

Dortex ago

I think they're more concerned with the fact that you were begging for child porn from several different people.

theoldones ago

more libel is it?

you need to start mentioning i made a statement already: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3142969

YOU, implicitly admitted to being an illegal spic in the US: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3144123/17878226

CantBuySkills ago

So you're going to dox someone?

theoldones ago

if dortex is indeed an illegal immigrant he's violating US law.

aint doxxing in that case, its reporting a criminal.

if he's lying about that though, i dont know why he picked such a red-hot hill to stand on

CantBuySkills ago

You have no proof of that... the only way you would have proof of that is if you doxxed him. Which is illegal.

theoldones ago

in fact i do have something


if this right here ^ is a fucking joke and not true, it's a bad goddamn choice of joke for him to make.

i might fucking troll people sometimes but taking on, or implying a federal crime as a prank, that's a new one on me

CantBuySkills ago

Dude... you're dumb.

Dortex ago

I'd rather mention that you've been begging for child porn. Repeatedly

theoldones ago

rebuttal statement: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3142969

go the fuck away you fucking spic

Dortex ago

You hear that, guys? He has an excuse for begging for child porn. Repeatedly. And again for good measure

theoldones ago

who beat you as a child to make you like this?

allupinyogutts ago

I think it's aged, he's mad you called him out.

theoldones ago

i'm starting to think that might be it.

the pedo has been awfully quiet lately...

Dortex ago

Probably the same guy that got you begging for child porn. Repeatedly. And again for good measure

theoldones ago

oh, so i got to beat the fuck out of you when you were a kid?

if only

Dortex ago

Note: /u/theoldones admits to begging for child porn of his own volition.