Konyhasmycat ago

Faggots everywhere. What’s new in the world today OP?

Dortex ago

They lost a censorship fight on here. Voat nearly started the slippery slide to Reddit by banning a user (u/Aged) who broke no rules off a system sub (v/gaming). The owner was transparent about the ban and he got the appropriate backlash for it. The user was unbanned.

Presumably you're one of the Reddit refugees. Your kind fell asleep at the wheel for a long time. I suggest you take a more active role against bans on here.

Konyhasmycat ago

I didn’t use reddit for that a whole lot until I found CA, but I still prefer 8 Chan. I’ll lurk more here

NewW0rldOrder1776 ago

Whats Loli?

Soyboy69 ago

Cute anime porn. with girls wth a youthful and innocent aesthetic.

Minedwe ago

Pure, unadulterated degeneracy the consumers of which deserve to be shot

Mumbleberry ago

Animates child porn

Dortex ago

spamyak ago

Loli is even more degenerate than most porn. It is truly fucking disgusting and there is no defense for people who post it. @theoldones is right to say that "jailbait" is CP and saying "i dare you to post a photo of a naked, unclothed child then." in response to someone arguing that posting naked kids is okay and not CP is not "begging for child porn". It's clear that (((you))) are (((twisting))) his words, and overall, just need to stop fucking posting.

Soyboy69 ago

IMO loli is no worse than normal hentai, just has a little extra layer of cuteness.

spamyak ago

Your opinion is wrong. Not that I think hentai is particularly healthy either but fantasizing about cartoon children is without a doubt a horrific societal problem.

Soyboy69 ago

Ehh, no worse than regular porn where which encourages guys to fantasize about used up sluts about to hit the wall. People who fantasize about fucking children are absoultely messed up cartoon or not, but some people use barely sexualize lolis to fantasize about protecting a vulnerable girl from the degeneracy of the world and molding her into the ideal wife. Something which I'd say is far from degenerate.

theoldones ago

dortex is some crazy spic.

Dortex ago

Buddy, if you're going to keep using sleeper accounts to defend yourself, you may as well stop. Nobody bought it the first three times. Nobody is buying it now.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

If you thought that Reddit CringeAnarchy was going to be pro-loli, you thought wrong

Dortex ago

I don't actually expect anyone from Reddit to see the problem with censorship. Hence the PSA. A PSA is not for things everyone already knows.


foltaisaprovenshill ago

I'm anti-censorship too mate, but loli shit should be on a specific sub not on v/gaming.

Dortex ago

A) It's all game characters.

B) Find me ONE loli he's posted on the gaming sub.

spamyak ago

Dude this is my real account, I've just been using plebbit. You can check on reddit, same username, I've been consistently active. Not that your opinion is particularly important, since as I said I'm not this guy you're on some tirade against.

Dortex ago

Sure, buddy. I believe you. Dont worry. Wink wink.

Xiefux ago

i already had the displeasure to meet one of them, apparently my profile picture makes me a pedo.

Dortex ago

A good thing to do is to check the age and CCP of the accounts. They use alts to AstroTurf on here frequently.

spamyak ago

It really does, get rid of that weeb shit.

Sedyana ago

Just say no to LGBTQP

Dortex ago

They like to pretend to have the moral high ground. Same as SJW's. Don't let them convince you censorship is the answer.