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kneo24 ago

You're the one using kike tactics to poke the bear, knowing full well what will happen. You're literally one step away from proclaiming yourself a victim for all of this. You're also a dirty spic and a pedo enabler. The world would literally be a better place if you had never existed.

Dortex ago

It's weird you're calling the guy who's shaming another for begging for CP a "pedo enabler". Are you willing to condemn his violation of federal law?

kneo24 ago

Here you go again, twisting the events to suit a narrative to defame someone - i.e. using jew tactics to poke the bear. You're purposely leaving out the context in a manner to defend pedophiles.

Decidueye ago

Here's the full thread where the current month-long screeching began. Take it as you will, but it should become quickly apparent to anyone that reads this slog to see who is constantly twisting arguments in nonsensical ways.

kneo24 ago

Yeah, it's the pedo defenders, and you're lumping yourself in with them, so... there you go.

Decidueye ago

Hardly anyone who participated in that thread would agree with your assessment.

kneo24 ago

Yes, because most of them were sticking up for a pedophile, and some of those people had the audacity to pretend that posting pictures to jailbait subverses wasn't done as an act of sexually fetishizing underage girls. "It's not technically porn, but never mind the fact that pedos jerk off to this material!"

The absolute lengths that people went to to stick up for aged show people cared more about some jewed looking supreme court interpretation to look on the up and up about caring for free speech instead of actually using any justifiable reasoning.

You deserve to die with those you defend.

Decidueye ago

The hardest part of defending free speech is that it required defending the scummiest first. Shouldn't the userbase of Voat, most targeted by censorship creep on other sites, recognize that the loss of rights cascades off like a slippery slope? Remember that even the old guard of anti-SRS redditors called out what would happen the first sub ban happened. I don't want Voat to turn into fucking Reddit.

kneo24 ago

I guess I have to repeat myself here:

The absolute lengths that people went to to stick up for aged show people cared more about some jewed looking supreme court interpretation to look on the up and up about caring for free speech instead of actually using any justifiable reasoning.

Dortex ago

You know, almost five days later, and I've yet to see you condemn his violation of federal law. Do you condemn u/theoldones begging for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure?