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Mylon ago

Is there a public modlog list of banned users? If someone gets memory holed by the admins, are there any mechanisms by which the admins could be audited? Of course they have full access to the logs for tampering, but the more transparent moderation is, the better.

virge ago

Right side, under the advertisement, listed under "SITE LOGS". It's extremely transparent for both banned users and banned domains.

FuckYourSafespace ago

Blapta, smokratez, Afrowasp1, Joe_McCarthy, killallofthem, LakotaPride all got banned for Vote Manipulation targeting themselves, with each of them all having someone else that also got banned for targeting them, eg: both Blapta and SphericalHorse got banned for targeting Blapta. Am I reading this correctly? Also what are Type 1 and Type -1?

Dortex ago

Type 1 seems to be UV. -1 seems to be DV. I can all but confirm the most @SphericalHorse voted on was on u/theoldones posts, since he begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it. Also u/TruthDefender is his alt.

u/theoldones get banned for running brigade subs, and using alts to manipulate votes? Not that I'm seeing.