CognitiveDissident5 ago


SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Voat comment by @RM-Goetbbels.

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BigFatDaddy ago

I've been here for years too, and I got the warning. Putt even made a comment in another thread that he saw my username on there and laughed. I don't know what sets their algorithm off. Putt admitted it needs some work. One or two of the names on that banlog were questionable, but on the whole I think most of them deserved it. Jew_McCarthy definitely did. There's no way his ass wasn't upvoating himself with alts. I get that you're pissed, but if you really got caught in the dragnet by mistake, I'm sure Putt will fix it. He's done it before.

NeedleStack ago

You mean he's spezzing out? No shit. Him looking at who downvoated him and then turning around to publicly call them destroyers is reddit power mod, paranoid, creepy shit. LOL!

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/puttitout submission by @sic_girl.

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european ago

Vote manipulation likely is voting on the same thing with more than one account. It's low hanging fruit who haven't really covered their tracks well or been careless that have been targeted.

GnomeWorks ago

My primary account was banned for "vote manipulation." I don't buy it, and you can check @WhiteMatter to confirm that I didn't do jack to it.

I know that asking for upvotes is fucking stupid, but I'm going to anyway, because this backup account I made a couple years ago has insufficient points to ping Putt directly to get this shit fixed.

RM-Goetbbels ago

So what's your take on why you were banned? Oh wait, you can't defend yourself can you because like the rest of them you either can't make a new account or get enough points to post a reply.

I guess we'll just have to take Putt's word for it.


GnomeWorks ago

So what's your take on why you were banned?

I'll be honest, I'm not sure. From Putt's description of what they look for, I guess apparently I sometimes have voting behavior that isn't "normal."

I am usually fairly stingy with downvotes, but if someone proves to be a complete fucking retard at the end of a conversation, I will sometimes downvote all of their comments in that exchange in rapid succession - which, from an algorithmic standpoint, probably looks funny.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Part 2.

Found it- Kill yourself, faggot.

It more or less stops in that thread. 2-3 posts before it he goes back to 0 DV's.

GnomeWorks ago

As I said, if someone proves to be a complete fucking retard, I'll downvote their shit, which is exactly what happened there.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Me personally? I loved it.

You are a nigger lover! and when I get my 100ccp I'm so gonna downvote the shit out of you.

RM-Goetbbels ago

I will sometimes downvote all of their comments in that exchange in rapid succession

You mean bastard! Down votes hurt.

EnsignPossible ago

You're a menace. Go play you 10 yo games over at reddit you shithead. I HATE those folks who go into others accounts and downvote the shit out of EVERYTHING they've posted out of SPITE. You people should be SHOT DEAD by the government IMO.

LightningAndTheSun ago

If you brigade or vote manipulate with alts ever, you're a petty faggot and deserve a global IP rangeban

Majorfatboy ago

Said it before, saying it again:

Start screencapping things. Save copies of threads. get proof on Your machine. This shit happened at 8chan. It happened slowly, then went full-retard when the roach got banned. One thing I've learned in My various battles against the forces of wtf on the internet, is that BTFO'ing someone is meaningless if You don't have proof on Your own machine. Because the other guy can delete shit.

The whole point of places like this is/was supposed to be freedom of speech. I have the freedom to, say, enter a NatSoc thread and call everyone a bunch of retards, and everyone has the freedom to tell Me to go jump in a dumpster fire. And both parties can throw Their votes around as They see fit. We don't have to agree with each other for this to work. Hell, We can hate each other's guts. But We do need to be able to say what's on Our minds without fear of being (((shut down))) by administrative discretion.


FoundingUncle ago

Only on Voat does this post stay up.

I only trust sites that leave this kind of post up.

RM-Goetbbels ago

I used to say the same thing. Give it a couple more years here and then get back to me.

qx4chenxp ago

I still can't even vote people up because of the low points bullshit. I've been here for months and browse every day.

RM-Goetbbels ago

To be fair, molestation is also a first world problem.

  • qx4chenxp

ouch. lol. yeah, I dunno.

Dortex ago

It's only bad if you're not voting me down. Note the scores on my comments.

lord_nougat ago

I am brigading the shit out of you by not voting up or down!

Dortex ago

Oh shit, bruh. That's some next-level brigading. Completely undetectable. I wonder how they'll code around this one. Probably banning people preemptively.

lord_nougat ago

Well, with neutrality as intense as mine here, it would clearly be justified!

RM-Goetbbels ago

kev, it's not even about the account.

This was a /u/spez move.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

slippery slope is reel

RM-Goetbbels ago

You're next shill!

englishwebster ago

the purpose of the vote is to indicate not that you dont like the person but what they are saying in that particular thread does not contribute to the conversation. if you disagree with it you should comment back explaining why, like I am here now. I wont downvote this thread because its a valid conversation to have.

having said that, looking up someone and downvoating everything they say is what reddit users and people who cannot control their feelings do, and since the act accomplishes nothing but to distort honest feedback for that user I agree with the notion that you should be banned for it.

Bfwilley ago

Well if you keep this up they may ban your IP as well.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Well if you keep this up they may ban your IP as well.

  • Bfwilley

yeah so?

oh teh da noez! don' say nuthin' bout Putt, he might IP ban ya!

So you agree with me then, Putt is doing exactly what I'm accusing him off. lol.

Bfwilley ago

I'm saying no body cares, you could go away and go eat a bug, get a horrible disease and then go live in the forest and live a long painfully pedestrian and boring life, accomplishing nothing and die unmourned, unnoticed, and unremarked. You know like you were going to do anyway...

Because surprise, surprise no body cares!

Oh you can also just go pound sand too if you like.

RM-Goetbbels ago

But that's not what you said. You said, "Well if you keep this up they may ban your IP as well." as if you believed in an outcome that you expect might happen.

You cared enough to post it. You're even caring now. Thanks, that's sweet. xoxox

Bfwilley ago

I keep forgetting that I should add (/S) to my posts because most of you and your types aren't smart enough to under sarcasm.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Generally, I use sarcasm better than that and everyone can pick it up. Maybe one day you'll even get there? Here's hoping!

Bfwilley ago

Oh really? Shall take a look at you?

RM-Goetbbels Member for: 1.7 years (joined on: 9/2/2017)

Contribution points

Submission Contribution Points: 122

Comment Contribution Points: 450

Submission statistics

This user has mostly submitted to the following subverses (showing top 5):

6 submissions to whatever

1 submissions to introductions

1 submissions to Memberberries

1 submissions to Voat

This user has so far shared a total of 4 links, started a total of 5 discussions and submitted a total of 238 comments.

Voting habits

Submissions: This user has upvoted 86 and downvoted 5 submissions.

Comments: This user has upvoted 155 and downvoted 55 comments.

Wow that just screams shill, troll, trog, NPC account doesn't it?

Voat PSP (Public Service Post) here.

Hey everybody RM-Goetbbels is damaged and should be ignored, he, she 'IT' posts nothing of fact. IT just does drive by poser shill, troll, trog, NPC posts.

RM-Goetbbels he, she, 'IT' is a waste of your time, down vote 'IT', ignore 'IT', block 'IT', or ban 'IT' as you feel necessary.

Oh and please don't take my word for it. Please look at his, hers,'ITS' post and comment history 'IT' is pathetic.


RM-Goetbbels ago

i mean, if you could like read the post n' sheeit.....instead of just sperging like a homo......

"This is my emergency account"

.........but here you are just emotarding it up. lmfao!

Are you trying to organize a down vote brigade? cuz um, that's against the rules.........

Bfwilley ago


And still being a limited response NPC you fail to understand that real Voaters, real users just have one account and would never have a emergency user ID and Past word because it's not their paid (0.21 yuan a post) job as it is with you.

RM-Goetbbels ago

well ohh, okayyy


Bfwilley ago

RM-GoetbDOLTbels did you just make 0.21 yuan or are they docking you pay for stupidity? Sucks to be you I bet, you wont be able to afford noddles with your mystery meat soup tonight and if you stepped on it bad enough you may loss more points off your social credit score.

And there you are back on a peoples army pig farm shoveling African swine fever infected pig shit.

LazyJello9 ago

Lol no one cares what you think, say, opine or believe you loser. Get a life and GT off the computer you pathetic American.

YugeDick ago

I'm honestly surprised I wasn't even sent a warning for my constant downvoats of almost everything in v/truthhurts. Maxcactus is a raging spam faggot and deserves every one of those downvoats though.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Maxcactus is a raging spam faggot

Fuck yeah he is.

MinorLeakage ago

It would be great to get some clarity on what "Vote Manipulation" really is. Some stuff is obvious and no one disagrees. But where in the rules does it say I can't give all my downvotes to a single user that is begging for them? How many times can I downvote someone before it's manipulation? Or upvote them, for that matter?

I can't see how one user downvoting another user is manipulation. Isn't that literally what the voting is for? We only get one vote per comment, and you can't vote on anything older than 7 days (I believe).

I think we would all appreciate some clarity @Puttitout

I'm not even saying I disagree per se, I just don't even know what the rule is...

Dortex ago

You can vote on any post that isn't archived. That's something like 30 days.

atri ago

Yes! The user agreement doesn't even mention vote manipulation! It is long overdue for an update as Voat is relying more and more these days on the portion of the agreement that states:

...we may, for violations of this agreement or for any other reason we choose: (1) suspend your access to Voat...

Action_Bastard ago

Because votes matter to what people see and don't. It changes to order of what you see first on /Front.Right? Too many negatives gets shit deleted? That's a no-go. If that wasn't the case and posts were shown in-sub by time posted, so called brigading wouldn't matter. I don't give a fuck what people think of my posts. I think the vote count is a good indicator for seeing how many people agree with me or are interested in the same subject matter. It is exploited at Feggit and should maybe be coded to be irrelevant. Novelty.

bizzywiz ago

the fact that you have an alternate account rather indicates your ban was justified...and too boot this identity needs to be banned

RM-Goetbbels ago

Come back when you're a little smarter fuck nut.

bizzywiz ago

you know what faggot, it's obvious with my "attendance" (I read every day but don't post that often) that I'll reach 100CCP a LONG time from now, so fuck you in the ass you childish/malicious/kike sucking jewess...downvoat away all you faggots, have at it...

sheesh...why don't you do something constructive (build) like downvoat porn spam and's animals like you with no fore brain that need culling from the pool of homosapiens (notice I didn't use the word human...and you probably have no clue why you pinko faggot)

RM-Goetbbels ago

You made an incorrect assumption, attacked my character and called for me to be punished further. You deserve the downvotes cunt.

I made this account shortly after I made the other account as a backup in case I got locked out or doxxed or just wanted to flush my main account. I've done this before once or twice.

So I have this account and every now and then I stop in to check on it, fling a few turds and go back to my real account. Hundreds of us do this, maybe thousands, which makes me wonder why you don't believe people should do that?

Ahhhh I see, because if I got banned, rightfully or not, I couldn't come back and protest it. I'd be unpersoned, invisible. History has shown us people with your mindset, Pol Pot for one. LOVE THAT GUY.

So yeah, you deserve the DV's you sperging fucktard. Have another!

bizzywiz ago

thx for so easily showing your true color (reminiscent of a niggerfaggotkike)

RM-Goetbbels ago

I always show my true colors. I like to think of myself as the most outward person here. Probably not true but I do the best I can.

dindu-nufffin ago

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 6 minutes ago

Why don't you move on? You add nothing to this site.

@puttitout this is your builder such * maturity*

just a reminder

@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

and fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.



and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.

dindu-nufffin ago

I actually got banned for fighting against voat manipulation

voat is dead move on


jerry ago

Do you use multiple accounts or just the one account? Because if you’re using multiple accounts you should be banned, you are the new users you complain about

RM-Goetbbels ago

Just one account. This is my sleeper that I made just in case something went wrong. I didn't think it would be on Voat's end though.

ForTheUltimate ago

Take a look at that list, who’s missing? Yep, he’s being selective about the bans. Just like reddit. I wonder how many other users that disappeared were memory holed?

More details. less vagueness

Dortex ago

u/theoldones. He begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it. Also u/TruthDefender is his alt. He uses v/ProtectVoat, and several other places as his brigade when he's displeased. Then his main subs just involve him reposting to farm SCP/CCP Yet for some reason, he's fine? Meanwhile u/SphericalHorse, some guy who just posts loli and votes down any anti-loli comments is manipulating votes?

Korinthian ago

Supposedly I "brigaded"


I DO THAT. I’m A Brigade of One


But I got banned today for it.

have you considered, maybe you're just a whiny easily offended faggot who broke one of the very few, extremely simple, and easy to follow rules?

Maybe try being less of a little bitch that wastes your time hunting down every post made by someone that triggered you, and go outside once in a while.

RM-Goetbbels ago

I used to say the same thing. Think about that.

Korinthian ago

So you were on board with people who broke the rules receiving consequences for the rules, until YOU received consequences for breaking the rules, your position flipped.

Wow bruh, I can feel my mind expanding. This is so deep.

dindu-nufffin ago

receiving consequences for the rules

im sick of this kike argument, dial didnt do anything other than offset nightly downvote brigades from "the builder" kevdude

notice how the one builder is 3.9 year old account with 8 submissions, and 2 pages of comment history?

fucking get your head out of your ass

Korinthian ago

I know that you're a very triggered 3 day old account, but please kill yourself so everyone else doesn't have to bear the burden of your presence.

The faggot openly admits he not only knowingly broke the rules, but did so proudly. And your greatest grievance is that some lurker gets to be a builder for drudging up unpopular posts. Which is surprise surprise a great way to counter forum sliding that is frequently done by the feds and kikes you likely work for.

dindu-nufffin ago

I know that you're a very triggered 3 day old account,

nigger, i could waste you...

Korinthian ago

Yeah but I politely asked that you waste yourself instead. Please, do it quickly, your faggotry is spectacularly insufferable.

BentAxel ago

Three sides to every story. Before I even question Voat and your story. I need to hear the other sides.

RM-Goetbbels ago

You can't. Users are banned and unless they have a sleeper I do they can't defend themselves because Voat is now Invite-Only. A somewhat recent change btw.

dindu-nufffin ago

stay strong brother, if anyone needs an account let me know

Goys-R-Us ago

How does someone let you know once they've been banned if voat is now invite only? It's like being un-personed.

zxcvzxcvzx ago

talk with @puttitout voat is now his disasterpiece

Goys-R-Us ago

And how would one do that if they were banned and voat is invite only? You see my point I hope. When you are un-personed, you don't exist.

zxcvzxcvzx ago

iv seen a few a few comments from you now, I can tell you are genuine, idk.... call my offer a gesture of good will

Goys-R-Us ago

Saul Goodman. If I get the boot it might work in my favor. My instincts tell me to go into the woods and master bushcraft. I need a reason to continue.

zxcvzxcvzx ago

i like you

Goys-R-Us ago

Thanks man, I like you too (I think). If I didn't have responsibilities to other beings on this planet I'd have moved on long ago.

Hell is knowing that your consciousness never dies, it only changes form. That's another way of saying if I could be an atheist I would with zero hesitation. Somehow for me it's not possible and it has nothing to do with how I was raised. It's an intuitive curse.

zxcvzxcvzx ago

no worries stay strong

RM-Goetbbels ago

At this point the account is probably less of a problem than the administration. I think The Purge was a calculated move.

dindu-nufffin ago

absolutely it was, and it will happen again, pm me your real account name... I'd be interested to know

ForTheUltimate ago

What is the voat filter?

RM-Goetbbels ago

Mods aren't gods here.

DropGun- You're about to find out how wrong you are.

lord_nougat ago

He got downvote brigaded!

RM-Goetbbels ago


lord_nougat ago

Those piece of shit DESTROYERS!

RM-Goetbbels ago


lord_nougat ago


RM-Goetbbels ago


The future of SBBH is lampshades and soap!

Mylon ago

Is there a public modlog list of banned users? If someone gets memory holed by the admins, are there any mechanisms by which the admins could be audited? Of course they have full access to the logs for tampering, but the more transparent moderation is, the better.

virge ago

Right side, under the advertisement, listed under "SITE LOGS". It's extremely transparent for both banned users and banned domains.

Mylon ago

Thanks for pointing this out.

FuckYourSafespace ago

Blapta, smokratez, Afrowasp1, Joe_McCarthy, killallofthem, LakotaPride all got banned for Vote Manipulation targeting themselves, with each of them all having someone else that also got banned for targeting them, eg: both Blapta and SphericalHorse got banned for targeting Blapta. Am I reading this correctly? Also what are Type 1 and Type -1?

Octocopter ago

When you see two names like in Joe's case where he targeted himself and then Kattie targeted him it implies that Kattie was ruled an alt of Joe's and used to upvote brigade himself, this does not exclude the possibility that was the only brigading they were involved in.

FuckYourSafespace ago

Oh, ok. That makes sense now. Thank you

Dortex ago

Type 1 seems to be UV. -1 seems to be DV. I can all but confirm the most @SphericalHorse voted on was on u/theoldones posts, since he begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it. Also u/TruthDefender is his alt.

u/theoldones get banned for running brigade subs, and using alts to manipulate votes? Not that I'm seeing.

waucka ago

It would be nice if that page listed evidence for those bans.

virge ago

It would also be nice if Microsoft published it's source code so I could trust it, but they don't because then everyone could just copy it and never pay for it - so I have to make my own risk assessment.

RM-Goetbbels ago

We have only the word of Putt, maybe PeaceSeaker, maybe Cynabuns, Idk tbh.

That used to be good enough for me but not anymore, this move was calculated.

Croat_Goat ago

I didn't get a warning either, lol. I'm an asshole of one. Luckily, I made this account with my dad months ago and still have the password saved. Putt and I had some PMs, and he said he'd check it out today when he's at a PC and get back to me. u/ruck_feddit

@NeedleStack @TheBuddha

RM-Goetbbels ago

I think I'm over Putt.

I was at reddit when the Purge started, it was just like this. I always said, "no, reddit is good, the mods are bad" and then spez pulled his ninja edits at T_D and Chairman Pao went on a rampage and the bannings and locked subreddits and the shadow bans and the.........

Trust me, this is no different.

Croat_Goat ago

I've been here for 4 years, honestly a little longer than that. I think my no-warning ban could have been a fuck up in coding. I did see some names on the list I've always thought were pedos, at least they walked the pedo-line, but it definitely sucks to be in that lineup!

I was long gone from Reddit before the purges you mentioned, but goats can't help but hear about it as refugees flood in. Putt told me he was surprised to see my name on the list. I have faith he'll get back to me today once his Friday night hangover wears off.

Dortex ago

One moment he tells us you're absolutely being abusive if you show up on the list, the next he's surprised people are showing up on the list. I'm not seeing how this is consistent.

freshmeat ago

I get to talk to Null privately (josh, owns kiwifarms) and he put it in a way that made a lot of sense, indirectly. Summed up, Putt and Atko are spooks and act like it. Been saying this place was a honeypot for years and whoever is operating Putt's account isnt the original guy.

The best part is i know a few people who are blatant voat manipulators who get a free pass because they are part of putt's clique.

Plus his builders are SRS. this site has gone to shit.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Idk what to say.

That "Builder" thing really kind of threw me for a loop. And the Invite-Only right before the bans. And the posting the bans on a holiday weekend.

The best part is i know a few people who are blatant voat manipulators who get a free pass because they are part of putt's clique.

I know.


TheBuddha ago

I didn't get anything. I don't generally vote on comment usernames, just content. Well, I UV a lot of comments that were replies to me.

Croat_Goat ago

Oh, I interpreted it as you did get something. I will definitely shit on people who are actively shitting on this place and it's users. This is subjective, of course, but they'd have to go beyond simply disagreeing with me. I'm also not as active as some of you guys.

TheBuddha ago

Nah, I got nothing. I can see why the comment would have made you think otherwise. I got no notice and no ban. I'd probably have to be pretty outlandish to get a ban. I'm actually pretty tame. So, it's unlikely that I'll ever be banned.

Croat_Goat ago

Apparently, you don't have to be that outlandish!

NeedleStack ago

I bet you're the name I was shocked to see. Sounds like you were caught up in the faulty dragnet. Putt needs to put the algorithm on pause until it's completely sorted out.

He's told users to pm him if they were wrongly given warnings or banned so maybe do that? Sucks for those users who had only one account and have no way of contacting him (especially since voat is invite-only now). :(

asmodea ago

I made seven accounts when it felt like there was a land-rush here for names.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Where's my damn crocheted taxidermy animals you promised? You know you can doo eet! I want to see The Horror.

He's told users to pm him if they were wrongly given warnings or banned so maybe do that?

The Putt has Ruled Trust in the Putt.

EmperorOfMankind ago

Yeah, same thing happened to me last night. I'm not sure if it's intentional on Putt's part, I think the algorithm is overzealous. Either way, I'd like my old account back.

RM-Goetbbels ago

So I looked up the downvotes on this submission out of curiosity. Most all are destroyers. Many of which will be banned shortly for previous vote manipulation. Interesting isn't it that those that abuse Voat also hate seeing this thread.

The Builder

This was Putt 20 hours ago licking his lips. I didn't down vote that submission but's telling.

lord_nougat ago

Well shit. That's sad.

I thought you were just being tinfoil hatty... but now I am not so sure.

RM-Goetbbels ago

What I learned today: The other guy is always tin foil hatty until it happens to you.

I'm guilty of it, over and over again for the past 3+ years. From Canaries to donations to user bans, I've defended Putt over and over again thinking the same thing we all think, "we can trust Putt, he's one of us, he's our guy".

I don't trust Putt anymore.

lord_nougat ago

That thread honestly shook my faith and I find myself able much more readily to see from your perspective.

65Creedmoor ago

The communisty “if you do no wrong you have nothing to worry about”

Ina_Pickle ago

Just a reminder that Puttitout sent Empress flowers when she had her baby, and now all the usual suspects are pushing to make sure she is included as a builder for all of her copy pasta. its a joke, because he was never not going to give her a pass.

Goys-R-Us ago

Agree Patriot.

albatrosv15 ago

I remember when i downvoated so much that i was tagged as "downvoat meanie" and couldn't downvoat anymore. What i did was just downvoat spam and anonspam.

freshmeat ago

a tranny coded voat for over a year until sane doxxed him. @FuzzyWords

dindu-nufffin ago

I forgot about that faggot

RM-Goetbbels ago

He's gotten braver since the voat angel came into the picture.

Majorfatboy ago

Yup, make's You think, doesn't it? Putt goes from being damn near absentee over the operation of this place, used to complain about running it and would hint at not being interested anymore, then some shit hit the fan with a massive DDOS attack, Atko (I think, recalling off of the top of My head right now), pops back into the picture to fix things while Putt's MIA.

Then a mysterious benefactor is announced. Now Putt's on the warpath, cranking out cryptic posts that suggest He's going full "You're either with us or against Us" mode, bans are going out off of a "scripted" system...

When voat was just "nazi reddit" and wasn't earning any money, Putt didn't give a hoot. Now that someone's throwing Him some dosh, He want's to do some cleaning.

RM-Goetbbels ago

FastJack did that with Putt and it made him mad. I saw it earlier today and about rolled out my chair. LOL!!!!!

RM-Goetbbels ago

Just calling it like I see it.

I'd like to hear from the other banned users myself. What their take on it is.

Like this guy- @ThirteenthZodiac Vote Manipulation (Target: @WhiteMatter, Type: -1)

That's fucked up. I just kind of pulled from the top of the list and supposedly Type: -1 means the "Target" was down voted excessively by the Vote Manipulator. WhiteMatter doesn't really have any down votes, or at least they're sporadic.

My "Target" is a deleted account so I can't even look to see if I down voted him. I probably did, kevdude said he was an upvoat begger.

GnomeWorks ago

Unfortunately this alternate account I have has too few CCP to send a message to @PuttItOut to ask him about what the hell is going on here.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Putt's busy right now, all you'll get is a busy tone.

GnomeWorks ago

If it takes him a bit to get back to me, that's fine, but I'd rather start having the conversation than not at all.

I really do not want to use this account more than I absolutely have to, but since registration is closed at the moment it's all I have to work with.

White_pride_cis ago

I feel left out. I’ve got to up my game

TheBuddha ago

Lucky bastard. I didn't even get a warning notice!

Reverse-Flash ago

If it makes you feel any better...

lord_nougat ago

Making fun of the pewdster is the BEST!

TheBuddha ago

I wonder how many goats will actually now try to earn that badge, by the way. The vote manipulation badge is kinda cool.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

I brigade of one sometimes. I don't think that should be bannable. If I don't like a bunch of shit I should be able to downvote it. All of it. Without being fagged on by the mods/admins.

atri ago

I agree. Voat's user agreement doesn't even mention vote manipulation and is long overdue for a clarifying update. An increasing portion of user bans and administrative actions are relying on the portion of the agreement that states:

...we may, for violations of this agreement or for any other reason we choose: (1) suspend your access to Voat, (2) suspend or terminate Your Account, and/or (3) remove any of your User Content from voat.

LazyJello9 ago

Lol omg how retarded are you.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Please god fuck off and never return you stupid, ban happy nigger

JJNova ago

Not liking shit isn't the point of downvoting.

MinorLeakage ago

It is literally the only point of downvoting. We have specific buttons for spam, illegal, dox, etc. The down arrow is just the "fuck you and what you said" button.

lord_nougat ago

Fuck you and what you said, despite my upvote!

MinorLeakage ago

Thanks for taking the time to tell me. It means so much more than a simple vote. (Also, fuck you too buddy)

lord_nougat ago

Hey, no problem, anytime! And likewise!

MinorLeakage ago

Considering we're supposed to be the dregs of the internet, we sure are a friendly bunch.

lord_nougat ago

We're deplorably pleasant!

dontforgetaboutevil ago

I disagree.

Astupidname69 ago

It very much is, and it's never going to change no matter how much you faggots bitch about it because it's already what everyone uses it for.

englishwebster ago

if you dont like it you comment back explaining why. if you feel the thread itself does not contribute you downvote it. the vote helps determine if something is valid by indicating where it should appear on the front page, not to validate your personal feelings.

a mob of one is just as powerless as he is angry.

crazy_eyes ago

Just cause thats what you use downvotes for does not mean everyone else does

Dortex ago

I do.