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RM-Goetbbels ago

488 ccp after almost 2 years on the site? I'm sure this is your only account. Mad because Putt banned some of your socks?

You have to use your unused account when Putt bans your real account because Putt made Voat Invite-Only to banned accounts can't come back.

But YOU KNOW THIS because we just talked about it which makes me wonder HOW MANY KEVDUDES ARE THERE.

I actually PMd @PuttItOut about your account. That Coors guy was begging for upvotes during the last migration. Certain things have been handled by the users for a very long time. Discouraging vote farming is one of them. I hope you get your account back dude.

kevdude 3 points (+4|-1) 23 hours ago

Now you've pissed me off. This is exactly what YOU GUYS DO. You rally and squash any decent at all cost. dismiss his concerns, he's nobody, he's a troll, he dissents against the plan