18836700? ago

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18836606? ago

faggot shill

18830065? ago

The problem i have with this is that you posted the rules. The rules say he shouldnt make ANY moderation decisions based on any type of compensation or favor... Yet you were the one actually violating the rules by offering friendship that you claim is somehow a valuable thing to have. No, i rather don't like how you actually tried to manipulate him into moderating how you want. Props to the mod. Freedom of speech for anyone. Suck it up buttercup.

18826785? ago

The ONLY reason I come here is because it is Anonymous.

Me thinks ANYONE trying to remove anon are in bed with the deep state.

18826767? ago

I read PutItOut as very reasonable. FastJack came off as a belligerent asshole. The Q-team are Patriots and are focused, they are not assholes. I do take this as a red flag for this subverse.

18826100? ago

People complain all the time about gender wage gap, doesnt meant its real or exists... Team Jack

18825525? ago


I mean, who cares if the guy that owns the fucking site wants shit to change.... He doesn't get freeze peach, only we do.

18825879? ago

I'm on the side of puttitout. He only wants the blatant sick image submissions to get filled as deleted. Please go looking at what has been deleted previously to put it in context.

18824595? ago

You fucking losers. Everywhere you all go, you get kicked out.

18824487? ago


18823779? ago

Okay if everyone is getting upset about the porn, why not just make one rule? No porn. Pretty simple shit here guys. Then ban the people who post porn. Porn is easily distinguishable from every other form of speech. I do not see people asking for this for people who post things skeptical of Q. I only see people saying this about porn, and more specifically loli porn. Yes, this can still be the "wild west" with a NO CP/Animated CP rule. As someone else in these comments pointed out, even the Wild West had a sheriff. They also had laws against obscenity. In fact pretty much every society has had laws against obscenity and publishing obscenity at one point or another. You make a very specific rule "NO CP/Animated CP" with a narrow scope and you pursue that rule and read nothing into the text that isn't actually there. This is so easy. Yes yes, free speech. obscenity isn't speech though! It doesn't even qualify for first amendment protection.

The mods on these boards are fuckin' retarded, truth be told. I don't want the voat admins to take over either, I'd rather this be resolved from inside this verse, but come on? How fuckin' hard is this? Maybe hold a straw poll? Community engagement is a good way to determine a good course of action.

18823543? ago

I agree with PuttitOut. I've stopped participating with this sub because of all the blatant trolling going on. Even the Wild West had a sheriff. The posse shouldn't be able to run through town and shoot out all the windows without recourse. Law and Order is superior to anarchy.

18826649? ago

The sheriff enforces the law, and I don't see any illegal content in the sub.

18825607? ago

I'm happy if the obvious evil image submissions are deleted. Trolling with word unfortunately needs to stay. Truth always prevails if it is told by enough people.

18823610? ago

Even Anarchy(anarchism) is predicated on mutual, consentual norms and expectations.

18823501? ago

I'm not clicking that link it's probably barnyard porn

18826930? ago

its actually seahorse porn

18823324? ago

I'm with fastjack

18825803? ago

I'm with puttitout, the spam image submissions can go and live in deleted, where they belong.

No one's talking of deleting true research images. Just the no value content, the spam.

18822676? ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @RM-Goetbbels.

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18822126? ago

it's almost as if he doesn't want users to know what he is saying.

18825991? ago

No made a valid request some imagine submissions are surly a serious legal issue

Words are more powerful, no one is suggesting moderating words.

18821252? ago

If I walk into your yoga class and start banging a drum and yelling out filthy jokes, and you kick me out, am I being censored, or are you protecting the integrity of your peaceful yoga class?

I love the freedom of speech inherent to Voat, but there are always limits to free speech, just as there are limits and boundaries to all human behaviour. I'm not free to scream in your face if you're trying to concentrate. I'm not free to yell obscenities at your children while you're quietly reading to them. I'm not free to show porn to your grandmother while she's praying in church.

Some behaviour must be circumscribed. In this case, loli porn does not belong here in QRV. Sure, we downvote and ignore, but why should we not simply turn away this useless content in the first place?

I couldn't care less if people post "Q is a larp" or "Arrests or GTFO". It is everyone's prerogative to disagree, attack, even abuse the sub and its users. But posting pictures of small girls covered in cum is just pointless vandalism. It also diminishes the credibility of the genuine content for new users, and makes us look puerile and unhinged.

I'm with putts on this one.

18826855? ago

Yoga class is a poor example to compare to a discussion board. This is sophistry.

Stating there are limits to free speech? Tell me wise one, who gets to decide? Google? Youtube? Facebook?

Nay, free speech is not limited.

18827078? ago

Who gets to decide? Civilised society. We are not barbarians.

18825925? ago

Me too comments should not be moderated though, they are pure free speech

18821152? ago

Puttitout is a shill and THE ZHILLS ARE PANICKING!!!!

18821009? ago

I think putts got this one wrong. Leave the sub the way it is. Don't like it? Go to Reddit, don't try to change our place or the way we do things.

Keep things anon.

18825474? ago

I would prefer if the mods deleted the most obvious shit post submissions. Delete degenerate pictures and no content other than clickbait titles from new as soon as they arrive.

I think it can be moderated without going against core principals. We can see deleted stuff to check if it's being abused. (Could we make all mod pm comms public by default?)

I thought 8chan was meant to be the front line of rfree speech. I thought voat was suggested as a research tool where researchers could easily contribute to the validity of opinions, ideas and discoveries with a simple voat.

Feel free to disagree with me. Every voat counts. Every opinion is shaped by that of others. I/you could change minds simply by measuring the popularity of an opinion.

Comments are different, I think this is for free speech and should not be moderated. Disgusting degenerate gore porn is not free speech. We should make judgements by what is ssid not an image or projection.

18836620? ago

you sound like such a silly twat tho

18820655? ago

I'm not seeing any corruption. I'm seeing a dispute over moderation style.

I don't get why there needs to be moderation. This type of site should be the Wild West, as the internet is meant to be.

Learn how to deal with stuff you don't like.

18832512? ago

bingo. blame boomers who think the internet is like cable television and under strict guidelines. this is the new town square. if you don't like something then ignore it or get offline.

18823967? ago

Hmm, now that I think about it, perhaps it is better to keep this board fully unmoderated. I've been reporting the porn posts as spam, but they're really only a minor annoyance, so it may be better to just ignore them.

18820937? ago

I hate when people say this.

QRV functioned WAY better RIGHT before the shill slide spam, even W all the nazi stuff.

QRV Stands for Q Research Much like every other /sub forum has a title, which people tend to stick to. You don’t see Q posters trying to post and disrupt /tranny or /cploli?

Why should QRV be forced a constant stream of shill slide porn/gore when literally up until two weeks ago I NEVER SAW ANY porn or shock slide shows on this sub forum? I’ve been coming to VOAT since Q created QRV and I can say for a fact there was NO SLIDE PHOTOS like there are up until two weeks ago.

Moves and countermoves.

18821333? ago

I don't support disgusting stuff, but it's the internet. That's how it is. The main point of this type of place is free speech, right?

Free speech means defending everything you dislike. The things everyone likes don't need to be defended.

You can be safe or you can be free. Take your pick.

This place is not true anarchy no matter what though, because the users can self mod through downvotes.

Anyway I'd be pleased if the bullshit went away... But you know how to get rid of an internet troll? Don't feed them!

I guarantee your reaction is pleasing them greatly and motivating them to post more and more.

Stop feeding the trolls.

18831065? ago

Also there’s a group of ten people who also hold your strange idea. Let me guess you support free speech, but would give up the anon perk if it meant we could lessen the brigade.

18825978? ago

No because other subs are moderated, to keep the sub on topic. Free speech is speaking. Words. Conveying messages, you know like before 2.5 weeks ago, Jew bad/good Muslim bad/good Mexican bad/good etc.

If I spam a bunch of random characters &$&/&-$&@@&&@& just in order to manipulate the threads, which contain free speech, and slide other content, then it’s not free speech. I’m not feeding the trolls there’s one simple solution the trolls hate.

DELETE PORN/GORE KEEP IT ANON. Slide threads included. Let the Jew spammers do their thing, easy to ignore.

18827973? ago

Sure that's free speech. It's retarded, but it is.

18820768? ago

Indeed. Remove the mods.

18822839? ago


18822880? ago

Level playing field.

What sauceable good have the mods provided that users can't do for themselves?

V/qrv needs no mods.

18823791? ago

^ This. ^

Thanks @FastJack @badg0y1m @msdia80_dll [M] for supporting 1A.

18820651? ago

Sounds like the Mods are all SBBH sock puppet accounts who don't give a fuck about the verse. They all came in together and none of them are active users.

18820616? ago

I wish the other sub mods would leave QRV alone.

18823402? ago

And I wish the other races would leave whites alone.

18820359? ago

The mods are white niggers. Remove them already.

18820057? ago

Use your up/downvoats, anons. The integrity of v/qrv depends on it.

18824354? ago

prob is the downvoting is left up to non-qrv'ers since pure qrv's dont have the ccp.

18828352? ago

If the main subs are too much for you try one of these subs which has gone critical: https://www.voat.co/v/science https://www.voat.co/v/Documentaries https://www.voat.co/v/Linux https://www.voat.co/v/Museum https://www.voat.co/v/scifi https://www.voat.co/v/programming https://www.voat.co/v/Physics https://www.voat.co/v/TheOrville https://www.voat.co/v/Conspiracy

or join some of the many many smaller subs that have yet to reach critical mass and help them come to life.

18824393? ago

Some of us did as was suggested and went out to other places to gain CCP. Had a blast at the same time, there's some pretty decent subverses out there to partake in.

18824719? ago

Can confirm.

18828341? ago

Thanks bro.

18820001? ago


18819999? ago

I hear that these problems don’t exist on POAL

Just sayin

18820020? ago

Fuck Poal you corrupt bastard. Q endorsed QRV not Poal.

18820041? ago

Fuck q

You. Are. Not. Wanted. Here.

18820061? ago

Do you even know where you are?

18820154? ago

Personally, financially, spiritually, physically, or what?

Try and phrase your questions as though you were speaking to a human instead of whatever you are.

18820211? ago

QResearch Voat. hhsssssss

You are not one of (usssssss).

18820054? ago

Yet. We. Are. Not. Going. Anywhere. :)

18820120? ago

We. Will. Harass. You. Til. You. Do.

18820269? ago

This. Is. A really. Inefficient. Way. To. Communicate.

18820535? ago

I. Lol'd.

18819878? ago

I’m with FastJack on this. Why have a board, if the powers that be can bully their way into taking over? Fuck PuitOut. Reddit 2.0 shit right there.

18820607? ago

Fuck PuitOut. Reddit 2.0 shit right there.

Fuck off, LilBrattyMkr.

18820753? ago

Wrong retard, it’s the artist formally known as Marijuana Jap, and Issac Kappy here. You fucks are stupid as hell.

18820826? ago


18820363? ago

We have an unmoderated board. Why have mods if they do nothing?

18826869? ago

mods have one purpose, and that is to remove spam and literal illegal posting. not lolicon, not wrongthink, those are what downvotes are for.

18827032? ago

Mods are doing nothing.

18827144? ago

and considering there is no spam or illegal posting going on, they are modding correctly

18827649? ago

There is.

18827964? ago

opinion =/= law

morals =/= law

18821920? ago

It’s a no censorship board, they’ve done their jobs just fine.

18823581? ago

Not true. All subs can be censored. Read the rules.

Removing off-topic posts by white niggers is not really censorship.

18824232? ago

For a guy so concerned about whites you sure love using it the word right next to nigger.

You must be jew.

18824246? ago

You must be a white nigger jew, white nigger. Go act like a nigger at v/niggers and STFU.

18824325? ago


18824544? ago

The white niggers are chimping out.

18825242? ago

soooo triggered

18824202? ago

Hey Crensch.

Having fun calling people white niggers?

18824235? ago

White niggers gotta nigger up QRV then go complain about black niggers at v/niggers. You all are a bunch of fucking hypocrites.

18824305? ago

Go complain about it to Putt.

18824526? ago

Ok, white nigger. Will do.

18825286? ago

Also don't forget to go make a new sub "v/whiteniggers" and go UV your own submissions.

18825269? ago

thanks my white nigger friend

18823832? ago

go to that namefaggin drama-loving ho-tard Srayzie's safe space if you can't take it

18824103? ago

OK, white nigger. Will do!

18823638? ago

Said “white nigger” posts are free speech. Just because YOU want it removed, doesn’t mean it should. If YOU are offended, that’s on you. I assume you’re an adult, and have free will? Then you can ignore it. But I assume since you’re calling for censorship, that you’re here just to piss and moan, because you love the drama. Like a child.

18826875? ago

sounds more like a manchild

18824203? ago

Off-topic posts are a problem. Also, being a hypocrite is a problem.

You people complain about black niggers moving in and fucking everything up, but then you do the same thing to QRV. You believe that Q is a LARP. Fine. Others do not, but you feel like you have the right to come to QRV and behave like a nigger. That makes you a white nigger and a hypocrite. So, fuck you white nigger hypocrite. You should know better.

18830081? ago

Who said q was a larp. Youre desperate.

18824346? ago

So are posts bitching like a woman about porn. Soooooooooo?

18824563? ago

Your white nigger faggot ass searches for gay porn. Lol.

18824791? ago

🙄 Like I said, you act like fucking children. Go eat your chicken fingers sparky.

18820585? ago

The users of v/qrv have done a remarkable and notable job of using their downvoats to separate the chaff from the wheat.

V/qrv/hot is comy AF.

18836627? ago

if you like retards and faggots spouting gibberish maybe

18819633? ago

It's pretty great that @fastjack stood up to that coward putt.

18819707? ago

FastJack you are a corrupt piece of shit.

18820374? ago

Srayzie go back to your comp'd sub

18820400? ago

I'm not Srayzie. Q endorsed QRV, not Poal and not GA and certainly not you. You will not destroy this board. Putt will make sure of that.

18820490? ago

Why support cens?

18819670? ago

Corrupt piece of shit.

18819661? ago

You should be scared Fast. Putt is going to take your mod status soon.

18820382? ago

Why be on voat and support censorship?

18825731? ago

I support the moderation of image submissions. We don't all want to see the ~~spam~~ images.

Comments are a different matter. Comments are were free speech lives.

18833190? ago

they've switched to big wall-of-text Scripture quotes