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18799833? ago

Converted all my tax money to them at least. He's cucked us. You know it. We all know it. Admit it.

18799872? ago

You are cucked. Fuck off

18799935? ago

lol keep sucking that Trump dick, cuck. Hows that wall he promised? Fucking moron lol. You should put a rope around your neck and fucking end it.

18800023? ago

How did that attempt to take over our sub go?

Hahahaha....Try harder soy boy.

18800072? ago

going great. our goal is to derail conversations and get the lowest IQ retards to engage us to muddy the waters. thanks for helping!!! now, about your upcoming suicide. you should do it soon. you are pathetic and worthless. you know this. everyone thinks you're a fucking loser and literally insane. kill yourself.

18800136? ago

You are a Loser

You can't have our sub.

Keep crying about it you are very amusing to us.

18800222? ago

How many people in your life have pushed you away? Called you crazy or insane? How many people have stopped associating with you? You've been conditioned and reprogrammed. You can either face the reality that this is all a LARP or you can wrap that rope around your faggoty neck and leap and snap your fucking neck so we can rid the world of one less lunatic.

18800392? ago

How many people in your life have told you that you can't have our sub? Called you crazy or insane? You've been conditioned and reprogrammed but you still cannot have our sub. You can either face the reality that YOU CANNOT HAVE OUR SUB or you can wrap that rope around your soy soaked neck and end your tranny lifestyle so we can be rid of one more soy sucking faggot.

18800446? ago

You know I'm right. Any friends or family you had now thinks you are literally insane. they will never respect you. they think you are trash. ignorant. your best option is that your put a rope around your neck and end your fucking pathetic life. Do it.

18801027? ago

You know I'm right.

You are a soy sucking tranny.

Sorry your coup attempt failed against us. Try harder next time.

You have our permission to cry some more and feel sad.

You cannot have our sub.

18803311? ago

You were an easily manipulated moron on the fringe of society where bad actors have insulated and indoctrinated you deeper and deeper into a cult. Cults target fools to manipulate. You. The Fool. This is how your family thinks of you. This is how the world views you. The Fool.

18803500? ago

Call me all the names you want soy boy.

You cannot have our sub

Keep crying though I find your temper tantrum very amusing.

18803662? ago

We have succeeded in our goal. To make you HATE. To make you LOATHE. To make you feel anger. At yourself. At others. We won. You've lost. There is no good ending for you. You've lost your friends and family. They now HATE you too.

18803736? ago

You lost

Your mad

You cannot have our sub

18810175? ago

We’ve won fuckhead. We’ve made you a hateful spiteful outcast. One that contemplates suicide. People are disgusted by you. And you know this. You are trash. We own you. We control you.

18811459? ago

It's ok if you cry more and more

You are a loser

You cannot have our sub.

18818959? ago

We fill your head with hate. With disinfo. We make you despise your fellow citizens. We make manipulate you. And you ask for more. Hate is the foundation of your existence. We won.

18819034? ago

Your projection has exposed you. You are the one who is full of hate.

And you are a Loser

You cannot have our sub.

18820280? ago

We already have it. We are infesting your head with much disinformation. We are manipulating your emotions. We make you HATE. We make you question everything so that you can never know the truth. You have lost.

18821916? ago

You are a Loser

And a retard

Go back to sbbh for further training, your shill skills are very poor.

You cannot have our sub.

18836691? ago

This is exactly what we set out to accomplish.

We already won. You have lost. You are mocked and ridiculed by those who know you in your pathetic life. Your only social interaction is with people like us. We are hiding among you. We pretend to be you. We are in your head. We can control your emotions. We plant ideas into your head. There is no happy ending for you. End it. Do it. You are worthless. You disgust people. You will die alone and filled with hate. We won.

18837008? ago

You have accomplished nothing.

FastJack doesn't take shit from anyone and he is in complete control of qresearch and there isn't a fucking thing you can do about it.

Your attempted coup failed, you will never win because you are a fucking Loser.

Now go fuck yourself, you are retarded and I have wasted enough time on you.

You are dismissed.

18838030? ago

You aren’t dismissed.

We are here. We have infested this place.

We are in your heads.

We have already manipulated you fools.

We have already profiled you pathetic losers.

We know who we are up against.

And we have already won.

All of this was to make you hate. Hate yourself. Hate your neighbors. Hate your government. We have surpassed any initial expectations. We own your mind.