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PuttItOut ago

We banned a bunch of accounts today and sent a tremendous amount of warnings.

I did accidently run a batch with a bad config setting and had to manually reverse things.

I think many that got warnings today may be from things up to two months ago.

We don't check warnings like we do bans, so you can get a warning pretty easily but it's nothing to worry about, just a way of us saying "hey, your account showed up on the naughty report."

Durm ago

Does that mean with respect to your script as a whole that I did do something, but maybe two months ago?

PuttItOut ago

Yes. The last time we did manipulation bans was end of March, so this run covered that point forward.

Durm ago

So I did something you considered manipulation.

PuttItOut ago

I don't consider it manipulation, it is manipulation. You don't ever show up on this report unless you are targeting another inorganically.

Warnings are used when one or more metrics don't absolutely confirm manipulation, i.e. maybe there was a long convo people had and they hated each other for days of back and forth arguing.

NeedleStack ago

Warnings are used when one or more metrics don't absolutely confirm manipulation, i.e. maybe there was a long convo people had and they hated each other for days of back and forth arguing.

Then you have a terribly-made metric on your hands because arguments like that happen on voat often and those users don't warrant getting caught up in the dragnet.

PuttItOut ago

Needles you never resist punching do you?

It's pretty complicated, and with any statistical outcome there is always a margin of error. You know this right?

NeedleStack ago

I gave a valid criticism to the metric and you in turn make a personal insult and then further patronize me. Nice.

Yeah, there is a margin of error and because of that, there should be no action taken toward people's accounts but a flag on your end to further investigate.

Users are going to get their longtime accounts banned because of this bad algorithm and that is serious.

Stop running the algorithm until it's sorted out. I know that downvoat or upvoat brigades are a problem but don't see the overall benefit of this project.

Why not scrap the project altogether and focus all these energies on combatting spam? The reporting method in v/ReportSpammers seems to work well enough.

Fateswebb ago

This, and that's what I'm worried about. I don't mind getting flagged if they're willing to use it as a opportunity to fix the script that's flagging legit users rather than just go... Nope the script is perfect and you must have been doing something..

Dortex ago

In one post, it's perfect and Putt already fixed any mistakes he made himself. Here he tells us there's a margin of error. Meanwhile u/theoldones begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it. Also u/TruthDefender is his alt. He likes to use it to sniff his own farts. Does he get banned? No.

theoldones ago

@Cynabuns spam here

Fateswebb ago

All I know is I don't have an alt, and I don't colluded with others to vote a certain way so I'm innocent of "vote manipulation" if all you do is vote for your own sole self on your own sole account how could that be vote manipulation? That's just "vote" as in you voted...


Dortex ago

You can't vote for yourself at all. The closest you come to that is the automatic +1 you get when you make a post. Comments, on the other hand, you can't vote up at all.

Fateswebb ago

Yeah I've accidently hit that button and it undoes itself immediately .