SearchVoatBot ago

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Shizy ago

I see typo o deleted his comments from the linked thread.

Crensch ago

If you look at his username and then look at his badges, you'll see a tombstone. He deleted his entire account.

Shizy ago

Looks like that was a successful gassing!

Crensch ago

Why, thank you. I'm a little proud of it myself.

Shizy ago

Well you should be!

Crensch ago

Holy shit this comment nest got hammered with downvotes.

Shizy ago


Crensch ago


Shizy ago

Haha! It's like the death pangs following a successful gassing!

Vindicator ago

LOL. I was just asking @whiteronin and @srayzie why TypoO deleted his whole account. I saw this thread and wondered what had originally gotten him on the Crensch Control Tower radar, but when I went to check his history, it was already gone. No one got archives, I take it?

WhiteRonin ago

The trench warfare has been fun :-)

Crensch ago

Check @MadWorld comments.

He probably also has the entire comment history archives.


MadWorld ago

Not sure how to do a screenshot without running into jpg limit, but here is the pdf file of the deceased:

Vindicator ago

the deceased


MadWorld ago

Yes, type-o's comments are there. I am having trouble generating image file because the length is longer than max limit of jpg format. Pdf file is also quite long, some 170 pages.

clamhurt_legbeard ago




Gee, why did he delete ask his posts? lol

Crensch ago

There's an option to do that when you delete your username.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yeah, I'm just pointing out how hard he lost.

MadWorld ago

I am stealing Putt's joke: "His submissions won't be deleted here..."

(type-o-negative) User's submission history:

User Time Title Source Domain
Type-o-Negative 2018-10-12 09:55:29 Kid Rock Joins President Trump & Kanye West at White House for Music Bill Signing & Even Trolls MSM When They Asked a Political Question src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-10-10 04:42:18 There are no Coincidences - Q_ Mystery as Christine Ford's FBI Lawyer Pal Is Linked to Owner of Limo Company That Killed 20 People in NY src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-10-09 07:32:05 Symbolism Will be Their Down Fall: The Clinton Crime Cartel is Going on Tour in 13 Cities Starting Next Month on November 13th. Get Your Tickets now at LiveNation while they last! src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-10-08 02:42:29 Remember When The Contortionist Said the OPM was Hacked by the Chinese? Part V - The Kenya Connection (Part 6 of 6) src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-10-08 02:28:35 Remember When The Contortionist Said the OPM was Hacked by the Chinese? Part IV - OPM Stolen Data Used In Virginia! (Part 5 of 6) src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-10-08 02:27:18 Remember When The Contortionist Said the OPM was Hacked by the Chinese? Part III - Forthcoming OPM Breach IG Report (Part 4 of 6) src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-10-08 00:42:35 Remember When The Contortionist Said the OPM was Hacked by the Chinese? Part II - The Hack Itself (Part 3 of 6) src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-10-08 00:41:36 Remember When The Contortionist Said the OPM was Hacked by the Chinese? Part I - The Key Players (Part 2 of 6) src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-10-08 00:40:51 Remember When The Contortionist Said the OPM was Hacked by the Chinese? Introduction (Part 1 of 6) src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-10-07 04:48:45 The Good: A 5.9 Earthquake Hits Northern Haiti -The Bad:The Clintons are out of the country. The Ugly: Huma is With Them src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-10-06 04:26:09 Q Post 2351 - Justice K >>> Highest Court in the Land. src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-10-05 07:09:20 Are You Close to Being Arrested? Only Allowed White Tee-Shirts Where You are Going? You are in Luck! It's @NeonRevolt's Tee-Shirt Sale This Sunday Only!!! src v/neonrevolt
.. 2018-10-05 06:19:30 Amy Schumer Arrested at Brett Kavanaugh Protest src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-10-04 21:01:06 Juanita Broaddrick Launches White House Petition To Investigate Bill Clinton src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-10-04 08:47:30 SerialBrain2 - Q: The Road to Freedom - Read by the War Drummer src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-10-04 04:35:59 Q Posts 2315 - Resolution 610 src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-10-03 19:05:53 What an Amazing Coincidence! Amy Schumer of all People is Marching in Support of Dr. Fraud. src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-10-03 18:35:10 Oh Look, Hillary is a Concern Troll src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-10-03 18:19:58 Wooohooo I Got The Alert! Did You? src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-10-01 05:56:30 Would You Believe Kavanaugh's Classmate / Friend Mark Judge Wrote a Book in 2010? Tremors of Bliss, Sex, Catholicism, and Rock 'n' Roll src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-09-30 01:53:50 What a Coincidence! Amy Schumer Has Rescheduled Her Sept. 28 Performance Due to a "Schedule Conflict" src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-09-29 16:17:52 Why Does NeonRevolt's Shop Feel Like the a Company Store at Work that Accepts Points Coupons for Awesome Customer Service? src v/neonrevolt
.. 2018-09-28 17:17:46 Military Stealth Fighter Crashes in South Carolina src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-09-28 17:00:19 Amy Schumer Starring as Dr. Ford? A Lot of Coincidences Inside src v/theawakening
.. 2018-09-28 07:47:06 Amy Schumer starring as Dr. Ford? src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-09-26 15:47:38 Forget Plaid Shirt Guy; Am I the Only One Who Caught This at the Trump Montana Speech? src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-09-26 04:16:25 Anyone Ever Wondered What Life Would Looked Like Had She Won? src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-09-23 06:37:11 Q Post #1001 - Epstein Island, Did You Think Nothing is Happening? src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-09-22 11:04:25 What If I Told You Q's Trip Code was Hacked - Check This Out src v/GreatAwakening
.. 2018-09-22 11:01:57 What If I Told You Q's Trip Code was Hacked - Check This Out src v/theawakening
.. 2018-09-19 06:25:19 Q Says Expand Your Mind - Have You Ever Had a Comment Removed or a Post Deleted For No Reason & the Mods Suddenly Has Amnesia? There is a Way You Can Check! src v/theawakening
.. 2018-09-19 05:28:21 What Did Q Say About Payriots? Interesting NeonRevolt (aka RonaldSwansong) Has a Webpage Crypto-Miner That Uses YOUR Device Resources to Mine Free Cash For Him src v/theawakening
.. 2018-09-18 02:42:41 So, What Does NeonRevolt, and a Mod From v/theawakening Have in Common? How about A Lot of Coincidences and Projection for Starters! Lets Dive Right In, Shall We? src v/GreatAwakening

Voopin__Voopin ago

thanks for the ping, crensch :)

getting to the bottom of this gassing, and i've got 3 separate threads open right now. the original gassing (assange thread), the "think q is a larp?" thread, and the neonrevolt thread.

damn, you've been busy! Also fucking LOL @ "No Jews or kikery" in the sidebar. Damn i love voat. while im being rambly this morning, i fucking love your "one step closer" pic. holy shit that's a beautiful sight. Passing out the upgoats like it's da firsss of da monffff and i just got paid!

Crensch ago

You're welcome. Glad you're enjoying the show, bud.

ThoseFeels ago

You handled him, but um.... don't fixate on Q, do you? That would surprise me actually. Maybe I'm reading this wrong?

Crensch ago

To answer a different possible question you have, /v/GreatAwakening is an intrinsic part of Voat - organically grown to over a thousand subs by @srayzie, who created it and went through the Voat gauntlet from complete naivete to being one of the most well-liked goats on the site.

When the faggot Q boomers from rEddit came over and started attacking GA, more goats jumped in the trenches to defend it than I've ever seen - and FAR more gloriously than ever before. The literary savagery should be documented - a whole chapter of the book of Voat history dedicated to it.

Not only is GA part of Voat, and sanctioned by the old goats, but @srayzie is also my mod in PG, and as of a month (two? three?) ago, I decided to start destroying the users that attack them for no legitimate reason.

kestrel9 ago

When the faggot Q boomers from rEddit came over and started attacking GA, more goats jumped in the trenches to defend it than I've ever seen - and FAR more gloriously than ever before. The literary savagery should be documented - a whole chapter of the book of Voat history dedicated to it.

It's true, embittered reddit Mods lost their grasp on thousands of oppressed who didn't know what freedom was until they found the battle scarred lands of Voat! And knowing that they can't convince people to return to enslavery, they rely on the manipulative tactics of trolling to fabricate dissent or fake 'peer' pressure, in order to curtail true free speech.

Crensch ago

Don't know how I missed this comment before. Upvote and apologies.

Crensch ago

Fixate? No.

I'm convinced Q is not a LARP, because the evidence linking Q to Trump is undeniable, IMO. I see Trump making America great again, so I don't see much harm in Q, even if it's some kind of psyop.

I asked the goats to provide evidence that Q was a LARP a while back - no valid responses. Another user (one I liked) wound up gassed over his Jew-like argumentation. It wasn't his position, it was how he argued it; his most egregious sin being wasting my time on pointing out timestamps of some video that turned out to be complete horseshit.


ThoseFeels ago

What do you say about the suggestion that Q is in fact 'real' but his purpose is not to awaken people, rather than to keep them sitting in their chairs waiting for all the supposed good guys working behind the scenes to do the work for them to save the country? I'm effect, I'm saying isn't there plenty of reason to believe Q is just holding back a dam of would be activists because they are pacified with his 'trust the plan' thing?

Crensch ago


My only counter to that is that a lot of people are waking up from the mainstream media and learning that a lot of the conspiracy theorists of the 70s 80s and 90s were correct. These people that have been asleep for so long have awakened and while they're not truly redpilled yet, they are far more open to it than they've ever been in their entire lives.

Q might be delaying the inevitable bullets flying, but he swelling our ranks massively.

And I could be wrong 100%.

Vindicator ago

Crensch, did you notice in that Q Larp thread that you and I got the ESOTERICshade brigade treatment? It's always 6 to 8 downvotes or a multiple of those.

I've seen the downvote count double overnight more than once (a notable example being that thread I did on freshmeat's alts where all of my comments got 6 downvotes in the first half hour, then another six overnight) and I'd bet that's what happened here, too. Does that mean there are just 6-8 alts doing it with VPNs? Or does it take 12-16 different sock puppets to brigade like that?

think- ago

Or does it take 12-16 different sock puppets to brigade like that?

Why do you think it would take 12-16 sock puppet accounts? looks confused

Vindicator ago

Because that's the number of downvotes there usually ends up being.

Another way to rephrase the question: If you use a VPN, can you downvote the same comment more than once with a single alt? Can VPN's foil whatever source recognition Voat has? Or does a brigader also need separate machine ID's to do that, like a bunch of old phones or tablets. Maybe @Madworld knows?

MadWorld ago

The user can use one alt to upvote himself one time from the same ip address. If someone wants to vote more than that, he would have to switch ips and accounts. This can be achieved in several ways, such as using multiple browsers through proxy, virtual machines, or from good old command line. But some users, such as those streetshitters caught by @Mumbleberry, write their own tools to make the task seem effortless to perform.

Crensch ago

I'm a little confused myself, but I answered as best I could.

Crensch ago

For every down voat a dishonest fuck can make, he needs an account with a hundred CCP. Only need one VPN service since you can change your location and IP to multiple hundreds of places these days.

14527826? ago

Kill shot.

Crensch ago

Crensch ago

@heygeorge @ExpertShitposter @gabara @Rainy-Day-Dream @Trigglypuff

Can I claim this one as a killshot?

heygeorge ago

Yes! Wow. I hope somebody backed up his info about @NeonRevolt.

kestrel9 ago

Neon Revolt, the person who knows 'the chosen ones'?

In his best Shakespearian voice:

You've gone against Q now, and his selected people.

You will be the one worse for the wear.

Neon Revolt, the one who said Voat was lights out and dragged 'HIS* legion to the chans (escaping such horrors as being called niggerfaggot, but they were encouraged to buckle up and expect to endure a lot of gore?) Yeah that guy.

Crensch ago

MadWorld ago

XD Yeah that neonfag was archived when I saw his bullshit article.

ExpertShitposter ago

@NeonRevolt a shit.