SearchVoatBot ago

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1scm ago

Affirmative, Verizon California

KKOH ago

So, if we did not receive the EMS alert, who do we contact to ensure we receive them henceforth? Our carrier, i.e., Verizon?

Awful-Falafel ago

Got mine at 2:18 exactly.

Groot207 ago

Not yet at 2:28, east coast Verizon.

Type-o-Negative ago

Strange, I am Verizon too east coast.

DamnLiquor ago

didn't get it

muchpoodoo ago

Sitting with a group and we didn’t get it

Type-o-Negative ago

Yeah I took a screenshot, not on my phone though, on another device.

KKOH ago

No, did you take a photo? What did it say? Another at 2:20

kraftykat ago

This is all it was