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Type-o-Negative ago

The cabal doesn't care about collateral damage. If their target is on a commercial airliner, they have no problem with killing 300 to just get that one person they are after.

I will check out that site too, I actually have it bookmarked. One must use discernment while surfing that website as not everything they say is true. However, it is a good site to begin digging a new rabbit hole with. Thanks Patriot!

Patti_McGreen ago

Background info is not favorable towards Sorcha Faal for that disinfo website. Which i already suspected... but sometimes they've been correct?

Type-o-Negative ago

Yes they have been correct, but then there was article about a month that President Trump and Putin were planning an invasion in a central American country.

Its like National Inquirer, most of the stories are bullshit while one article is 100% completely true.

Patti_McGreen ago

Gotcha... let me know if you find anything. Next few days are very busy...but will check in when I have time.

Patti_McGreen ago

I agree about checking sources. And yes I do understand that TPTB have no qualms about innocent victims being taken to get just one targeted person.

Their tactics are so perverse to make one question the truth from conspiracy theories.