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MountainFree ago

We would be under Military rule and watching military tribunals. Economy would be in the tank because everyone would be turtling and hoarding.

CommonCents1 ago

i believe the military had alternate plans for such a scenario, it makes sense Fraudbama was replacing many of them and that they clued in Trump when he became the nominee, or perhaps before. It lends credibility to Rogers from NSA meeting with Trump and more evidence the Q team is real.

Are_we_sure ago

So fucking stupid and fake.

Type-o-Negative ago

Are we sure about that?

ThreeBladedKnife ago

Someone would've taken her out already. We would have had civil war, martial law and enough assassinations to make the 60's look like children playing in a sandbox.

It would've been Hell on earth, with no end in sight.

SeekNuShallFind ago

What' the plan to stop the Belt and Road Initiative, China's UN sanctioned plan to tranform the world ?

SeekNuShallFind ago

Only alternative I could find is here. "What do you do if you are uneasy about the way China is calling the shots on infrastructure in the region? Set up your own infrastructure fund, with your own set of rules. The new infrastructure partnership announced by the US, Australia and Japan doesn't even have a name yet."

Esoteric_avenger ago

FEMA death camps. Civil war and invasion. Genocide and a Satanic New World Order of Ashkenazi's- with a mixed race, Low IQ slave class

Keneo77 ago

Yep, Canada on steroids.

Are_we_sure ago

That's your idea of Canada?

Keneo77 ago

Under Trudeau, yeah were fucked.

Xenophobic ago

I picture Will Smith I Am Legend. That's what the US would look like

DamnLiquor ago

"they will not be able to walk the streets"

belliferous ago

We would be rounded up one at a time and charged with trumped up felonies including sedition and possibly treason. Put in re-education camps and prison work camps. For those who are not able to bend a knee and kiss a boot, a shallow ditch...

Keneo77 ago

Exactly and it could still happen if they win in Nov.