Ardithla ago

Maybe Trump can give out crisis Actor awards like he did the fake news.

Type-o-Negative ago

Thank you Patriot!

Added and archived!

amarQ144 ago

It should be great. She has a new "spoof" show...way better than Sasha Cohen...the first episode they spoof the whole senate

Pickzilla ago

Anyone have access to facial recognition software?

Type-o-Negative ago

This is the best we have:

Wobblegong ago

What’s the coincidence

stbelmont ago the possibility that Schumer has an acting job in D.C.

VoutGuy ago

Oh fuck no! Not that site again. It's like conspiracy crack.

the_art_collector ago

They might be related. Would make sense considering Chuck Schumer.

Type-o-Negative ago

Chuck Schumer is Amy's second cousin, found it the other day on Wikipedia.

Wobblegong ago

Seems far fetched but at this point I wouldn’t completely dismiss it.

Type-o-Negative ago

You might as well log out then, because there are more "far-fetched" things your mind will have trouble grasping...

VoutGuy ago

She had tickets to the no-holds-barred buffet that night?

Type-o-Negative ago

Wow, that was soooo wrong (for most people), but hey I am OK with it!