Helbrecht ago

This is good shit. Hope she gets a response from POTUS. Would love to see the Clintons squirm

Knowunderstandspeak ago

Members of my fam signed and I’m passing it on.

MidnightDStroyer ago

Been there, signed that. Even after all of these years she deserves her piece of Justice, no matter how many others are in line for theirs.


I can't wait to throw the line "but these are very serious allegations" at every fucking libtard who complains when this investigation moves forward.

SkyeVeritas ago

Signed. This has been a long time in coming.

BurqaFart ago

How is Juanita still alive?

AmmaK ago

It was my pleasure to sign this petition for Juanita!!

Type-o-Negative ago

You rock Patriot AmmaK! 💯👍🇱🇷

LPanon ago

I cannot wait for all of them to scatter in the wind, when this all goes down.

bamadeplorable420 ago


Type-o-Negative ago

Same here! This is a long time coming for her and she deserves it after that Dr. Fraud fisco scam to smear a really qualified Federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Time to quit crying over thrown ice to putting these criminals on ice once and for all!

KueAnaan ago

I signed, let's make this happen! Post this on The_Donald!

Type-o-Negative ago

Feel free to post this on The_Donald or anywhere else you see fit Patriot!

sunsettruthseeker17 ago

I hope that Juanita Brodderick gets to see Bill Clinton pay for his crimes. I admire her for her tenacity and strength to not be intimidated by the corrupt Clintons.

Type-o-Negative ago

How awesome it would have to be to finally get justice and closure after all these painful years.

221113 ago

So you like investigating 35 year old rape cases, Dems? OK. What's good for the goose...

TexasInfidel ago

The wrong road to Clinton for sure, pissing up a fucking rope with that lame shit.Feds already have what they need in place for Slick Willie. Patience children his day will come in our life time.

MrGruffles ago

I just don't quite understand how all of a sudden Democrats are willing to listen to any bullshit allegation when not even 20 years ago the same shit happened they swept it under the rug, MULTIPLE TIMES. Only difference between Ford and Broaddrick is that Broaddrick somewhat actually had a case. She has corroborating witnesses, and she can actually remember the whole damn thing. I'm signing the fuck out of this. Hope ol Billy Boy gets a little taste of his own medicine in prison

This country needs genocide

Stonenchizel ago

That's Awesome ! I really hope Juanita finally gets her justice that she so obviously deserves for her constant courage that she has never wavered on after all these years..... Now Juanita recalls everything where & when & how & especially who : That who who Raped Her was none other than Bill Clinton nown as Old Slick Willie for his reputation that has followed him his entire life.... I pray God bless Juanita with the Rape Trial she deserves, so that Bill Clinton can be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law for RAPE

heartlovealive1 ago

Awesome !!! Finally

Guccijacuzzi ago


Type-o-Negative ago


Spyder ago

My wife and I signed it.

Type-o-Negative ago

Right on Patriots!

Mrsdave2 ago

Signed it on Twitter

Type-o-Negative ago

You are awesome Mrs. Patriot! 👍

alluphill ago

I also signed after seeing it on Twatter. Juanita is credible and strong. Get Bill, the rapist.

Mrsdave2 ago

I like to see that smug look off his face .

ZenmasterTruth ago


CrowWatcher ago

I signed it. Justice!

Type-o-Negative ago

Awesome job Patriot, Juanita has over 1000 signatures since putting this up which means this is going viral all over the USA since yesterday! 👍💯

mostlysafe8 ago

The first in the line of many dominoes.

Evil never succeeds.

Anonfarmer ago

I would sign it. .... ...... but have you seen how many people the Clinton's have killed!!?? 😱

Type-o-Negative ago

I sure have and there is even a website dedicated to it:


Anonfarmer ago

Yes I have seen it. Thank you.


Get him Juanita!!! We believe you. She is a very credible and competent woman.

HawkEye328 ago

Get the popcorn! If they can do it with Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein Clinton's buddies...hey let's get the show on the road! No more special treatment for the Democrats abuse of power and crimes!

P3gasusActual ago

Godspeed, Juanita! He deserves to be hanged.

Tcat2 ago


Type-o-Negative ago

Awesome Patriot!

ValiMAGA ago

I hope justice comes for all of these people. Better late than never..

tossitrightinthere ago

signed it.

Pyra ago

Me too!

tossitrightinthere ago


Trial_and_Error ago

Signed after reading more into it

tossitrightinthere ago


Type-o-Negative ago

Right on Patriot!

Ricky1974 ago

I would definitely like to see this happen for the simple case that it will bring to light his wrong doing, but his wife's too.

Type-o-Negative ago

You think Hillary is laughing now like she was yesterday?

I bet she is sacrificing a real bona-fide Purdue chicken for Moloch hoping that will suffice in place of children.

Ricky1974 ago

She has her health to worry about now, she is not a well person, and not because she is a liberal. She also have that fact that she is involved with so much corruption that eventually something is going to take her down.

pepefrogjr ago

bitch lacks adrenochrome now.looks like a old hag. Lock her up

Type-o-Negative ago

Kuru seems to be doing a good job so far. 👍

impendingpeace ago

Great comment, read my mind. And great username ;)

mostlysafe8 ago

Beat me to it.

Real time Baba Yaga.

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/atensnut/status/1047651323456507904 :

Juanita Broaddrick on Twitter: "This is my petition to the White House for criminal investigation into sex crimes committed by Bill Clinton. Be sure to verify in email. 100K required for President Trump to order.… t.co/B1FGCCkKnp"

This has been an automated message.

RG72 ago

I would sign it. He's a rapist. And his wife covers it up.

mrfetus ago

Then do.