The Good: A 5.9 Earthquake Hits Northern Haiti -The Bad:The Clintons are out of the country. The Ugly: Huma is With Them (GreatAwakening)
submitted 6.3 years ago by Type-o-Negative
We all know how the clinton crime cartel stole all the money from the Haitians and took the villages too. Currently, they are in Germany for Octoberfest.
An earthquake hit Haiti yesterday around mid afternoon
I know it is CNN, but I was looking at their page after another fellow anon noticed they are starting to tell the truth.
crownedfive 6.3 years ago
i highly doubt they are just having a vacation in germany... unless they've given up, which wouldn't surprise me, and they're counting down their days left of life or freedom... so they say, fuck it... let's go drink beer in germany
whatisbestinlife 6.3 years ago
shouldnt these people be under investigation? how are they allowed free travel
Type-o-Negative 6.3 years ago
They have ankle trackers and a USSS detail too. I thought huma was in gitmo, so just as shocked as you are.
derram 6.3 years ago :
Bill and Hillary Clinton attend Oktoberfest in Munich | Daily Mail Online :
Haiti earthquake: Magnitude 5.9 temblor hits island - CNN
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crownedfive ago
i highly doubt they are just having a vacation in germany... unless they've given up, which wouldn't surprise me, and they're counting down their days left of life or freedom... so they say, fuck it... let's go drink beer in germany
whatisbestinlife ago
shouldnt these people be under investigation? how are they allowed free travel
Type-o-Negative ago
They have ankle trackers and a USSS detail too. I thought huma was in gitmo, so just as shocked as you are.
derram ago : :
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