23339147? ago

a movie, a social website link or a collection of video game? https://voat.co/v/news/3758390/23339025

23334969? ago

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23333925? ago

link to snopes, all I need to see

23333483? ago

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23332422? ago

What is the easiest way to hide something?

In plain sight.

They are hiding this in plain sight.

23332140? ago

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23331639? ago

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23327785? ago


How do you hide the truth?

Ex: create a website and label it fake?

How do you hide the truth?

Create a public 'trend' re: term 'conspiracy' to humiliate [typecast as 'mental' 'crazy' 'looney'] anyone who opposes the narrative?

How do you hide the truth?

Control majority of media to project [echo] a controlled message re: a desired topic?


23326599? ago

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23325028? ago

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23324646? ago

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23324628? ago

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23324565? ago

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23324457? ago

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23323515? ago

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23321538? ago

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23321397? ago

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23321320? ago

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23312218? ago

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23307520? ago

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23306375? ago

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23306192? ago

"Hiding in plain sight"

could it be like that fake plastic food they have in the windows of some restaurants, to serve as an example of what you can order for REAL from the menu?

Guys. Give Q some credit please

23306182? ago

So, let me get this straight. This whole Q thing is about RESEARCHING FOR YOURSELF, and digging and uncovering things and you honestly think Q would post this stuff and think anons wouldn't find out where the imagery came from? Looks like Q is trying to bring our attention to the fact that this stuff is normalized and joked about. Seems to me that perhaps Q is saying, it's much Darker than just "jokes". Perhaps these "jokes" are based on reality.

That some of you are freaking out saying "ahhhh Q is fake because he posted resident evil pics"..... you are guys are frickkin' idiots or really, REALLY shallow thinkers.

23306104? ago

HIPAA- show bodies without consent. No can do. Federal offense, criminal.

23306065? ago

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23305806? ago


23305780? ago

this site is a vegan shock site that stole the resident evil photo. Q should be ashamed.

23305753? ago

You are looking at their branding.

What is more important is what service is being offered behind the brand?

Your attempt to gaslight failed.

Sorry, shillbot.

23305742? ago

Is the fake image a computer generated image? Not to me, looks like an actual photo.

Ever wonder where Resident Evil got it from? Maybe they staged it just for their game and thus totally fake... maybe not? Maybe they got it from somewhere else and just used it for their game?

Not saying either way, don't know. Just saying that with all the corrupt people in this world, the evil runs deep at all kinds of companies and governments, anything is possible. Time will tell!

Shouting "Q is fake" without being open minded and open to other possibilities sounds pretty shill-ish to me, just saying.

23310077? ago

Looks like CG to me.

23311931? ago


Even if it is, maybe the point wasn't that it was real but that they are putting it right out there what they are doing. Shoving it right in our faces, similar to how so many movies that portray stuff that we now know they are really doing. I suspect that in the future, we'll be viewing movies, books, music, etc. of the past in a whole new light.

Maybe we need to be digging on the makes of the game? Who are they connected to and such?

23312016? ago

I think it's made by Capcom who are Japanese. Japan has a lot of extreme and dark media in general.

23305718? ago

Toughen up or vote Chinese.

23305711? ago

It's always been fake

23305704? ago

TRANSLATION: A Q drop just triggered the fuck out of me! Time to shill for mY masters.

23310165? ago

You're retarded.

23316293? ago

as if it would be hard to give an anonymous account to someone..

23317967? ago

I think an easier explanation is that Q wanted to bring attention to the movement from press and getting people to dogpile a rando was a good way to do it as it gave a reason for the press to shit on it. The same dynamic could be in play here.

23310100? ago

It's OP's fault that Q put out some bogus info?

23305697? ago

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23305661? ago

The content linked was to show what is being normalized - like Resident Evil 6 promo.

These people are truly Evil is an understatement.

23333310? ago

But I thought Q had it all??? I thought they had the videos and whatnot? fucking bullshit

23338208? ago

Bye bye then!

23310066? ago

That's not what Q's implying.

23306043? ago

Yeah he proved a real good point tricking us with a fake link to a fake meat shop using 8 year old capcom photos.

23306061? ago

Bye then shill. No need for more of your shilling. Good riddance!

23306021? ago

Welcome to Q Fantasy Land where reality and Facts are down voted. Just like the libtards are doing

23309457? ago

found the libtard ^^^

23309511? ago

found the O Qultist ^^^

23305694? ago

It is like the programming on your television.

I think "Stinkfist" by Tool pretty accurately sums it up.

23332616? ago


23305775? ago

Video to 46&2 is prob 1st hand account of something somewhere

23316515? ago

Wouldn't suprise me, but my gut (worthless measuring stick, yeah) says Tool are not pro-Cabal.

23325890? ago

Danny Carrey is an open satanist


23325853? ago

" I sold my soul to make a record..dipshit..and you bought one."

23330361? ago

Meh, in the context of the song it has always made sense as a fan confronting the band about selling out and finding out they are different people than their stage personas...

False advertising....

A hooker with a penis

Get it?

23305652? ago

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23305633? ago

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23305630? ago

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23305629? ago

4PM talking points. Suck it shill. Time is short.

23305617? ago

Yep, looks all fake.

Like that other anon said, when you leave, take some of the nazitards with you.

23333320? ago

Nazis got us to the moon, jew boy

23310142? ago

How often does the DS put shit like this out in the open? It's obviously fake. Critical thinking.

23306402? ago

So they used video game pics for their branding.

They are still involved in cannibalism.

Or let me guess.. are you just going to focus on the game and pretend nothing else is happening?


23305602? ago

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23305508? ago

You fucking liar

23305558? ago

Liar??? The fucking proof is in your face!!! And it's not a Cult...

23305572? ago

Reeeeeeeeee don't hurt my feelz bully

23305495? ago

We need ventilators.

23312512? ago

No, no we don’t .

23313997? ago

Will you choose who lives and who dies.

23328334? ago

That's not the problem.

Ventilators don't work. Period. This is an attack on your red blood cells. It doesn't matter if you're in a hyperbaric chamber at a few atmospheres with 100% oxygen if your blood cells can't even carry a sufficient amount. If you're letting a pt get that far, you've fucked up and completely misunderstand COVID-19.

This person sums it up quite nicely: https://web.archive.org/web/20200405061401/https://medium.com/@agaiziunas/covid-19-had-us-all-fooled-but-now-we-might-have-finally-found-its-secret-91182386efcb

23305487? ago

one of the pictures was proven to be fake


Was the "proof" posted on catbox? It isn't proof unless it is posted on catbox.

23305485? ago

Hiding in plain sight?

23305465? ago

HAHAHAHahahahahahaha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Catch!

Wait for the flow of downvotes from Qultists to hide reality.

23305848? ago

^^^ OP's alt account ^^^

Anyone with half a clue can see the OP is trying to gaslight everyone.

Since we know you aren't that stupid, you are the OP.

23305459? ago

I say its probably time for you to leave the movement. It looks fake to me too.

When you leave, can you take some nazitards with you, please?

23307595? ago

The nazitards are jews larping.

23305448? ago



23305445? ago


23305433? ago
