MattHelm ago

We know cannibalism is real because people who eat humans get Kuru disease and it's been theorized that Hillary Clinton has Kuru disease. You will definitely get sick if you eat human meat but Satanists don't care about that they think it makes them Godlike. Podesta has paintings of cannibalism in his office and he was profiled in the Washington Post he told the reporter "it's better to be the guy eating than to be the poor guy who is getting eaten" so we know they take this shit seriously. Disgusting.

Fuckingcucks ago

i grew up in l.a. and have never heard of this place.

other institutions that throw up red flags for me are The Museum of Death (undoubtedly run by satanists/got serious weird vibes from the front desk people) and the Scientology Center on sunset blvd. There is also another death museum on sunset near hollywood that has the door to "Divine's" hotel room where she died--it looks like a little funeral parlor--strange vibes.

joey4track ago

This is fake why is it still up? Seriously I wonder about a lot of the posts that are allowed to make it to the top.

Piscina ago

They do eat humans. It's called 'long pork'. Apparently we taste like pork and we are 'long' because we walk on two legs. Members/diners go through a vetting process "avoid disruption from the less enlightened." I suppose I'm one of those 'unenlightened'. I'd bet London to a brick they're Satanists.

Piscina ago

This is disgusting. Where are they getting the dead bodies from?

dtneslo ago

Real or not, the Celebrity/politico/financial 1percent have their secret pop up restaurants and clubs etc...completely believable that they'd do this shit because they're so enlightened....

wtf_is_happening ago

If this is a hoax, what is the intent? Looks like disinformation to discredit people like us (ie to ridicule people who thought it was genuine evidence.) Even if it is a hoax, the intent is probably sinister.

LakeOfFire ago

On the home page: "Our exclusive clientele includes noted filmmakers, intellectuals, and celebrities who have embraced the Enlightenment ideals of free expression and rationalism. On event nights, avant-garde performance artists, celebrated literary figures, and ground-breaking musicians entertain our guests."

jangles ago

This is pizzagate @Millenal_Falcon

gardenofbacchus ago

This is not a real website, it's a joke and meant to accompany a book release. Notice how it says "this week on the menu" everywhere with no actual dates at all. Complete joke. However the point to take away is that what this joke website advertises is actually happening everywhere at unimaginable levels and we all know that as a fact now

Hermesthriceborn ago

what connections to the book are there besides the name Elspeth blake?

redditsuckz ago

Room 11 DC Special order "WARCHILD"...WAR-CHILD...blood from a child of war...;

666 = blood of human - Pandaheadmorgan - Friends with James Alefantis/Comet Ping Pong

"Warchild" drink - $6.66

Room11dc - "Can we get a popup in there?" - digging pic

Image dump from room 11 dc;

\m/ <---This symbol also known as "metal as fuck"/horned-hand also means "blood of humans".

Room11dc instagram;

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

6 months ago, I would have called BS on this post. But now after everything I've learned, I'm not so sure it's fake.

Rmm ago

This is the pinnacle of demonic depravity. the only reason I'm not more shocked is because of all the visuals I've seen in connection with Pizzagate already. I mean, I almost wanted to puke when I saw some of the "art" work, and imagined what these babies are going through, so to see this almost brings it full circle. The more I se of this, the more sense it all makes that PIZZAGATE IS REAL

zzvoat ago

  1. Tell me these pages have all been archived.

  2. Tell me this isn't real

Newfind ago

This is nothing more than a tribute band for Culture Club and the Fine Young Cannabals.

Bunkie ago

Okay I looked again and I'm calling bullshit. Not on the poster, on these assholes who push this performance art garbage. As an art school survivor, I am mortified (sorry) by that entire phenomenon. Always have been but it has never made me this furious before and ashamed to have studied art at one point in my life. "Procuring our specialty meats." Get the fuck out of here.

But you're right; it is real to a certain extent and it is mighty fucked up. Normalizing something like this is bad enough but it's more like a religion to these assholes. Well, a cult, I guess. The cult of the dead. Califonia Death Cult, whatever that was/is. "Death is Charlie's trip." No offense to any of the few normal Californians left out there but you need to secede from the Union. Seriously.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

This is not a real website. Someone from this thread: explains that it was set up to go along with this book:

And if you check the Wayback Machine, the page is the same as it was in March of 2009.

However, the "performance artist" Diamanda Galas is real and has ties with Marina Abromovic.

Hermesthriceborn ago

I am not buying the story that this page was set up for a book... The only connection that "voater" pointed out is the elspeth blake character connect. NO OTHER CORROBORATION EXISTS PEDES...

But searching for any other character names in said book relay's ZERO FINDINGS.

Also the premise of the book does not seem to support said cannibal club topic! SOMEONE DEBUNK ME PLEASE

ON A LOGICAL NOTE: I am not so sure that the individuals who own this sort of "establishment" would ever place their real names and pictures on an unsecured public site. That very notion is ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as believing someone set this site up for a book with ONE Character referenced.

rodental ago

Ask spez for details.

PizzaStreamerLive ago

Don't need to i already red'it ;)

Devious1 ago

Underated post

Bunkie ago

I got the worst douche chills looking at that site. Just the worst, I don't know, "vibes" and I don't even believe in that sort of thing. At first glance it's perfectly, pardon the pun, tasteful, but look a little longer and everything starts to fall apart. A simple case of truly Bad Taste; the colors, photos, layout, font. The worst has got to be the copy. It all just quickly devolves into shit. Literally! This cannot be for real but looks a little too elaborate for a one-off joke. What gives, dtnesio? Is this actually a brick-and-mortar biz in Los Angeles? Forgot to check for an address. I'll eat my hat (sorry) if it can be found as a storefront of any shape or form on Google Earth or maps. Gross gross gross!

dtneslo ago

It was in an article from All News Pipeline. Just posting, have my son, no time to investigate. Sorry if its bs . I will be thorough in the future

GeorgeT ago

Eric Cartman would say 'Dude!' - I thought cannibalism was illegal! Is this a joke, a parody? What's going on guys? Seriously! WTF!!!

Devious1 ago

Just blow the god damn dam

/causes distraction

JesusRules ago

Maybe the Bible is repeating itself? "Why Is No One Talking About Fukushima Reactor 2 That Is Collapsing Into the Pacific?"

GeorgeT ago

Depopulation agenda?

Devious1 ago

A lot of things aren't being talked about. I'm not sure a bout the bible "repeating itself" as the bible has been changed so many times, with many pertanent things removed.

Ever heard the expression "when HELL freezes over" what if for instance, HELL has allready frozen over and his is the un-thawing. Look at the expeditions around Antarctica and the "snow pyramids" for example.

Touchdown50 ago

Well now you know where all your missing kids are going, on a silver platter

eyeswim ago

Produced legally , ? derived from ' young healthy bodies? So , how do they get the young healthy bodies for meat? Health doesn't mean death . how are young healthy bodies being furnished ,when the epitome of unhealthy is death? Who would sell or donate their dead healthy young child(ren) for diners to eat on? Man, there is a massive evil mind fuck going on world wide trying to normalize EVERYTHING we know to be fundamentally , gut level , WRONG. Hurting children? Eating children? Fucking children to death? Art that depicts violence to children? THIS SICK EVIL TWISTED SHIT , RIGHT HERE , ( child porn , child snuff , child abuse , pedophilia , eating of dead children's bodies , etc,., etc,. ) WILL BRING HELLFIRE AND WRATH FROM THE ALMIGHTY ABOVE . HEAVEN HELP US !! DEAR GOD!! GIVE US A CHANCE TO FIGHT THIS !!!! How long before nature takes over and reprimands the humans for abusing , trafficking , eating their young? Something bad is going to happen because this shit is so rampant. .. it's like Earth has the OKAY to fuck itself and us up because of this wicked , evil vile shit..WE know from history , that when a society devolves into cannibalism , child sacrifice , and rampant , base sexuality , the kinds of things that go against the natural order , against human decency , brutality , and murder is accepted by the masses for the elite to partake in ... volcanic eruptions happen , tsunami's happen, comets crash into the Earth and mass extinctions take place. .. We are ripe for our destruction. Fucking bastards!! My innocence is gone forever , and I will eye everything suspiciously as some kind of cover or code for child abuse , rape , murder and cannibalism cabals ..

carmencita ago

Horrible disgusting happenings and decadence and greed is what happened before the Fall of Rome. Many think their party can go on forever. But it will all come crashing down and if this does not end we are doomed.

Touchdown50 ago

You know whats so ironic? Nobody gave a shit til those emails got leaked.

goodguy1367 ago

Is this for fucking real? I don't think I can ever eat pork again. Someone hasn't just made this to lead us stray?

alliecapone ago

Yeeeks, the taste part. A serial killer/necro/cannibal Ed Gein was asked what a human tastes like back in his day. He said like the finest pork loin. Maybe it was Albert Fish, either way seems to check out. Unless someone has seen this quote and is fucking with us and made some lead sites.

It's really obvious how'd you befall upon it?

stens ago

Jeffrey Dahmer.

alliecapone ago

Thanks, pretty bad when you get your people eaters mixed up :/ There shouldn't be so many

dtneslo ago

All News Pipeline website

Searching4Truth ago

What the fuuuuck ??

Bunkie ago