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23323075? ago

They come either to distract us and demoralize us, or they come because they have NO concept of PATIENCE.

They fail to understand that knocking OUT FOREVER and entrenched opponent with NO MORALS, Huge amounts of financial resources and Global reach is not the same as painting the spare room over the weekend.

When DJT built a building...a BUILDING...the lead time from concept to occupancy could easily be 5-6 years.


Got a damn minute to wait, whiners?

Have a tall cold Corona with some lime and sit the hell back.

23327994? ago


23324862? ago

Use your brain

23324890? ago

But no one here knows how to do that, who can teach me?

23324781? ago

Only a stupid fucking moron would view your "confirmation" as valid. Proof requires unquestionable facts. Shitting opinions and words out of your mouth doesn't count. Why don't put yours to better use to blow your dog?

23326950? ago

And then ignore the hundreds of much better proofs that are available if you just look.

23324848? ago

blow your dog I wouldn't do that if I were you, you might infect your dog...