23337728? ago

Free speech can be a bitch right?

23334773? ago


23330731? ago

I agree!!

23330103? ago

Could be a few reasons.

1. Paycheck

2. TDS

3. Mental issues of another type.

4. Sore losers

5. In the [SHILL TRATOR] box.

6. Communists

7. Facists

8. People who like pointingbout spelling mistakes...

9. Good guys having fun by stiring the pot.

10. A combination of the above...plus more.

I try to ignore them unless I try to trigger them😉. But I never argue with drunks and idiots.......I send them love and smile at people like that....but it can trigger the real nasty ones for obbious reasons.

Take care!

23329368? ago

I doubt there are that many. If you pay attention the the style of writing, it feels like only a couple people. They just post multiple times. Pay attention to the choice of words and the way they say it. You will start to see the same 5 people spamming this verse.

23329297? ago

“Trust the plan” the Qtards said as they boarded the train headed to slaughter

23329279? ago

Voat and its users were here before Q became a thing. It is you who are squatting on Voat, demanding native goats to leave. Practice your civic nationalistic egalitarianism and shut your whiny faghole.

23327693? ago

Youtube popular song - 30 million views....200K Thumbs up,,,,400 thumbs down ...8,000 comments-Main Topic- what's wrong with those 400?

23334412? ago


23327024? ago

There's not that many, just a shillbot and a few brainwashed nazitards.

They troll here pretty much constantly.

All for a LARP.

23327623? ago

A Q psychic with brain damage.

23326622? ago

Sometimes it seems just too easy to take over a 1000 year old cult...

23326575? ago

Fuck you. Arrests or GTFO. Those of us who doubt want some goddamn justice and are tired of watching this great county go to hell because of these people. Look at the brink of absolute dystopia the world is on right now. Drop the fucking hammer, Q.

23329073? ago

Fuck your job and fuck the cabal economy. We take a little hit now, reap the rewards after. You can live a hard life you know. Build character.

23326574? ago

I trust the plan..

23339356? ago

What is the plan?

23326531? ago

DUH! Jim Watkins is now Q you imbeciles! DUH!

Thought it was HAPPENING for sure! The 10 days of dumbfuckery?

The arrests? the using Covid 19 as cover?The (LOL) MOLE CHILDREN? WTF? Qberts?Now you are reduced to getting back just giving head to Trump, regurgitating campaign shit................IT'S, IT'S ALMOST LIKE.........................NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENED!!! AGAIN!!!!!!Where are the ALIENS, JFK JR, TESLA, THE MAJIC CURES, THE TUNNELS ,LOOKING GLASS, THE MARTIAL LAW, the MASS ARRESTS and EXECUTIONS that were gonna happen ........THREE YEARS AGO??????

How fucking STUPID are you? REALLY FUCKING STUPID!!! Hilarious! Yes idiots, "over the target", shills, commies, soy boys....all the rest of your idiotic responses.Too dumb to respond?

The fact is Q IS FAKE and you are GULLIBLE MORONS, a laughingstock of stupidity


23326451? ago

Shills dont like fishing either no patience

23326365? ago

Well mate every few months we refer to q post # whatever and that it’s a marker of a happening. Then guess what happens. Nothing. Tomorrow we have yet another 4.10.20 (DJT) which is yet another marker. Gonna make a wager that nothing happens yet again. They’ve found a way to keep us tame for now. How long before we finally can see?

23327530? ago

Are you blind? Shits been off the hook. I already been able to help a shit ton of people see the truth from the happenings the past several years. The stage is being set

23327625? ago

The stage is being set

Yes, for communism.

23329083? ago

Lol even the normies know that China is full of shit now

23325945? ago

I’m very good at ignoring them. I never give them my attention

23325743? ago

You dont own this space. It is not YOUR safe space. Fuck Off.

23325612? ago

Love Trump, Read Q, hate the cult of Q.

23325399? ago

The whiners don't have perseverance, grit, or patience. It's more telling of their character. They also cannot use reason to determine the probability of coincidences would be impossible, so a lack of understanding is demonstrated. Be kind to them. They are operating at a lower level,of energy.

23325391? ago

Because nothing is happening. Nothing has happened, and nothing will ever happen.

If even ONE of hillary/comey/obama/etc/etc/etc ever get arrested, I'll eat an entire set of encyclopedias.

23325348? ago

They all get paid. They hate being here. On the payroll. Incapable of Makin an honest living.

23325330? ago

You came here. You stupid nigger.

23325319? ago


23325171? ago

Declass much?

23325156? ago

Stole this: when a real habbening habbens, it with be the 1st habbening.

23325139? ago

I agree it seems as though voat is being overrun with reddit whiny bitch fags.

Voat's settings which hide posts with downvotes is backfiring if voat is pro-patriot.

23325135? ago

eeehhhhh...... your conthtant quethtioning ith ruining my fantathy movement,,,

23325114? ago

Pssh I've been following r/qult for a minute and dang they diluted about what we think and believe. They aren't even trying to find or do they're own research.

23325082? ago

Let's not start calling out everyone who is frustrated. There is a difference. And hell no I don't have 100% trust in any man. Many are here due to our skepticalness. I am not giving that up to become a zealot.

I am pissed and I want blood. These fuckers need to pay. So sorry if I can't hold in my frustration. Heads need to roll and soon!

23339432? ago

They would have paid already if "Q" hadn't magically appeared to placate the masses who were ready to riot and get justice.

Convenient thing, that....

23324939? ago

Sometimes I get called a "doubter" or a shill for making objective statements or asking basic questions that should be asked. It's ridiculous.

I could be wrong but I don't think Q is asking for unquestioning devotion. He/they are asking us to think for ourselves, not participate in group think.

I thought that was a pretty big part of this.

Yes, there are shills but don't use it as an excuse to be intellectually lazy, and don't convince yourself that every person that disagrees with you on any given conclusion is somehow validating you because you're "over the target".

Everything deserves scrutiny. It's peer review.

23324938? ago

Trust the plantain. It’s really happening. Soon. But if it doesn’t it’s because misinformation is NescafĂ©. Trust sessions. The house is safe. The senate is really the key. Isn’t tomorrow the big day?DJT day. Save the Wales. You can’t hug your kids with nuclear arms.

23324930? ago

Bitch I was here way mother fucking before you knew about voat....before it was voat even we called it whoaverse, and before that we called it forbidme.

So you fuck right off with that horse shit. I helped make the original goddamn subverses and was with atko making the defaults.

Don't you or any of your fucking faggot buddies try and even thing you are allowed to demand what we do.

23324866? ago

Insidious statements from a pretend Freedom-fighter.

23339455? ago

What "Freedom Fighters"? All there are here are a bunch of randoms posting frustrations on the internet. That's hardly revolutionary.

23324830? ago

Only lies fear SKEPTICISM, the truth welcomes it.

23327568? ago

Lmao you guys are busy posting up tranny porn and calling everyone niggers lol you’re annoying not an actual threat of any kind

23329492? ago

cry more nigger

23329079? ago

Ya exactly. Besides, we have the numbers. We bury their shit posts instantly with downvoats.

23324693? ago

Bots,. Look at some of the others they post shit that isn't even related.

If they aren't, them they are literal drooling retards

23324641? ago

They're called shills. They do their best to discourage us. Many are paid by deepstate organizations, others are just nuts.

23324640? ago

Because patriots stand at the ready [shills whine].

23324604? ago

Ok boomer.

23324525? ago

Our problem is not with “Q,” our problem is with goddamned, Facebook, grandma, chain letter forwarding, boomer dipshits making things up while taking their morning shit and pushing it like it’s something “Que” called them personally to tell them about, while spewing dumbass non-phrases like “2 year delta, watch water; 5.5 mirror sealed indictments “

23324478? ago

Because they’re either bots or paid shills.

23327580? ago

And tranny porn lovers

23324465? ago

How can you question the great Q when Trump is busting DUMBs, saving farmed children, throwing Deep State into GITMO prisons, and...TRUST THE PLAN!!!111

23324747? ago

Prove a single one of those things. Cite ANYTHING outside the cult of Q that proves that any of this has been done.

23324557? ago

right and don't question a fucking thing after...how many years?...or else you're a shill who lacks patience (even though you've probably been at this way longer than most others here)

23324451? ago

I swear reddit was for the people that want to shut down any contrasting ideas! Oops!

23327592? ago

How the fuck is calling people niggers and posting tranny porn contrasting ideas lmaoooooo

23324429? ago

You came here you fucking twat

23327596? ago

Yea to have actual discussions not look at your tranny porn collection

23324427? ago

You jump on that bandwagon, Mr. Kneejerk. What a dork.

23324395? ago

My theory about the moon stuff is to prove we've never gone there to the world. When it first came up there was a pretty tight schedule, that time frame evaporated very quickly. They only finished building the heat shield they need for a return trip at that speed last year, they're still building the rocket.

As far as why I'm sceptical about the plan stuff is that this coronavirus bullshit has been going on for a month now, we're on day 10 of the 10 days of darkness and nothing has happened. The closest we came was the illegitimate leader of Venezuela being wanted by the US government, which is good. But I'm not seeing celebrities getting sicker because of adrenochrome withdrawal anymore, so either they got over it or got more of it.

Trump is still pushing communist bullshit from the WHO, despite finally saying he wanted to ct funding to them. He's still listening to democratic governors asking for more supplies despite nothing he's sent out so far having been needed. He's still not doing anything about globalists, pharmaceutical companies, NGO's dampening the impact that hydroxychloroquine could have. I'm looking around for 4 years now looking for a reason to think there's going to be mass arrests of any kind and they're not coming man.

What reason do you have for still believing it's coming? Will it be during this term? Next term? If it's happening what good are you doing by pushing this stuff on everyone? What am I going to do after I agree with you? Not a damn thing. You're not going to do a damn thing, nobody is going to do a damn thing.

23339389? ago

I agree with everything you've said.

23327606? ago

Why do you think space force was created? To put pentagons hidden tech spending on public scrutiny

23325015? ago

...and I will add to your post by saying WE ARE STILL FUCKING LOCKED DOWN, our rights have been trampled on and it doesn't look like our keepers are ever going to let us out of our cages any fucking time soon! What's it going to take, America? We all know this is a hoax and complete bullshit!

23324377? ago

from: doglegwarrior

  1. moon! we have not been to the moon get a brain. with 1969 technology no fucking way we went to the moon go dowm the rabbit hole on that one it is fucking insane to believe we went to the moon.

  2. why are we here? no fuck you why are you here you were banned from reddit and kicked out we been fighting the good fight to keep freedom of speed alive and you fucking come here and try to take over so you csn start banning people? most jew move possible.

  3. im not anti Q i hope for all are sakes he is real.. well one problem multiole Q and anon faggots have told me to kill my self and Q and anons will hunt me down and hang me for what? using my name? wtf the solution yall present sounds like a different dystopian future.

  4. fuckinf arresr hillary already. or put her on trial huma as well start fucking arresting people give us one ffs

  5. even if Q is real in order for the 1% and abovd to keep power a deal will be made and the system of divide and conquor will keep going because its to profitable and when it comes down to it jews pull the strings

  6. out law circumcision doesnt trump have the power to stop jews from mutilating innocent babies... ohhh ya i forgot trump is owned by jews

  7. name the jew

23329066? ago

fuckinf arresr hillary already. or put her on trial huma as well start fucking arresting people give us one ffs

It's not that easy. The world is not as it seems. Otherwise HRC would have been arrested already. There are things going on behind the scenes that were not privy too. There could be Deadman switches activated. Assassination threats. There are vast amounts of underground highways with trains and fortified bases. HRC is probably already down there. Her body double is not.

23339317? ago

Or we are not a sovereign nation anymore and they don't want us little people to know.....

23332367? ago

Well they do have trillions of dollars and they have the help of the cia and mossad so you are right. they also have help from rothchilds and mexican cartels.

23324279? ago

Q obviously isn't false. We all know that. That's been proved beyond any shadow of doubt many times and is no longer an issue for any intelligent observer.

But no intelligent person trusts someone else's secret plan implicitly. That's for the sheep. That's herd mentality. And no one who watched the ingraham/Barr interview with careful attention could help being unsettled by Barr's replies to Laura's early series of probing questions. So tell the sheep to be good trusters and don't bother to verify. I will trust acts rather than prophets. You don't know any more than any of the rest of us what Huber and Durham have done. All of us hope the cabal is being taken down. Signs point to it. But let's evaluate what has happened not what has been suggested or even promised. The plane fagging is encouraging but even that is only suggestive. Like everyone else I am hoping for an asccelerating pace of action in the next few days but I've been here before and so have you.

And your peevish annoyance speaks volumes. .

23324269? ago

Trust, but verify. So far, no arrests, no U1 return, no cures, no declass, and no alien info. Justice for Podesta's napkin crimes scream from heaven.

23329428? ago

more aid to israel then ever, kushner saying the federal government supplies are not for the states, one day later DOD gives a million masks to israel, meanwhile hospitals in american cities cant even get any masks. sorry if some of us are getting sick of the suck Israels cock game

23325905? ago

Never trust. Always Verify.

23324256? ago

The begining 3 years ago it was said hrc is about to be arrested. The video drops are coming.

We’re still hearing soon as Bill Gates is talking about putting people in vaccine camps. Soon, soon.... 4,10,20 till pass.

Then we’ll be talking about the Q clock ending in 5/29, then that will pass and....

The first casualty of war is the truth.

Both sides are lying to us one for good one for bad.

After 3 years of muh’ it’s almost here, it’s OK for us to be a bit impatient. No disrespect to operators getting shot at right now, so I’ll always be reasonable.

It’s OK to question.

23328983? ago

It's ok to question, but coming here and concern trolling, datefagging, and whining is not "questioning things". The people who question things here do NOT come with an open mind. They don't try to understand what the other people think and why they're thinking it. Instead, they're fucking assholes about. They bash Q and bash Trump. I'd love to bash their ugly fucking faces in. Buncha sissies.

23326263? ago

You haven't been paying attention. If you don't take the weeds out with the entire root attached, it grows back. What part of that don't you understand?

23324541? ago

No such thing as a good lie. Dont fool yourself.

23324660? ago

Not fooled.

Disinfo misinformation it’s all lies and both sides use it. It’s ok to say yea, we’re not Navy SEALS out here. But telling someone For 3 years the world is gonna change forever any second now... is kind of fucked up. I trust there’s a plan. But don’t send me out fighting for some mysterious plan and have no idea as to what.

Meanwhile 2,000 kids a day go missing, people still dropping dead left and right......

It’s a hell of a movie but the consequences are deadly real.

23326342? ago

If you've actually been reading Q drops, you'd know what's going on. Either you haven't read them or you don't understand them. If have read them and don't understand them, then no amount of reasoning from the rest of us will help you. Why? Because you're low IQ. Just accept that fact and move on.

23325116? ago

Both sides use it?? Gods side does not

23324822? ago

The consequences are deadly real for them, or for us?

23324212? ago

Yeah fuck off fags

23324196? ago

The President just signed a fucking deal to start mining on the moon/mars. We're talking trillions in revenue. We're talking type two civilization.

imagine being retarded enough to believe this lol


23327405? ago

Imagine thinking the moon landing didn’t happen lmao

23324183? ago

You fuckers invaded Voat, and the real Voaters want their website back, you motherfucking faggot.

23329061? ago

Nah it’s ours forever now

23327437? ago

Too bad, Q sent us here to wake up all the flat earthers, chem trail loonies and religious nut jobs.

23328521? ago

Wow, every ad hominem attack in the talmudic playbook, you forgot to add schizo.

23328201? ago

And idiot “Truthers.”

23326958? ago

Too fucking bad. Diversity is our strength. Remember?

23326838? ago

Your participation in the sub is voluntary. Go to another one.

23324730? ago

Too bad this is our place now

23328209? ago

Spoken like a true cultist.

23324783? ago

Yeah. We haven't been proactive enough when it comes to trying to take over QRV with tranny porn. Thanks for inspiring me to rally everyone into a new massive wave. Hope ya like chick dick.

23324134? ago

Here, here!! If anons lose faith in Q, they should just leave. I'm amazed how far we've come so quickly. Already the Federal Reserve is being taken away from the Rothschilds. The Saudi Arabia Deep State is no more. It's just a matter of days before Soros is perp walked. Epstein would have been a big reveal if he hadn't been silenced. The drug cartels and traffickers are on the run. Hundreds of MS-13 are being arrested. The Space Force is primed for a new era of technology reveals. I don't know about the whining anons, but I'm psyched about what's habbening. Even the fact that the DS spent years trying to stop Trump with their bogus accusations and now have resorted to bio-warfare shows how desperate they are to hang on to their dwindling power.

Cheers to what's coming! (Three days of darkness.)

23325131? ago

It's bullshit! It's all bullshit! For over three fucking years, we've been hearing any time now, any time now....when? huh? WHEN?! And now we're basically imprisoned in our homes for what, to my mind, seems like a fucking de-facto martial law without declaration! What the ever-loving fuck?! How long are we going to buy in to the lull of some jackass on a white horse from the upper echelons coming to fucking save us?! Until we're all fucking dead?! I've lost my job, I've lost my ability to move about freely and I am slowly watching the mental health of my family members deteriorate despite our best efforts to stay sane. When, America? WHEN?!

23339473? ago

Agree completely.

23324124? ago

fallow Q find it insightful but I don't trust anything about it because it is all about using info to create a counter narrative, my other problem is that as much as we would like to believe we know the source is connected to trump we just don't know. reading his posts have been very insightful but I will draw my own conclusions. I am neutral about it all till history can give me some hind site. I am only being critical of those that blindly fallow.

23324234? ago

When you're clueless, thinking out loud is not the best solution to your doubts. Have you read every single Q drop? Do you keep up-to-date on 8kun? Do you do your own research?

Btw, I recommend listening to X22Report when in doubt.

23324493? ago

I am a free thinker about this and think everyone should be. I also follow just about all the big you tube channels that try and make sense of this. none of us have a clue about which state group or even a individual is putting this out. I tend to believe that it is NSA and that it is connected to trump but I always leave room for me being taken in by a group of high IQ nerds that are sifting through data on the internet and pointing out things. I have read all the drops and have been fallowing it since the day I stumbled upon it trying to find Hannity on YouTube October of 2018. I am retired not married and have ono social life so I have more time to look at this stuff the 90 percent of those who post here....remember this doubt is good it keeps you honest with your self intellectually and honest about what you are looking at

23325787? ago

I don't think any of us follow blindly. You sharing your concern only makes you a concern fag. Which means you're no different than a shill who tries to sow division.

I offered the only you tube channel worth watching. I hope you watch instead of just going on and on about our "concerns."

23326421? ago

.you are behaving like a demacrat not able to handle varying views......there are a lot more places to look then X22 if you want good analysis
.every person viewing the Q material tends to bring in there own garbage to the interpretation so it is best to look wide and far at what is being said about the posts. x 22 is the gold standard but there are others each bringing something to the analysis......you cant have unified group with no leader and in a lot of ways that is what's great about those who fallow Q . it is not a unified group and it never should be one because if that happened it would easily be destroyed by the leadership or those who are scared of these posts that have the power of money and government at there disposal. you are overly concerned about those posting that have there doubts.

23326668? ago

I can only share my own conclusions. If you have time for all the other voices on youtube and elsewhere, then good for you. I've already sorted through them and X22 gets my stamp of approval. He has all along been right about Trump's plan for the Federal Reserve.

Just trying to help. If you post concern posts and get feedback that don't jive with your concern, then accept it. Why fight back? Seriously. Do you want us all to think like you? See how illogical you're being.

Anyway, "fallow" is spelled follow."

Moving on to put out other fires.


23327462? ago

I think there is two difrent people I am responding to so sorry about my bluntness I don't mean to have any fight. with anyone you are very right about his understanding on the financial end. I think that he and his team do the best job of any of the you tubers who put out daily reports....the next best one is in the pusuit of truth or IPOTS. after those two the quality and the tendency to bring in what I term personnel garbage goes up greatly....I also suggest the Amazing Polly her research out side of the Q posts but related to them is great....she brings a real understanding of how those in the financial community sitting on boards of companies tend to be connected to each other.

23327619? ago

Thanks for the info. I keep hearing good things about Amazing Polly but she's never clicked with me. Likewise with IPOTS, but he's not as consistent as X22. Dave is daily except Saturday.

23328351? ago

IPOTS is more fun then anything else . think soft facts and analysis for IPOTS and X22 is a detailed analysis and interpretation.

23324118? ago

Minimum wage, Patriot. That, or a God sized hole in their soul.

23324108? ago

This shit happens periodically- They really are like a bunch of fucking locusts. - It always seems to happen after their Reddit overlords stifle the half-flacid version of free speech they think they have over there. - Some Blue Boi shuts down their faggoty little discourse, and they fucking coming flocking over here complaining and crying about this or that...muh boardz...- some of them blaming us. Then they leak into every fucking board like diarrhea water from a shart leaks into the cotton of a homo's underwear. - Ah, I can remember the great shill-fag migration of 2016. Yeah those fucking pedo-fag-tards were everywhere. All over the Pizzagate boards like Dan Schneider on 14 year olds toes. - And let's not forget about QRV and TheGreatAwakening migration of 18. Yeah they keep crawling back and forth between here and there hoping to find shelter. It's fucking sad really. They always tote over parasites that try to poison the well. - But it's kinda like Rorshach said. - We're aren't trapped in here with them. - They're trapped here with US. -

23329043? ago

I came here with pizzagate. Don't act like this place was amazing before that. Seriously. Pizzagate is what gave voat it's life.

On one hand I can kind of understand why you old goats would think think the Q movement is crazy. You're way late to the party, so you just don't understand it yet. But don't worry, we'll help you get up to par when the normies get woken up too. You're at about the same level of intelligence as them so.....

23330110? ago

HAHAHAH - FUCK. - Gimmie a fucking break kid. Did you even read what was written? Nothing there could be interpreted as "the Q movement is crazy" - GTFOH with your weak BULLSHIT. LMAO - P.S. Q is not a movement. - The fucking movement is patriotism, self determination, justice, pride in one's family and culture; NOT a cult of personality, idol for people to worship, or some fucking clique you can roll around with to imagine that you are finally somebody. - Now, you might be feeling a little butthurt after this, but it'll pass. - Man up, stop being a little faggot, and just fucking READ for a bit. When you finally get it, then you can go from board to board acting like JOE fucking COOL - no one in here gives a FUCK why you came here. LMAO - Hey, - you know if you don't like it, you can always just GO. THE FUCK. BACK. TO REDDIT.

23334821? ago

you sound totally mentally unhinged....go outside gets some fresh air, enjoy nature. you are losing touch with reality anon.

23331802? ago

Wow. Fucking boomers. You guys are seriously fucked in the head. If I'm to go back to reddit, you should go back to Facebook. Stupid retarded boomer. Go cut your grass, fire up your bbq, trim your cock broom of a moustache, and tie up your new balance runners, faggot!

23334042? ago

That's the spirit. Now run along and play.

23329414? ago

lmao fuckin retard "this place sucked untill i showed up"....jesus christ

23324091? ago

Why go to Reddit, when I can come here and make you little snowflakes REEEE like little cucks?

23327443? ago

Yea and then afterwards you can go back to wanking one off to your tranny porn :)

23324326? ago

So you admit to being a shill. Question is: Who are you shilling for? Or maybe you simply have no friends and come here to entertain yourself by trolling random boards? Or even more pathetic, maybe you are Fredrick Brennan?

23324050? ago

This is not a place for discussion

stop with the questions

You miss the entire point of voat. It's you who needs to fuck back to Reddit.

I'm a Trump fan and Q supporter and I spread the word and support the movement day in and day out.

Having said that you are a typical reddit refugee.

23324043? ago

It's healthy to have questions and look at things critically. I could just as easily say go back to reddit if you want a sterilized echo chamber.

23325109? ago

They don't do that though you fucking idiot. They purposely troll and shill at every moment.

Concernfagging is an actual C_A tactic here. Every forum sliding tactic is being used here, and here you are saying "it's just a friendly debate".

23328245? ago

“Concernfagging” is probably the most idiotic term I’ve ever seen. What a moron.

23328505? ago

Well you're a faggot and you're concerned. No idea why the merging of two words commonly used together is "idiotic" to you, but ok.

You know whats idiotic to me? You and your buddies spending all your time trolling QRV. Get a fucking life man....

23324180? ago

That is what they want. Qoomers don't realize they are just another shade of snowflake do nothing SJWs. At least Antifa gets in the streets to demonstrate. Qultists are pathetic.

23324885? ago

Fuck you to hell. Anyone that defends Antifa isn't even worthy of being called human.

23326974? ago

And is obviously here as a shill to boot

23325855? ago

They do more than you ever will. No balls faggot.

23326471? ago

and when the revolution happens that they are trying to ferment. Antifa membership will be the first group purged by what ever socialist communistic dictator they bring to power. this group is pathetic and made up of looser that want to burn the world over a person not sharing there views.

23326624? ago

Still will have accomplished more than you ever did for your political ideology, if you can even articulate your ideology.

23323940? ago

During the inauguration when the marines came down behind POTUS I thought THAT was when they were going to haul off HRC.

Now it's 2020 and it APPEARS they're all still walking free.

If it wasn't for the endless and undeniable Q proofs I would have lost hope. Days like today where there's a swarm of Q posts and tomorrow is 4-10-20 it's awesome.

23324559? ago

Q proof proves hes on the in, it doesnt prove hes good.

23324733? ago

Q has admitted he is a pacification psyop to keep patriots from revoting.

23324867? ago

Would love some sauce on that

23339342? ago

"Sticky Post: Ignore Calls For Violence" for starters...

23339407? ago

Didn't think of it like that, but I could see that being a thing. However that's more the mods turning it into a pacification psyop vs Q outright admitting it, like that person said. I do think Q is that, just thought him actually admitting it would be interesting to see.

23339664? ago

And just who are these "mods"? We have no idea. Who is behind Q? Face it, we have no idea outside of biased projections of our own hopes. Ideally it is someone good, just as likely someone not so good, lest we forget that past Presidents and members of their administration have access to every top clearance classified information that the current President has. I won't even get into FVEY, and what intelligence they are also privy to.

23339891? ago

Agreed 100%. It just seemed that the comment I replied to was saying that Q himself said it. I am not a Q believer for this reason - I think Q is a psyop created to make Trump look good and pacify people. An attempt to also sweep away pizzagate.

23339595? ago

Q sent people to VOAT.

The first thing one sees at Voat/ QRV is a sticky post pinned to the top of the board "Ignore Posts Calling For Violence".

If that is not mass pacification/ placation, I don't know what is? One cannot even reply to the post. It's just your daily reminder to sit down, be quiet and do nothing.

Nobody can tell you WHAT this Plan is, or who is behind it, but just sit there and stare at your computer screen while you wait for some invisible savior to come to the rescue. Maybe.

23339919? ago

Agreed 100%. The comment I replied to seemed to he saying that Q himself said it. I do think Q is a psyop created to make Trump look good and pacify people. Ive never believed Q or trump to be good.

23324190? ago

See you tomorrow when absolutely nothing happens but more empty Q posts

23323922? ago

Why are there so many Q plan doubters here?

It's about energy.

23323841? ago

Downvoat and ignore.


23323815? ago

This was a place before Q. I was here before Q and probably you. How bought you calm the fuck down.

How about you realize that you are being manipulated by Q just like you are with religion.

How about you fuck off.

23325912? ago

Here as in Voat. Not here as in QRV. Big difference.

Voat is a free speech forum. So why does it upset you that QVR exists? I don't think anons go to non-Q subverses to post, yet you seem to have a need to come here to post? Does any of this seem hypocritical on your part? If you wish, I'm sure us Q supporters could mobilize ourselves to do exactly what you are doing and go piss on your favorite subverses. What do you say? How about practicing what you preach?

23327618? ago

The main reason is because QRV is anon, so they feel they can spout shit they would otherwise never say with their username attached.

They're basically acting like hateful children breaking candles in a church.

23328966? ago

Go post in the namefag subverses then. You sound like a whiny little bitch. You're an angry little man because of an anon sub. Smdh. You're a pathetic waste. I bet your fucking keyboard is filled with fucking jizz from your degenerate porn watching. Go fuck yourself, faggot.

23331058? ago

Go away little child.

23328557? ago

My username is constitutionranger, fuck Q until I see some results better than me living in a police state with satanic overlords.

23331071? ago

Ok, loser.

23327647? ago

LOL!! So true!!

23326970? ago

I'm in.

23327391? ago

Okay. Which subs do you want invaded?

23326681? ago

Hypocritical is saying I have free speech so you don't.

23327372? ago

No. Hypocritical is saying Voat is only for you, even though it's a free speech platform.

Sorry. Already wasted enough time with the low-IQ Q haters.

23324678? ago

Being on Voat before Q came here probably means you're a Nazi. I wouldn't brag about it if I were you.

23328268? ago

Spoken like a true joo.

23325927? ago


23325168? ago

It means we believe in White Nationalism. Not the slur you kikes have made it into. Western nations are for WHITES and only for Whites. We have been invaded by sub human sub species and cucks like you have been brainwashed into thinking it’s a natural progression that should be celebrated.

You have no idea what a NAZI or and if you think they still exist, it only proves that. You’re lucky af they don’t because you’d be rounded up and easily forgotten.

23326851? ago

You're a fucking loser. Take responsibility for your failures.

23327653? ago

Lol wtf are you crying about? Not getting enough attention, bitch? Why are you responding to me twice in separate messages?

I didn’t lose anything. I best your faggot ass in an argument and I would love to in person. Wtf is this troll school shit you’re obsessed with? And antifa faggotry??? You’re a legit kike shill. You just talk and write NOTHING. Total chink or kike shill/bot.

Look, faggot. I hate you. Everything about you. I honestly wish nothing but the worst for you. You’re a fucking bot/shill that gets paid per message. You feed of attention because you’re so pathetic.

You’re not a conservative. You’re not one of us. You’re probably (guaranteed) not American. I still want to absolutely fuck you and people like you up. And I don’t wear a mask like some of your bigger antifa faggots. But continue on with your ramblings. You post word salad none sense and are in a pretend argument with someone who isn’t me.

YOU LOSE. I win. You can’t handle responsibility so I won’t say take it. You only know being pathetic and being a faggot lmao!

Keep projecting. You’re a commie fucking retard LARP.

23328536? ago


Like I said, an insecure faggot.

You're a loser and blame everyone else for your problems. Clean your room, bitch.

23342531? ago

You’re still here, bitch? Yawn. Stop projecting. Room is spotless, but again, another miss by you. You bore me.

23342861? ago


You're a pathetic excuse for a man. You blame all your problems on others, just like liberals. Take some responsibility for your life and stop being such a miserable piece of shit. It's a choice, just like your participation on this sub.

Mouth breathing loser.

23342906? ago

Yawn. Typical deflection and regurgitation of what I’ve said. Glowing.

23343235? ago

No, you're just a faggot with the emotional development of a 10 year old. Probably had shitty parents. Your drunk uncle probably touched you when y'all were "wrestling".

Shitty parents and a pedo uncle shouldn't be an excuse, though. You just choose to be a miserable, whiny bitch. Realize it or not, you have an inferiority complex. It's why you're a racist loser.

Get fucked

23343420? ago

Yaaaaaaaaaawn. Keep being a diversity and nigger lover, faggot. How’s your home city Wuhan, doing? Or is it Tel Aviv? Not even reading your responses. Too boring. Too much crying.

Go get some tissues chink. You got a bad case of the sads you fucking retard LOLOLOL.

23343604? ago

Did daddy touch you too? Or did he just not love you enough to stick around?

I mean, who can blame him, though? He probably wasn't even sure you were his, your mom being a whore and all. Hell, he was probably just tired of trying to compete with all her big black Johns. Ok, I think we're onto something. You're a racist because you always thought your mom loved big black dick more than she loved you. Maybe you even blamed all that big black dick for running your piece of shit dad off. I'm willing to bet you've had at least one girlfriend/wife that left you for some big black dick too. It's why you have such low self esteem.

What a waste of space.

23362178? ago

Boooooooooring. Didn’t read, but saw you takes about dick like the faggot you are. Another fan fiction post. Kys chink.

23362919? ago

You're a racist loser. That's not going to change. You're an insecure little bitch

23372153? ago

Wow. What a leftist pussy lol. I am a racist and very secure. Not ashamed of it and embarrassing that most of our country is pussified into thinking that’s bad. Nice try at an insult. Another miss. Fuck out of here you nigger loving, chink.

23373047? ago

You're a racist loser.

You're insecure. You blame everyone else for your failures.

You're probably so angry because you're repressing your homosexuality and overcompensating by acting like a mouth breathing loser. You probably crave big black cock.


23373155? ago

Another fan fiction. I am a racist. I don’t hide it, bitch. You’re the loser who loves diversity. Why the insecure projection? And another black cock fantasy? Hmmm. Yeah. You’re a nigger chink.

How long is your obsession going to last ? You need the attention my replies. I’ve seen your posts all over. You’re not anon. I down vote and comment on your posts all the time. You’re so obvious. fucking pathetic lmao.

23373882? ago

Hahaha You're such a closeted faggot. Your girl probably wonders why you always wanna fuck her in the ass.

You're not a man. You're a whiny little bitch that's perpetually in fear of the people you blame all your problems on.

I'm not a shill. I'm not liberal. I'm as white as they come. I just think you're a waste of space. You know you are, that's why you're so angry at everyone else. Just another brain dead loser that no one gives a shit about.

23377033? ago

Yaaaaaawn. Didn’t read. Enjoy your shekels per post you fucking dumb bigger chink lmao. Kys. Soon too.

23325216? ago

OMG I guessed you were a Nazifaggot, and I was correct? With my only data point being you hate Q? This is my surprised face. Look at me, I'm surprised.

Nevermind, I'm not surprised.

23325984? ago

I'm really beginning to think we need to go piss on the Nazifaggot subverses and give them a taste of their own medicine. Except I have higher moral standards than that.

Thanks for exposing the Nazifaggot.

23326241? ago

When that plan you idiots have been patiently waiting on finally comes to fruition, you'll be screaming for the Nazifags to save your doughy ass.

23326518? ago

More power to you then. In the meantime then, stop worrying. If you really confident you were right, you wouldn't even bother with us "doughy ass idiots."

23325723? ago

"Oy vey, I have been found out!" he cried out in pain.

23325280? ago

You look like a hook nosed faggot. You fucking weak ass soys have no idea what NAZIs are and just use your talking points because you feel you’re ‘informed’. Who said I hate Q?

You’re a fucking parasite.

23325328? ago

Ooooom. Oooooom.

I sense the spirit of Saul Alinsky channeling through you. Speak Saul, speak.


How about you realize that you are being manipulated by Q just like you are with religion.

also you:

Who said I hate Q?

probably also you:

how the fuck does comment replying work on anonymous forums? I'm so confused

23325427? ago

Are you purposely fucking retarded or just actually a retard? Those aren’t quotes from me at all except ‘who said I hate Q’.


refugees welcome. I’m a fucking weak as fuck

You deserve to taste the bottom of my boot as I stomp on your bitch face.

23325618? ago

Those aren’t quotes from me at all

Wow, it's painful having a discussion with a retard. The cringe is over the top.

So you hopped into an ongoing conversation in an anonymous thread and just assumed I'd know you are replying to a conversation that had nothing to do with you.

So the 2nd and the 3rd comments are yours.

how the fuck does comment replying work on anonymous forums? I'm so confused

Well, you probably only thought the last comment.

You deserve to taste the bottom of my boot as I stomp on your bitch face.

Just before you burn down the cities, right? #berniebrosglow

refugees welcome. I’m a fucking weak ass cuck

Look here, idiot. While you were doing your damnest to chase minorities of all kinds away from supporting Q, back to the plantation, I was here supporting Trump. Trump won the election with approximately 100k votes spread over 3 battleground states. Without MAGA minorities, Trump would have lost.

I'd say its ironic that you're bitching at me, the one who actually did something productive to stop refugees from coming here -- without Trump's victory they would have been brought here by the hundreds of thousands extra.

I'd say its ironic, but in fact you're just projecting like a good little Saul Alinskyist.

23326069? ago

The Voat nazifaggots are jealous at how popular QRV is so that have to come over here and throw stones just to get a meager amount of attention.

Great points, anon.

23325751? ago

You’re so pathetic, you can’t even insult. You rehash them. Imagine being this fucking pathetic. You’re little fee fees are hurt because I called your retarded quotes out for being wrong and since this isn’t r/politics, you don’t have your echo chamber to back you up.

Why are you so concerned with (((minorities)))? I’m not actively ‘chasing minorities’ away on here. I’m engaging faggot wrong think police like you to show your weakness and faggotry.

How the fuck did you contribute to stopping refugees???? How did you PERSONALLY stop it?! Lmao you’re beyond pathetic. You assume I don’t like Q because you’re a brainlet who can’t decipher between two posters or fathom the idea that other may engage in a comment thread (not your fault for being a small brain retard) and assume I didn’t vote for President Trump by how you talk. More swings and misses, but I expect this from diversityfaggots like you.

Keep up throwing your buzz words out that you have no idea what they mean. Lol yeah, I’m a alinskyite. Wrong again. I didn’t lie, project, etc. I explained clearly how I’m a White Nationalist and how that differs from a NAZI (which you clearly still don’t understand. Small brain). This led to the sand in your vagina being overwhelmed.

Keep worshiping minorities like a good little slave. You’re the faggot with the ‘We love our legal immigrants’ signs as you ignore the FACT that NON WHITES were brought here by the commies (read 1965 immigration act. It’ll be hard for you because comprehension isn’t your strong suit. Being a bitch is). See what your precious (((minorities))) have done for this country.

You’re a complete write off and it’s a shame that the alpha genes who couldn’t pass on their bloodline didn’t survive WWII while you’re cowardly faggot grandpa did and continued his line of cowardly cucks.

23325918? ago

How the fuck did you contribute to stopping refugees????

Voted for Trump

You assume I don’t like Q because you’re a brainlet who can’t decipher between two posters

I pointed out the fact that you have no idea how anonymous forums work and you confirmed I was correct.

assume I didn’t vote for President Trump by how you talk

Again confirming you don't know how anonymous forums work.

bottom of my boot as I stomp on your bitch face. ... Implying I’m a Bernie commie???

uhm ...

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.

George Orwell

You invoked the imagery. Own it.

See what your precious (((minorities))) have done for this country.

That time when you went to troll school and they taught you to hate minorities and they taught you to hate jews with ((( ))) but they didn't tell you that (((minorities))) meant you think minorities are jews.

23326105? ago

I 100% would love to stomp you the fuck out. You’re a weak ass beta. Doesn’t make me a spy boy bitch Berber. It’s a natural response when I see little commie bitches like you who pretend to be conservatives. YOU are the exact type of WEAKNESS that has led America down a path of pussification. Your grandpa got lucky he was a coward and ran from war. He wouldn’t have made it. He didn’t have the stones. Neither do you. You make wild assumptions under the guise you’re all seeing and knowing’, but in reality, you’re just a pathetic faggot who uses > thinking it’ll turn into green text too much.

You probably didn’t for for Trump. You’re the typical sounding bitch from r/politics (reddit in general) or the shills from the chans (hello fellow caterpillars on TD). You clearly have no idea how anon forums work. You can pretend like you do, but you don’t. You can’t even comprehend how you may be talking to two or more posters in a comment thread lmao.

Holy fucking shit you’re stupid. (((Minorities))) means JEW KIKES force the minority invasion and acceptance. Anything with a jew backed agenda gets ((())). Are you THAT stupid??? This is how I know you’re either a shill or a complete fucking idiot. Is it hard for you to see when people put ((())) they’re implying kikes have a stake in it? Is that too hard for your low IQ smooth brain to understand??? I thought you were an anon forum master?

You’re legit boring me with your extreme faggotry, but lucky for you, I had some free time to curb stomp you on here. It was easy. You must love loosing since you’re constantly being proved wrong and for being a loser bitch for all to see.

23326202? ago

I 100% would love to stomp you the fuck out. You’re a weak ass beta.

Who resorts to violence when they lose the battle of ideas?

ANTIFA. Bernie bros. I demand that you admit the brown smudges on your nose are Hillary scented. I demand you keep typing here. Keeps you off the streets, keeps people safe.

who pretend to be conservatives.

I literally just laughed out loud. You're a conservative, are you? ROFLMAO

That's something they tried to teach you in troll school, to do a proper concern trolling you have to actually appear to be one of us conservatives. You've not done a very good job of it.

You’re legit boring me with your extreme faggotry, but lucky for you, I had some free time to curb stomp you on here.

Oh yeah that's right, ANTIFA can't assemble because of the "virus". I guess you'll just have to keyboard warrior it for a while, instead of macing women in the face and swinging bike locks at us.

23324704? ago


23324695? ago

O.k. strawman!

23323782? ago

We are here to prepare the thousands of people Q has woken or partially woken for the possibility that they might have to DO something. We all WANT Q to solve the problems. Some of us are a little more used to being let down by such things than newer Q followers who have only just awoken. I dont want to see this momentum lost. If Q isnt real the data we have gleaned from all this stuff still is and we must be ready to solve the problems another way if Qs way doesnt play out.

23323742? ago

Don’t forget USMCA...going into affect right when we need it most. This party is just getting started.

23323717? ago

All for a LARP?

23323596? ago

You came here we didn't ask you too. You go back to reddit fag!

23324718? ago

We run this place now buddy sorry

23331816? ago

Hahahaha.did q predict it? You folks are retarded

23326107? ago

Who's we?

23325775? ago

No, you dont.

23329009? ago

Ye, actually we do. We always will, too.

I'm not even sorry that Q told all of the Q people to come join you on VOAT. Your little quiet corner of the internet is gone forever...... To us! Real truth seekers. You'll never, ever get it back. You're a fucking cocksucker. Hahahah

23329379? ago

lol you really dont your just a delusional nigger faggot.... thats right i said NIGGER you gonna cry pussy?

23327480? ago

Yea we do lmao go look at the top of all. We running shit here lmaooooook

23328052? ago

You are so brain dead at this point that you dont realize that you are shilling yourself. Its sad.

23323875? ago

Block QRV unless you like having us live in your head rent free.


23324711? ago

Remove /v/qrv from /v/all unless you like having us live in your threads, doubting the fuck out of your false prophet.

23326147? ago

You sound insecure about who and what you are. Do Q-anons challenge your false sense of manhood or what?

P. S. Nazifags only have one testicle. ;-)

23326267? ago

No, I'm annoyed by the way that the same news gets posted seven different times to qrv, and seven different times to GreatAwakening, and seven differen times to theawakening, and it's all clogging /v/all. And the way that the front page is 85% Q-cult crap, 15% what voat used to be.

Better one white testicle than one braincell like most of the boomers who slurp up Q's every word.

23326484? ago

Don't blame us for /v/all. Complain to /v/all.

We come to QVR because the FakeNews outlets are just Deep State propaganda. I appreciate the anons posting relevant reposts. It means more than one person found the news article important. That's just the way it is. Nobody is making you visit qrv or v/all. Subscribe to your favorite subs and stick to them. That's what I do.

The "Hitler is our savior" mantra doesn't appeal to most anons because we're mostly Christians who have ability to recognize a crazy person when we see one. I recommend you give up trying to convince us anons your cult leader is better than our "cult leader." It would save us all the aggravation and wasted time debating that.

23331084? ago

Just like a refugee to invade a new land and start bossing around the residents who lived there before them. Don't use the site the way you used the site before our plague blighted the land, use it this other way, mincing carefully around our bullshit. Fuck you.

Christians. Ah yes. A bunch of Europeans convinced that somehow, out of all the Faith's in the world, the one true God happened to be the jealous prudish God a bunch of middle eastern shepherds worshipped. Convenient that a semitic faith has convinced you that semites can do no wrong.

23336551? ago

Ironic! The people that fought for your freedoms and free speech during WWII, that allows for such a place as Voat, now want to restrict Voat to only fellow Nazifaggots. Got it. Once a fascist always a fascist.

23329407? ago

most of us are christians

exactly thats the problem, you suck israels cock and wont admit fucking kikes are the main people behind the deep state and nwo in general

23329426? ago

You sound like an Islamist. Islamists are descended from Ishmael and, as the Bible says, he will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers. (Genesis 16:12)

If the shoe fits...

23329440? ago

fucking retard

23329458? ago

Reap what you sow!

23329469? ago

that makes sense.... oh wait no it doesnt. you just called me an islamist, thats just retarded i hate those goat fuckers. fuck off you stupid kike.

23329507? ago

p.s. I don't read the Scofield Bible. What makes you think all Christians read it?

23329518? ago

i dont think they all do,i know a lot dont actually.. i just assume the ones who defend israel blindly like you read it.

23329542? ago

I know more than you think.

Q is saving Israel for last because people like you exist.

Burned any crosses lately?

23329558? ago

saving israel for last, sorry thats just the biggest cope, meanwhile trump has given more and more control and power to kushner who is even more pro israel. you think trump is saving his own son in law for last?

23329552? ago

why would i burn a cross? im not kkk, i dont like the kkk.

23329578? ago

you're a troll

23329587? ago

how so?

23329608? ago

You hang out where you're not welcome. That's a troll.

23329663? ago

coming to a website thats been around way before you, has been the longest critic of reddit, and gave you fags a safe space after you got kicked out of reddit....then telling us to go to reddit. whos the real troll you fucking dipshit?

23337058? ago

You again?! Don't you have anything better to do with your time than to go piss on your neighbor's property simply because you don't like their politics? How fascist of you!

23329641? ago

nope this whole post was a troll post telling people to go to reddit, what did you expect, im gonna share my grievances. doesnt mean im a troll. you just a have a fucking fragile worldview that the second someone picks apart your beliefs you cant handle it.

23337085? ago

Project much?

23329495? ago

Or maybe Rothschild paid for Hitler to lie to you so that you'd post shit like this.

23329505? ago

i dont even like hitler, you just assume that about anyone who happens to notice AIPAC has way to much influence over us policy.

23329515? ago

That's what all white supremacists say. You pretend not to be nazifaggots, but you are.

23329532? ago

lol nope your just deflecting again for the real supremiscists, the jews who think they are gods chosen people, and call every one else goyim (cattle) and preach about goyim being their slaves. so fuck off

23329551? ago

True. So you're just the opposite side of the same Luciferian coin.

23329567? ago

no sweetie... im not on any coin, stop turning everything into a money reference moshie...im just a guy who wants to live his life free from subversion

23329603? ago

No, you're a tool of Lucifer and you're too dumb to know it.

Do you know Hegelian dialectics? It's how the Illuminati survives. They turn people against each other.

What source of information do you study most? Tell me about your conversion to that world view. Did you study it on your own? Were you able to ask questions and challenge it? Do you pay dues?

23329626? ago

no im not in some cult that i give money to and they tell me some sort of "hidden knowledge" and forces me to be a part of their hierarchy in order to get to the next levels of information.

like i said im just a normal guy who noticed who seems to be the main culprits for the global subversion, im just a normal researcher like most q followers, i dont have some specific world view i subscribe to other than follow my own white rabbit as you guys say.

23337406? ago

A researcher who won't share your sources. Okay. Hide who you are. It only makes you more suspect than you already are.

23341237? ago

Interesting material. Since you have an established ideological view of the Jewish Question, why not present you subject matter for discussion? Why not offer what you know instead of just trolling QRV and calling everyone names? Open up your sources for debate. And when someone disagrees with your premises, don't insult them. Just accept the fact that people have different opinions and experiences. Also, be open to the possibility that your viewpoint might not be fully developed. For instance, what do you actually know about the Illuminati cult? They are experts at playing the Hegelian game of dialectic so that enemies will grow to hate each other and eventual fight each other. And of course, they way they trigger the fighting is through posing as an enemy and doing false flags. This is what the Illuminati is doing right now with the Jewish Question. They pose as Jews but are really just doing the evil works of the devil (Luciferianism) with the goal of world domination. So it's more nuanced than how authors are presenting the story.

Still, I appreciat

23338223? ago

its not that i wont share my sources, its just there are so many and literally spent over a decade of researching topics that interest me in order to get to the world view i have now. for example im not like a christian who basically has one book (the bible) as their source for their worldview. I dont have a specific primary source for how i live my life. If you are interested in sources for how i reached my position about how i think jews subvert the west, a few are culture of critique, writings from henry ford, writings from martin luther, the book "iron curtain over america" that talks about the jewish involment in the creation of communism and leading rolls in every marxist and communist movement in the 20th century, listening to rick wiles on true news talk about the history of the scofield bible being paid for by jews in order to change christians viewpoint on zionism, learning about the rothschild banking family through various documentaries on youtube, learning about the harmful nature of pornography on society which has mainly been an attack on western culture by jews

23344724? ago

Thanks for the bread crumbs.

Monsters of the ID. Interesting. I've always thought that the Forbidden Planet movie of the 50s was an intriguing idea.

Do any of your source talk about the Illuminati and who created it and what were its origins?

23352085? ago

yes im familiar with the illuminati too and the bavarian freemasons, i know all about albert pike and the plan for two world wars to take over the planet. The book iron curtain over america does a good job of explaining the history of the kazarian turks who converted to judaism, an worshipped baal and moloch and are the ones who created the fractional reserve currency scam (babylonian money magic) im not saying all jews are bad, i feel bad for the ones that get caught in the middle of all this. Ive personally known some good ones throughout my life, but even then they still are more loyal to their tribe than to fellow americans. I know there are others involved in the illuminati who are not jewish like the black nobility (italian banking familys, jesuits, and others too. The only reason i emphasize the jewish aspect so much here is because it just seems like a red flag that Q diverts away from them all the time. I know he said "save israel for last" but that just seems a little convenient while trump goes on giving more and more to Israel and they get record billion dollar aid packages. The us army is forced to make their own masks out of ripped up tshirts, while the DOD sends 1 million masks to Israel. I know its not all jews who are bad, i just really dont like how they get special treatment and our politicians seem to care more about israel then they do their own citizens.

23377357? ago

1.) The Kazarian theory has been debunked based on DNA and linguistics.

2.) I was one of many reddit's Great Awakening people who bulked at the antisemitic cartoon posted that showed a Hungarian Jew with a bloody knife that Q responded to. After that misconstrued antisemitism, Q said he wouldn't "fly above 40,000 feet" and began saying he was "saving Israel for last."

3.) One million masks to Israel? I imagine that has something to do with Schiff, Schumer and Nadler being Jewish. You're right about some American Jews being more loyal to Israel than the US. But that's the case for all Jews. The real issue is about who is posing as a Jew while really being part of the Illuminati agenda.

4.) The "Talmud Unmasked" and "Protocols of Zion" are deliberate attempts to generate hatred against the Jews based on fabricated information. Behind each is the Illuminati using the Jewish Question to cover for their NWO agenda.

5.) Holocaust deniers can't refute the testimonies of thousands of survivors. Their tattooed serial number on their arms cannot be a hoax, but is proof of the diabolical and inhumane nature of Hitler and his Final Solution.

Over and over Q refers to the cult of the the Illuminati. It is they who worship the devil. Jews don't worship the devil. If they did, then how would Jesus have come from that religious lineage?

23338255? ago

id sugget reading "the iron curtain over america" for starters to really understand the subversion, and the history of jewish/european relationships going back to the medieval age.. but especially from the fall of the romanov dynasty and the creation of communism to modern times.

23323974? ago

You asked a question I answered.

23324080? ago

I didn't ask a question, I'm just solving your problem out of the goodness of my heart

23323427? ago

Madonna told 'em to Lock Q. LOL! Too bad she doesn't seem to get that nothing can stop what is coming. God wins, you evil satanic pedovore with old saggy everything. That was not her in the bathtub. Clone or Miley?

23323617? ago

Heard that she tried to commit suicide by dropping her old Corona in the bathtub with her. She wondered why it didn't work.


23323424? ago

Over the target

23324130? ago

Yes, repeat the reassuring mantra goy. Wwg1wga praise President Trump our savior, God and Jesus bless him and his family amen patriot.

23328978? ago

Sorry to tell you, but we took your website over. You can leave now.

23329713? ago

It's ok nigger. You'll give up after a couple of more years trusting the plan with no results.

23323386? ago


Whiners and shills GTFO. You must go back! Too much WINNING for pussies around here! Go cry in a safe space and let the adults handle it.

23324156? ago

This is a safe space for cucked idiots who don't want to realize it's the Jews using spics and niggers against the white race. Useless piece of shit.

23323379? ago

Mossad, Share Blue, Nazi National SOCIALISTS and Impatient Fools gotta troll and discourage. No other reason. Certainly they're not here to sow doubt if they cared about what we think. And their mockery doesn't work worth shit

If Q turns out to be a LARP, so fucking what? Not the first time I've been down a rabbit hole and come up short once I realized how the Big Blue Marble is run by elite psychopaths who fuck up things for profit and sick enjoyment. Lots more truth and other interesting info has come out due to Q, so I'm here digging and hoping for justice. Stupid PoS Pedophile Shills and impatient, defeatist Patriots like Neon Revolt won't deter me.

23324169? ago

Who cares if Q is a LARP? You'll keep to your internet message boards, doing absolutely nothing to stop any of this.

23323370? ago

They work for the enemy. That's why they're here.

23324144? ago

We were here first, low IQ immigrant nigger. We never wanted you morons here.

23324898? ago

Kill yourself, fuckstain.

23325846? ago

Go back to reddit low IQ spoonfed nigger

23323345? ago

Hmmm, maybe something is happening and the Q business is a bunch of retarded shit at the same time?

23323249? ago

Wtf are you guys doing here?

Mostly, it is shills doing what they always do.

23323154? ago

I mean, obvious shilling is obvious. Q dropped and this clown show just blew up.

23323083? ago

Shills whine

23324374? ago

Wrong. If you think questioning what's happening is whining I suggest you review the Declaration of Independence and learn about the men who wrote it. It is the people who must act for themselves, NOT trust someone else's secret plan.

Wake up.

23329026? ago

Trust but verify, asshole. And guess what? We have verified. The plan is working. Our job is to research the crumbs we've been left, and gain knowledge on all of this stuff so that when the normies are jolted awake, we'll be in mass numbers to console them and help them with the backstory.

23331382? ago

"console them" lol crucial role.

23332592? ago

It is crucial. The will scorch the earth when they find out, and you and I will be taken down with it.

23326177? ago

And you don't see how your supporters in this thread are Voat Nazis?

Are you new here?

23324456? ago

this guy gets it. the rest of you virtue signaling about 'whining', not so much.

23326203? ago

Says the Nazifaggot posing as a virtuous "free speech" fascist.

23323575? ago

Skepticism is healthy.

23324658? ago

Assholes insist they can read others' minds and assume they have no skepticism, in an attempt to thought police others.

23324447? ago

How Daa YU, Shill.! Stop with the truth dam it.

23324174? ago

Keep your skepticism to yourself. It only fuels the shills and eventually you become no different than the shills.

23324428? ago

free speech. new concept for you.

23325646? ago

If you really were an anon, you'd understand why spreading doubt serves no other purpose than to promote the agenda of the Deep State. Is such holistic thinking too new of a concept for a self-centered person like yourself?


(Don't shit in the bread.)

23329396? ago

jesus christ you are annoying

23329403? ago

blah, blah, blah

23324318? ago

Q himself has told us he lies to us. Disinformation is necessary blah blah. As if enough of the world doesn’t lie to us already. Because of that simple fact, I will always be skeptical. How could you not be?

23324441? ago

We all should have healthy skepticism. It's when it becomes spiteful that it becomes a problem.

Do you have proof Q is not a legit PSYOP of the military white hats who recruited Trump? If not, then you are doing a disservice to the cause.

If you have actual evidence, present it. Otherwise, STFU.

23323765? ago

Whining isn’t healthy or constructive

23324442? ago

it's whining because you say it's whining. oh...ok mein fuhrer.

23323954? ago

Do you want a bunch of koolaid drinkers? Questioning and being skeptical should be welcomed by truth seekers.

23323866? ago

Prove that website is literally selling human meat or GTFO.

23323075? ago

They come either to distract us and demoralize us, or they come because they have NO concept of PATIENCE.

They fail to understand that knocking OUT FOREVER and entrenched opponent with NO MORALS, Huge amounts of financial resources and Global reach is not the same as painting the spare room over the weekend.

When DJT built a building...a BUILDING...the lead time from concept to occupancy could easily be 5-6 years.


Got a damn minute to wait, whiners?

Have a tall cold Corona with some lime and sit the hell back.

23342695? ago

Demoralize you’re? Q is doing a better job than anyone. It’s a joke and you’re an idiot

23330125? ago

Fine words, except Q is fake.

23336715? ago



Oh, wait...that is the depth of YOUR ARGUMENT, isn't it?

23328175? ago

No, it’s because Q is fake and it’s entertaining.

23326640? ago

Corona tastes like shit

23328187? ago

Especially with the worms.

23327994? ago


23324862? ago

Use your brain

23324890? ago

But no one here knows how to do that, who can teach me?

23324781? ago

Only a stupid fucking moron would view your "confirmation" as valid. Proof requires unquestionable facts. Shitting opinions and words out of your mouth doesn't count. Why don't put yours to better use to blow your dog?

23326950? ago

And then ignore the hundreds of much better proofs that are available if you just look.

23324848? ago

blow your dog I wouldn't do that if I were you, you might infect your dog...

23324151? ago

I've been guilty at times, but it seems to come down the plan not being to their desired timeline. Once ego comes out, and seeing the progress, a 7 year plan seems reasonable,

Anyone on this board at least, that's been following Q for more than a few months should recognize the progress that's been made.

5-6 years is a fast pace for high rise construction. 1-2 years of permits, 1-2 years of design, 1-3 years construction, is not unreasonable.

23339117? ago

What timeline? There IS no timeline other than a constant shifting of goalposts (placating the masses) by an unseen entity whose identity we have no idea of, telling to trust a plan which we have no idea of what it entails.

To summarize: we have no idea of the "who", the "what", the "where", the "when", the "why", or the "how". But yeah, place all your blind faith and hope **here....

23342139? ago

The timeline that we can only guess at, because if we know then the enemy knows.

So, either you have faith that things are being addressed behind the scenes, or just keep thinking that we are on the downward spiral to oblivion.

23328378? ago

Exactly. No one even knew what pizzagate or q was back then, now q is becoming household. That’s huge on its own.

23327412? ago

but it seems to come down the plan not being to their desired timeline.

Some of us have been waiting 20+ years and continue to watch good people die, despite the claoms of "we have everything".

So excuse us if we don't just accept the claims of an anonymous person on the internet that they are suddenly going to fix everything, as good people continue to die.

23329300? ago

They let two more Kennedy’s get murdered and Qs pussy ass still won’t pull the fucking trigger.

23328938? ago

He's not so anonymous. You downplay Q's credibility. He's 100% working with Trump. Mathematically impossible not to be at this point.

23328367? ago

If you've been red pilled 20 years, you know the end game was 95% reduction in world population.

What's the alternative?

23327977? ago

Some of us have been waiting even longer. Much longer. Take everything you know right now about what's happening, and multiply it by 10. There's at least that much going on right now. Actions being taken, people being 'dealt with' who we don't even know about. If this was something that was as easy to tackle as you seem to think it is then it would have been all over long ago. But, it's not as easy as that and it won't be all over for some time to come. This is a WW effort. It's not being done to keep you happy and it never will be. Keep track of all the gains, all the wins, and be happy about them. You have no say in the plan or its timing. This is a war. People die in wars. You have little choice but to accept reality because it isn't going to change just for you.

23324401? ago

revolutions are won in one big move not slowly planning it. theres planning then the move.

23326896? ago

Well I guess you missed your chance to vote for bernie. Yet again

23325228? ago

Sure, just like those people you'd pump up for a fight because you wanted to watch them get beat down back in high school.

You or I do not have the resources to accomplish such a big move, you're lucky enough to know that such a move is in the making.

23325797? ago

You or I do not have the resources to accomplish such a big move,

You will never make it in this world because you are not smart. WE DO have the resources. It's called "WE THE PEOPLE". WE have the NUMBERS. THEY are only a handful, WE are billions. You WILL NOT TAKE PART in the REVOLUTION. YOU WILL ONLY WATCH US TAKE CARE OF IT FOR YOU.

Get off the internet.

23326930? ago

Billions? You do know there's only @330 million people in the US right? Another bernie bro fooled into thinking they are the majority.

23329173? ago

You ignorant fuck. There are billions worldwide.

23328909? ago

Not the anon you're talking to but fuck are you stupid. You know he means worldwide, right? There exists a world outside of the USA you ignorant fuck.

23324017? ago

You know what "PATIENCE" got you? Your inability to go out and protest policies that are unconstitutional. How's your quarantine going?

23339067? ago

Exactly. It's taken people who would otherwise have acted, and made lazy internet addicts of them, rather than people actually participating/ doing something useful and meaningful against this scourge. Mind you, I am just as guilty of this as anyone. Well done Q. Whomever you are.

23326874? ago

Protest? When we need to act it will not be in the form of a bitch ass protest. Now beat it Bernie bro. I know you're all sad cause your boy bailed, but go to fb or reddit.

23324315? ago

Ingraham elegantly revealed Barr's weak support for the Declaration and the Constitution. An AG should be built of sterner stuff.

23329894? ago

Just your opinion not solid

23322826? ago

Because it's been almost 3 years and we've not seen jack shit. Half the country lost their jobs and pedophiles get to keep on fucking little boys up the ass.

23323265? ago

You're supposed to get caught up in endless groupthink which morphs into fantasy - a proven black/white thought failure in any plan.

Conformity got us here.

23322911? ago

Even more reason to fuck off to reddit.

23324222? ago

Go back then low IQ immigrant nigger. We didn't invite you.

23322903? ago

Because it's been almost 3 years and we've not seen jack shit. Half the country lost their jobs and pedophiles get to keep on fucking little boys up the ass.

And you think whining about that in here is going to shape the world as you wish?

23324236? ago

We just want you to stop shitting up our website with 1000 posts of Q faggotry

23324790? ago

And you think whining about that in here is going to shape the world as you wish?

23325880? ago

As if all of your Quck posts amount to anything

23322783? ago

Schills are worried and skeered.

23324767? ago

Voat is chaos a little like the chans, ok i get the problem with shills and spammers but when were anons afraid of debate ....in the end lies should be defeated and truth should win out

23327428? ago

Not really any debating here from voat shills except name calling and showcasing their private collection of tranny porn

23325078? ago

It's not a debate when they just shit all over the place. They don't care about truth. They're fucking losers who are just mad that their precious little voat got taken over by Qanon people. Too bad, we're here to stay now though!

23324485? ago

Suckling Q on cue makes you look weak, son.

23322759? ago

Refreshing to hear