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23320728? ago

Yeah shove SOON up your ass.

Ffs I know of elderly people not getting taken care of cause the Doctors are sitting on ass at the "Frontline" of imagination and Facebook scrolling. Fucking tell them SOON shit we really have had enough and I've always trusted the fucking plan, make the move or get out of our way and we will handle it the old fashion way. Water the fucking grass with the blood of patriots and shills until one side is left standing.

23324349? ago

If you had bothered to go into board and read anything at all you would have actually known what he showed was from a vegan website, but you would have also read this may be vegans but this is exactly what they are doing. I am willing to bet you read nothing but the actual posts and never read the boards behind them. Thats where you get your information from.

23323445? ago

THere are many more times Q got caught being a LARP and NOT military intelligence:

23322649? ago


so you think that they people making those posts just have wild imaginations?


you (((shills))) are RETARDED.

23322791? ago

The castle is falling and while it's happening.....Q: Lie, Soon, riddles, riddles, riddles, lie, Soon, riddles, riddles, riddles.... repeat forever....

23322268? ago

How do you hide the truth?

Ex: create a website and label it fake?

How do you hide the truth?

Create a public 'trend' re: term 'conspiracy' to humiliate [typecast as 'mental' 'crazy' 'looney'] anyone who opposes the narrative?

How do you hide the truth?

Control majority of media to project [echo] a controlled message re: a desired topic?


Discernment is important. Think for yourself. SHEEP NO MORE!

23322435? ago

Just what we need more riddles, and this time to hide the truth. Welcome to Q Fantasy Land! lmao

23322620? ago

Read through the research in this thread.

23323553? ago

Q fucked up... when he found out that other Anon's did some digging, that's when Q came back to fix his mistake. Q is a larp. Q would of told you straight up that those links he posted were fake but he wanted you to look deeper. He didn't though because he's fake. He literally got caught many other times spreading fake shit and had to backtrack.

23324266? ago

You remind me of atheists who try to convince people God isn't real because the speaker would do things differently.

Are you a Christian?

23324529? ago

Are you comparing Q to god?

23324582? ago

Wow that's a crazy leap in logic. How did you get there?

No, that's not what I said at all.

23321816? ago

Only makes it even more interesting

Gaming industry is a dark thing. Anybody remember the tetris guy who killed himself and family?? Read the note he left behind

23323520? ago

Link? Plez

23321603? ago

That account used an image from Capcom. Big deal. Apparently you didn’t see the page comment where it mentioned Agent Strzok by name?