23329978? ago

I smell a lot of fear in here. The DS has been executing a generational game plan and some of you faggots have your panties all in a knot because you haven't had your expectations met over a period of three years. Short memories cause us to forget about what has been accomplished, and there have been accomplishments. I will not list them all here, but many key DS players have been ejected from the board and DS strongholds in Saudi Arabia, North Korea, and probably other countries have been dismantles. Normies are waking up in record numbers as I don't know anyone who trusts the media anymore. It's true, we could all be getting played for fools, but I don't think so. As an American Patriot who made his oath to our constitution and way of life many years ago, and on more than one occasion, I will stay the course. Hope and faith is

really is all we have left.

23327305? ago

Lots of ass pain in here. I LOOVE IT!

23326963? ago

You're obviously a shill! LOL

23326664? ago

You cannot understand the big picture anon.

Do you realize the cabal has a completely underground infrastructure that you don't even know about? Vast systems whit high speed rail, tons of food, fortified doors and walls protecting them from anything and everything. What's the sense of arresting one when the rest can go into hiding underground? First they have to destroy their underground world, which is what is going on right now. Soon as that's cleaned up, arrests. The stage is set.

23326503? ago

You again. You're the guy who was whining to me about how you lost your job. I told you to toughen up and that our ancestors had to deal with much worse hardships.

Q asked you to be ready, ready to comfort and console those who are soon to be awakened. Your job is to research and have as much proof and answers as possible. He's proven himself legit already.

Do you trust the US military or not? Has Trump and crew been working towards a goal or not? Is there more going on than meets the eye?

Again, quit your fucking whining about your stupid fucking job that feeds the system we're about to be free from! Do your part!

23326056? ago

Your rebellious satanic spirit is showing again. You for nothing but yourself. Why don't you just admit it here. I wish you hear yourself deny the accomplishments that we have made. If you weren't so dangerous you would be pathetic. Satan truly has unleashed the most evil, fancy tongued creatures. To feast and pray on this faithless and Godless.

23325644? ago

Shills whine. You must be a Shilly.

Did you feel the breeze? It sure is Shilly in here.

23325401? ago

100% SHILL


You want action? GET CREATIVE while the real men are risking their lives.

23325514? ago

^^^ Limp Drama Queen ^^^

23325318? ago

Blind trust is for future victims. Healthy skepticism for winners.

23325083? ago

Clearly, reddit has come to voat. Now, it's whiny bitches vs patriots here, and patriot posts of support are being hidden by downvotes while the whiny bitch posts are upvoted.

23324551? ago

'You're either with us or against us', is pretty damning. I smell worry, and that worries me.

23324381? ago

I look at it this way: The Q team are humans. Humans make promises, have plans, maybe even can see the future as they operate their

pro-America psyop, but that does not mean they don't need to be kicked in the ass hard when they do not deliver after telling others they will do the heavy lifting. Lives at stake.

23324336? ago

I wish I could upvote this 17 times

23324305? ago

Feeling more and more like a rabbi op every day.

23324052? ago

I don't think they have the power or control they are trying to project to the movement. countermoves send them back to the drawing board and new game plans. Yes - they are still SCOT Free.

23323852? ago

another whiny blackpill faggot. kek.

23323827? ago

Current status of The Great Awaitening:

☐ Truth and Justice

☑ "Backchannels"

23323418? ago

Calling people Shills implies that they are paid by black money in order to sow discord. Q just played a very dangerous game.

23326826? ago

Here's the deal. If Q and Trump aren't real, there aren't enough of us who know what's going on to do anything. There are a lot of people awake, not near enough for most of America to rise up. Our populations of awakenend people do not live in dense areas and are too dispersed by Geography. Those are the facts. If the Military isn't on our side, we would be crushed in no time. Our only option is to continue to "be the news now" and force the subject to those who's heads are otherwise buried in the sand. I'm not being pessimistic, this is reality. It's more than likely the same reality that Trump is in. The cabal is quite large. They have a force of minions in every corner ready to pounce. So if you aren't a shill, good on ya, but you are doing the movement no good at this point but discourage others or get some crazy fool out there doing something stupid where the media gets to call you a terrorist and everyone believes it, hook, line, and sinker. Now do you see why people are calling you a shill?

23322942? ago

Shills whine. You whine.

23322875? ago

great way to gather all the shills together on this post so they can determine how many are still left. yes we have many doubt fags. but a true doubt fag would leave the movement and not come back. Go Q!!!!!!!

23323299? ago

Here we go. Cult on the way.

  1. STFU.
  2. GTFO.

Is that the consciousness shift shit we keep hearing about?

LOL, STFU or GTFO... great response, retard.

23322785? ago

ThanQ for the cathartic rant, that I admit has crossed my mind, a time or two.

Fortunately, I am intelligent, and these thoughts instantly disintegrate due to my grasp of the big picture.

23323863? ago

You mean your fabricated narrative that only exists within the confines of this niche group and your imagination

23322638? ago

For those that want to know, read through this tweet thread - https://twitter.com/iNewsTV/status/1248112924385619969

23322598? ago

Your options:

  1. Join the herd (not shill).
  2. Freedom of expression (shill AF).

23323257? ago

Q is beginning to sound like a fucking Commie.

23322596? ago

haHaHA. Sounds like your all done with trifling with the Monster. Nothing here to see. Might as well go out and get yourself a constructive outlet to pass the time. Maybe you could start your own movement and lead all these disillusioned followers to a REAL counter revolution against Evil. If you want something done right you really do need to do it yourself. About time someone sounded the alarm. We'll be looking for your posts on 4chan.

23322438? ago

Best post I’ve read in a while. Nicely and carefully written.

23322408? ago

Whiny bitch!

23322236? ago

Q is playing games - he’s annoying. Posting urls to fake cannibalism websites. Let’s get real Q!

23322963? ago

Q is sayıng they hide under the veil of parody and "too far fetched to be true", but they really do this.

How dumb are some of you motherfuckers?

23324953? ago

Q is real, and to be trusted, but perhaps Q underestimated the stupidity, and obtuseness of anons.

Q definitely has you pegged for the whiny bitches that you are, though.

23329878? ago

Q has already mentioned that they may have overestimated our abilitites.

23323704? ago

Ok apologist. How much mental gymnastics talking points do you have memorized to defend your false prophet?

23323202? ago

only because Q got caught being sloppy. He should of said that when he originally posted the links.... but now that he got called out he had to backtrack. This means that Q isn't actually military intelligence. You don't just fuck up like that. He proved he is a larp.

23322085? ago

I for one am happy that my "Butts In Seats" employer is being forced to allow me work remotely.

23324916? ago

And I am happy for you, fellow patriot.

23322019? ago

Shills can try to kill the spirit of this movement but it won't work.

23321811? ago

He can't wait 1 more day to rant after 50 years? He even said himself 4/10/20. So this is a Pre-Rant?

23323844? ago


23323944? ago

Gee are you upset! Just one more day?

23324049? ago

See you then. I'm sure disinformation will be necessary and more plan trusting will occur. Cope harder, useful idiot.

23324312? ago

Best wishes :)

23321723? ago

This dude can't see 3 inches in front of his face, let alone look between the lines. You really think this shut down is about the flu...

23323375? ago

My family just lost their business because of this fake flu shit. I know many, many more around the world in tougher positions. THere are countless others right now who are being evicted from their homes because of this fake mission Q is telling you about. My family and other family's businesses are NOT negotiable and NOT up for sacrifice to make you happy because you want Brennan in jail or to save a bunch of kids from non-existent tunnels that Q never even mentioned.

Fuck you

23324896? ago

What do you mean, "lost their business?"

Are you saying that in the midst of this shut down, papers were filed, acted upon, and the business is gone?

Or, are you using hyperbole? So while their business might have shuttered, are you saying that no matte what, and no matter how much they want to reopen their business once we come out of this they won't be able to?

23323421? ago

No thanks, Rabbi, I like women. Thanks for the offer, though. Have fun being unemployed.

23323516? ago


23323819? ago

If you're not on board with the Q narrative, kikestianity and loving niggers, go fuck yourself cracker.

23321867? ago

what’s it about

23324813? ago

The first reply nails it, succinctly.

I certainly have felt the same frustrations at times as OP, but at least I never gave in to it like a little bitch, which the majority here have.

It is kind of sad to see so many whiny little bitches throwing verbal tantrums even though it is clear to anyone with more mental acuity than Biden that we are in the end game.

Obviously, 75% unemployment would suck, but you're stoopid enough to vote Demorat if you believe GEOTUS is going to allow it.

If you whiny bitches had more intelligence, you would be in AWE of what GEOTUS has accomplished, already, without destroying the economy. Yet, admittedly, but Trump has said he expects it will be over sooner, rather than later. Trump has a track record of being right.

It turns out the 10 days of darkness had nothing to do with anons being without internet, but rather, real men, real patriots fighting an "invisible enemy" tunneled under the earth, engaged in unthinkable evil; so that you whiny bitches can keep whining in safety.

You stupid whiny bitches are being treated to daily press conferences in which we are seeing deep state players signaling one another behind GEOTUS' back, but you whiny bitches haven't figured out GEOTUS is an adept at Sun Tzu. Your ignorance, and obtuseness explains why you whiny bitches don't get what is going on with "Israel," even though Q has told you, but your use of "kike" is so woke and masks your bitchiness. I do have to ask, though; do you whiny bitches think throwing around the word, "nigger," anonymously is courageous? You chickenshit whiny bitches probably cower in the presence of black people.

So, when this dark period has passed, and we come through it better than ever before, at least you will be able to pretend you were courageous, steadfast patriots, and never the whiny bitches you really are.

23332022? ago

damn bro you’re angry but not sure why a simple “what’s it about” question triggered your so hard.

you didn’t even answer my question. lol. you ironically sound like the whiny bitch. and now everybody can see that.

23322037? ago

This shut down is to get people off the streets, out of crowded businesses, out of crowded schools to avod False Flags. Trump is outright talking about our Military's fight against our "invisible enemy" right there in front of God and everyone, and we havent seen a single mass shooting or "racist trump supporter" attack to distract the public, because they can't.

This shit is ramping up, Hillary was denied her appeal to not testify in court regarding her emails and bengazi, and right after that, Q starts turning everyone's attention to cannibal clubs for the elite in the country. Getting the public ready to see this shit. Can you imagine how many people would have been killed in false flags if we were not at home with our families?

Trump said it himself, we will have to make some sacrifices the next couple of weeks, but the short term saceifices will result in long term results. There is more to this than the "corona virus" hell we even have a cure for it already.

23332113? ago

genuine question because you might be right but you also might be wrong: around what time, if nothing has happened, will you begin to question if Q is legit at all? there’s no right or wrong answer, and it doesn’t have to be anything concrete. not like i’m gonna hood you to it.

but if nothing happens by july 4 2020, still trust the plan? how about by nov 2020?

2021? 2024? genuinely just trying to gauge people’s “red line”. maybe you don’t even have one and you’ll trust the plan beyond 2024. that’s fine. just wondering tho

23333569? ago

I am always a bit skeptical. I have seen the proofs over the years, so I am not so much concerned that Q might not be real, but that we have been tricked into submission.

I trust the plan because this is the last option beforr we have to take things into our own hands. On the off chace that POTUS turns out to be DS and Q was to keep us busy while they take our freedoms, then I will fight, to the death if I have to, to protect my family and rights.

23336308? ago

glad to hear. but i’m curious what your red line is? is it if nothing happens before november? is it if trump supports mandatory vax? what would be your red line?

23342051? ago

Oh for sure, if he supports mandatory vax, that will be a big jump over the red line. I will definitely be put off if NOTHING happens by November. I know that there is a good chance this won't be done before his second term, and he will likely need to be in his second term for some of the heavy lifting, but if nothing happens before then, I will seriously reevaluate this Q thing.

23322252? ago

Yep, to prevent mass murders to drive the news cycle and prevent any particular group from being targeted. I also think the reason we will be kept home a few weeks more is they probably are rounding up people, at least for indictments. The public would be at great risk if these demons try to escape in high chase pursuits or actually get into shoot-outs with the military. I personally believe all these celebs have been indicted and are on house arrest. When the video with Ellen and Jimmy Kimmel started, it looked like a National Guard or some other military type was walking by the window outside her house. Cut off from their drug of choice and they know what is coming. This is getting good! I don't mind being home. The best is yet to come! WWG1WGA!

23322338? ago

Exactly right. Like Q said "you are watching a movie". I wish I could stay home too, though. My job is "essential" so I hope I don't get caught up in this when it goes down lol

23322414? ago

I'm actually working during the day at my office but I was home for three weeks. My husband and I both had some crazy virus for two weeks, but I don't think we were Kung Flu Fighting. Then my office made me stay home an extra week after we recovered because they were being careful. I'm in HR so we are always "essential" in a crisis. And I work for a non-profit and our clients are severely disabled so we have 24/7 operations. I am loving the empty supermarkets and no traffic!!!!! And luckily we are good on TP. The Great TP Crisis of 2020 continues . . . LOL!

23322795? ago

Yep, my biggest concern is the people in my area seem like they are starting to ignore the stay at home request. Traffic on my way to work is getting worse, and the markets have more people in them than they did. I just hope nothing happens here if the shit hits the fan. We all gotta stay safe out there so we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I am hoping this all wraps up with an econimic reset. I will likely use my Trump bucks to buy more silver just in case

23323833? ago

Youse some gullible ass niggas

23323935? ago

Are we gullible, or are you retarded? I am thinking the latter.

23324040? ago

4-10-20 coming up... And nothing will happen. See you gullible faggots later.

23324211? ago

Make sure you don't stay up too late. Don't make your wife's boyfriend ground you.

23324265? ago

Do you love niggers like Q does? Because I don't. I'm not a useless cuckservative faggot like you Qoomers. Purge shitskins and kikes. You dumb useless nigger.

23324311? ago

Yikes, you have some issues to work out, babygirl.

23324351? ago

Race traitor status confirmed. You faggots deserve the ethnic cleansing the kikes have planned for you. Enjoy your low IQ mulatto grandchildren.

23324876? ago

So I take it your wife's boyfriend is black?

23325867? ago

Negative, I hate niggers unlike you cucked faggot race traitors.

23321572? ago

Hey Q,

We're doing our best to interpret your riddles. Forgive us for getting pissed off when after 2 1/2 years not one public event has taken place to prove our case and wake up the normies. Patience is not a virtue I possess.

23322290? ago

Ya. They ask us if we really think those involved will go unpunished. Well, people have gone unpunished for the last 100+ years, why wouldn't we think that?

Hope its different this time, but only time will tell.

23321474? ago

All this Q piece of shit can do is keep saying "SOON SOON SOON" and anyone who asks when is a fucking shill?

Do we have to wait until 75% of the country is unemployed? Do we have to wait for open civil war? Do we have to wait until the national guard is dragging people out of their homes forcing them to get the Bill Gates vaccine?

23326621? ago

Awww whaaaaa, you're shitty fucking job that feeds the cabal system and sends their progeny to Harvard. You're sooo hard done by.

Man up and stop being a whiny little bitch.

23321221? ago

Very well said!

That “shills whine” backstab makes one move from excitement toward INDIFFERENCE.

23321201? ago

chill.... when the time is right.

23324638? ago

yez, soon

23320970? ago

It certainly doesn't help that DJT's friends Pompeo and DeSantis are on the forefront of making it illegal to criticize the government of Israel (who did 9/11) or advocate for Indigenous Europeans or authentic Christians (not the brainwashed fawning slaves to Zion known as "Judeochristians"). If winning means being Israel's bitches rather than UN bitches, I'm out. Jesus saves, Israel enslaves!

23326559? ago

I guess you can't see moves ahead of moves. Ever heard of setting something up for future reference? Optics. This is war, an information war. If Trump is saving Israel for last, maybe he's making moves now that'll make sense later.

I can't believe how much shit I have to correct and reason with here. It's infested with fucking negative, Q hating pussies.

23321850? ago

based! yea why didn’t Q mention trumps EO making it illegal to boycott israel on college campuses? that’s bullshit and every truther knows it

23322125? ago

How have I completely missed this?

23332064? ago

because of people like those who replied to you. i’m not “mixing two things”. BDS is now banned on college campuses. BDS is a free speech issue. idc if you love israel like these boomers or are a true /pollack/ and hate those fags. even the most blue haired liberal should be able to support BDS if they want.

ffs these people replying also forgot trump gave a speech supporting red flag laws after the el paso shooting. he’s been a very jewish president since 2018.

but yea i’ll get called a shill for pointing out the obvious.

“think for yourself”.... unless it’s critical of GOD EMPEROR

23322720? ago

He's mixing 2 things.

It is NOT illegal to boycott Israel, but it is illegal to discriminate against Jews at colleges just because they are Jews: it was an EO that made something already illegal, illegal. So it affectively did nothing

23323236? ago

Exactly. It was an optics move.

23323417? ago

It was a GOOD optics move.

23320833? ago

I understand how you feel, however I think your concerns are misplaced. God loves you, and wants you to be safe and happy. The concerns of this world are just distractions from living your life.

Pray the Rosary. Give your life to God. He will protect you and bring you joys you have never known.

23321648? ago

Please show me the Bible scripture about praying the Rosary or praying to Mary or New Testament "priests", and whether "priests" in the New Testament are expected to be celibate and shun marriage?

23321866? ago

First, I love you.

Second, I realize you hold to Sola Scriptura, however the Church fathers for 1500 years did not, and would ask you to please show them the Bible scripture about only doing things it says to do in the Bible.

Third, if you want to see where it says to be celibate, perhaps this will do to start.

I will say Trent Horn made a great point in his response to Mike Winger about the fact that Protestant priests universally being family men seems quite self serving in the context of the power of a priest and his relationship to his parish. It really does open the doors up for abuses like the polygamy we see in other religions like Mormonism.

Do you know about the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal in 1917? What is your Biblical explanation for that?

23322029? ago

Praying to Mary is an unbiblical practice.

Also, having priests is an unbiblical practice, because now Christ is our priest. (At least, in the New Testament. The old priesthood was abolished).

Instead, we have leaders and helpers in the church, and they are instructed to have a wife.

"A deacon must be a man of only one wife and must manage his children and his household well."

If the Catholic church followed this practice, they would not be bringing shame onto Christ with all their homosexual and pedophile priests.

23322247? ago

I love you, however I disagree. Sorry.

I disagree most strongly with the idea that the priests have to be married. It worked for almost 2000 years. The fact that the satanists spent untold sums of money and sent untold numbers of pedophiles into the priesthood, is undeniable. The fact that those priests were protected and many lives destroyed is undeniable. However it does not therefore follow that if they were allowed to marry, they would not have this problem. It is just fallacious logic, and plays exactly into the devil's hands.

A large number of priests, bishops, and even the pope live under strong demonic forces, there is no need to curse them further. Pray for them and their salvation, that they may be healed and brought to Christ, and we might all live together in love for His everlasting glory.

23322337? ago

So the Pharisees and teachers of the law asked Jesus, “Why don’t your disciples live according to the tradition of the elders instead of eating their food with defiled hands?”

He replied, “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written:

“‘These people honor me with their lips,

but their hearts are far from me.

They worship me in vain;

their teachings are merely human rules.’

You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.”

And he continued, “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions! For Moses said, ‘Honor your father and mother,’ and, ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.’ But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is Corban (that is, devoted to God)— then you no longer let them do anything for their father or mother. Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.”

23322552? ago

I don't think that proves what you think it proves, especially if you're not going to explain what you think that has to do with what I said. Sorry.

23322599? ago

It's plain as day that God and Jesus repeatedly have warned not to replace the commandments of God with human traditions. Yet this is precisely what the Catholic Church has done, just as the Pharisees had. God commands the priesthood to be abolished and the deacons to have one wife. Whereas the Catholic church institutes a priesthood and prohibits marriage.

23322699? ago

Sorry brother, but you think your tradition is the one we should use instead? I think you are very confused, and pray that you will come to God's Church.

23323914? ago

I have only quoted Bible Scripture here. Is there some Catechism of the Protestant church you believe I am referring to?

23324201? ago

The one that claims, in spite of 2000 years of Church teaching, that Sola Scriptura is a coherent tradition when it's based on the opinions of people who never knew Christ, His apostles, and lived 1500 years later.

Sorry, but I don't recognize your authority to make such claims.

23322726? ago

NO, I am not advocating for any tradition of men, only for what is written in Scripture AGAINST doing that very thing.

23322762? ago

Yes, and that is based on your tradition. I understand, but I disagree.

You cannot get outside of tradition, no matter how hard you try.

23323845? ago

Is there some Catechism of the Protestant church you believe I am referring to? I have only quoted Bible Scripture here.

23323886? ago

Bible Scripture is passed down by your tradition. The reason you accept the (masonic number) 66 books is due to your tradition.

Your argument is self defeating, unfortunately.

23322312? ago

Please name for me a single place in the New Testament that says the church shall have a new priesthood? Even a single priest other than Christ?

There are deacons and such -- that's it. Helpers, not priests. No more intermediaries between man and God. That's the whole reason Christ came. That's why the curtain in the Holiest-of-Holies was ripped in two. That's the whole point Paul made repeatedly in so many writings over and over again.

23322595? ago

Jesus built His Church on Peter. You cannot have a Church without a priesthood.

I don't know what denomination you hold to, but I pray you will learn about the Catholic Church and learn their arguments.

Can you tell me the Catholic Church's argument for their position as well as your argument against?

23323933? ago

You cannot have a Church without a priesthood.

Actually Paul says we have an eternal priest: Christ.

Peter says all of us are now a royal priesthood.

The New Testament may have deacons, but no priests.

That was the whole point.

You have no scripture to quote in opposition to this. Therefore what you assert without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.

"By their fruits you will know them" -- think of the pedophiles. That is the fruit of Catholic doctrine.

23324184? ago

There are pedophiles in the Protestant church. Sorry, but your argument is poor. You are throwing out 2000 years of Church teachings on what authority, might I ask?

23322671? ago

Can you tell me the Catholic Church's argument...

The whole point is that their traditions are false!

Paul said it best:

If perfection could have been attained through the priesthood—and indeed the law given to the people established that priesthood—why was there still need for another priest to come, one in the order of Melchizedek, not in the order of Aaron? For when the priesthood is changed, the law must be changed also. He of whom these things are said belonged to a different tribe, and no one from that tribe has ever served at the altar. For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah, and in regard to that tribe Moses said nothing about priests. And what we have said is even more clear if another priest like Melchizedek appears, one who has become a priest not on the basis of a regulation as to his ancestry but on the basis of the power of an indestructible life. For it is declared:

“You are a priest forever,

in the order of Melchizedek.”

The former regulation is set aside because it was weak and useless (for the law made nothing perfect), and a better hope is introduced, by which we draw near to God.

And it was not without an oath! Others became priests without any oath, but he became a priest with an oath when God said to him:

“The Lord has sworn

and will not change his mind:

‘You are a priest forever.’”

Because of this oath, Jesus has become the guarantor of a better covenant.

Now there have been many of those priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office; but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.

Such a high priest truly meets our need—one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself. For the law appoints as high priests men in all their weakness; but the oath, which came after the law, appointed the Son, who has been made perfect forever.

23321115? ago

Do not us vain repetitions like the heathen when praying. Fuck Catholicism, the Pope, the Jesuits, for they are surely a large part of the Synagogue of Satan. Go into your closet and pray in secret, and God will answer your prayers openly.

23321203? ago

God loves you. I'm sorry you have so much hatred. I know how you feel, but it is not productive or helpful.

Good luck, and may God bless you.

23320978? ago

Give us some thoughts on the Rosary, please.

23321159? ago

Here's part 1/3 of an exorcist talking about prophecies given by Our Lady, describing what will happen if we don't pray the Rosary and give ourselve's to God.

Here's a sister, talking about the elevator to sainthood, which is so incredibly simple and obvious it's painful.

Not to bury the lede, St Therese teaches that the little way to Heaven is to love God and His Mother like a child. To talk to them, ask them for help, and just do what they say, and you will find the love that you never knew existed.

Here's part 2 of the sister's talk.

Then of course there is the appearance of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal in 1917, who begged children to pray the Rosary. Two of those children died in the Spanish Flu of 1918 (cabal inspired...), the other lived a long life in God.

I understand people's aversion to the Catholic Church. Trust me, I have hated it longer than most. Father Ripperger makes a good point however, that I will paraphrase:

Why curse the Pope when he's obviously demonically possessed? Pray for his salvation, that we might have peace on earth.

Pray the Rosary. Get close to God. He loves you, and wants a relationship with you.

23321545? ago

Thank you for your reply. I will watch these videos.

23321618? ago

May God bless you, brother. Please let me know if you have questions or just want to talk.

23320826? ago

Have to admit I had a bad night, and doubted the whole movement. But I slept on it and woke up realizing that I'm just stupid. We're all stupid. And if it weren't for the USMIL we'd all be headed to the slaughterhouse right about now.

GOD WINS. Thank GOD for Q

23323728? ago

Don't speak of God and Q in the same breath. You take your Lord's name in vain. You follow a false prophet.

23320741? ago

Think Scottfree. Ridley Scotts production company. Scott directed White Squall in 1996. WWG1WGA. At the ready. Don't be so linear and literal. Think. Don't wait to be spoon fed.

23320728? ago

Yeah shove SOON up your ass.

Ffs I know of elderly people not getting taken care of cause the Doctors are sitting on ass at the "Frontline" of imagination and Facebook scrolling. Fucking tell them SOON shit we really have had enough and I've always trusted the fucking plan, make the move or get out of our way and we will handle it the old fashion way. Water the fucking grass with the blood of patriots and shills until one side is left standing.

23324799? ago

It could be soon, or not soon.

We've waited centuries to take down the cabal, what's another year?

You weren't going to do shit, even if Q wasn't around. What you doing to do there, Berniebro, shoot up Trump's administration? The buck stops with Trump, right?

You are an enemy of the people and of Q. Fuck off [shills whine].

23325475? ago

You keyboard warrior I already proved I'm more than capable of "doing shit" and by how you describe "shit" you have no idea what the real world is like keyboard warrior. You just hiding like a bitch hoping someone saves you. While the actual warriors are trying to rally with q and trump. But to be a warrior of God you can simply put all faith in mankind. So take your satanic bullshit else where. This is real true patriots reign, you know the ones willing to die for freedom not cowards like yourself. Keep typing pussy we will take care of the heavy lifting.

23325540? ago

You sound scared.

I've been following Q for years, never have the thought police been so desperate-sounding.

Nut sacs always claim they would have stormed the castle, if only Qanons would have joined them. They always lamented they couldn't do their revolutionary dirty deeds because Q "placated" us and we wouldn't join you.

We always have a plan B.

Mmm hmm. I've seen it first hand. Fortunately, Scalise lived.

23325756? ago

Projection much fear mongerer? Oh good God you think to highly of yourself. None of us was hoping for anons to join anyone y'all are simply information leakers, not actual action takers, nor has any of Qs slowed our reaction. Your a fool to have thought that. Like I said we don't put your eggs in one basket. We warfighter have always and will always rely only on our faith, family, and a proper level of violence. Sorry to bust your bubble nothing revolved around the anons on the InTeRnEt. We will work with q and trump because less bloodshed is best but it if doesn't pan out it doesn't matter what happened before Q during Q or after Q it won't make a difference in the end because in the end of that scenario all there will be is blood. Don't worry no one will blame the q movement because if it comes to that it wouldn't have changed, 40 year ago battle with cabal will be like 40 years from now having a battle with cabal. Q movement or not. Simple mind you have to think outside the box. There isn't just you and them, there's actual patriots out here who are to smart to have 1 dimensional thinking.

23326044? ago

Oh good God you think to highly of yourself.

That you care what I think and have been tasked with changing my thoughts, as a thought policeman, it is all anyone needs to know who you are and where you came from.

None of us was hoping for anons to join anyone y'all are simply information leakers

If I had a nickel for every Nazifaggot who whined that Q was placating us into doing nothing instead of joining the Nazis in their revolution (against the Trump administration, of course), I'd be rich.

not actual action takers

Oh look, I just earned another nickel.

Not actual action takers eh? I've had this conversation so many times now, I already know what happens next. I'll ask you "what action were you planning on taking?" Let's see if you have something new to say I haven't heard before.

Never ends up being something you wouldn't be thrown in prison for.

23326339? ago

Oh now your placent in prison??? People like you are the reason rights are so easily sacrificed.

Also the fuck is thoughtpolice something you conjured up, you noob, no one cares what you think I made a simple observation, nor do i care if you give a fuck or not. Once again pretending you matter. I don't think you get it. If things get ugly it won't matter if y'all did shit or not. We are the action takers we have never put your coward kind in any plan or mission. Your not involved, go back to bed. We will be getting prepared to fight on place of people like you and even lay our lives down for oblivious fucks like you because you simply don't know what reality is. Ignorance is bliss. The soldiers that swear upon the constitution gifts that to you and you don't even have what it takes to earn it. Also this is a century long battle placating doesn't matter what q is doing is not placating anything when our plan has the same consequence before or after Q or if Q never exhisted. Can you even wrap you simple child mind around that?

23326505? ago

How can you type so many words without stating what your plan of action actually is?

You know, that thing you criticize me for not having? I'll give you another shot at it.

What exactly are you going to do? What is your exact plan?

This ought to be good. Let me go get some popcorn.

23326892? ago

I don't think you understand the rules of engagement. For starters you don't give details, especially exact details, about plan of action. Also none of us are here to spoon feed intel to curious normies that just wanna feel like they are "part of the action". That is the bakers/anons job they do that for US so we can adjust accordingly, and it's been appreciated. But this soon shit is for the birds and even they are getting full.

23327411? ago

That you can't say what your plan is, is simply a confirmation that it would land you in jail.

Also none of us are here to spoon feed intel to curious normies

Oh you've got a plan. And somehow, there's a bunch of other anonymous Nazifaggots who also have the same plan. But you can't talk about it on an anonymous forum, because then everyone would know your super-secret plan, and you can't be having any of that.

Your entire existence falls apart after a few simple questions.

That is the bakers/anons job they do that for US so we can adjust accordingly,

No baker has anything violent planned. You know the violent things you're talking about? Remember?

We warfighter have always and will always rely only on our faith, family, and a proper level of violence.

Remember that violence? Yeah, you remember. But shhhh, you can't talk about it. Unless you're condemning others for not talking about it.

You're full of shit my little troll friend. And like I've said repeatedly, you have nothing to contribute that wouldn't get you put in jail.

23328272? ago

Lol do you really think we believe your shitty act? Crawl back in your JDIF hole shill. We know your little box and pick strategy you bestowed upon the librals. It's glow paint these days. Patriots talk like actual humans not like another (((NPC))) lol you almost had me fooled until you kept pushing for intel as well as the common idomize and pick strategy (like how y'all do with money) that never changes up. That's what's always betrayed you and your (((people))) you always thought you was smarter than the common man, but we can adapt, which makes us strong, your pride makes you weak because you won't change tactic. Fucking loosers your terrified of when we start dragging you and your families into the street. Well trying to start shit with a killer was the last thing you should have done when your chips are down. I can't wait for y'all to fold. The way you talk and never change will be your downfall. We will pick you all out of a crowd. Q was right about one thing (((you))) really are stupid and no matter what he does or doesn't do; it won't save you from us. Will be seeing you.

23328960? ago

Fucking loosers your terrified of when we start dragging you and your families into the street.

Bingo. You're a glownigger.

Surprised you'd actually confess how much you hate the Constitution of the United States out loud. Tell me again how you're not a Bernie Bro?

Q was right about one thing (((you))) really are stupid

Nazifaggots make the worst concern trolls. You can't profess to hate everything about conservatives and Qanons and then somehow pretend that you are one. Q and Trump disavow you and everything about you ... of course you know that.

23339974? ago

Wow, 6 of you Nazifaggots out of nowhere on a long forgotten thread, buried 12 thread comments deep. I'm over the target.

Nothing is going to stop what is coming. Nothing is going to stop the end of your paychecks. Hung elites can't pay for trolls.

23340695? ago

Wow (((You))) created your own narrative to feel important. It's still just me, you poser. Your no real Anon. Most likely not even in JIDF. Your fake af. You make not difference and to stupid to decern a single person's typing pattern. Point proven. Lol Your not on the patriot team and never will be, we can see (((you)))..

23332423? ago

(((Nazifaggots make the worst concern trolls. You can't profess to hate everything about conservatives and Qanons and then somehow pretend that you are one. Q and Trump disavow you and everything about you ... of course you know that.)))

JDIF and your now dead (((kind))) have nothing to do with conservatives or Q. Infact q shows us exactly who the (((enemy))) is in post 998. BUSTED YOU JEW RAT! LOL


(Picture of Hooknose Jew holding a knife in a pool of hungarian Russian polish blood while looking to the sky asking "why do they persecute me so?")

Yeah try again and no #Jexodus Won't save (((you))) either.

23332298? ago

Yep your scared of when we drag (((you))) and your (((family))) into the streets. Talking shit doesn't make it any less real. Only increases the pleasure of distorting your (((synagouge of Satan))) WE ARE COMING FOR (((YOU))) Q OR NOT. LOL

9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Rev. 3.9

23332231? ago

Where did he say he "hated" the constitution. Or are you just shilling? Lame.....

23339993? ago

Wow, 6 of you Nazifaggots out of nowhere on a long forgotten thread, buried 12 thread comments deep. I'm over the target.

Nothing is going to stop what is coming. Nothing is going to stop the end of your paychecks. Hung elites can't pay for Nazi trolls.

23340705? ago

Wow (((You))) created your own narrative to feel important. It's still just me, you poser. Your no real Anon. Most likely not even in JIDF. Your fake af. You make not difference and to stupid to decern a single person's typing pattern. Point proven.. Lol Your not on the patriot team and never will be, we can see (((you))).

23332204? ago

(((You))) will choke of your own blood. We can tack (((you))). Lol (((You))) really thought your anonymous? voat is our little way of finding the (((JDIF))) such as yourself. We shall eliminate your entire diseased (((bloodline)))

23340000? ago

Wow, 6 of you Nazifaggots out of nowhere on a long forgotten thread, buried 12 thread comments deep. I'm over the target.

Nothing is going to stop what is coming. Nothing is going to stop the end of your paychecks. Hung elites can't pay for Berniebros.

23340716? ago

Wow (((You))) created your own narrative to feel important. It's still just me, you poser. Your no real Anon. Most likely not even in JIDF. Your fake af. You make not difference and to stupid to decern a single person's typing pattern. Point proven... Lol Your not on the patriot team and never will be, we can see (((you))).

23332168? ago

There you have it folks this one is (((JDIF))) tell tell sign is the purposeful miss direction and re narration if what people say. You can tell. I already said WE are the Soldiers swear to the US CONSTITUTION to protect worms like yourself. Also you know what (((families))) I'm referring to I'll Fix it "your terrified of when we start dragging you and your (((FAMILIES))) into the street." That's exactly what we will do to (((you))) and your kind. You will bow at the feet of us Gentials. We rejoice in knowing this.. like I said try as you want we can tell by how you twist what I've said that you are JDIF.

23340016? ago

Wow, 6 of you Nazifaggots out of nowhere on a long forgotten thread, buried 12 thread comments deep. I'm over the target.

Nothing is going to stop what is coming. Nothing is going to stop the end of your paychecks. Hung elites cannot pay for trolls.

23340686? ago

Wow (((You))) created your own narrative to feel important. It's still just me, you poser. Your no real Anon. Most likely not even in JIDF. Your fake af. You make not difference and to stupid to decern a single person's typing pattern. Point proven. Lol Your not on the patriot team and never will be, we can see (((you))).

23340737? ago

LMAO ... did you really just reply to me 8 times? It looked like it was 8 individuals but I guess it was just 1 busy troll.

23340745? ago

One dude look closely I even have to add periods because voat wont let me post mutliple post that are exactly alike. I knew it your a voat noob anon poser. Lol

23326361? ago

I hear you brother. In combat no one wins.

23326419? ago

Exactly. It's just bloodshed and none of this, "who did what or didn't do what", matters at that point. Only the real understand. It just scares normies to think finger pointing doesnt matter when you don't have fingers left. Like I said we always had this but if Q can do it an easier way, bring it on. If not then let the us do what we was trained to do.

23324943? ago

Wipe your chin after suckling Q, son.

23325212? ago

The dick sucking fags are all on your side, not ours. Aren't y'all supposed to be proud of that? Be proud of all that dick-sucking tranny stuff. Own that shit you maggots!

23325387? ago

Their fag parade got canceled and so they are angry now.

23325035? ago

Says the guy drooling Hitler jizz.

23325101? ago

What does Q nut taste like, princess?

23325145? ago

says the nutsac (or is it nat soc?) ... nm guess the words are interchangeable

23321487? ago

Trusting the plan will get you and your family killed.

23325380? ago

You're talking out of your ass unless you have some first hand knowledge of why this is so. If you do, spill it. Otherwise, you are just talking out of your ass.

23326516? ago

He's talking out of his ass. He has free time now to learn, research, and be ready to console the normies with the truth when it's time.... and that time in near.

23324349? ago

If you had bothered to go into board and read anything at all you would have actually known what he showed was from a vegan website, but you would have also read this may be vegans but this is exactly what they are doing. I am willing to bet you read nothing but the actual posts and never read the boards behind them. Thats where you get your information from.

23323445? ago

THere are many more times Q got caught being a LARP and NOT military intelligence:



23322649? ago


so you think that they people making those posts just have wild imaginations?


you (((shills))) are RETARDED.

23322791? ago

The castle is falling and while it's happening.....Q: Lie, Soon, riddles, riddles, riddles, lie, Soon, riddles, riddles, riddles.... repeat forever....

23322268? ago

How do you hide the truth?

Ex: create a website and label it fake?

How do you hide the truth?

Create a public 'trend' re: term 'conspiracy' to humiliate [typecast as 'mental' 'crazy' 'looney'] anyone who opposes the narrative?

How do you hide the truth?

Control majority of media to project [echo] a controlled message re: a desired topic?


Discernment is important. Think for yourself. SHEEP NO MORE!

23322435? ago

Just what we need more riddles, and this time to hide the truth. Welcome to Q Fantasy Land! lmao

23322620? ago

Read through the research in this thread. https://twitter.com/iNewsTV/status/1248112924385619969

23323553? ago

Q fucked up... when he found out that other Anon's did some digging, that's when Q came back to fix his mistake. Q is a larp. Q would of told you straight up that those links he posted were fake but he wanted you to look deeper. He didn't though because he's fake. He literally got caught many other times spreading fake shit and had to backtrack.

23324266? ago

You remind me of atheists who try to convince people God isn't real because the speaker would do things differently.

Are you a Christian?

23324529? ago

Are you comparing Q to god?

23324582? ago

Wow that's a crazy leap in logic. How did you get there?

No, that's not what I said at all.

23321816? ago

Only makes it even more interesting

Gaming industry is a dark thing. Anybody remember the tetris guy who killed himself and family?? Read the note he left behind

23323520? ago

Link? Plez

23321603? ago

That account used an image from Capcom. Big deal. Apparently you didn’t see the page comment where it mentioned Agent Strzok by name?

23320678? ago

We are not shills and we are not whining.

Yet more poor form by Q. Gaslighting all criticism as shilling/whining, thereby giving followers a free pass for wantonly tossing around "shill" accusations.

23326593? ago

If you don't have a solution or any value to add other than whining and concernfagging, you're a shill or a troll.

Add something of value to the conversation or be a whiny bitch which one will it be?

23322928? ago

Q is speaking of the 8kun breads. They are overrun with shills currently and are making an attempt to subvert every single thread, creating fake ones, etc. He is not talking about Linda on Facebook who's concerned.

23322392? ago

What do you think the solution is? Is there something you're actively doing that you can share with the rest of us, insofar as how you're dealing with the coming American collapse and globalism? The one thing I never see from anons like yourself is a solution, just a lot of negative hopelessness.

Personally I've been alive too long to not notice the huge things happening in the world, but I also get annoyed with the pace and lack of genuine happenings. I want it just as bad as anyone, but I also know what it's like to be in combat and feel the endlessness of it and the absolute and total pressure -your life is literally on the line, but you have to stay focused and do you specific job in the squad, to ensure that everyone makes it through. Sometimes that's not easy, but that's your job.

What is our job here? What would you like people to do? Take up arms in the streets with no plan? Sounds like nigger shit to me.

The military leaders in charge of this operation are not idiots on the internet. These are hard men who love this country dearly. Do you think they'd just sit back and give it over to kikes who would definitely slaughter them once they achieved their globalist agenda? You don't know men like this if you think that would ever be the case.

So I'll ask you again, what would you have us do that you're doing? I see you're trying to be critical and not just following, but give us something here, otherwise yeah, you come off as a kike shill. Sorry buddy.

23324240? ago

The one thing I never see from anons like yourself is a solution, just a lot of negative hopelessness.

You have me mistaken for one of the "arrests or GTFO!" (or "take up arms! do something NOW!") people, it seems.

but give us something here

A) Stop with the mentality of "you questioned/criticized [Q or a 'theory'], you must be a shill!"

^ Furthermore, be willing to question everything up to and including Q/Trump.

B) Be more objective with research and theorizing, rather than fanatical.

C) Take public perception into account instead of behaving in hive-mind fashion and thus feeding into the negative image the media is pushing.

^ Furthermore, know the signs of disinfo narratives being planted to later discredit the wider movement (perfect case in point being the media seizing on the planted rumors of a rescue op in Central Park, which was a combination other other disinfo narratives all rolled into one).

Overall, be better.

23323523? ago

You write an otherwise intelligent post and then use words like "nigger" and "kike". Just who are these "niggers" and "kikes" you're talking about?

Sounds very simple minded to me..

23323638? ago

Yes yes, kike! Pilpul, obfuscate, and deflect with irrelevant questions while ignoring the actual content of what was said. You all suck so bad at this!

23320608? ago

Hey OP, Cope moar faggot.

23321145? ago

Put up or shut up bitch. Your results right now speak for themself. Nobody is wrong for questioning this Q faggotry until we see more than an Epstein coverup.

23322306? ago

WTF is wrong with you idiots? You want five decades of brainwashing to be gone instantly? I'm glad you're not in charge. No logical thinking going on here. More than an Epstein coverup? Have you seen all the pedo arrests and pedo networks that have been dismantled? Do you see that big, beautiful wall going up? Do you see the gangs being deported back to their shithole countries? Do you see crooked CEOs stepping down left and right at the peaks of their careers? Do you see Trump renegotiating our horrible trade deals? Do you see Trump having those evil demons trotted out on stage every fucking day to expose their criminality to the world? God, you people are so fucking ungrateful for what has already been done I don't believe you even deserve this president. You got fucking lucky.

23322180? ago

Go cry to momma soy boy.