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23304998? ago

Cannibal club website must be taking a hammering. I wonder how many million people clicked that link

23305591? ago

Check this Anons:

23305898? ago

This is important!

23306122? ago

Not really. That anon is just bitching about how the gross images came from a video game.

Says nothing about the cannibalism service being provided.

Just a shillbot post.

23305743? ago

^^ Someone is screaming DEEP FAKE


No one said they were real... it's what service is being offered behind the marketing material.

Keep trying to gaslight. We all find it funny.

23305902? ago

No one said they were real Of course it comes from Q Fantasy Land where nothing is real. In Q Fantasy Land we offer Fakes Cannibal Pictures and Invisible arrests!

23306019? ago

Yet here you are, wasting your time trying to shill as hard as you can...

Your efforts here are pathetic, and expose yourself for who you are.... shill

23305644? ago

Don't check that, forum sliding post.

Now they are screaming "deep fakes"

23305665? ago

Don't check that???

QAnon was just proven fake in my eyes. The Facebook page he linked to with the cannibalism is from the video game company Capcom promoting Resident Evil 6.

But don't look...lmao

23308600? ago

Yeah I’m with you why is Q posting fake things?

But it also doesn’t make sense because if Q is a LARP whoever is running the LARP is clearly not stupid and they would know we would know it was fake so wtf is going on? Maybe Q is real and knew it would get us riled up I don’t fucking know but I’m so frustrated

23308758? ago

Q knows he can't keep it up much longer without real action, but he can't do anything since he's a larp.

To kill the larp project and fade out, he decided to slowly destroy his own credibility.

23308805? ago

Why not just make a post saying it’s all been a LARP. That’s just psychotic.

23308821? ago

Some would freak out.

23308890? ago

Well yeah as they should

There are going to be people that keep believing no matter what though and if they are a LARP and want to put an end to it they need to do the right thing and come clean.

23309070? ago

I don't know, that could also be dangerous. Maybe not related but lately odds things happened:

  • A man with mental problems was indicted. (Steinbart)
  • The Train Wreck.
  • More and more people saying they won't vote for POTUS if Q arrests are not done before the elections.
  • More and more people in QRV are having having extreme speech or Cult mentality.
  • Jones starting to talk about Q after a long time not doing so.

Again maybe not related, but it seems things are going out of control.

23305721? ago

The Facebook page he linked to with the cannibalism is from the video game company Capcom promoting Resident Evil 6.

Yeah, the facebook page is advertising video games


23305707? ago

Yeah, don't check it. Forums sliding post.

Check it if you want, but I can already tell you what it says:

libtard says: