23313253? ago

I am beyond words....

If that picture of the flayed corpses on meathooks is a fake prop, its a DAMN good one. Looking closely every muscle is correct per my understanding of anatomy. Additionally, looking even closer all 4 of those bodies are fully unique. They are different heights, the muscles are slightly different levels of development, the "Fat trimming" are all in different patterns. And if you look closely the one on the far left looks like its heart was carved out through its chest.

So I am reasonably sure these are 4 REAL human corpses, flayed, and hung on meat hooks by the ankles.

The only other possibility I could imagine is this is a picture snapped during the preparation of cadavers for the infamous "Bodies" anatomy exhibition that used plastinated cadavers in various states of dissection to create an educational exhibit on human anatomy that wasn't for the feint of heart.

WHICH was its own ball of wax. If one ever looked at their collection, it would curious that nearly all the cadavers that were supposedly from people who willingly donated their bodies to science prior to their own demise...all looked Asian, specifically Western "Chinese, but somehow ended up in a GERMAN doctor's program. Which of course he was accused of accepting the bodies of Tibetans that the CCP had murdered in their ongoing genocide of Tibet. Which was how he got one of his most controversial corpse, a pregnant woman with a nearly 9 month baby still inside her.

If these are a snap of the preparation of Cadavers for "Bodies," then it was in the stage where they had removed the skin, but haven't gotten yet to preforming the final dissection. Because the plastination process remove all flexibility from the soft tissues, thus the cadaver has to be posed before being immersed into the plastinating compound.

So I am quite skeptical this is from a "meat farm" but...its also shocking the twitter is allowing this content, because I am very sure that picture is of real corpses.

23313072? ago

Did anyone call that phone number on the first picture?

23310775? ago

Hivvites stomping around dc and Pedowood

23310762? ago

You guys missed it.

Go to the twitter- see the pictures

Then go to the Facebook page or Google

“Human Farming Project”

Read the Facebook feed. You won’t believe your eyes.

23310070? ago

Far more shocking is the Facebook page

Pics include:

  1. A skinned hand
  2. Baby drinking out of hamster feeder in crib
  3. Man on a spit
  4. Baby bacon
  5. A roasted baby

Either this is real, or it’s a sting.

One way to find out.

The choice to know will be yours.

23309729? ago

It's the human "veal" farms that would really piss the public off to the point of mass violent freakouts aimed at elites.

23309657? ago

Are those cloned [farmed] humans or kidnapped? Grown??

23309608? ago

The Armor of God - you need it if you eat [ temptations ] meat.

23309513? ago

The full extent of human corruption? Close?

23309158? ago

Anons saying it’s a parody/fake site. Not sure why Q would link to it. Hope there’s a good reason b/c it’s not helpful.

Q has been unimpressive lately. Dropping no real intel, only sharing stuff that anons have dug up after the fact.

I want to old Q back!

23310958? ago

Anons? They're shills! Notice how they're ALL claiming it's a veganism/anti-meat thing? It's their marching orders to say that.

23308754? ago

So why Q posting fake website and vegan troll Facebook page I’m so confused

23310966? ago

Because, sweetie, you're a shill who was told to say that. Now quiet while the adults who are not confused defeat the evil cabal.

23313167? ago

Ok boomer

23308655? ago

Yes there was a time I thought it was all just pretend. No longer.

23308512? ago

The problem is: We humans are doing the same to reptos, for example. Birds in any way are not decendands, they are reptos. Just go to any human driven slaughter house and have a look. Ask the beings there who they count for real devils. Think logically before downvoting...

ps.: I'm not a vegetarian.

23308373? ago

Arrests or GTFO. Everyone reading Q knows this shit. Let's get on with the grand finale.

23308332? ago

i hope the assholes on the staff page take a nice shit in their pants.

23308273? ago

So what do you all this outbreak?

Just part of the show?

23307906? ago

The sickness in this world is just insane.

23307817? ago

I mean holy fucking hell spirit cooking is real and I believe everything Q and POTUS is my savior so Pizzagate is REAL this world needs a god damn reset

23307797? ago

Cannibal club website isn't real

23307725? ago

On of their posts, which is an hour old, says ThankQ. They are taunting Q movement.

23307516? ago

Why would Q post a debunked website? Even if Q is a LARP the person doing the LARPing can’t actually be that stupid?

23307703? ago

This is not a Q account by the looks of it. It is a fake to get everybody riled up and muddy the waters, leading to demoralization and confusion. We are being trolled. We have to put on our critical thinking hats and discern the falsehood from what is all too real.

23308255? ago

what are you even talking about?

23307773? ago

What do you mean it’s not a Q account?

23307500? ago

it's going to be awhile before we see any of this come out. some of these drops are Q seeding the overall social conversation with key words and waiting for them to generate interest.

guess our job is to talk to normies and get this shit out there. sooner more people are wondering if this shit's for real, the sooner Q can pull back the curtain.

23307386? ago

The website looks fake, same with the fb photos

23307320? ago

Did anyone watch the satanic video on the cannibal website. She’s absolutely demonic. Our national needs exorcised!

23307085? ago

Snopes says it's a hoax. That being said, snopes also ran cover for obama.

23306974? ago

Both the facebook page and website look very cheap and fake honestly. There's maybe a dozen photos on the facebook and half are just memes. The website is some cafepress site from the early 2000s...

23306973? ago

But... That's probably just a parody website, right?

I mean, right? That must be fake!


23306714? ago

MA literally said as much in her reddit AMA long before the Podesta emails were leaked.

23306672? ago

The Cannibal Club, though apparently a defunct webpage, was a bit strange, if it WAS just a joke. The Facebook page COULD just be misanthropic-vegan satire... but there MUST be places that sell humans for food; it just stands to reason, people push the envelope so it would eventually go there.

23308237? ago

at best those sites are a way to put it in our faces what they actually do. a form of mockery. but i feel like it could be more.

23306666? ago

Why is this link to twitter entitled "New Q Post #3917.."?

23310927? ago

Cauuuuse it's the same exact link that Q linked in drop #3917!

23307643? ago

It is fake. It is not a Q post. This is a troll, and everybody seems to be falling for it.

23310916? ago

Actually, this twitter link is in Q post #3917, so it's pretty obvious if you keep up with the Q drops.

23306528? ago

that website is running an XMPP (jabber protocol) server. do a tcp port scan

23306468? ago

That FB page of human farm. Is that really true, if so this is beyond sick. Baby Bacon, OMG this is horrible.

23306435? ago


I dropped this link on anons MONTHS ago (Years by now maybe?)!!!

The crime scene is in L.A. but I knew about it from a radio commercial I heard in Sedona Az (passing through), the place is REAL they have "Human Meat" on the menu! Sedona is where tons of rich people live in Az (FYI). My jaw was hanging the whole time I couldn't believe my EARS! I dropped the link all over here and 8chan (at the time). Some were shocked, most ignored.

Remaining anon has cost me a Yuge "I told you so", but I don't care, I'm just glad its out for ALL to SEE!


Dear God Please help us ALL! Send your Frogs among [them] and let us destroy [THEM]!

FRENS: REEEEEE! Because WWG1WGA (safely out of the pits of HELL!)

23306236? ago

I was under the impression the cannibal club website was debunked a good while ago.

It hasn't changed since it went online.

Am I missing something?

23305961? ago

Its leftist vegans trolling us.......I hope.

23305950? ago

That human farming page is clearly an extremist veganism page designed to shock meat eaters into feeling guilty about their dietary choices.

Ironically, vegans choose to starve themselves, their children and their pets in the name of stopping animal cruelty.

23310941? ago

Clearly a shill who thinks Q links to fake stuff

23305936? ago

The cannibal site was floating around Voat about 6 months ago; everyone was saying it was fake. Hard to believe no one remembers this.

23313124? ago

Cannibal Club is a LARP from a few years ago. It was one of the early attempts to discredit everything associated with spirit cooking.

23307949? ago

Yep, the thing is Glamis blog refers to the Cannibal restaurant and events. Glamis blog ALSO claims to have started Q project before Q posted and claims to have removed Alex Jones. So you can't say Glamis & Cannibal Cravings are both legitimate without delegitimizing Q. There's a conflict there.

23306128? ago

I remember.

23305769? ago

Cannibal Club website from the Web Archives: http://web.archive.org/web/20200328132036/https://cannibalclub.org/

Last archived date was 3/28/20

23306270? ago

I thought it had been debunked a while ago. Am I missing something?

23305620? ago

Under our noses the entire time. Blinded by their distractions and entertainment. God’s reckoning soon come.

23305540? ago

The entire internet (Comcast) around my area is stuck. None of Q's links are opening. Red Pill Heaven?

23305464? ago

Images of the Cannibal Club menus are available - Search- Cannibal Club - images

Placenta Lasagna?

23305994? ago

Sounds tasty

23305367? ago

What's really crazy is that Q is just warming people up.

23305350? ago

They need to take a flame thrower to both organizations.

23305315? ago

Not to make this about me but, "I" am really going to sound insane trying to share this, in any way. Who would believe me telling them about this? Can't get most to look up from their phone or TV long enough.

23305194? ago

https://archive.ph/lpdfY :

Savedangel61 AGAIN Text TRUMP to 88022 on Twitter: "This is an actual FB Account.. These people are SICK

/HybRumPWOW… "

This has been an automated message.

23305129? ago

I hope someone on the team brought down that website. When is hammer going to drop?

23305394? ago


23305120? ago

In U.K. and if applicable;

Take yourself off organ donation immediately. This has to be an 'avenue' for them.

23306235? ago

what do you think all the ventilators are for? gotta keep everything fresh for the donors...

23305102? ago

I am suddenly wondering if all the expanded hospital bed capacity and National Guard support is to treat civilians who will learn of the extent of all these horrors. Not to treat a few virus patients.

23307886? ago

Why would they need a hospital bed for hearing truth? That's what cognitive dissonance is for.

23308399? ago

Q Post 142: "The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital."

23309167? ago

I'm practicing "Logical Thinking" and your assumption doesn't make logical sense.

23306529? ago

Not enough beds for that if the truth really came out.

23305764? ago

Yes. I think so. I feel really sure about it too. I've made the comment before too.

This is where anons get to step up.

23305411? ago

ConstructionAnon says they're building a huge underground med facility in London, too...highly unusual due to heavy costs plus considering we are near or passed the peak of CV. Lotsa victims, directly involved or not. 90% will need therapy of some kind.

(We) Patriots were chosen to help them by a higher authority.

23305032? ago

This. Is. Unbelievable.

23307598? ago

It is unbelievable for the very good reason that it isn't true. These pictures are radical vegetarian propaganda trying to shock people into giving up meat. None of the hanging cadavers in the freezer are gutted and they still have their genitals. This is so that they still look as human as possible.

23311661? ago

So Q is a radical vegetarian?

23305646? ago

something out of a movie or video game?

23304998? ago

Cannibal club website must be taking a hammering. I wonder how many million people clicked that link

23310439? ago

Podesta implicated with cannibal club?

Have we figured out the "missing insert part"?


23308156? ago

I clicked that shit, nigga. i did it before it was too fucked to load anymore. Read the FAQ. Motherfuckers are sick as shit.

23308090? ago

That’s a really good question. How could we find that out?

23307825? ago

What does everyone think about that cannibal restaurant website? The one that was underground below that insane asylum in Los Angeles? I can't remember the name of it at the moment. Was aoparently linked to Glamis though.

23307180? ago

Chelsea Clinton is a member.

23306606? ago

Dear God,

Thank You for keeping us safe, and bringing us To-Get-Her. Please God, let our replies, and posts, and memes STRIKE true and END this HELL on Earth! Please God send in YOUR Frogs, We Are With You! We are here and we are ready to be sent among [them] to destroy [them]. Please God also keep your children safe and stay the hand of the evil ones who would harm our precious babies! In God's name we PRAY!


23306269? ago

I think that the Canibal Club website is "out of order" as Q stated for a good reason(hint hint). I went to that site early on in 2018(disgusting), and it's down now and Q wanted to point that fact out. I think the Anons decided that the Cannibal club "specialty meat procurer"( last name Chan) was Zuckerberg's sister-in-law.

23308171? ago

it wasn't down at first. it went down halfway through a gazillion Q peeps trying to go there.

23312891? ago

It's on shared hosting, we can actually get him suspended if he generates too much traffic, its how those companies upsell to dedicated hosting packages (free unlimited, until you hit the quota, then suspended and must get real server)

Probably just throttled him a bit due to the sudden spike, but sustained traffic, even if they know it is a DDOS, they will blame it on their content and say "you cant bring that heat here, we have to pay for this traffic and so do you".

23306397? ago

Those of you spreading the cannibal club website, that's fake too. It's stock photos.


23307441? ago

The elites are stupid, but they're not that stupid.

They are in-your-face but they're not going to post actual photos of their crimes.

The point is they are/were selling real meat. Q wouldn't have posted it otherwise.

23306653? ago

23306534? ago

If fake why would Q direct us to it? I suspect that the stock photos info is a cover for this sinister operation...

23306946? ago

This is one of those WTF posts. The reason it was posted was stated [out of order_insert important]. But who knows what that means. If important, more will be revealed.

23306865? ago

I agree.

23306643? ago

Cannibal Restaurant Was a Hoax by Vegetarian Activists - Eater


23305785? ago

I couldn’t get it to load and was hee heeing the whole time knowing why...

23305591? ago

Check this Anons: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3754313

23305898? ago

This is important!


23306122? ago

Not really. That anon is just bitching about how the gross images came from a video game.

Says nothing about the cannibalism service being provided.

Just a shillbot post.

23305743? ago

^^ Someone is screaming DEEP FAKE


No one said they were real... it's what service is being offered behind the marketing material.

Keep trying to gaslight. We all find it funny.

23305902? ago

No one said they were real Of course it comes from Q Fantasy Land where nothing is real. In Q Fantasy Land we offer Fakes Cannibal Pictures and Invisible arrests!

23306019? ago

Yet here you are, wasting your time trying to shill as hard as you can...

Your efforts here are pathetic, and expose yourself for who you are.... shill

23305644? ago

Don't check that, forum sliding post.

Now they are screaming "deep fakes"

23305665? ago

Don't check that???

QAnon was just proven fake in my eyes. The Facebook page he linked to with the cannibalism is from the video game company Capcom promoting Resident Evil 6.

But don't look...lmao

23308600? ago

Yeah I’m with you why is Q posting fake things?

But it also doesn’t make sense because if Q is a LARP whoever is running the LARP is clearly not stupid and they would know we would know it was fake so wtf is going on? Maybe Q is real and knew it would get us riled up I don’t fucking know but I’m so frustrated

23308758? ago

Q knows he can't keep it up much longer without real action, but he can't do anything since he's a larp.

To kill the larp project and fade out, he decided to slowly destroy his own credibility.

23308805? ago

Why not just make a post saying it’s all been a LARP. That’s just psychotic.

23308821? ago

Some would freak out.

23308890? ago

Well yeah as they should

There are going to be people that keep believing no matter what though and if they are a LARP and want to put an end to it they need to do the right thing and come clean.

23309070? ago

I don't know, that could also be dangerous. Maybe not related but lately odds things happened:

  • A man with mental problems was indicted. (Steinbart)
  • The Train Wreck.
  • More and more people saying they won't vote for POTUS if Q arrests are not done before the elections.
  • More and more people in QRV are having having extreme speech or Cult mentality.
  • Jones starting to talk about Q after a long time not doing so.

Again maybe not related, but it seems things are going out of control.

23305721? ago

The Facebook page he linked to with the cannibalism is from the video game company Capcom promoting Resident Evil 6.

Yeah, the facebook page is advertising video games


23305707? ago

Yeah, don't check it. Forums sliding post.

Check it if you want, but I can already tell you what it says:

libtard says:


23305086? ago

must be shitloads I cant get to it either

23305295? ago

Me either.

23305325? ago

think they took it down...ive seen it before..there is another post that has it archived and posted

23312904? ago

its up 10 hours later btw

23305940? ago

It’s satire. LOL at tards thinking there is a real canibal restaurant

23305077? ago

Good. A warning to them all. Dark to light. They will be the hunted, and by men above their skill level.

23312868? ago

I started picking apart their simple little form right away, force of habit honestly....

[email protected] is the email address this form leads to.

The email, and it would seem the website itself are hosted at Dreamhost


Dreamhost is likely selling them a $5/mo gimme website account, it is shared hosting.

It should be noted this page most likely violates their terms of service, which are probably significant and bulky.

Here is some information about the domain itself, with registrar contact info

Updated Date: 2020-03-30T07:13:17Z

Creation Date: 2008-04-30T23:17:55Z

Registry Expiry Date: 2021-04-30T23:17:55Z

Registrar Registration Expiration Date:

Registrar: New Dream Network, LLC dba DreamHost Web Hosting

Registrar IANA ID: 431

Registrar Abuse Contact Email: [email protected]

Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +213.2719359

They paid the few extra bucks to make sure their name did not appear in whois info, this is typical since most companies bundle it sneakily for more cash. The company that knows who paid for the domain is

Registrant Organization: Proxy Protection LLC

but they wont tell you without a subpoena, thats their whole service they provide, they register it in their name FOR you. This isnt a boom, this is pretty normal, if you have a domain, you probably have it too, it is however, valid contact info for the service providers in question.

This is the server it actually lives on: apache2-linus.stayton.dreamhost.com which is and he's not the only account there, if you can figure out his username, can probably log in to his Cpanel and read all his emails, any other email addresses identified in this way, probably have the same password, and if not, password reset could be sent to this one and changed easily, then accessed.

This is just basic recon. Most people are too lazy to start.

Target acquired, public space, civilians present, disengage and continue tracking.

23305782? ago

Hunters become the hunted.

23306510? ago

Weird that you say that because I was just thinking "A group of us ought to go and pay the place a little visit and introduce them to our friends Smith & Wesson".

23307007? ago

How do you wash the glow out of your fishnet stockings?

23308652? ago


23304976? ago

A human farm?? No words. Except Q, get these sick bastards!

23306897? ago

Possibly gives context to "Farm" being used to describe the CIA and Stanford.

23305589? ago

... its not some fake MTV music vid?

23304963? ago

Original sin = take a bite of the apple. The big apple. What did Chris Martin & Paltrow name their baby? Apple

There you have it.

23311867? ago

original sin = race mixing

the tree and fruit are metaphors for family tree and offspring

23309562? ago

So God became a stout [ Hindu ] vegetarian. And He eats apples, sometimes.

"They're acidic, like plums." He says.

23307692? ago

Bytes in my Apple 📱

23306913? ago

Pointless post that diverts attention from Q's post.

23305750? ago

The bible does not say which fruit was eaten I don't think.

23309095? ago

The original text does not. But the king James version said apple.

23309176? ago

Thank you for that.

23308197? ago

we all just call it an apple and it's become iconic as that in art/logos. we know what it means whether the original fruit was anything like an apple or not.

23307073? ago

Always remember:

Be fruitful and multiply, don't be fruity and blow a guy.

23306887? ago

He's mixing the Adam and Eve story with Isaac Newton and the Apple falling on his head I think.

23306839? ago

Doesn't matter. Calling it "fruit" makes even more sense. Apple is the code name that the cabal has been using.

23305282? ago

No problem, Q Riddles will solve everything.

23306864? ago

Or your eternal damnation.

23306883? ago

Pizzagate researchers debunked the cannibal club website years ago. No matter what you people try to do the truth will ALWAYS come out.


23306011? ago

They will not cure your Aids though.

23305130? ago

And Steve Jobs' company. Ech.

23305204? ago

Beatles record label; Johnny Appleseed

23304929? ago

And many normie brains just exploded.

23305836? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

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