23307602? ago

He was making a point. Q is not going to post real pictures of human meat. He had a point and he made it. Shills are on it like stink on shit because it's as close as they can get to creating any kind of doubt. These people are stupid.

23306374? ago

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23306076? ago

Looks legit to me.

The fact their marketing department used pics from a video game means nothing. The service is not providing video games, they are involved in cannibalism.

Are you that shillbot trying to gaslight? You must not like this at all


23306333? ago

Yeah faggot, they are all connected. Of course they cover their own asses.

Oh let me guess, you trust what your "trusted" websites tell you?

Now stop gaslighting.. we know they are cannibal shops.


23306362? ago

From 2012..

Take your meds.

23306380? ago

Cannibal shops are real today.

We still see you gaslighting shillbot!

I guess this is BAD NEWS FOR YOU!!


23306520? ago

I'm not arguing the point they are real. The point I'm airing is that the PHOTOS USED AREN'T GOING TO PURSUADE ANYONE IT'S REAL because THEY ARE PROMOTIONAL PICS FOR A VIDEO GAME.


23306541? ago

I'm not arguing the point they are real. The point I'm airing is that the PHOTOS USED AREN'T GOING TO PURSUADE ANYONE IT'S REAL because THEY ARE PROMOTIONAL PICS FOR A VIDEO GAME.


Yes, thank you. And that's why you are gaslighting.. as you are so focused on pointing out the graphics are from a video game, you completely ignore that it is a front to a cannibalism service.

Scream deep fake all you want, anons know.


23306569? ago

It's not even graphics! It's not even deep fakes. Read the CNET article.

I really need to start a church.

23305935? ago

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23305916? ago

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23305844? ago

who did what?

23305731? ago

As if Q doesn't know what's fake and what is not.

"We have it all."

Doesn't bother me in the least.

23305747? ago

And that's the general point I'm making.

23306102? ago

What point are you making?

The facebook page is a cannibalism service. Where the pics came from is irrelevant.

23305757? ago

Absolutely, and I'm backing you up. Look at the shill faggots thinking they 'got' something LOL.

23305682? ago

If it's bullshit, then why are the shills so triggered?

The hunters become the hunted Y

23305881? ago

Anyone who questions Q is panicking. This ISNT a place to think for yourself

23305983? ago

I love following Q. I still think for myself. I still question. I will never STOP questioning.

23306014? ago

Just don’t question anything Q posts or you’re panicking

23306050? ago

I died twice from Covid19, 20, and 21. Just yesterday. True story... *in my mind.

(Ashkenazi schizos*)

23305749? ago

Japan games and US tv shows, Waling Dead, Silent Hill, Outlast, The Last of Us, Observer, Alien Isolation, zombie shooter games etc

23305669? ago

What're you going on about?

23305689? ago

The HUMAN MEAT FARM was a PROMOTIONAL PAGE BY the video game company CAPCOM for their horror video game series Resident Evil 6.


23306232? ago

How do you know Capcom runs the Facebook page? Just because it used one of their photos?

23305724? ago

Where'd you see that?

23305771? ago

at the human meat farmers market?

23305934? ago


23305736? ago


23305786? ago

I don't use Facebook. Never have. Your crude language isn't inducing me to go there.

Are you capable of explaining things in a calm manner or are you just going to insult me?

23306187? ago

Q posted 2 links that deal with cannibalism, and it's fakery. One is the Cannibal Club = fake website, and the other is a Facebook page with faked humans being prepared for eating.

23306203? ago

What're you basing that on?

23306245? ago

Which part? The Cannibal Club website was created a looong time ago. It was proven to be faked before Q was around. It keeps coming around here on Voat, and we have to keep debunking it. If you really look at the pics on the FB page, you can see they're faked.

23306297? ago

proven to be faked

Can you show me that proof?



23306347? ago

Cannibal Club has been debunked on here several times. Do some searches. It was created before Q came on the scene. The FB pics are total fakes, you should be able to see that the moment you look at them.

Be discerning.

23306395? ago

Ok, let's take this slow. Sounds like you need to undo some brainwashing.

What evidence do you have that the website is fake?

Simple question.

You say the pictures are fake. Yes, I would assume people committing crimes would hide their identity. That's evidence that it's real.

Show me what was so convincing that you decided to believe it was fake.

23306448? ago

Not again. We spent a great deal of time debunking this website. Do some searching here, and on the web. This whole drop is fake. Accept it.

Hint: The photos of the staff are stock photos. Those in the photos have careers that keep them too busy to be running human diners.

23306469? ago

So you refuse to provide evidence, wow, makes you sound really weak.

Thanks for proving me right.

23306503? ago

I proved you're a fucktard, and will believe anything you're told.

23306554? ago

You told me it was a hoax and I didn't believe you. That disproves your assertion.

Stop being angry and explain how I could believe everything but also not believe you. Also, give me evidence of your claim this time.

23306605? ago

I pointed you in the right direction. Put your searching shoes on, and start digging. Start with the employees. Those are stock photos, easy enough for you to find in images. Now, go do your own work.

23306691? ago

Of course they're stock photos, what type of moron puts his own photo on a criminal website?

If you have no evidence you could save yourself time by admitting it.

23307448? ago

Asked and answered. Read the tips above.

23307538? ago

So, you have zero proof, considering nothing you said was anything other than "stop asking this".

Seems like you really want to (((shut this down)))

23307628? ago

What YOU really want to do is expose your stupidity. I posted search tips. Use them.

23307721? ago

I searched through everything you provided and it was all very weak.

What did you base your opinion on?

Surely not this weakness....

23307953? ago

Ok, so post who the people are in the photos, and what they really do for careers. Thank you.

23308085? ago

They're stock photos.

23305837? ago

I'm not your personal research army. READ THE Q POST. THEN RESEARCH! If you aren't going to look anything up but rely on being spoonfed like a weak child, enjoy living a life of being blown to and fro in every direction the wind moves you. You'll never find footing.

23306119? ago

Thanks for proving me right.

You should work on basic persuasive technique. Maybe there's a Facebook group for that lol...