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23336295? ago

The page may be "fake" but the reality is real.

Why would Netflix create a show called "Santa Clarita Diet"?

What does the show Santa Clarita Diet and this website have in common?


So why is Netflix trying to normalize cannibalism? The show features a couple who laughingly talk about killing people for the wife to devour to feed her flesh fetish.

Is this normal?

Has this ever been normal?

Why do you never see pedophilia reported in the news? Why do you tend to overlook pedophilia when its reported? You have been primed to ignore it. Your mind has been programmed to ignore it. You can only SEE it if you break free of the programming and pay attention.

You are being programmed daily to accept things you normally would not accept.

Break free from the Matrix and you will see.

23336388? ago

Think about the dead baby jokes that were so popular years ago. People were being de-sensitized to the idea of dead babies, even programmed to laugh about it.

23335454? ago

And you are.......all for a LARP.

23336148? ago

It's free entertainment, and this is the best place to get it. You bet I'm here to follow the larp. :D

23336678? ago

SO, You've been enjoying the show. You TRUST that there is a plan in place otherwise there'd be no entertainment. Excellent.

23336353? ago

I can think of a lot of larp's that would be more entertaining than people getting sick and dying, people being restricted to their homes, people losing their jobs, etc. YOU MUST BE ONE SICK PUPPY, MADE IN THE MOLD OF YOUR HERO BILL GATES

23336546? ago

currently the Bernie Bros are the only other group to continuously spend time and $ on something that never comes to fruition.

23335104? ago

23335210? ago

Thanks for the drop Q posted right after his mistake, to cover it.

23336403? ago

You are such a piece of sh*te.

23335721? ago

plausible deniability

i hope you're getting paid for your work