23342812? ago

It's occurring to me that the bread crumbs are just that. Bread crumbs to give us busy work. When shit goes down we are all going to be asking where the fuck did that shit come from? And wtf!? I am truly hoping something happens soon.

23338068? ago

I take it this means we're getting really close to the main event. In the past Q invited us to speculate, to help the enemy waste their ammo and wear themselves out.

Now it's time for us to stop that.

Keep learning, archiving, memeing, and praying.

We are the ones who will have to be able to explain this to our neighbors who will be freaked right out.

23336967? ago

Yes. This is one of the main points of folks impartial to Q- if twitter and 8kun detail “the plan”, that’s not good for warfare.

23336672? ago

Q: Let me be cryptic as fuck, disinformation is necessary.

Q: Patriots: be cautious in your interpretations of info posted.

Just saying anons.

23336128? ago

Okay [SHILLS] and [DS]. You done for. Go back to mama and [GS]. Q knows your plan. Give it up!

23335855? ago

Minimum requirement to consider someone an ally in this day of noise proliferation...

They encourage you to do whatever you can to;

Be independent.

Be armed.

Be better every day.

Be prepared, ready, and vigilant.

Speak the truth.

Don't trust strangers on the internet easily.

Trust in principles, and individuals.

If anyone is consistently saying these things, you can consider what they're saying might be in your best interest, and they don't want you to stay dependent, just be dependent on them.

This is what is necessary to consider whether someone might be an ally/liberator, or just another tyrant hoping to replace another.

23335550? ago

The point is that events, not dates, are what we look for.

23335817? ago

You will know them by their fruits

23335443? ago

Nothing wrong with handing them weapons....as long as they explode as soon as they handle them.

23335199? ago

Like running down rabbit holes that don’t exist, date fagging or linking numbers to posts with no predication, attacking anyone who disagrees as a shill or muh joo that gives shills and enemy ammo to label us, newbies to not dig deeper or spamming things repeatedly until people dismiss everything u say. Talking about what punishment people deserve and how we will hang others etc. That sort of thing? Maybe? I know it’s not popular things to say or think so no one needs to reply it, it’s just my thoughts that’s it

23335478? ago

Definately...none of this exists. That's why you're here right now.....to......what.......SAVE US? Oh my white knight in shining armor....how could we do it without you sAAAAAVVVViiiing us??!!! Get fucked.

23336123? ago

I'm here because I DO CARE about OUR Nation, AND OUR Constitution

What do you really care about?

23336925? ago

I think most of us here CARE but lots of are concerned about the echo chamber and herd mentality. We got here by critical thinking, let's not forget that. Just because you aren't a fanboy doesn't make you a shill.

23352426? ago

then apply your critical thinking once again and realize that you'll only know when it happens at the moment it starts. anything else would be telegraphing your move.

jesus is this concept that hard to understand, can't people just keep pushing voter id memes, is it that hard

23351968? ago

Amen Anon

23336688? ago

The Death of The Cabal.

23336511? ago

He probably cares about the sames things which is why he's upset, you know, because they are still happening...

23351977? ago

Yes, he really does care

23335500? ago

And your doing what? Just saying get fkd does nothing. Such a meaningful reply, yeah great job

23335533? ago

I'm trusting the Plan....and you're here for all the LARPing amirite? Awful lot of effort...but whatever pays your bills I suppose.

23335617? ago

Nope, so the plan wasn’t to think for ourselves? Wasn’t to question? If you can’t see what’s happening around us and not just the good then your in a bubble. Or are one of the ones that says trump mentioned gm which was founded in 1901 so that leads us to post 1901 and it’s happening tomorrow?! Wake up either way

23335708? ago

Who's stopped you from questioning? Do you believe Trump caused all that's happening around us......definately NOT China though...they didn't cause any of this...amirite?

23336030? ago

So by me questioning things your reply is get fkd amirite? Are you really that stupid? None of what I said has anything to do with trump or China it’s dumasses that jump on every little thing and say it’s this day or that day and we’re pulling kids out of tunnels today or tie posts to something for no reason or no evidence. Stop wasting my time and look around you from a different view, it’s people that do this shit that Q was talking about.

23336738? ago

Who told you not to question? I do believe Q has said it multiple times. You're the one choosing to come here and get butthurt when someone challenges your questions with questions or suppositions. I know what I believe and I know what I trust...and that is Q teams' plan to save the world. If you don't....that has no bearing on my belief. I think it should be the same way for you...only...it's not. You get pissy and up in arms over a comment. If it truly doesn't matter, and I'm wasting your time then stop coming here to be challenged.

23337748? ago

Uhm prissy? Says the guy who responded with get fkd. Funny. Questioning me saying basically what Q said but you trust the plan? Yes your right on top of it and I’m the one who needs to leave when I’m told get fkd witb zero counter point just insult. Yep gotcha

23343184? ago

I mean, you can still get fucked...it makes no difference to me. I trust the plan....I question it often and find some of what is out there to be false...then I take a look at what Q said and figure out it was MY interpretation and the influence of others on that interpretation which led me to believe something that was never told to me. If you don't grasp that concept....yeah refer back to my get fucked. Or don't I ain't yer Daddy.

23335175? ago

Just hand them some more children to rape while Q tells everyone to keep on trusting that plan.

23336079? ago

your comment could be taken by MSM as > Q IS hand them some more children to rape while TELLING everyone to keep on trusting that plan.

ALL OF US ( this is aimed at mostly me) NEEDS to remember this ... Im not calling you out Anon I am guilty of the same thing

After all we are human.. .. WE ALL NEED TO BE CAREFUL OF WORDS WE USE

23336120? ago

Every day they let these criminals walk free is another day they get to rape kids.

They would send a SWAT team to your house based on a LOOSE ACCUSATION of harming children but when we have MOUNTAINS of evidence that the elite are doing it... Nothing.

23336481? ago

Shit, they'll come shoot you in your bed while your sleeping over a fake red flag complaint yet "we have it all" but can't get a fucking arrest?

23351932? ago

I get updates from DOJ ... You need to see what is really happening.. I also suggest you look at Judicial Watch as well.. look at the court cases filed and won INCLUDING VOTER FRAUD .. just two places i think you might have over looked

23336519? ago

They'd be walking into a kill box when they try that. Go for it.

23336571? ago

They already have it just hasn't happened to you. Yet.

23336723? ago

When they show up here they die. I will die too but I am taking at least 5 of them with me.

23336238? ago

are you on Twitter? If you are sign up for DOJ updates.... .. Proof is there ( No not all DOJ tweets but many of them)

23335948? ago

srsly. and it's the Q team themselves that give ambiguous proofs and then we're not s'posed to go off on false tangents?

that's bullshit. the Q team could also be giving more drops for things that anons can be looking into, as well. more questions that make connections between companies, individuals and events. there's alot more the Q army could be doing to put pressure on the Cabal as far as getting specifics out to normies and bringing dark to light.

for example, out of all the airplane loads of boxes that were taken from the Clinton Foundation, there isn't ONE document that shows something fucked up without jeopardizing the investigation?

we keep hearing PANIC and so on, but there really hasn't been alot of movement indicating widespread panic at the top of the political or celebrity hierarchy. we get dribs and drabs, a couple cryptic videos from a handful of celebs, and are supposed to consider that an indication that major changes are afoot? if some S was really about to HTF, we would've noticed more than a handful of celebs getting the flock out of town. CEO's are resigning, but what about the rest of corporate America's top execs and senior staff? Those CEO's all have sycophants and loyalists within their respective orgs who would be just as dirty as the CEO's themselves. At least some of those lackeys could see if a D-5 was inbound and would act accordingly. But we're not seeing a concurrent rise in VP/exec resignations, are we?

If the central banks and Rotchschilds were really under threat, shouldn't there have been some more chaos and uncertainty in D.C.? Sure, we've had impeachment and some other circuses, but there hasn't been the unsettled-ness between the different bureaucracies, organizations and businesses that are part of The Swamp one would see if there was genuine PANIC among those with REAL power.

23346249? ago

there's alot more

Are we supposed to lend credibility to a concernfag who can't be bothered to start a sentence with a capital letter or check the spelling of "a lot"?

23338858? ago




23341700? ago

Fuck off moron.

23337439? ago

I have to agree. This drop was disappointing. I was like, Q, what the hell did you expect?

23335464? ago

How many children did you save this week, friend?

23336106? ago

More than Q ever has, or ever will.

23341691? ago

Really faggot? What do you do to fix the problems besides troll people on voat on about a “fringe conspiracy theory”? Pretty fucking sad.

23338750? ago


23336420? ago

Yeah right. That's why you working for the baby killers.

23335293? ago

I used to get mad at these comments but I feel ya

23335129? ago


23335038? ago

Like 2 trillion dollars?Or the Next 250 billion?Or air time in briefings?

Or letting them control the narrative? Show how easily your manipulated? Or exposing who really is in control. Your right don't give them weapons.

23335559? ago

Good grammar is the difference between; knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.

23335647? ago

Yeap and you want self driving cars. I don't care Auto correct does what it wants and you grammar Nazis know what cause it. So eat Shit.

23336171? ago

You just confirmed how stupid actually are.

23336208? ago

Is sentence structure important shit eater? Might want to double check your reply.

23347878? ago

Yes. Fixed it. Thanks.

23347938? ago

Glad to help.

23336295? ago

The page may be "fake" but the reality is real.

Why would Netflix create a show called "Santa Clarita Diet"?

What does the show Santa Clarita Diet and this website have in common?


So why is Netflix trying to normalize cannibalism? The show features a couple who laughingly talk about killing people for the wife to devour to feed her flesh fetish.

Is this normal?

Has this ever been normal?

Why do you never see pedophilia reported in the news? Why do you tend to overlook pedophilia when its reported? You have been primed to ignore it. Your mind has been programmed to ignore it. You can only SEE it if you break free of the programming and pay attention.

You are being programmed daily to accept things you normally would not accept.

Break free from the Matrix and you will see.

23336388? ago

Think about the dead baby jokes that were so popular years ago. People were being de-sensitized to the idea of dead babies, even programmed to laugh about it.

23335454? ago

And yet.....here you are.......all for a LARP.

23336148? ago

It's free entertainment, and this is the best place to get it. You bet I'm here to follow the larp. :D

23336678? ago

SO, You've been enjoying the show. You TRUST that there is a plan in place otherwise there'd be no entertainment. Excellent.

23336353? ago

I can think of a lot of larp's that would be more entertaining than people getting sick and dying, people being restricted to their homes, people losing their jobs, etc. YOU MUST BE ONE SICK PUPPY, MADE IN THE MOLD OF YOUR HERO BILL GATES

23336546? ago

currently the Bernie Bros are the only other group to continuously spend time and $ on something that never comes to fruition.

23335104? ago

23335210? ago

Thanks for the drop Q posted right after his mistake, to cover it.

23336403? ago

You are such a piece of sh*te.

23335721? ago

plausible deniability

i hope you're getting paid for your work