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23320861? ago

[[[They]]] are never nice.

They're only seemingly nice at their absolute best.

23322632? ago

And yet.....HERE YOU ARE SHILL! Gee I wonder.....all this convincing us...for a LARP? You sure do spend a lot of time here for a LARP.

23322780? ago

The castle is falling and while it's happening.....Q: Lie, Soon, riddles, riddles, riddles, lie, Soon, riddles, riddles, riddles.... repeat forever...

23322810? ago

Thank you for proving my point. Where We Go ONE We Go All, I TRUST Q, Q+, and Patriots. You'll try to divide and will work sometimes...but you will always be called out for your bullshit. For a 'truther' you sure do have alot of faith in a picture that doesn't even have JFK next to the bell....

23321945? ago

Is he gonna post raw images of dead bodies? He linked us to some actual sauce past that to dig on. Fuck off shill, and if you're not a shill you're just a fair weather Patriot, so fuck off.

23321897? ago

Did you read post 3919 from today? Understand?

23321814? ago

Open bobs while you at it

23321710? ago

Are they outsourcing shilling to India now?

23322651? ago

China 50 cent shills...we've been flooded with them. You can tell by the poor vernacular and even poorer logic train.

23323405? ago

Pretty good pay for China.

23321554? ago

Mujhoo, or chigger

Which is it ???

23321442? ago

Broken English low energy shill. Take your shekel and go.