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23223078? ago

Shill post.

23223105? ago

Q should stop making Anons use JFK's quote WWG1WGA if Q can't even keep them safe.

23223325? ago

WWG1WGA is from a movie.

23223359? ago

23223370? ago

Learn your fucking American history. It came from JFK's boat jackass.

23223382? ago

23320853? ago

No fuck you :D You were wrong asshole.

23320932? ago

Sorry, Q confirmed it :) Wrong.

23320946? ago

Just bc it's on the bell doesn't mean it's not in the movie. Good God, you people are stupid and narcissistic.

23320965? ago

Never said it was not in the movie, see how you twist words when proven wrong? :) I said it was originally from JFK's boat which you denied. How does it feel to eat shit and be proven wrong by Q themselves LOL

23321060? ago

Never said it was not in the movie, see how you twist words when proven wrong?

Um, yes you did.

23321074? ago

I said it originally did not come from the movie. Only a shill would twist someones words.

23321093? ago

You made no such distinction and are projecting your insanity on to me.

Further replies will be [-]

23321031? ago

How does it feel to eat shit and be proven wrong by Q themselves LOL

I wouldn't know, not in this for my ego.

On the other hand, how does it feel to needlessly spew vile degradation all your life while missing the point of nearly everything?

23321057? ago

Pretty good. I actually know my American history and don't attack others for having different beliefs than me, I listen to them like a rational Human Being and not a stupid asshole like yourself.

23321083? ago

Then why did you come back here to spew expletives oh great projector?

23321103? ago

That's because I had a great laugh when I saw Q's post this morning and instantly thought of you. I hate people who think they are right to a point they are full of themselves. Than you project and call me narcissistic? Just lol.

23321390? ago

The fact that you harbor hatred proves you aren't part of this movement. Sorry dude but it seems like you suffer from Schadenfreude or some other strange mental illness. Maybe too many vaccines. Anyway, I'll say a prayer for you.