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23223036? ago

Is Q a personal body guard to the Kennedys now? When did that happen?

23223043? ago

Q themselves bring up JFK constantly, and Q and Anons use JFK's quote "WWG1WGA" yet Q did not keep the Kennedy's safe.

23223110? ago

Ok, what Kennedy was an inspirational Leader to many. Is there a rule that if you ‘bring someone up constantly’ you must safeguard their every activity? That seems...stupid.

and 2. WWG1WGA is from the Movie ‘White Squall’... what, they don’t have that movie in China, shill? You should bootleg it from one of your neighborhood bugmen and then return here to try harder.

23223131? ago

You don't even know American history yet are calling me Chinese and think it's from a movie LOL. The quote is from JFK, who used it on his personal boat.

23223231? ago

It’s used in White Squall which is what Q mentioned...more than once for a reason. that thing JFK is sitting next to is not a produce a picture with a bell that says WWG1WGA and JFK is sitting next to it.

23223275? ago

23223527? ago

Now you understand how all of us feel when you come to our board to post slide this one...hope you die in a fire.