23330204? ago

Hollywood over History.

Common Core at work here.

How many of these idiots believe a movie represents history?

23329199? ago

which boat? that bell was not on the HoneyFitz (aka Victura)

23326094? ago

Hey dick weed it's in the movie because jfk had a similar bell to. The movie has much to do with jfk. How can anybody comment on something without watching it. Wow the brand of shill is really dumb.

23325667? ago


Is inscribed in the BELL in the movie white squall

Refer to the bell in Q post today! See the inscription!

Q referred to the movie white squal.

Sorry.. you are in fact wrong.

23324061? ago

You got attacked because you're wrong maybe?

23323710? ago

I watched White Squall last week for the first time expecting some kinda hint as to what's coming next. I wasn't expecting the ending. The ship sinks along with half the crew including the captains wife. What the hell??? What are we supposed to glean from that?

23323701? ago

Confirmed that you're retarded and have no source to your claim.

23323392? ago

It's both. Multiple meanings. The phrase appears in the movie White Squall as well as on the bell of JFK's boat.

Q has shown us both.

Who produced, wrote and directed the movie?...

23323645? ago

The kikes duh

23323324? ago

Unless "Eye of the Wind" is JFK's boat you're wrong.


23323277? ago

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23323247? ago

It's both from a movie and, perhaps, JFK's boat.

23323069? ago

Q is my neighbor. We sometimes would drink do blow and bang hookers. He's like a brother to me.

23323406? ago

I can't even keep up with him anymore. He goes hard.

23322640? ago

The inscription wwg1wga is from the Bell on JFK's boat as well as from the movie white squall. So everyone is correct. Remember Q always uses phrases with multiple meanings. Also note the Inscribed brass Bell that was posted by Malik Obama.

23322555? ago

This was OP's slide thread original post....this is a low effort shill slide post...like all this newfags posts thus far. Stop falling for division shill shit like this.

None of you find it suspicious that Kennedy's were murdered again, and Q did nothing? No protection at all.

23322479? ago

KEK...you still butthurt you stupid faggot? I was talking to you in the first post....you were trying to cast aspersions on JFK and yet, somehow, that part got left out and you picked it up from me calling you the fuck out with 1 and a 2. ....at the end of our 'dialogue' I pointed out how it feels to shilled knowing the root fact of an artifact of this movement. I truly hope you get locked in your office while it's burning you fucking shill piece of shit.

23322314? ago

Hello!? Who, at this point in the game, didn’t know that it comes from his boat!? Seriously, OLD NEWS!

23323499? ago

Seems we may have been mistaken.

23322148? ago

Honey Fitzgerald

23322087? ago

Ridley Scott - director of White Squall really likes bells. Every film of his seems to have one in it. From GI Jane to White Squall to 1492: Conquest of Paradise - all feature bells.

Also Scott Free Productions is his production company.

Q post 3925 - Do people really believe the biggest scandal in modern US history will go unpunished [Scot-Free]?

23322016? ago

I found an old picture and while the res isn't great, it's got Caroline Kennedy in it no visible inscription on the bell. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0b/ff/07/0bff0749201537b53110cda3e7445b50.jpg

23321848? ago

Nut-uh! It comes from Africa, Q said so today (by your logic anyway).


23321794? ago

Aw look, the scrawny kid in who got bullied and beat up every day in high school buffed up for the reunion, but the bullies had forgotten all about him and didn't even notice.

23321711? ago

Q posted a link to the movie White Squall a few times, from what I remember. Maybe more than one meaning, but he definitely referred us to White Squall for the WWG1WGA scene.

23326684? ago

I had sex with a boat once.

23323720? ago

OP is a moron who saw a collage where someone shopped in the bell from the boat Eye of the Wind and assumed it was real.

23322575? ago

Exactly, it's a simile for what this movement is...this slide threading shill is still at it. The fact that it's working is concerning.

23322355? ago

"A White Squall is a phenomena of the imagination."

23323409? ago

You are an idiot. I have experienced one first hand off the coast of Oregon while commercial tuna fishing.

23322946? ago

It was the "bad guys" that said this.

23323043? ago


23322902? ago

Ya mean like a Pink Elephant?

23322588? ago

No Actually it's violet act of God https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_squall

weak ass attempt there kiddo.

23322884? ago

No, Q specifically asks us to pay attention to where he says a White Squall comes from.

And in the trailer they say exactly what I quoted.

Is this a Q board or not?

23322024? ago

^^ This - they say it ("WWG1WGA") in the movie - Its a great movie too!

It is also true that it is on JFK's boat.

23321679? ago

Looks more like someone snapped at you because you were ankle biting.

The point of this post is division, opposite of WWG1WGA.

23321696? ago

No, the point of this post is facts over feelings. We are not liberals.

23323763? ago

You're not a lberal, but you're believe OP's unsourced claim? Holy irony Batman.

23321733? ago

Ho lee fak, glad you're not an engineer -you don't seem to understand what's important as you follow your feelings.

23321826? ago

Engineers have to be some of the dumbest, most socially retarded and gullible people I’ve ever met. Thanks for confirming that once again

23321859? ago

Without them, you'd stil be swinging from a rope to get across the river.

23326741? ago

Whats wrong with that ?

23321717? ago

The fact is that Q posted the term and referred to the movie until he retweeted Malik Obama today in order to show that MO follows Q.

23321700? ago

Hey thanks man it was on the bell too not just in the movie, and those Kennedys are so great they set the stage for mandatory vax - herd immunity WWG1WGV

23321724? ago

That's how I know you are the shill. Q endorses JFK, and speaks about him all the time. Your true colors are showing.

23321763? ago

There's no guarantee the plandemic isn't leading to mandatory vax. Why am I a shill for pointing out the obvious, which is that the Kennedy's starting with JFK set the stage for mandatory vax?

23321549? ago

What aa bunch of clowns! Anons know, All have seen the ships bell pic many times. DO NOT Demand I look it up and prove it to you. If you haven't seen it yet and you're beating your chops, you wouldn't believe a football is round if I showed you one. Bunch of brainless shills stirring up shit they saw on the boob tube. Go ahead and deny the truth, Patriots will hold your hand and let you weep like a baby when the truth is revealed - but don't look to LSM shill factories.

23321434? ago

I have searched pictures of JFK's boats, and I cannot find a bell on any of them.

23322603? ago

Never a bell with him sitting next to it. Anybody can take a picture of a bell on a ship and say "oh look JFKs boat has a bell"....Who gives a fuck, this shill is clearly trying to draw attention away from Q's drops and Q's truth.

23323131? ago


Drink a bag of pre-chewed dicks, kike

23324081? ago

Imagine linking to a Photoshopped collage and imagining that's proof.

23323659? ago

Youve been pre-chewing dicks again, faggotnigger?

23323705? ago

Actually, your mother left them here when she was begging me to help her pay your rent and bills again. I guess she wanted to keep the dicks for herself because your fat ass eats everything in the trailer. Give the cunt a break, she's had enough trying to keep you placated with tendies and vidya

23323759? ago

KEK. 7/10 Mine was better...

23323934? ago

Whatever helps you feel less lonely every day, buddy. Well done, sick burn. Send your mother my condolences.

23326732? ago

KEK, send them dicks my condolences.

23321988? ago

I just had a old black and white photo of Carolyn as a child drinking soda sitting under a bell that size n shape out on a boat

Will dig to find it

23321899? ago


23323753? ago

Someone shopped in the bell from Eye of the Wind onto an image? Great, but how is that proof? If JFK's boat had this funky bell there's be a legit image hosted on a legit website proving it.

23321332? ago

No. No. No. Fuck No. No No. No.

When the Jeff Bridges, "White Squall" WWGOWGA!" connection was made, I bought the movie. It's one of Bridges' lines. Guess how I know?

OP eats shit.

23322612? ago

OP is a Chinese 50 cent division Shill....sliding forums is what they do.

23323615? ago

Chinese division shills now. Wew lad. Thank Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef that JIDF and Soros and all the other boogeymen have outsourced to the Chinese.

23323684? ago

what an pointless response. I have to wonder...am I the only reason you’re alive? Suicide shouldn’t be far off now. Good bye.

23323899? ago

If you can't discern a meaning, perhaps you should get your mental faculties checked, retard.

23326746? ago

If you think you're an influence here, of all places, get your mental facilities checked. You believe you're wasting our time with your nonsense...you're doing nothing of the sort...Fuckwit.

23323784? ago

BTW: Photoshopped collage.... checkmate liberals!

23323454? ago

Both can be true.

Who produced, wrote and directed the White Squall movie?

23323624? ago


23321475? ago

Real Anons know the truth and don't need your propaganda saying it's originally from a movie. That's why this thread is being upvoted.


Just wrong LOL

23321229? ago

Anons have known since the beginning though. The bell is nothing new? Search qmap.pub

23321097? ago

Dude.....Please show me where Q said that bell was on JFK's boat. Because he DOESN'T. Today he posted a tweet from Malik with a picture of the bell. But a bell's a bell. Where does Q SAY IT'S FROM JFK's BOAT????

23322051? ago

OP can't, cause it never happened.

23322493? ago

My point is that OP claims Q CONFIRMED. Q DID NOT do such a thing!!! I've got plenty of Q Proofs, but this ain't one of them!!! Makes us look stupid!!

23321588? ago

Op is right. Presidential yacht Honey Fitz

23321620? ago

Ok that is not PROOF that Q CONFIRMED.... I want PROOF where Q CONFIRMED it was from JFK's yacht.

23321878? ago

So your PROOF is two grainy pictures of JFK's boat that show "a bell", but of which you cannot see an inscription. Then you reference a Q post that just says "WWG1WGA - JFK". Doesn't say anything about a bell. As I said before, I am not asking for inference, I am asking for PROOF that Q said it was JFK's bell. Don't put words in Q's mouth!!

23320957? ago

Q confirm yesterday that he is a LARP. So go luck with that...

QAnon was just proven fake in my eyes. The Facebook page he linked to with the cannibalism is from the video game company Capcom promoting Resident Evil 6.

23321054? ago

If you haven't taken the time to prove to yourself that Qanon is coordinating with the Whitehouse, you are either a shill or an idiot. Since you are on here attempting to sew discontent you're a shill.

23321020? ago

You just confirmed for all of us that you are a shill.

I am sure you will continue your misinformation campaign.

23320993? ago

What eyes? Your soul is blind to the truth.

23320861? ago

[[[They]]] are never nice.

They're only seemingly nice at their absolute best.

23322632? ago

And yet.....HERE YOU ARE SHILL! Gee I wonder.....all this convincing us...for a LARP? You sure do spend a lot of time here for a LARP.

23322780? ago

The castle is falling and while it's happening.....Q: Lie, Soon, riddles, riddles, riddles, lie, Soon, riddles, riddles, riddles.... repeat forever...

23322810? ago

Thank you for proving my point. Where We Go ONE We Go All, I TRUST Q, Q+, and Patriots. You'll try to divide and slide...it will work sometimes...but you will always be called out for your bullshit. For a 'truther' you sure do have alot of faith in a picture that doesn't even have JFK next to the bell....

23321945? ago

Is he gonna post raw images of dead bodies? He linked us to some actual sauce past that to dig on. Fuck off shill, and if you're not a shill you're just a fair weather Patriot, so fuck off.

23321897? ago

Did you read post 3919 from today? Understand?

23321814? ago

Open bobs while you at it

23321710? ago

Are they outsourcing shilling to India now?

23322651? ago

China 50 cent shills...we've been flooded with them. You can tell by the poor vernacular and even poorer logic train.

23323405? ago

Pretty good pay for China.

23321554? ago

Mujhoo, or chigger

Which is it ???

23321442? ago

Broken English low energy shill. Take your shekel and go.