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23299773? ago

So it looks like Q isn't in jail. Austin oh Austin...

23305519? ago

It's getting to the point where you can tell what's true and what isn't, based on how angry the shills get.

For example, the shills were FURIOUS that anyone doubted he was Q. They also get absolutely LIVID if you call the Wuhan flu a hoax (like it is).

23306055? ago

QAnon was just proven fake in my eyes. The Facebook page he linked to with the cannibalism is from the video game company Capcom promoting Resident Evil 6.

23311647? ago

You know everything there is know about that farm and their operations? You know the owner? You've been to the location? Any underground ops? Tell me everything you know about them, you seem so fucking sure so you must have a ton of info?

23311677? ago

You know everything there is know about I don't understand that part, is it a code?

23306900? ago

Sheesh, did you see what Q said right above that link?

"Did you think 'spirit cooking' was just pretend?"

It's like you faggot shills aren't even trying these days. Pathetic!

23306936? ago

Pizzagate researchers debunked the cannibal club website years ago. No matter what you people try to do the truth will ALWAYS come out:

23307724? ago

I don't see any debunking. A few people assert it was linked to a book based on there being a same name. I also note some people assert it was linked to a video game.

"debunked" kek

23308583? ago

Notice the shills are attacking the spirit cooking with pizzagate level ferocity when it first broke??

23309331? ago

Oh yes, I have!

23306609? ago


What better place to hide reality, behind fantasy.

23306657? ago

Cannibal Restaurant Was a Hoax by Vegetarian Activists - Eater

23307772? ago

There's no credible link anywhere in the article between the websites and this restaurant.