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23324812? ago

nice copy & paste skills

23324727? ago

Lol at how desperate you shills are.

The white hats must be close to the endgame, I haven't seen shills this desperate in well.. ever...

Enjoy the show, from gitmo.

23324771? ago

Yes, Soon, Soon, Now it's Soon, no not now but Soon, Soon, This time it's Soon, Soon, Soon, Almost there, Soon, Soon, repeat forever...

23325991? ago

You don't have to be here. You can go somewhere else. You realize that, right? But the very fact that you don't go somewhere else and continue to bitch and complain here says a lot about you. It is not our fault that your life sucks right now. Stop blaming us. Am I Q? No. So why do you think I want to hear your complaints about Q? Are you that lonely? Go complain to Q directly or, even more simply, just fuck off and go be a lonely, bored, and miserable cunt all on your own.

23326032? ago

I'll do it, Soon, Soon, Soon, Trust Me, Soon, Soon...

23326285? ago

See, I don't have a problem having a little faith because I still have my job, my family is well armed, our house is well stocked, and this virus doesn't mean shit to me, but you have a problem with it so that makes it YOUR problem. How empty your life must be that you think you are entitled to go around and make YOUR problem into everyone else's problem. How truly pathetic you are. Faith costs me nothing. Wallow in your self-pity for me once again... it is truly amusing!