23325386? ago

No, you're just stupid. Careful, you could easily vote Demorat.

23327919? ago

You're so clever. Do you get paid to come up with clever sayings?

23325503? ago

I know that for you fanatiQs all Q doubters are libtards. Cause the capacity for your brains is unable to process the info "POTUS supporter but Q doubter". Probably not enough neurons.

23325178? ago

Latest Wins of the Day (April 9th)

Boris Johnson moved out of intensive care unit https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1248319601647247361

AG Barr says media is on a jihad to discredit hydroxychloroquine simply because Trump touted it https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2020/04/09/ag-barr-media-have-been-on-a-jihad-to-discredit-hydroxychloroquine/

Pence bites CNN, saying no one on the pandemic team can appear on CNN until CNN starts covering all the briefings rather than airing parts of the briefings to try to embarrass Trump https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2020/04/09/mike-pence-bans-coronavirus-task-force-from-cnn-appearances-until-network-broadcasts-full-briefings/

67% of doctors in survey of 1,200 doctors say they would take hydroxychloroquine if infected with COVID-19 https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2020/04/08/65-percent-of-doctors-would-prescribe-hydroxychloroquine-to-their-families-n2566582

Popular UW model now revised down to 60,000 deaths in the US, all occurring before May 15 https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america

US gave WHO $452 million last year compared to $42 million from China https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/04/09/donald-trump-u-s-spent-452-million-on-who-in-2019-against-chinas-42-million/

US hospitals make lots more money if they diagnose and treat a COVID-19 patient https://twitter.com/Patriot9161/status/1248079016193482754?s=20

A conspiracy case is being built against those who perpetrated the Trump/Russia hoax https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/justice-coming-george-papadopoulos-promises-conspiracy-case-built-around-created-trump-russia-collusion-hoax/

Trump was right and reasoned, Cuomo was wrong and emotional about pandemic’s effect in NY https://thefederalist.com/2020/04/08/trump-was-right-cuomo-was-wrong-about-ventilator-needs/

Japan looks to move manufacturing home from China https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/04/09/business/japan-sets-aside-%C2%A5243-5-billion-help-firms-shift-production-china/#.Xo9jNUN7lE5

Stimulus checks to begin arriving next week https://www.foxnews.com/politics/coronavirus-stimulus-checks-on-their-way-heres-how-it-works

Barr: “a whole pattern of events … to sabotage the presidency.” https://twitter.com/LukeGoldberg4/status/1248091038310432768

Possible that the next generation spy plane, the SR-72, able to travel from NY to LA in 30 minutes, is already in use https://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2020/04/09/could_a_mach_5_sr-72_spy_plane_already_be_in_the_sky_115187.html

23325079? ago

Ah, I see, you are retarded. The group was not a human meat farm, the group is PUSHING for human meat to be socially acceptable, it literally said that on the "about" page. They want Cannibalism to be mainstream. The other page Q linked was a real cannibalism group. But you shills are just low IQ, so you wouldn't understand anyway. Back to reddit with you.

23325132? ago

Trying to save the day?

Keep it up, dig a hole put the Truth in it and spit over it.

23325182? ago

No, I am literally telling you the facts. The facebook group was obviously not posting real human meat, they were an advocacy group pushing for the mainstream consumption of human flesh. They were likely a psyop to normalize cannibalism. If you would have paid any attention AT ALL you would have noticed that.

23325240? ago

Expecting a shill to pay attention, that's rich.

23325344? ago

Sometimes I have some hope. I know it is misplaced.

23327939? ago

Someday they'll learn what satire is. Unless COVID gets their wrinkly asses first. Don't give up on 'em. We'll save a few from their own circle-jerking.

23325126? ago

Trying to save the day? Keep it up, dig a hole put the Truth in it and spit over it.