Diggernicks ago


gonight ago

Seriously. If this faggot wants people to take shit seriously he needs to cut the extraneous bullshit and say what happened concisely.

virge ago

Fucking post or gtfo.

He never said he had more proof (did he? I didn't read that garbage, but saw the last sentence), looked like he asked others to come back him up.

Sguevar literally uses PV to brigade, it's his MO. See the link ont he side that says "What is a "Concern Troll?". Might as well use this thread as an example of a concern troll.

He's butthurt I banned him so he spent a hilarious amount of time writing up absolutely nothing at all but his opinion. He was very offended!

virge ago

What an amazing waste of time nobody will read.

sguevar ago

Ok son, whatever you say.

virge ago

You managed to say absolutely nothing at all with that many paragraphs. I'm genuinely impressed. I think I love you.

sguevar ago

Ok son, I hope you have a good night :)