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okay @virge

virge ago

How many accounts are you currently using for vote manipulation, post stalking, spam, content manipulation, lies, and noise pollution for a mile log retarded nigger signature? Lets count the ways:

Sadiq_Khan, Normie-Vision, Jewish_Shill, clueless_Normie, dindu-nufffin, Fizzle-Stizzle, jkfaksj776, jklsjas8347895, kjhasd758756, zxcvzxcvzx, ldjafs45345, kljasdfjklasdl43, jkshdfka78938, ksjdfkas878345, 349023095sdfl, ldjafs45345, dfgadg35235, 349023095sdfl, jkshdfka78938, ldjafs45345, PIA-OMG

xenoPsychologist ago

yeah, ya know what, that guy (assuming they all actually are him) really is a huge douchebag. its not implausible youre just a normal arsehole (which is something i can respect), and not a shill of any sort. i guess i can concede on that much.

sguevar ago

Well @virge is quite a douchebag himself as if you criticize his views he will start throwing tantrums at you and then losing debates for the full of shit faggot he is. Then after a few days go by, he will purge his comment and content history to conveniently try to manipulate some more. Archive your interactions with him.

virge ago

If you weren't actively subverting the community for whatever reason I'd be much nicer to you, this is true.

You've shown yourself to be a liar and a hypocrite.

sguevar ago

If you weren't actively subverting the community for whatever reason I'd be much nicer to you, this is true.

So you are going to keep the projections right? Aren't we past this already?: You know you don't have any credibility before me and many others for all the fuckery and hypocrisy you spew out your head. Transparency? you don't know what that is content purger. Fuck off for none of the efforts that you have done were in fact to protect Voat's essence but to subvert it. I know you faggot and I will call out your faggotry every single time.

You've shown yourself to be a liar and a hypocrite.

Pfff sure I have that is why I never purge my content, I always stand by my words and back them up and I actively work to protect Voat from deceiving faggots like yourself go purge some more of your content and comment history faggot and go choke on a bottle.

Copy pasta of the comment he made to avoid the problem of evidence when he deletes:

"If you weren't actively subverting the community for whatever reason I'd be much nicer to you, this is true.

You've shown yourself to be a liar and a hypocrite."

virge ago

Ahh. I see we've finally reached the stage where you have no further argument and now play play the whole accuse me of what I've already accused you of thing.

I guess you're done here if "I know you are but what am I" is the best you've got left.

sguevar ago

Ahh. I see we've finally reached the stage where you have no further argument and now play play the whole accuse me of what I've already accused you of thing. I guess you're done here if "I know you are but what am I" is the best you've got left

You are fooling no one @virge. Absolutely no one.

And your pathetic effort to keep yourself relevant and try to conveniently use the fire that we were having to boast yourself showed your true nature faggot.

Go choke on the bottle a little more.

@MadWorld this guy sure makes me laugh... is like he never learns and keeps feeding material for his own Full of Shit hall of fame.

virge ago
