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sdfgsdf232 ago

Concerning Builders: Many think that my endorsement of very specific acts, imply a full endorsement of the user as a whole. This isn't true. My intent was to highlight specific acts that stood out as courageous or constructive, not the user themselves. It didn't help that all three of these users are controversial in their own ways.

here is your "builder" @kevdude at work just a slight example.


sdfgsdf232 ago

Concerning Vote Manipulation Bans: I'm reversing all recent vote manipulation bans. Voat has changed and thus our process needs changed. I will not be processing further vote manipulation bans until we talk about the process as a community.

yeah you missed like 15 of them


Dismember ago

So how long will you hide under your rock this time?

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fluhthreeex ago

if you'd just focus on banning the actual spam bots (tendies & crew) and actual vote-rings that'd be πŸ‘πŸΏ ...i'd even send you two of the finest black women for the whole nite. once you go πŸ‘©πŸΏ u never go back!

SearchVoatBot ago

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Doglegwarrior ago

I dont know someother dude claimed it. Ive not had a problem with you so if you say you didnt i have no proof other wise. So fuck the kikes and mossad and israel

Heir_of_Sigma ago

I believe in Voat.

Also, can we all agree that Reddit is poop?

LilBrattyMkr ago

I should have never even looked at the votes on that post, but my curiosity got the best of me.

This is the part that got me concerned. It's human nature to want to know, but it's power that makes you want to do something about it. Thank you for reversing the bans.

NymphantTree ago

gayg uy

voatusernamevoat ago

my curiosity

I'm still curious what's being vote manipulated to figure out why, what the angle is, what's being pushed, from that work out the who.

Civil_Warrior ago

Many think that my endorsement of very specific acts, imply a full endorsement of the user as a whole. This isn't true. My intent was to highlight specific acts that stood out as courageous or constructive, not the user themselves. It didn't help that all three of these users are controversial in their own ways.

THIS is a common debate fallacy. The opponent declares you adore or despise a particular person instead of sticking to debating the ideas. Thus hijacking the debate down an amareurush liar's rabbit hole, much like the jew tactic "lets agree hitler sucked so we can bash every good idea he ever had and pretend we are seeking truth and wisdom". Classic is the orange man bad NPC method of discarding a mountain of good ideas because they dont like the person.

Its truly infantile behavior. Debating the ideas and actions is where it's at.




TrumpTheGodEmperor ago

Why the downvoates?

Canada_is_gay ago

Rumor has it you're a fat, gay, commie, nigger, kike. That's strike five, faggot.

I'm not saying it's true, but rumor has it. And tbh Ive never seen you deny so.

Down voats are just the start. We're circulating a petition to ban just you.

TrumpTheGodEmperor ago

Only gay and commie is not true XD

Stopmotionhistory ago

Nice... big boy pants.

sunshine702 ago

Voat is important for me. They say AA works because of the community - well Voat is my church basement meeting.

Holonomic ago

No need to back-pedal @PuttItOut. We all get curious, and, don't you think it's a good idea to see how you're trending? There are users here very skilled in code, and tech, and so forth, but you did something they did not do, and that's to actually build this website.

People that live in the internet have far different opinions than causal, long-term users, like myself. The ones that live here can come up with good ideas, but a lot is just whining. Always consider the source of your criticism(s). Some may be helpful, some probably not worth the zeros and ones they're made from.

When used properly this is a fantastic website that I, and I know a lot of others, enjoy and appreciate. There's no rules or roadmap. I think you're doing a great job. I appreciate being here.

TekJax ago

What is all this gay shit?

fluhthreeex ago

ban all soapbox fags

they're gay brigaders anyway

if you want poertry

get a fuckin twitter fag

Deplorable_Me ago

Thank you for keeping it real.

Vampyregod ago

Can we add race and religion to the user registration?

Anarchy99 ago

When I first joined,I joined because it was a free speech platform and I was tired of getting banned on Facebook for 30 days which I must have about 2 years worth. I couldn't understand why I kept getting dow I couldn't understand why I kept getting downvoted every time I posted something on the Jews. I'm here to share very important information, not win a beauty contest. In the beginning I couldn't understand why I was not allowed to post more than I was posting because of 1 in the beginning I couldn't understand why I was not allowed to post more than I was posting because of 10ccp points. I noticed that a lot of the replies were being generated automatically and there was no real discourse or conversation. The lowbrow attack being you are just wasting time reading nonsense. I think there should be a mute option. So trolls just can't bum rush you to downvote you and limit your posting ability and the sharing of research. My reason for being here is not to get votes but to share information.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Get fucked nigger. Take your jew worshiping ass on down the hall. You got downvoted into oblivion because you were:

A: being a cunt

B: being a cunt pushing shit like they do at reddit

C: being a cunt and posting jew shit to concern troll.

Stop being a cunt.

Anarchy99 ago

I'll bet you are circumcised

AChinkInTheArmour ago

First of all, I just want to say: Respect. This was big of you.

On your three points:

Vote Manipulation - I think a lot of this ultimately comes down to alt-itis, some of which I think was a bad habit brought over from reddit, where simply posting in one wrongthink sub gets a person banned from half the website. Speaking for myself at least, that's the only legitimate reason I could envision for using alts, and typically I find the practice as a whole just a bit... cowardly, really.

The Downvote Debacle - I actually get this, having been an admin of various places big and small over the years. The temptation is always there, and power is a thing that is sometimes just too easy to use. Really, that you admitted to doing so pretty much made this one a nonissue for me at the start. I think it was mostly how it was phrased - might've actually been better to just call out a few fucks directly.

Now, yes, I ended up in the destroyer camp (literally by being subbed to it), but hopefully we've all learned that a bit of friction can at times be healthy - as long as we all remember what we're trying to accomplish at the end of the day.

RE: Builders (and badges (because this was the main thing I was critical of (since, fuck blue checkmarks)))

Right... I get what you were going for. I've done the whole "build" talk myself on occasion. If something like this does happen, imho, it needs to happen either by some broad consensus, or by blind algorithm. Either there's some kind of voting, or else it's given to the founders of the top 10% of largest subs across the entire site, for instance. Anything else is always just going to be accused of being a good-[b|g]oys club, and will just give people excuse to start arguments. Something something no more brother wars.

On poetry:

roses are red,

violets are blue,

it's okay to be white -

and to name the jew.

albatrosv15 ago

You need a co-owner, but i highly doubt that anyone is capable of sharing the same responsibility.

Broc_Lia ago

I think you should keep vote manipulation bans, just raise the bar a bit. So if there's a bit that contributes nothing other than votes it should be detected.

Dismember ago

The new sheriff in town shot himself in the foot again it seems.

ExpertShitposter ago

Morning @PuttItOut , i'd like to share some thought on the matter, seeing as i was one of the complainers.

Concerning Vote Manipulation Bans:

I'd just like to say that while some people really are true destroyers and should be gotten rid of, this needs to be approached carefully. Some people have committed a grave mistake of attaching them selves to their online identity and have made their online interactions a significant, if not the primary source of their social life. This is very unfortunate and destructive to society, and they shouldn't have done that, but it is what it is. When a person like this gets banned, it's a big mental blow. Probably it's even good for them, to make them snap out of it, and go back to the real world. But its something to think about, for some people its "meh, i'll just go back to reddit" or "meh, i'll just make a new alt". But for some, its a big deal. So if they are banned, it shouldn't be because some Chinese quality algorithm marked them for death. Or a badly researched dox case.


Concerning The Downvote Disclosure:

Viewing who did it was "technically" an asshole move, but lets be honest, if goats had the ability to do so, they would abuse it too. So that's not what pissed people off that much. What pissed them off was the feeling that you essentially called anyone who disagrees with you a "destroyer". Even tho that's not what you meant, a lot of people probably interpreted it that way. It also raised a concern about say.....willingness to read PM's. Because people know you technically could do that if you really wanted to.


Concerning Builders:

Everyone gave you a peace of mind about that, mostly about "playing favorites", but i will re-iterate my main complaint. Not so much that you named someone as an exemplary goat, but the fact that you picked the WORST POSSIBLE CHOICE. Consider the fact that srayzie had ultimate power in one subverse only, and what happened in that subverse?

  • pre-emptive bans for jokes in other subs
  • pre-emptive bans for associating with "undesirable" people in other subs
  • retroactive bans for 2 month old posts within the sub
  • permabans for a single shitpost

It literally doesn't get more reddit than that. The CEO of reddit would have to post here himself, to be a user more reddit user than srayzie. And then you name her actions as a standard to witch we should hold our selves to? This detail is what made people concerned. "Why is putt, the anti-redditor aligning him self with the redditest of the redditors?" I know you are probably sick of being constantly accused of "selling out", but you can't deny that this was a legit reason for people to be concerned. I never once doubted you, or the future of voat, but naming srayzie or her actions "exemplary" made me yell WHAT THE FUCK out loud.

On a side note, that whole "keeping the subverse together during years of hard times" thing? Meh, how hard is it to not quit, and ignore the "shills"? All shit that went down in the last two years between the two competing Q subs + QRV is nothing more than boomer redditor Qtards behaving like crabs in a bucket. Whichever side would have "won", it would have been braindead boomers and jew subverters BTFOing other braindead boomers and jew subverters. Not a very impressive, or useful victory.


On Poetry:

Sounds gay. Pls post links so we can judge you and laugh.


On "As I look at this mess I've created",

The thing is that you probably simply aren't in the position to "just code". Certain hard decisions need to me made from time to time, and you are the only one with the power to make changes. Its simply the nature of being the owner of anything, in this case, voat. It seems to me that you always take the time to think long and hard about anything you do, but maybe in this instance, you changed that pattern and made hasty decisions. I can understand the difficulty of that. We all get to talk hard shit here, because of free speech, meanwhile you end up having to "walk on eggshells" before you post, otherwise everyone gets mad. I can see how that sucks for you, but it's probably also, an inevitable burden that a CEO of any company, and in this case Voat, has to bear.

But i'm pretty sure that as long as you are always willing to re(anal)yze your decisions and admit a mistake, no one (normal) will ever hold a grudge. However, there will always be people who yell "sell out!!!", its another inevitable part of being "the boss".

@PeaceSeeker i am here by officially eating my words about @PuttItOut not reversing his decision.

But in my defense, i only claimed 98% certainty that he won't, so i was still 2% right. Its something! And where was Q to predict this? Probably flirting with Qtards in Mossad HQ.

Pooh_on_a_Jew ago


Who's the Angel?

sweatingbullets ago

Fuck @PuttitOut. fucking dirty niggerfaggotjewkike. I don't know the guy or have anything against him but still wanted to be part of this conversation, with nothing to really contribute, so fuck you niggerfaggotjewkike.

jkfaksj776 ago

good to see you back man,

jkfaksj776 ago

you fuck up man, just admit it... we all fuck up.

its called manning up to your mistakes


sleep well


neogag ago

I was uninvolved in the drama but watching from afar, I lost some faith in you. But this post makes me respect you more now than if you hadn't erred at all.

DanijelStark ago

Heres a question and opinion for you , @PuttItOut ...

The line between a censored and uncensored social network is very very thin . Thats well known , and thats how it is everywhere ... unfortunately .

Heres the analogy : you have two guests you invite in your house . One of them is polite and well-mannered . The other is , however , a shithole member "g-immigrant" which shits into your house , leaves trash all around , and is generally very unpleasant to everyone . Including the first well-mannered guest , which after some time spent in your house , decides he cannot stand the asshole anymore , and leaves .

This is just the analogy - but you get the point . Now , Im not telling it in way - "you should censor people" ... nope . But Im telling you , youre in lose-lose position . And thats how its going to be , because some "people" are plainly idiots ... Regardless of that , VOAT is still wayyy better than some other examples , like Reddit .

Still , my views on any social network or hub is that anonymity gives a shroud ( and very often false shroud ) of "protection" in minds of people ... the irony is that I even indirectly give hints here and there who I am ( my real identity ) , and someone who is intelligent enough can easily identify me . Someone would ask me , why would you doxx yourself indirectly ? The reason is simple ... real humans arent afraid to expose themselves . If someone is truly authentic in their views and opinions - then they shouldnt be afraid of anything or anyone . But - I would understand anonimity from perspective of worker who doesnt want for his / her boss to see their views ( and this actually doesnt apply to me , because Im my own boss in my working field ) , or , a parent who wants to preserve anonimity because of his / hers family members .

Still , my point is ... "you will be damned if you do , and you will be damned if you dont" , regardless ... thats how it is . It is better actually to keep everything open as it is , because at least makes it different from other "social networks" and platforms .

As for anonimity and above "false shroud" - I can guarantee that none of us here are truly fully anonymous , thats just what people think to make them feel better ... all is always transparent in ways majority of people couldnt even imagine at the moment .

imthefox ago

puttitout you impress me once again. not bad.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

Putt, truly GOAT of goats, thanks for the change of heart. Unintended consequences are why Government needs to stay the fuck out of the free market. Make of that what you will.

ExpertShitposter ago

Trigglypuff did nothing wrong!

jkfaksj776 ago

I miss you expert, hope all is well


ExpertShitposter ago

We gonna make it brah.

kjhasd758756 ago



KingHiss ago

Thank you, very cool!

jiews ago

Well, yo each their own. Voat as a platform still is live, yet the content of free speech is dead. Long live the speech.

Hand_of_Node ago

Fagging it up, if recent comments are any indication.

idk ago

Good on ya kid.

iitpanun ago

We owe a cock to Asclepius. Pay it and do not neglect to tell him it's ok to be Polish.

ndepsort ago

Thank you so much.

heygeorge ago

On Builders:

...It didn't help that all three of these users are controversial in their own ways.

You should have picked me. I’m incontrovertible.

Definitely keep posting poetry. And sometimes, step in. But maybe ask some questions before you go stomping everywhere!

RM-Goetbbels ago

But you still haven't deleted your account though have you?

How important really is your Voat account name?

I don't hate you george but there you sit up on your high horse talking shit and not following through. Delete your account, or are you too attached to your Voat account?

BaldMiscreant ago

I'm not so sure this is a good idea, but i don't have the full context, so I'm not going to start ranting, just yet. I suggest you provide that at the open of this upcoming discussion.

Shotinthedark ago

Who are you and what have you done with the putt guy? If you're under duress blink 3 times with your left eye and clench your ass sphincter.

Niggardly_Jew ago

Poor poal. They were about to become relevant.

boekanier ago

"I'm a piece of shit for doing this". Not so hard on yourself Putt, look at the bright side of life...

Black_Phillip ago

I love you Putt and I love Voat, thanks for everything you do and making this a place for me to speak my mind all these years.

Royalseq ago

I love your attitude. Thank you

Tzitzimitl ago

...and its far more autistic than the movies depict

DesertFox33 ago

I like poetry

AlphaAndTheOmega ago

Whenever people start to get too much control, whenever we really start poking at the truth, on any website, in any forum, without fail, someone or something happens that throws the entire thing into the dumpster. It never, ever fails.

lorange ago

this post gay

LazyJello9 ago

Damm it putt. You acted as is your godly right. You don't have to apologise to these losers. Voat is yours and yours and the secret second owners only.

LazyJello9 ago

Fuck off loser

lanre ago

Fuck you. <3

SearchVoatBot ago

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jonny1313 ago

I always have respect for someone who can tactfully undo a decision they've made. Good on you! You've created something wonderful, don't beat yourself up over this.

GlamourSpork ago

Thank you, Putt. I kept quiet during all this because it is your site so your decisions are yours to make. I've always loved the wild nature (trolls included) that Voat has.

DrSelfAppointed ago


BloatedVoatGoat ago

Good coders know the application and function of their art vs just slapping functions, variables and subroutines to generate an output. People can fuck right off if they got their pussy hurt and are crybabies, but the ones that brought it out straight shot and said this or that needs work are cool. Good to address it, nothing is a failure if you learn and improve.

chocolatepatriot2 ago

Threatening mods and their families should never be considered free speech.

heygeorge ago

Context matters. I’ve been threatened to be doxxed, raped, a rapist, shot, hung... the list goes on. There is a block button available for every user if one does not like what they are reading.

Do they have to be mods before a β€˜threat’ matters? What about regular users? No one here knows who @srayzie really is, outside of one or two folks she may have doxxed herself to. We PM’d enough that if I’d wanted, we could have shared names and addresses. If she comes back with an alt (I hope she does) I’m still going to send her a Q somethingorother this fall.

asmodea ago

Thank you for being a chap.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

Poem of the week! Three cheers for Putt!

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

You back! <3

ScreaminMime ago

Where did this 'downvote discussion'Β take place?

Thornamajig ago

It's all in the timing, son. There's a time to step in and a time to back off. Pull the reins too tight and the horse'll buck. You had good people under you. You should've let 'em go through their paces.

-Col Potter : M*A*S*H 4077

Aufag ago

You broke the first rule of dealing with leftists @puttitout . You apologized. Big mistake. These people were right to be banned. You handed the website over to shill farms. Whether this an endorsement of vote manipulation or not you have effectively endorsed it with this reversal. The original bans were not nearly comprehensive enough. It wouldn't have stopped them anyway, they were already farming new accounts, but this is full capitulation. I wish you well in the future.

Seventh_Jim ago

As a goat that disliked what you were doing, glad to hear it. We're all faggots sometimes. Thank your for the hard work to provide a playpen.

The builder thing was pretty fucking gay though dude. Niggers.

PuttsMum ago

You're a good boy.

zyklon_b ago

thanks pa i try to build

PuttsMum ago

Lol :p

zyklon_b ago


DanHalen ago

You see...we got this guy...Puttitout. And he's the smartest man in the world. He gonna fix the ecomony, and make the plants grow.... And he gonna do it aaalllllll... in two weeks!

MinorLeakage ago

Thank you very much for posting this. I have to admit, you had me worrying for a while there.

This post sounds like you again, and it's good to have you back.

sherlock_holmes ago

We've been spezzed

Gigglestick ago

Yeah, stop being a cunt, faggot.

drstrangegov ago

You're a good man.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/OneTruePutt submission by @PeaceSeeker.

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IquitzuOcha ago

I didn't know this place was a popularity contest. I thought we were all just here to bitch.

krier55 ago

Damage is done this place will never be the same

Hand_of_Node ago

It was a Spez moment.

Anon331717 ago

Fuck Spez

NihilisticClownFrog ago

Honk brother!

1moar ago

Quit being a bunch of faggots everyone.


Intheknow2 ago

Sometimes you gotta eat a little crow, damn, you ate the whole flock! Respect..

ravensedgesom ago

thanks for helping to restore our trust in this platform

18881292? ago

For a second, it looked like Voat won. Then @Puttitout flipped and gave the win to the screaming babies in the cinema. Gotta give credit, the redditors pulled this off, nice one.

Chimaira92 ago

What the fuck did I even miss in the past few days lmao

thelma ago

9mm v. .45 cal argument is my guess.

Wynterwhisper ago

Group hug and butt slaps.

beece ago

Righteous post Putt. I agree with this one, but will note that vote manipulation and shit like that should have some kind of crowd sourced tool to catch the BS. Not sure what that would be - but it should exist.

Thanks and welcome back.

spaceman84 ago


Art1cBear ago

Pew pew pew, yeee-haaawwww!

HorseIsDead ago

And you're a queer who still dresses in your mom's clothes after cumming all over them.

HorseIsDead ago

I'm just waiting for your dumb stalker nigger ass to try to sneak in middle's window some night because you're clearly so obsessed with him, and for you to get goodified with a 357 or something.

NiggerVirus ago

I fuck my mom,.

HorseIsDead ago

@dial_indicator I love you

AR47 ago

Like anyone gives a fuck when there is zero consequences save dealing with your consistency with bitching about it over and over.

Seems very odd how a mod starts some shit and then somehow you save the day each time when there is little to no consequences in saying get fucked.

Some have done that, but this latest one......

Anyways I am going to go get some pics for a site that appreciates OC and doesn’t praise those that recycle shit.

AR47 ago

What makes you think I would emit any emotion for your benift? You are not worth a display of any emotion.

It’s obvious that you require drama since /she cake around. Then another and another and another.

Fuckyounigger ago

Jews did 911 and all that stuff

virge ago

Yes. I've been the target of a subversion campaign for two days straight, now. Because of this:

Hand_of_Node ago

Just skimmed that, and it appears you support sending unfounded/unsupported accusations of an undefined "vote manipulation", with threats of banning if one continues violating the undefined secret rules. How do you explain the logic of having secret rules, then threatening to punish people for "violating" them?

I checked a few minutes ago, and there's still no recision or apology for the accusation and threat message.

virge ago

Don't ask me bullshit about secret rules unless you actually read the content because you're entire post history is ignoring content and causing trouble. Fuck off with your subversive bullshit I won't waste time on your disingenuous conversation talking points.

You are an aggressor in 90% of what you post, you're not worth the effort to deflect.

If your name is on the next ban list update, I won't be surprised. Cry about it some more if you'd like, you don't want a genuine conversation so we have nothing left to say.

Enjoy stalking my post history because it's the only way you would have gotten to some of the responses you've decided to make. Thanks for giving the abuse script some good data. Faggot.

Hand_of_Node ago

I would recommend not day-drinking so much. You're not doing yourself any favors.

kevf4 ago

I appreciate your work on the site, but respectfully I think you shouldn't try to moderate so much. Also introducing concepts like "builder" just sounds unappealing. I don't come here to learn about voat social structure. I come here to discuss current events.

oldgoatnew ago

This is a great example of how to be a classy dude.

AR47 ago

Instead of indulging your need for argument I will simply say what you are.


You need drama since you came here all that time ago. You need conflict and strife by making false statements and then require someone to defend a position that doesn’t matter.

Admit it you feel your relevance slipping away each day this place looses more people to either Poal or Phuks. Your grip upon relevance just fades more and more each day.

You remember what I told sanegoatiswear?

I told him that eventually he would go to log into his account and no one would have replied to him. That is what will happen with you. People will just not care. Sure you can shit on another sub, but guess what?

They are getting wise to yours and others needs for drama.

For the record I said that I messaged puttitout before I left because it was obvious someone was trying to dox me and he never replied. Yet for the pussy he is quick on that.

You however need that you and us relationship because it’s what you feed on. Like a bitch. Seriously a man would never harp on about some stupid shit and something as insignificant as this site and impressing some random strangers.

It’s likely that 30% of accounts here are alts for other people.

BrotherNathanael ago

The Jews FEAR free speech because it provides public discourse of disagreeing outlooks.

Denying free speech CREATES hate rather than eliminating it.

Keep voat alive! +Brother Nathanael

Pubiclouse ago

Just like the ending of a TGIF sitcom. xD

Nadeshda ago

Welcome back you, I was concerned about you.

Putts, I think it’s safe to say, you took my breath away there, for a moment.

Phew... glad you’re back! Really, really...

I think you definitely need good counsel pertaining the site and I genuinely pray the FATHER positions solid trustworthy people in your life to help carry this burden. It’s not easy for anyone and we ALL fall short of the glory of GOD, but we cannot give up trying.

I pray that together we can find a way to move forward and learn how to navigate these treacherous seas that we currently sail in.

May HE bless you and keep you, may HIS face shine upon you and give you great peace!

Insert virtual hug here

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

Atta boy putt. Unless they are shitting this place up w CP or other things that literally break laws it's all hands off. Our own chemo will kick in.

zyklon_b ago


i live for this shit

sguevar ago

Thanks niggerfaggot but all effort is for Voat and Voat did great this time, I thought we were at a loss there but kept my faith strong in the Lord knowing that truth would prevail.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I'm just curious. Are you the type of guy who when you see a wasp nest, you feel an irresistable urge to poke it with a stick? You certainly provided entertainment for a few days. Lol.

AR47 ago

Soon as this tornado shit moves away I will deal with you.

ViperCarbz ago

The goal should be to preserve the platform. Banning people manipulating the platform ins't a big deal.

293948172 ago

I didn't anything you said and I'm ignoring this post. BLAH BLAH BLAH CAN'T HEAR YOU FUCKERRRRRRRRR

Redcobra ago

Your the mutherfuckin man PUTT...on builders-was obvious but to only a few dummy’s.but it led to some GREAT submissions so ya.WOOOHOOO!

XSS1337 ago

There are goblins afoot.

Drunkenst ago

Wazhappenin1 ago

Gotta say I'm impressed. Ive been sort of following this discussion, didnt really feel qualified to contribute since ive only been here as a commenter for a few months, and a lot of what was happening didnt affect me per se, but your ability to self reflect and be humble is an example for all of us.

Fuhrer1488 ago

Dab whip nae nae

ardvarcus ago

Never apologize for doing what you think is right. Your enemies will just take it as a sign of weakness, and it accomplishes nothing.

You've done an amazingly good thing keeping Voat going in the face of so much hatred and opposition. When Voat finally falls -- as it must eventually, because too many people want it destroyed -- you can hold your head high, and know that you stood for free expression in a world of lies and censorship.

sguevar ago

Recognizing one's faults and wrong doings is a sign of strength. Fuck off faggot with your level of stupidity here. Pride comes before the fall. So no, as long as Voat stays true to itself despite the different forces that try to bring it down, it will stand.

This is proof of this.

Majorfatboy ago

Well putt put-er! I mean well put Putt. Work with Us, We'll work with You. I'll even admit to being a salty sack of rat shit... Even though that would surprise absolutely no one.

My gripe was a combination of the ominous builders/destroyers thing, the statement about protecting those You deem to be builders while punishing those You consider destroyers, and You admitting to seeing You were being downvoted, looked at the voters, and declared most of them to be "destroyers", which set a very clear message that anyone who questions You gets the boot. Finishing all of that up with the "You should just leave voat if You don't like it post" was the cherry on the shit sundae. Surely You can see how those events in that order would set alarms off?

The automated punishment system thing was pretty lousy too.

Just don't beat around the bush next time. If You're about to clean house, just say "sup fags, I'm rolling out some new anti-spammer/manipulations shit soon, thing's may get fucky", and We'll understand. Want to recognize those who've contributed to the site the most? Again, just say so: "Hey, I'm awarding some new badges for those of You who've gone above and beyond generating content for this place, My way of saying thanks", And We'll get it. Do not go full-cryptic and leave it up to Our imaginations as to who's ass is about to get thrown into the ole' easy bake ovens.

Getting downvoted on something You posted? Either just deal with it, call Us a bunch of fags with sand in Our collective vaginas, or if You must, go ahead and have a look at who's downvoting You, but for the love of God DO NOT label You critics "destroyers".

As for vote manipulations and punishment, I see no problem with automating a system to alert You to possible abuses, maybe even an automated system to temporarily restrict a user's abilities, until You could look into the situation could be acceptable. But ultimately, bans/administrative actions must come from a live human. Anything less is fucking Zuckerberg/Google-tier.

Thanks for being straightforward here about this.

EyeOfHorus ago

How can you be a dictator with this "community" bullshit sympathy? Kum ba yah faggot. It's still your website, right?

psymin ago

Love ya putt. No harm no foul.

Attac ago

You nigger can be proud of yourself. Most faggots don't have the balls to self reflect and put their own ego under that of their community. Huge respect for doing it, because if I were in your position I would have already power tripped and ruined voat. Glad you're a wise philosopher leader.

sguevar ago

Fucking A. I second that! You got big pair of balls Putt!

virge ago

When the time is right, we will find each-other. If not you, then you in spirit.

nemestrinus ago

Thank you

dp007since09 ago

Dear admin PuttlOut, "admirable" is the word that comes to mind. I'm a goat (I am guessing) well outside the 68% of the goats here. Older, woman. When I first came to goat, I thought I would not stay long. My wittle little feelings got hurt sometimes. Then I discovered how great it felt to say "FUCK IT" and move one. It' s been almost 2 yrs and I love the Wild West. Thank you faggot for your courage.

NeoGoat ago

Welcome back!

o0shad0o ago

and to promise if they ever happen again, I'll permaban myself as punishment.

PuttItOut is dead, long live PuttItOut2!

sguevar ago


Thank you for putting the healing corner stone for Voat. I fucking love Voat and waking up and seeing all of this renew my feelings for this site. Heck my wife tells me all the time that I am obsessed with Voat, but she doesn't understand yet the importance of a site like this one.

When I told her that everything finally worked out she was really happy to see me ecstatic. Thank you for heeding Objectivity before all.

God bless and the invitation to Costa Rica is still open!

Thank you again!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Here -

I'd have given it to you sooner, but I've been using it all weekend.

Thanks for the tears, faggot.

virge ago

Cool. Still going to help me reload .30 cal when the world ends?

virge ago

I think your general way of thinking would be greatly appreciated on the discussion involving voting transparency. If you're willing to read some of the feedback from the community and give your honest opinion on it all, I think it would be valuable.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Weakness is pathetic on everyone.

TheBookWasBetter ago

Look at everyone being nice to each other! I must be on the wrong voat!

SeanBox ago


NiggerGuy ago

Do you even remember when you weren't a right wing lying cuck, putitout?

virge ago

Do you even remember when you weren't a right wing lying cuck, putitout?

So what's the lie?

NiggerGuy ago

Ah. The copypasta queen has her panties in a bunch.

You have no right to lecture anyone.

virge ago

You're.. calling me someone who copy and pastes when the only thing I've ever copy and pasted is a literal response to the copy and paste spam from another user?.

Are you gay, stupid, or just oblivious?

NiggerGuy ago

You're.. calling me someone who copy and pastes because I copy and paste? Antisemite!

Sounds like someone needs their tendies.

Are you gay, stupid, or just oblivious?

That has nothing to do with liars like puttitout and you. He is a proven con artist and a liar. As are you for being so cringeworthy or, lol, "triggered" by my honest statements.

Go take your midol kid and maybe step away from the keyboard for a minute until you calm your hysteria down.

TopTierCIAShill ago

PuttItOut is former DJ admin Kim Jong Un of FunnyJunk circa 2012

zyklon_b ago

@rompom 1990

zyklon_b ago


if u aint willing to lose it all then aint worthy to have a say

Reddit-is-kill ago

Don't be so hard on yourself, I didn't agree with the bans and I still think you've done a better job here than anyone else could. Certainly me.

No reason to pull a Jussie Smollette.

Thanks for your dedication and patience for all our whiney faggotry.

zyklon_b ago

if voat loses the q subs it would be good for the site

CRKT_M16Z ago

I went camping for a few days, totally disconnected from whatever all this drama is. So I have no idea what's really going on. And I don't care either. I'm just glad Voat was still here when I got back.

That being said, I wish I could find a happy medium for shit posts, funny stuff, and news I actually care about. Some people here are just so fucking angry all the time.

virge ago

That being said, I wish I could find a happy medium for shit posts, funny stuff, and news I actually care about. Some people here are just so fucking angry all the time.

Your opinion would be appreciated, if you can stand a light read. Like, really.

middle_path ago

Seeing how Putt and I banned people for different reasons the answer is "no".

logos_ethos ago

You keep database access limited for a reason. We know that you have access to the votes, and I expect you to use whatever means at your disposal to protect honest voaters from cheating. Including understanding how users are really exploiting your website, which includes the votes. It was probably bad taste to advertise it, but people are fools for being surprised, or cheaters are concerned about getting caught. Do not limit yourself from understanding what kind of problem that you are dealing with.

The main concern that I have is that you do what other software developers have done, sell out your control and manipulate the community for inorganic growth, such as abandoning free speech. You can have friendly, or honesty. Do not ever expect both. The market for friendly is saturated and the market for honesty is a growth opportunity. But you were right to fight inorganic behavior. Keep users honest. Keep working on that ban algorithm. But think about ways to make their inorganic behavior more transparent to us, so we can take some of the work off of you.

My other concern is burnout. Write tools to offload your work. The QRV solution should never have been to change the owners. Maybe create some site-wide janitors, and let owners ban side-wide janitors if they do not fulfill their duties accurately. Also, I know that to prevent people from voting more than once, anon subs are not truly anon to you, so you could find those who posted porn if you wanted too. You probably already do, which may have been part of the motivation for the destroyers comment. If those people moved to Poal, they would not be missed. Spamming is not free speech.

virge ago

The main concern that I have is that you do what other software developers have done, sell out your control and manipulate the community for inorganic growth, such as abandoning free speech.

How would you approach this problem? If the answer is transparency, please contribute your genuine feedback here.

logos_ethos ago

Transparency will just give you an earlier warning. That may be useful to some, but I would rather prevent the problem from ever happening. The solution is to keep the company small, and to prevent any kind of legal / corporate control structure from forming that might displace people with the dedication for free speech. Try to outsource anything that might try to control the company, and be ready to replace them at all times.

virge ago

The solution is to keep the company small, and to prevent any kind of legal / corporate control structure from forming that might displace people with the dedication for free speech. Try to outsource anything that might try to control the company, and be ready to replace them at all times.

Is it realistic, or fair, to make assumptions about the financial situation of the company?

logos_ethos ago

I was commenting on the number of employees. I do not need to make any financial assumptions to state that not giving away your power is a good thing.

sguevar ago

He talks about transparency but he purges all of his content and comments within a few days to avoid transparency. Start archiving your interactings with this faggot because he is not more than a deceitful piece of shit. Just an advise, do as you will.

Sweettendiesloving ago

Now instead of being a faggot you are being our faggot. # to you brother

Ina_Pickle ago

This is why I adore you, Putt.

TXRepublicMovement ago

So we can create multiple accounts and vote brigade? That means absolute shit is going to be pushed to the top, and better posts pushed down. This is weak and soy.

Sosacms ago

Ah... Does that make me your huckleberry?

Drunkenst ago

Gina Haspel and Eddie Haskell send regards.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Srayzie is a piece of shit. We will never forget.

zyklon_b ago

kilt hurrr kuds

Gigglestick ago

Hey, I miss ya, faggot! I would love to go back to trigglypuffs arms flailing and everyone laughing at that bitch.

Astupidname69 ago

A faggot makes mistakes, a real man owns up to them and learns from them. Glad you're not a faggot.

Cooking_with_Alf ago

Why is it we even have a score system? It's just something to be gamed or exploited and ultimately ends in censorship.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

muh downvotes are censorship

Nope. I'm not censoring you by saying I think your opinion is stupid.

virge ago

The scoring serves two reasonable functions:

  1. It dramatically decreases spam by creating a "barrier of entry" that cannot be easily defeated before other users notice the spam. This is why Voat is so spam-free, all things considered.
  2. It allows users to organically prioritize content.

Unfortunately, it also allows users to abuse others in various ways, and for various reasons. There are some good solutions recommended involving transparency in voting, which still solves #1 and #2 above, but also allows the community to "self-police" the subversive material.

Your feedback on this analysis and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

SenseiDesu ago

It's still not a perfect system when people with downvoting power stalks a user's comment history and proceeds to downvote enmasse to prevent them from have any say or power and even try to drive them away. Which is what happened to me... It's funny how hard it is to earn votes, but it's very easy to trigger someone into downvoting you to oblivion just because they been here longer or they whored out much faster for CCP and they don't like where you been going/saying... At the very least, Reddit has an autoblock on downvoting spams/bots. This place really doesn't have any. So unless you are willing to conform to the general narrative of this whole site or certain threads you are trying to get points from, you're not gonna have much freedom to do anything at all.

virge ago

What about voting transparency? It's self correcting because the bad actors can be more readily identified, and serves no practical purpose past 100CCP beyond it's basic anti-spam and post order prioritization mechanics.

SenseiDesu ago

I'm afraid no. I know what you are thinking. But that kind of transparencies are only good in places like Youtube or voting comment systems like Disqus or whatever, where a comment and vote are just that. A comment and a vote. (In fact, there are still a few comment systems out there that shows exactly who voted/downvoted)

But not here. Not in a place that kind of mimics Reddit's Karma system. Because that would just show people who to counter target and go after, claiming they are "shillers". When in all honesty, they are most likely out just for petty revenge. Why else do you think was even Reddit's own system automatically setted to non-transparent? Because that takes away your anonymity, which is honestly "true" freedom on the internet: to remain anonymous.

Strictly speaking and honestly, I can sort of understand the whole philosophy behind that 100 ccp. Even if it is not very "freedom friendly" for newcomers like me. Because after all, freedom isn't free, right?

But the way he (Puttitout) set it up was pretty wrong. In how that once you get 100 ccp, you have GLOBAL influencing power (minus the subs that don't have CCP influence and have to hide away). Honestly, he should've just made it where you get 100 ccp in that certain sub, then you have the power and privileges to downvote/create posts IN THAT SPECIFIC SUB. Not other subs where the narratives, attitudes and mentalities are unique or different.

If he changed that, honestly not much would change in how things goes. Because you would still have to whore yourself out and conform to that certain sub's narratives to curry their favor and earn CCP either way. But again, if your narrative doesn't match a sub's, then you shouldn't be influencing their posts/comments' vote counts and whatnot.

And I'm sure you would argue "you could just make the sub private". But that would just force you to go out to other subs that are public for those CCPs to pretty much do anything to get started, and thus forces you to be at their mercy.

And then I'm sure you're gonna also argue "just make your own sub". But it's not easy to do when again you have to be at the mercy of public subs to get those points. And also not very easy when you are hunted down just because you already a netizen of a sub that is on some voaters' watchlist or wanted: dead or alive list. After all, one does need CCP to even downvote pretty much anywhere, create posts, or create their own subs.

Again, why do we need to go out to various subs that are public, that most likely have "protetctvoat" moral police patroling about, and snivel for some CCP and hope we don't get stopped and patted down? I thought we were supposed to be an open community that just tolerates each other's existence, not some hive mind that forces people to conform to a collectivism mentality.

sakuramboo ago

This would go perfectly with my idea of removing default subverses. To instead, have the front page a list of the most subscribed subverses, but in order to use Voat, you need to subscribe to the subverses you want. It's a behavior more like the chan's where you need to go to the board you want to see, not to have a large group of boards that you need to sift through to find the stuff you want to see.

To find more subverses, each creator would supply some keywords to make searching for what you want easier.

SenseiDesu ago

Honestly, at this point, any of those ideas are good ideas, since at the current state, this site is pretty terrible for newcomers. And honestly that default subverses makes sense, since even the most niche subs end up on the front page, which is what some downvoters claimed that caught their attention and start raiding the sub in the first place.

Honestly, I just hope there will be change in the future for newcomers. Regardless of what some of the ... not-so-pleasant voaters have done to me, I still hope for the best for this site since I did originally found my way and path to better stuff through here and a few of the netizens I met in my favored subs. I just hope Puttitout actually does something rather than thinking things are fine as is.....

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ideasforvoat submission by @virge.

Posted automatically (#43727) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ideasforvoat submission by @virge.

Posted automatically (#43726) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

virge ago

I think sub-specific CCP is a great idea.

SenseiDesu ago

That's great. I just hope Puttitout would agree too. Because I really had a shitty time for the few months since I joined here. All because I had to go out and get some comments, get enough to introduce myself and whatnot, only to get shat on because of my already comment history. And then being active on a thread that is on some moralistically power-hungry voater's shit list. And I had the "oh so welcoming" pleasure of watching my fucking CCP go from a 20 to a -1, then to 30 and 60, then back down to 10-20, then up to 120 then back down to 60, then back up to 220, then down to 130 then back up to 260. All in the span of 1 - 2 fucking weeks... All because of some anti-downvoting brigades decide to hit me hard in every comments. Even comments where it was in other subs that kept it clean and on topic to their specific thread and subs, and not bringing my tastes into there... It's been such a craptastic ride that I can't even recommend anybody to this place. I originally planned to move my own subs from reddit to here once they go full blown site wide SJWs retardation. But with this very beginner-unfriendly system, I wouldn't want to put my own subbers through this hell. And after that, as well as this recent event of being banned, despite it was only to counter those downvote brigaders, and also yet those same downvote brigades not getting banned themselves, I was already well on my way out. I was staying behind a bit to wrap things up until this sticky and unbanning happened.... So after I speak with you, I'm already pretty much long gone. This place pretty much burnt me out. I hope with my exodus, this site really improves. At least, improvement so that real legit beginners that can have a fighting chance rather than being auto-clumped into the shillers' concentration group.... After all, we all came here for different reasons. I came for a very specific one, and yet I had to go out and go involve myself in things I don't really believe in. Even though I tried to pick and choose ones that I can try to relate to. Just so I can enjoy the things that I did come for.... Makes me feel like I went to college all over again just for a useless degree that won't necessarily be applied to anything...

Cooking_with_Alf ago

My question was more rhetorical because reddit did the scoring system for this reason, and it was exploited to censor people certain (((folks))) didn't like. Spam can simply be deleted, bots purged, IP addressed blocked. I realize the amount of work required to do this never ending task, though voat has to do this security regardless of voting policy.

We have the option to subscribe to specific forums that are run by independent moderators. If you don't like it, make your own sub. Bad ideas get ignored because nobody is around to hear it. I couldn't care less if I get my news from /v/politics or /v/bigblackunicornphallus. I will subscribe and participate in groups and associate with users that I choose to. I don't need some strange algorithm to find what some coder believes I want, or believes I should see. If that makes sense?

GritD2 ago

Please more vogon poetry.

cantaloupe6 ago

Free speech is important; an enormous amount of corruption has been uncovered. Fake polls, fake investigation, a practical coup, attempts to pull US into war in Syria and Iran, the EU MPs purchased by Soros, etc.

Chiefpacman ago

Damn Putt. I love you at our helm. Even when you slip you collect yourself with grace and dignity. You're a real leader man.

There was a little too much Putt worship going on anyways. Were all human, hopefully this can take somewhat of a burden off. It's okay to mess up. Apology accepted. I would apologize myself, but I didn't join in this time. You've earned my patience.

drstrangegov ago

Now kith

zyklon_b ago

expose and drive GA off the site?

Le_Squish ago

See this is why I like you.

It takes a lot of courage to own up to one's faggotry.

You know it's okay to tell us to fuck off and sort ourselves out right? Just like you give us space to manage our subverses well and thrive, you also have to give us space to manage our subverses poorly and learn from our mistakes just as you did.

zyklon_b ago


Conspirologist ago

Better to be a goat than a scapegoat.


Ill suck your cock anytime.

KVD ago

Sweet, time for Makeup Sex!...BEND OVER.

ForTheUltimate ago

lol hand grubbing intensifies

I'm a piece of shit for doing this. I should have never even looked at the votes on that post, but my curiosity got the best of me. Posting about it was equally shitty. I can not provide any justification for my actions other than to admit they were wrong and amateurish and to promise if they ever happen again, I'll permaban myself as punishment. And OP will deliver.

link plz

Obrez ago

It takes a big guy to admit they're wrong.

Thanks for reviewing the ban process.

sguevar ago

I am really happy to see you back man! I am truly happy!

DillHoleBagHands ago

Well I'll be dipped.

antiliberalsociety ago

This should quash any "VOAT IZ UH HONEE PAHT" theories. Thank you for seeing the light and listening to the community. Poal can continue to lurk in envy.

Vindicator ago

I wish that were true. They'll just ignore and push the narrative, as always.

Drunkenst ago

Humor me - how so?

DillHoleBagHands ago

Putt, I am glad you are capable of self reflection and admit when you are wrong.

We are a crazy group of assholes. Like hornets on cocaine. Once the nest is poked, we sting anything that moves, and sometimes each other.

I am glad you are still here, buddy.

middle_path ago

Holy shit Putt, thanks for providing how worthy you are to rule. Voat has been wild this weekend.

My only suggestion on the poetry - we need more W.B. Yeats.

Goathole ago

Thank you. Don't do it again. Be fair. Talk to us.

CantDentTheBrent ago



SandHog ago

What is and isn't considered doxing is something that needs to be clarified. It's a huge gray area and it absolutely needs to be addressed.

Is it acceptable for people to go full reddit-tier, superfaggot mode and create a subverse like v/SRSusername? To which they can then post whatever images and information that can be scrounged up on google about someone's identity? Pictures of their kids? Pictures of places of business? Where is the line? What if it is something that person posted on Voat themselves?

These are questions that need answers.

sguevar ago

Please don't mind the self promoting POS and full of shit faggot of @virge you are encouraging his arrogant behavior and any interaction that you have with him archive it as he likes to talk much about transparency and stuff but then purges his interactions with others and content he conveniently don't find relevant anymore, but his real intention is to prevent others from seeing his faggotry.

Hand_of_Node ago

Wow, you sure got that right.

virge ago

I find that there are a group of users who intentionally skirt the line between actual doxxing and using just enough info on someone that doesn't identify them to aggressively harass them with the purpose of running them off the platform.

This is a problem. There is a community discussion on voting transparency if you are interested in giving your feedback.

Hand_of_Node ago

I find that there are a group of users who intentionally skirt the line between actual doxxing and...

This is the boogie-man you use to support threatening users who violated no published rules, and "manipulated" no votes? Why do you do this?

virge ago

Comment was left intentionally to see who would be the first person to try to defend this behavior.

Actually surprised it wasn't who I thought it was, but still one of the usual suspects in the end.

The same crew of accounts are always at the center of 99% of Voat's issues.

Hand_of_Node ago

Is your retard act supposed to gain you sympathy?

think- ago

These are questions that need answers.


JackHoff ago

I second this.

AR47 ago

Told you boss that all you gotta do is just interact with people.

Someone on Poal said

To know who rules over you find out who it is you can’t criticize.

That shit stuck with me through all this shit storm. It should with you as well going forward. You do you either way boss.

I got tornadoes coming again in Oklahoma so wish us luck.

facepaint ago

I have no idea what contitutes vote manipulation. I haven't been banned for it, so I assume I haven't done it.

My guess is that it would be going into someone profile & downvoting everything they say, and/or getting a crowd of people or bots to down vote in mass a single issues, message or person, or set of messages.

Wonder_Boy ago

This is one of the most incredible things I've ever witnessed. I applaud you, Great NiggerFaggot In The Cloud.

StarAnon ago

Thank you @PuttItOut You're a big man!

scrimmmy ago

This place is pretty fucking entertaining. You niggers are a bit of all right. Jews control money and media. Bill Clinton is a rapist.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Voat is the last Wild Wild West website online.

Thank you for remember this.

virge ago

As long as this Builder thing continues you’ll invite every bit of drama the selected user has created into your own days. The perception of the good old boys club and power user favoritisms will perpetuate. This is the natural outcome of this, no matter the genuine intent.

While I don't share your view on this, I recognize it's a possible outcome. [Would you be interested in joining the conversation on voting transparency](As long as this Builder thing continues you’ll invite every bit of drama the selected user has created into your own days. The perception of the good old boys club and power user favoritisms will perpetuate. This is the natural outcome of this, no matter the genuine intent.), and how it might solve some of the problems as a reasonable compromise?

I think your opinion would be valuable.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Which conversation? Just remove the ability of people to vote on replies to their own comments and submissions. Delay the impact of a vote by 90 minutes and you’ve removed half of the ability for people to manipulate debates with votes.

heretolearn ago

we're gonna need a bigger voat

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I'll permaban myself as punishment.

pls no do this

The_Venerable ago

I probably would've pissed the community off way harder a long time ago in your position.

LionElTrump ago

Hey Putt, do you have any current LEO officials that you know of that work with data from VOAT? From the attacks with images or DDOS, PedoGate, etc they have every reason to have a direct line to you.

I mean at this point we all should know nothing you do on the internet is only anonymous to a point. We all know reddit is a social grooming site where loyalists and paid actors monitor conversations in the shadows. Sure that is a reason why a lot of us are here, because we enjoy the Wild West or at least a place where a small, violent minority group doesn't police conversations like it is 1984

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

You wouldn't know free speech if it punched you in your gay faggot face. You have done nothing but promote and use censorship since day one. Get rid of the gay karma censorship system or shut the fuck up jewfag.

jewsbadnews ago

@PuttItOut MERCH STORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DHmountainbiking ago

I missed you good buddy

DHmountainbiking ago

So are you saying that you have been being a destroyer?

WordCorrector ago

Concerning The Downvote Disclosure

What is this?

think- ago

@PuttItOut, could you please add a sentence or two what is regarded as doxxing here on Voat - I think everybody is confused now. I think it woud help tremendously if the community knew what constitutes 'doxxing' here on Voat.

Since @Trigglypuff was banned for doxxing, not for vote mainipulation.

Thank you! :-)


seconded! I'm still confused as what counts as

doxing, vs harrassment, vs fair use

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

@puttitout is well aware of @kevdude's multiple instances of doxxing as well as others from PV. He does not have a problem with doxxing on voat.

think- ago

@SandHog @Shizy @kevdude @theoldones - please see parent. Thanks.

theoldones ago

if doxxing didnt happen, then harassment and targeting did at the bare minimum, that's my last word on the matter

Hand_of_Node ago

that's my last word on the matter

You serious?

Shizy ago

So the piece of shit @zyklon_b who keeps making death threats against mod's children (including mine), doxxed his girlfriend (with the info he posted its really easy to find her identity), and posting pictures of another voater (@JEM777) gets a free pass to keep on with his fuckery?

I'm disgusted with voat right now!

Gothamgirl ago

Don't let the door hit you in the ass!

Le_Squish ago

Good thing you completely squandered this opportunity to reflect on your own poor behavior and start over so everyone knows to not be concerned with the opinions of self-centered shrews.

Morbo ago

Ooh that stings! Le_Squish FTW.

DHmountainbiking ago

I will protect you

Shizy ago

You're sweet! Aren't you someone else I know?

I'm not actually worried about that degenerate mother fucker getting close enough to my kids to do anything. I'd shoot his dick off and let him bleed out before burying him where his fat bitch would never find him!

I just don't think it's right that he can keep making threats.

DHmountainbiking ago

Yes you are correct I am someone else you know. I will give you a clue @iggerV***. I will be your friend and keep you safe.

Shizy ago

You are my friend!

DHmountainbiking ago

So did you decide to stay?

Shizy ago

No that was Srayzie. She left.

DHmountainbiking ago

Can't let people chase you out of here you know

sguevar ago

We have to find a new way to deal with this. A better approach. I personally didn't like the course all this shit took and I stand 100% by you and @srayzie but we can't compromise Voat's essence in the process.

I gave both my word I will defend you against the harassment you went through and I know you girls can shoot the faggot in no time if that came to be. But regarding the processes on Voat we need a different way to address them.

We can't use the tools of the enemy to fight against it. This will corrupt our work and pervert it's results. Please understand.

God bless.

Shizy ago

It's voats essence to have free speech, which I am exercising.

He continues to threaten to harm my kids. I'm letting him know with 100% certainty what will happen to any piece of shit who attempts to harm them.

And what I will do it much nicer than what my husband would do!

CognitiveDissident5 ago

I'm Frankly surprised you haven't reported his criminal threats to the police

Shizy ago

I could. I have his address.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

You need to watch out please. One of that clique caused major, life-changing destruction in my and my family's life. I haven't even been able to speak about it for 6 months. They act like a bunch of harmless addicts making a noise, but they are tightly managed and highly destructive. I'm not a q person, but no one here should accept or tolerate this behaviour.

Shizy ago

I believe you, and I'm sorry that happened to your family! There's something really, really bad going on here. There's more to his group than they appear. I also think it goes deeper than any of us have imagined.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Absolutely. I may contact you privately if that's ok

Shizy ago


sguevar ago

I hear you Shizy. This is why we need to work on a new process to deal with this stuff that maintains the objectivity of the site in such scenarios. I know you and @srayzie were victims of the faggotry of this user and I stand 100% with you but as stated before. Your defense has to be done in the best way possible.

You know that I care for you both and respect your work here. But I need to make sure that Voat stays the way it is. And this past few days it was taken over by lack of objectivity and compromising of it's essence. Please try to see my point here.

And also remember that no weapon forged against the sons and daughters of God, the ones that believe in Jesus Christ will prosper. Don't ever forget that! God bless you and yours.

bopper ago


lord_nougat ago

You were merely reacting in kind.

Firevine ago

You're a good man, Putt.

virge ago

people who I don't always get along with but would like to improve relations with because I think someday we can set aside our differences and become friends!

The fact that you'd make that message satirically when it's pretty obvious you and your faggot posse only care about attention is quite amusing.

zbou ago

Thanks for the update Putt. I have to say, I didn't like the tenor or direction you seemed to be looking in the post regarding vote manipulation. Thanks for seeing clearly and adjusting course accordingly. I'll continue supporting voat as long as sanity reigns and the admins are held accountable in allowing all viewpoints, no matter how shitty or popular they are.

Keep truckin you enormous faggit whom I respect greatly.

Gopherurself ago

Can somebody please reban @thebuddah he banned me from fucking soapboxbammer what kindof austic fuckin rules must I follow

Shotinthedark ago

He banned me and I've never visited the sub. He unbanned me . I still haven't visited the sub.

Gopherurself ago


Ina_Pickle ago

everyone gets banned by sbbh at some point. its part of the voat experience.

Gopherurself ago

Fuckem all

dassaer ago

... right in the poo-saay !!

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Right!! I wasn't even there for three months and then 'you've been banned by sbbh' I'm like what the fuck, i don't even go there.

Thereunto ago

The only way to redeem yourself is to contribute to Friday Night Guitar

BloatedVoatGoat ago

Play and armpit rendition Bohemian Rhapsody cover, that should do it.

Gopherurself ago

Jesus Christ I like the fucknight slashin

Rotteuxx ago

But he's a national treasure !

PuttIsAtranny ago

Dumb tranny

FatBruceWillis ago

Can you make everyone's name display as a SaneGoat alt? Just for a day or two.

zyklon_b ago

u want me attack em?

CameraCode0 ago

Hey, we're like ban brothers now.

NiggerVirus ago

Roses are red violets are blue Builders are gay and destroyers are too.

kneo24 ago

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Ear fucking is gay

And so are you


NiggerVirus ago

That is beautiful and true

GoatsnHoes1 ago

Hey I wasn't here the past few days, I don't know what happened, but I love you and I'm glad you saw the error of your ways. We are all here for each other, for free speech and truth. Thank you for doing your best.

think- ago

I'll probably still continue posting poetry on Voat.

Appreciated. :-)

Cannibalguy ago

I really think a "Goat Audit" bot could do a lot. Make it so every time someone posts, the bot comments with their information. We could upvote it's to the top so that goats who don't look up user history will have it put up right on the screen.

Until then, it's worth it to take a quick glance at profiles that make questionable posts.

muffalettadiver ago

Welcome back. We are all watching this site like a hawk. It truly is one of the last free places online for speech.

FatBruceWillis ago

Stuff your sorries in your sack.

Rotteuxx ago

Mmmmmm, tasty salt !

Rotteuxx ago

Mmmm, tasty salt !

lord_nougat ago

And clobber someone with it!

FatBruceWillis ago

Sticks and stones
May break some bones
But my dick can shatter diamonds.

6cd6beb ago

If it wasn't for Free Speech and you guys telling me I'm a faggot, I wouldn't have seen this.

Pretty funny

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah putt, we love voat because of the freedom over and beyond everything else here. Without that, most of us will look to go somewhere else. Obviously most of us don't really mind wading through the shit to get what we want, and I'd have to think that most of the regular users here are used to ignoring the shit anyways.

VIP740 ago

It's good to hear you haven't gone mad with power (at least not completely, we're all a little mad around here).

Rotteuxx ago

Hey @puttitout, you want to check who's downvoating Triggs and let us know ? :D

zyklon_b ago

dv is a bannable offense

Thereunto ago

dv is a bannable offense


zyklon_b ago

trust the (((plan)))

thelma ago

Puttitout , examining data

courtjester1111 ago

Happy days.

zyklon_b ago


lord_nougat ago


zyklon_b ago


can i send u invite to be a general in troll army?

lord_nougat ago

I believe that you can!

I have faith in your abilities!!

Thereunto ago


zyklon_b ago


P33psh04h ago

1989.5... the prequel.

zyklon_b ago

thatd be the omen

CameraCode0 ago

I'M FREEEE!!!! Thanks putt. And I get to keep my cool badge, right :)

Libertyisgood ago

Apology Accepted...

...Captin Needa.

virge ago

Oh hush now.

Said the outlaw from the private JIDF branch.

ShitPostMcGee ago

Good show old bean

xenoPsychologist ago

Sorry for being a cunt.

people do that. its not the worst thing you can be responsible for!

zyklon_b ago

he acknowledged and atrempted to rectify.. Actually if he was to expose pv and GA yall wouldnt believe the hypocrisy

DHmountainbiking ago


ronfink ago

Thanks for the update, I'm glad you changed your mind, I was worried that you had become a controlling admin who wants to control the culture and content of the community. That's what separated Voat from the rest of the Reddit alternatives.

I think there needs to be a serious discussion on how we can prevent a tyrannical admin/mod teams, otherwise what's stopping Voat from becoming another Reddit or 4chan?

Right now there's a way to request a subverse, but the requests are barely looked at by the admins, probably because you said 4 months ago that you plan to change how subverse transfers work, can we get an update on that?

CameraCode0 ago


Derpfroot ago


theBreadSultan ago

This lefty thanks you for your efforts putt... You benefit the whole.

I think there is a way we can protect Voat while staying true to its principles.

For that, we need to figure out a new way of doing things visa vee brigading... Just applying already existing models that twats have already figured out how to manipulate is a non starter.

Figuring out a system that does that, is a creative project, that we can't expect you to take on.

I'd be well up for working collaboratively with others to crack this nut. Let me know who you are guys, we can figure this out...

Dailytacs ago

Putt writes poetry? TIL

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

We still love you. Being a site admin is a pain in the ass, especially with the special brand of autism here on Voat.... Voatism, if you will.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

I dunno what all this is about but buy that guitar Putt.

crazy_eyes ago

hell yeah!

zyklon_b ago


TwooPsy ago

I think he wants you to say "You're welcome, faggot."

ruck_feddit ago

Thanks, Putt.

zyklon_b ago


Croat_Goat ago

Didn't forget!

TheSeer ago

Putt is turning into Ivan the Terrible, schizophrenia and reversing course, and all!

lord_nougat ago

He's Ivan the Not Quite as Bad!

VoatsNewfag ago

I should have never even looked at the votes on that post, but my curiosity got the best of me.

I can understand that. If, say, there was an exploit that allowed users to see who downvoted their posts or latest submission without repercussions I suspect many would take a peek...

Posting about it was equally shitty.

That's the part I don't understand. It can already be annoying if someone complains about downvotes on their submission on it's own. But it's worse if that someone violates your privacy in the process and talks about banning some of them.

Furthermore labeling people who downvoated you will just make people wonder if you're biased against them.

Decidueye ago

Categorizing users between builders and destroyers is more destructive to your own site than anyone you could label as a destroyer. Between the warnings and bans of users without alts or brigading for vote manipulation and the downvote disclosure, you unintentionally created a chilling effect that made users self censor. A rush job in building results in shoddy craftsmanship that requires much more work to fix than deliberate labor that anticipates potential issues ahead.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Yeah that whole thing made many question whether to contribute anymore. Its a bizarre thing. Who the hell wants to be forced to align with srayzie and company of zionists?

TheBuddha ago

Let's be fair... It's not like you've contributed a lot lately! ;-)

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I should've had a separate account just for music. I've wanted to upload but its too dangerous. My enemies want to cut my foreskin off. I always lurk, though. That has to count for something.

TheBuddha ago

LOL I won't be here again this Friday. Ol' Buddha is busy.

I should be gone already, but EH is taking her time getting ready. Fortunately, there's no huge rush.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Don't even get me started on women holding us guys up. Have fun, man.

TheBuddha ago

We're stopped for lunch. In her defense, I said 10 at the latest.

zyklon_b ago

@crensch is a zionist shill

Redcobra ago

Is satire

Hand_of_Node ago

Questionable assertion. @crensch always had the best walls of counter-jew links. Granted, it has been awhile since I've seen those.


Concerning Builders:

your builders want nothing more to ban me inculding @virge & @kevdude

this whole post was writing @vige under the name of @puttitout

look @virge comment history... this is not @puttitout

for one, putt never uses bold GASP!!!


virge ago

How many accounts are you currently using for vote manipulation, post stalking, spam, content manipulation, lies, and noise pollution for a mile log retarded nigger signature? Lets count the ways: Sadiq_Khan, Normie-Vision, Jewish_Shill, clueless_Normie, dindu-nufffin, Fizzle-Stizzle, jkfaksj776, jklsjas8347895, kjhasd758756, zxcvzxcvzx, ldjafs45345, kljasdfjklasdl43, jkshdfka78938, ksjdfkas878345, 349023095sdfl, ldjafs45345, dfgadg35235, 349023095sdfl, jkshdfka78938, ldjafs45345, PIA-OMG


do want any more? this really is an arguement i.e. puttit out...

see redditartard every knows i run alts.... as many others on voat.

so if get ban (like you want) it will send a message through out voat


be safe needle, we need you


xenoPsychologist ago

ya know, this eases my mind some. reconsidering ones actions is a good, rational habit. being a rational person is why i generally support ya!

i certainly cant blame someone for making mistakes. i continue to make them, in spite of having so many in my past that ive learned from.

looks a lot like poor communication kills again, as well. it produced more suspicion than was merited. not that being suspicious is a bad thing.

i think im genuinely impressed/pleased with this outcome.

Diggernicks ago

We're a bad will Smith movie?

carlip ago

>"wild west"

>still using downvote meanie

Camulos ago

Haha what a fun week @puttItOut I gotta say

All is well that ends well and voat continues to keep on thanks to you

zyklon_b ago

we won!!+

watts2db ago

I salute you Put

Hysterical ago

Well I think I'm done then. Seems to me that yet another Soapbox narrative push / brigade has been successful and I've spent the last three and a bit years watching them attempt to burn this place. I guess they win.

There's a difference between the wild west and simply allowing the kikes to subvert the place. There's a big fucking difference.

qualityusername ago

I agree. We can’t go full open borders and expect anything good to happen.

heygeorge ago

simply allowing the kikes to subvert the place

Appears we have lost a zero-submission leech. I’m sure rebbit won’t mind having you back

Peacethroughpower ago

I am triggered

heygeorge ago

Try submitting something sometime. It’ll help.

Peacethroughpower ago

But everyone will just call me a kike shill 😐

heygeorge ago

You get used to it.

fujin ago

I'm pretty sure the person running the account is an old fag, I'm trying to remember the name that looked similar from some other old fag poster... Hysterics maybe?

At any rate it's as @peaceseeker said, people as a whole we're complaining about these bans. At least @puttitout is humble enough to take a step back and reevaluate the situation and communicate it with all of us instead of behind the closed doors like almost every other similarly fashioned site does.

heygeorge ago

Maybe @InHysterics

I don’t have time right now to address the bans. Overall, though, the right choice as it was all a big kneejerk reaction.

Rotteuxx ago


zyklon_b ago

i have they home address from the "top secret" css and will be going there to "take care of buisness" mossad style

logos_ethos ago

Click on the gear, and under "User preferences", check "Disable Custom CSS", and click Save.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

ahahah dude you are a maniac

zyklon_b ago

without all of yall i NEVER could have pulled it off. together we are strong

zyklon_b ago

hahhahh 1990

DHmountainbiking ago


zyklon_b ago

1990 is reel

DHmountainbiking ago

Congratulations on your victory

zyklon_b ago

thanks friend i got your back

fluhthreeex ago

man i dont even 1990 what you're typnig about

Kalergi ago

Yeah, I'm ok with getting rid of brigaders. Organic voting works without those gaming the system.

JackHoff ago

I concur

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/BEATLESTROLLARMY comment by @zyklon_b.

Posted automatically (#43524) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/BEATLESTROLLARMY comment by @zyklon_b.

Posted automatically (#43523) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.


okay @virge

virge ago

How many accounts are you currently using for vote manipulation, post stalking, spam, content manipulation, lies, and noise pollution for a mile log retarded nigger signature? Lets count the ways:

Sadiq_Khan, Normie-Vision, Jewish_Shill, clueless_Normie, dindu-nufffin, Fizzle-Stizzle, jkfaksj776, jklsjas8347895, kjhasd758756, zxcvzxcvzx, ldjafs45345, kljasdfjklasdl43, jkshdfka78938, ksjdfkas878345, 349023095sdfl, ldjafs45345, dfgadg35235, 349023095sdfl, jkshdfka78938, ldjafs45345, PIA-OMG

xenoPsychologist ago

yeah, ya know what, that guy (assuming they all actually are him) really is a huge douchebag. its not implausible youre just a normal arsehole (which is something i can respect), and not a shill of any sort. i guess i can concede on that much.

sguevar ago

Well @virge is quite a douchebag himself as if you criticize his views he will start throwing tantrums at you and then losing debates for the full of shit faggot he is. Then after a few days go by, he will purge his comment and content history to conveniently try to manipulate some more. Archive your interactions with him.

xenoPsychologist ago

probably not a bad idea.

virge ago

If you weren't actively subverting the community for whatever reason I'd be much nicer to you, this is true.

You've shown yourself to be a liar and a hypocrite.

sguevar ago

If you weren't actively subverting the community for whatever reason I'd be much nicer to you, this is true.

So you are going to keep the projections right? Aren't we past this already?: You know you don't have any credibility before me and many others for all the fuckery and hypocrisy you spew out your head. Transparency? you don't know what that is content purger. Fuck off for none of the efforts that you have done were in fact to protect Voat's essence but to subvert it. I know you faggot and I will call out your faggotry every single time.

You've shown yourself to be a liar and a hypocrite.

Pfff sure I have that is why I never purge my content, I always stand by my words and back them up and I actively work to protect Voat from deceiving faggots like yourself go purge some more of your content and comment history faggot and go choke on a bottle.

Copy pasta of the comment he made to avoid the problem of evidence when he deletes:

"If you weren't actively subverting the community for whatever reason I'd be much nicer to you, this is true.

You've shown yourself to be a liar and a hypocrite."

virge ago

Ahh. I see we've finally reached the stage where you have no further argument and now play play the whole accuse me of what I've already accused you of thing.

I guess you're done here if "I know you are but what am I" is the best you've got left.

sguevar ago

Ahh. I see we've finally reached the stage where you have no further argument and now play play the whole accuse me of what I've already accused you of thing. I guess you're done here if "I know you are but what am I" is the best you've got left

You are fooling no one @virge. Absolutely no one.

And your pathetic effort to keep yourself relevant and try to conveniently use the fire that we were having to boast yourself showed your true nature faggot.

Go choke on the bottle a little more.

@MadWorld this guy sure makes me laugh... is like he never learns and keeps feeding material for his own Full of Shit hall of fame.

virge ago



How many accounts are you currently using for vote manipulation

actually havent, how can a negative account have the abitibyt for manip? I was suposilly banned for so I so be some auritity about it.... I

I do see you are being downvoat, many its because you are being spineless cunt???


whats with this cunt?

AffirmativeApartheid ago

v smells like a BIGTIME glownigger or superjew... or a glowing superjew.

zyklon_b ago



@virge is a creep @puttitout

fake mother fuckers

zyklon_b ago

@virge is deaf


virge aka fuzzy doesn't know what that kike walked into

zyklon_b ago

i am riding with u till da end komrades

virge ago

How many accounts are you currently using for vote manipulation, post stalking, spam, content manipulation, lies, and noise pollution for a mile log retarded nigger signature? Lets count the ways:

Sadiq_Khan, Normie-Vision, Jewish_Shill, clueless_Normie, dindu-nufffin, Fizzle-Stizzle, jkfaksj776, jklsjas8347895, kjhasd758756, zxcvzxcvzx, ldjafs45345, kljasdfjklasdl43, jkshdfka78938, ksjdfkas878345, 349023095sdfl, ldjafs45345, dfgadg35235, 349023095sdfl, jkshdfka78938, ldjafs45345, PIA-OMG


ooooh sooo snarky....

hey have you heard this aoubt this buildiler @fuzzywords

@kevdude is a power mod who deletes comments & submissions, claims its something he has never done under the wrong.

@kevdude uses /v/protectvoat to ORGANIZE downvoat users and brigade subverses. he continuously lies about me because he is paid to do it.

and fucking lies 95% of the time, you can see he as in almost bot like attack c&p the same message to me over and over

just another example, of the " builder" @kevdude lying

He even ask for quote in his words "my services" to brigade a verse. he works along side of @crensch who is also a paid shill.


hes no even saying I c&p as another user... WHEN HE DOES THE SAME THING


and generally happens within seconds of my postings.... will PIA protect me from that puttitout, fucking sellout

Here is more just one example of @kevdude shenanigans "the builder"

kevdud bots

and he never has a real argument, I guarantee is a paid shill, much like crensch at this point

and dial was never a main... more lies you spineless cunt botter

[–] kevdude 0 points (+0|-0) 1.5 hours ago

If you get downvoted you get restricted.

not_saying_a_thing ago

Apology accepted. I can't speak for anyone else, but I have been here long enough to know that it was unlikely you meant any of that the way it came off.

And yes, that is precisely why we need free speech. Nail on the head, there.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/AskVoat comment by @zyklon_b.

Posted automatically (#43522) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Delacourt ago

I have no idea about the rest but I really like the builder/destroyer dichotomy and want to see it continued. We desperately need more builders and fewer destroyers.

Chimaira92 ago

So who were considered destroyers? Any links to this drama unfolding?

Nosferatjew ago

Will this include the bans from 3 months ago? Because those were bullshit too.

zyklon_b ago

@puttitout address these things

Acen ago

Can I be Billy the Kid?

lord_nougat ago

No, this is a grownup site. You have to be Billy the Adult.

Metanoiac ago

You rock @PuttItOut. Not a lot of people are able to admit their mistakes, let alone publicly, and to correct those mistakes. My faith in you is renewed.

Gothamgirl ago

Welcome back!

transitive ago

Putt. Thank you for owning your mistakes. That is rare in today's world.

PuttitoutIsGone ago


aGameCalledCountries ago


Derpfroot ago

C. Kyle

Helbrecht ago

He's about this tall


daskapitalist ago

It takes a lot to self-reflect, admit faults, and correct them. Well done.

Rotteuxx ago

I'll be the first to admit I have the ability to be a fucking asshole... in this instance though it allowed me to provoke what I was fishing for & it allowed me to expose hypocrisy around alt accounts and false victimhood.

Sometimes negativity pays off.

zyklon_b ago

u won.

crazy_eyes ago

Yes that is what a man does

lord_nougat ago

And today, it is also what a Putt does!

Niggardly_Jew ago

A manly woman, (s)he is.

odinist ago

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You're pretty much the best niggerfaggot of them all, @PuttItOut. I appreciate what you do, and shit like this post just reinforces it. It takes balls to admit when you were a retard. Ein Prosit, freund!

BigFatDaddy ago

Do we still get badges? We likes badges. I don't even need a builder or destroyer badge. A standard niggerfaggot badge would be just fine by me.

But anyway, good on you for admitting where you made mistakes. I still think some of those people deserved it, but whatever. Good on you anyway.

Hand_of_Node ago

You, you get Badgers, not badges.

BigFatDaddy ago


Artofchoke ago


BigFatDaddy ago


AmaleksHairyAss ago

No. I want a faggotnigger badge.

BigFatDaddy ago

Niggerfaggot badges are standard. Faggotnigger badges are reserved for only the most refined of motherfuckers.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

But I don't love her that way!

BigFatDaddy ago

Ah well, maybe you couod have the Good Boy Badge. It can look like a tendie.

Artofchoke ago

There's always a contrarian in the bunch.

Derpfroot ago


>Alpha Tester.


How 'bout it, Putt?

Rotteuxx ago

The power of the cabal !

P33psh04h ago

Our own non faggot slut shaming white supremacist (((jewish))) kabal. I get the headhat, with 2 smaller hats. For your kids.

Rotteuxx ago

Dat edge !

P33psh04h ago

Obsidian, birch. Disposable of course... not that it was used in any CRIMES.

zyklon_b ago

Kilt em!!!!!

Themooninthesky ago

Party at my house!

zyklon_b ago

we won

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Poal had a helluva influx of immigrants

zyklon_b ago

Indeed i wish i had a good acct there

TheBuddha ago

You know what I just pondered?

I just thought about the votes here on Voat. The manipulators, the brigaders, the ones that vote out of spite and not context, the ones that vote based on who the person is, etc...

Well, they all vote in real life. I wonder if they pick their real life votes the same way?

zyklon_b ago

i am sure of it.

TheBuddha ago

I suspect they're not the only ones, just perhaps the more demented ones.

zyklon_b ago

they trust the (((billionaire))) and military industrial complex to arrest themselfs

P33psh04h ago

White's always right. Black for the whackbats.

zyklon_b ago


DHmountainbiking ago


P33psh04h ago

I'm starting my own totally straight non-homogay subvoat when I get back from rehab. There just won't be sex, just mostly jewish circle masturbation shaming.

zyklon_b ago

1990 !!!!! !!!!

followthemoney ago

Just know that most outrage is fake, unwarranted or both.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Its also hard to run a website while juggling migrant cocks and gargling multicultural cum.

CameraCode0 ago

Voat drama is really gay, even if it's warranted. I agree that protecting Voat is really important and some people have different ideas on what's good for Voat, but it's just the internet at the end of the day. Voat is cool because people don't take things too seriously.

Hand_of_Node ago

I'm not a big fan of receiving unfounded accusations and threats from admins.

LionElTrump ago

it's fun drama though, I usually only check it out when it is stickied

CameraCode0 ago

Yeah some of it is fun, sometimes it goes on too long and messes with the /comfy/ atmosphere.

Sosacms ago


Ya, that's fair

LostandFound ago

All hail the glorious king niggerfaggot!

truckboattruck ago

Im not so sure that voat is the "wild west" of the internet. since most of the content here is completely rational.

No i'd say we're more of a Hidden grove of thought, untouched or destroyed by the constant pressure that has ruined everyone else.

Justsomebullshitname ago

Wild West wasn’t so wild. Left to their own, people created wonderful, peaceful, and fulfilling communities in the west. Hollywood just glorifies the chaos.

JackHoff ago

People were more polite in the Wild West because they could be challenged to a gun fight in the street for an infraction.

virge ago

An armed society is a polite society.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Yes goyim come live in our slave factories in the cities.

zyklon_b ago



ZKX ago

Not so much the wild west, instead a group of outlaws hiding from the inevitable destruction at the hands of an ever increasing government.

virge ago

Except some of the outlaws are from the Government. And they openly act to create more chaos every day.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You mean the zionist hooked nose ones who have brigaded the fuck out of people here?

virge ago

You mean the zionist hooked nose ones who have brigaded the fuck out of people here?

Your feedback would be appreciated.

WhiteRonin ago

After writing all that ... you must be worn out today.

zyklon_b ago

tell me more bout these bans to silence opposition?

@whiteronin looky

Battlefat ago


zyklon_b ago

You are welcome

Wolfspider ago

The old adage "if it works don't fix it" then. As an old user I just have become immune to drama around here, and just post what I want and ignore the shit. Fuck it. Don't care.

jiews ago

without rules and regulations, we become animals.

slwsnowman40 ago

That's how it should be.

GlassSmith ago

That isn't going to work for very long when this place is flooded with shills. You forget that there are paid shills who's entire job it is to subvert any free speech or non anti-white platform (JIDF, share-blue, etc) and they can spend large amounts of time on here until they get in to mod possessions and then start banning all dissent. This is exactly how every other free speech platform was destroyed, if vote manipulation and shills aren't banned this place will turn in to reddit before long.

Being passive against an active enemy always results in loss.

Doglegwarrior ago

Why cant we just shine a light on the demons? The jdif are truly demons to me any one fighting against free speech are demons? Naming them and exposing their evil ways should help with the problem.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

Paid shills stick out like a sore thumb and are easy to ignore or downvoat into oblivion. If they're causing a big problem somewhere, individual subverse mods can ban them. While there are some examples of platforms that have been taken down by shill infiltrators, there are far more that became cancer because of rampant shill paranoia shutting down all discussion in the name of stopping shills. This happened to 4chan and to certain boards on 8chan, such as /pol/ before kampfy was kicked out.

Seventh_Jim ago

We'll deal with them as a community. Can't fuck every horse every day.

GlassSmith ago

That hasn't work in any other instance, why would it work now? This is no different than having a border for a country, if you just let in anyone without repercussions you are going to get flooded with third worlders (in this case reddit) and once they outnumber you there they will destroy the community you built.

Seventh_Jim ago

Unfortunate aspect of free speech, everyone gets their voice.

The culture that arises is its own wall. Animating contest of liberty and such. Niggerfaggot sheep don't want to deal with plus hurtfeel words.

thebassdude ago

I reckon so.

Steelerfish ago

Totally agree with you.

In my opinion, Half of the fun here is because of truly free speech, people feel free to say whatever they want- regardless of how fucking stupid it makes them look. People should feel free to make asses of themselves, it is entertaining.

I could fucking care less, I don’t get offended. If I don’t like it, fuck it and move on. That’s why we aren’t sheep.

Black_Phillip ago

This is exactly how I feel. Sometimes I go back and forth telling people off but I never truly hate the person, it's more cathartic to truly say what I think and move on. A rare thing in any public space these days.

Libertyisgood ago

I like you.

You and me.

We're gonna be buddies.

lord_nougat ago

I like you.

You and me.


Libertyisgood ago

It's not gay if the dicks don't touch.

Hebrew-Virus ago

So two guys blowing each other simultaneously is not gay (as long as their dicks don't touch)?

Libertyisgood ago


Why, has that rule changed?

lord_nougat ago

Damn straight!

Hand_of_Node ago

No! Then they'll touch! You need complimentary angles.

Fuckyounigger ago

There’s so many other rules than just not touching dicks like no eye contact

lord_nougat ago

God fucking damn it what the fuck?!?!!!


Fuck. I'll try to avoid doing that from now on, sorry!

Fuckyounigger ago

With the chick not the dude I can see where you got that messed up I GUESS it happens to... well it happened to you so others must have made that mistake and to be honest I’ve never fucked a girl who would fuck two dudes at once my friends did that shit

WeekendBaker ago

Can you get a community moderator to take some weight off the shoulders? Honestly you flip between power admiring out of guilt and acting like we are the next reddit (or that we are responsible). Would rather you delegate some to either a group or just hire @/u/TheBuddah to do so for you.

We love you just stop trying to make us look professional. And also let us know how to buy you golf paraphernalia.

C_Corax ago

Probably not a bad idea to get someone along to lift the burden. As to who I don't exactly know. There's been a lot of people not exactly showing their finest side the lately.

zyklon_b ago

@kevdude is a whiteknight same as @crensch

C_Corax ago

Yeah no, I wouldn't look in that direction for a community manager. To busy with the narrative control. It would have to be someone without a dog in that race.

NPCGator ago

Thank you

JustbecauseIcan ago

Thanks for all your hard work putt! Sometimes it takes a few lumps to realize what’s going on. Keep Voat running smoothly and we’ll figure out the rest.

Ozzsanity ago

Difference being that the West was conquered by strong men and women.

Locked_Account ago

And LOTS of killing.

nul ago

Thanks for listening Putt. In the words of Tolstoy:

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself

Even though your a goat herder, if you took Viagra I'm willing to bet you wouldn't just get taller.

bourbonexpert ago

Don’t be a Nigger

Don’t be a faggot

Jews did 9/11

Canada_is_gay ago

Pretty sure this nigger ^ has queer sex under the menorah on the reg.

zyklon_b ago


DHmountainbiking ago


jewsbadnews ago

The year Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl.

zyklon_b ago

wanna join my army? ???

Mittermeyer ago

I'm a bit out of the loop. Why is it that any post you make gets downvoated to hell and back no matter what it is?

Frowning_Buffalo ago

Prolly something to do with how this ban thing got started.

Mittermeyer ago

Huh, so because they pissed off the Q crowd? They have threatened to dox me, and lynch me within the last week. One of them came up with a plan to dox set users and kill them until the spamming stops. I said the spam wouldn't stop because they would get more spammers in protest, which led to the usual pedo accusations and threats of doxing and violence. Fucking Qfags dish out threats all the time but can't take it I guess.

numina18 ago

I don't understand any of this, and I'm glad.

BB-3 ago

I knew you would get it. Sometimes you just get caught up in it all.

BlueDrache ago

Shit happens and it gets posted.

dudelol ago

As a propertarian i say you are only beholden to yourself. But I will continue to warn you that your only mission should be setting this website up as a decentralized reddit clone for truly unstoppable free speech.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

hear hear!

cthulian_axioms ago

The mark of a truly great leader is the ability to admit mistakes with candor and grace. A toast! To Putt! Bona salute!

CameraCode0 ago

That's probably one of Putt's greatest attributes, he's humble and not prideful. Every man has many flaws, but that can make up for many of them.

cthulian_axioms ago

Humility is the single best criterion in deciding whether or not a person should be given the honor of leadership.

@BushChuck, there's another axiom for you.

Qanonplus1 ago

Jon Snow

cthulian_axioms ago

He is a very good example.

High_Sierra_Trail ago

I completely agree. Anyone who thinks that they're "leadership material" probably isn't.

cthulian_axioms ago

To quote Douglas Adams, "Anyone capable of getting themselves made President should, under no circumstances, be allowed to have the job."

BushChuck ago

Cthulu sounds like a wise god.

cthulian_axioms ago

He gets a lot of unfair flak, but that particular axiom is my own. Great God CTHULHU is one of many gods that I worship; many of whom are less likely to eat you than HE is.

BushChuck ago

Could you please share a Cthulian Axiom with me?

cthulian_axioms ago


Only Great God CTHULHU is allowed to treat others in a different way than HE would want to be treated.

cthulian_axioms ago

IΓ€, motherfuckers!

BushChuck ago


zyklon_b ago


Doglegwarrior ago

Why does everyone hate you? Ive been around here awhile and dont remember you doing anything that really pissed me off and you name the jew which is the #1 thing to do first every time.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

He posted a bunch of bestiality porn and now is crying in every other sub because he got banned.

People are tired of his whining. Here's the deleted submission page for my sub.

Doglegwarrior ago

Ok makes sense. So he post the JEWS DID 9/11 to get us on his good side then he sneaks in donky porn? Sounds very jewish of hjm.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Makes you wonder.

zyklon_b ago

i exposed the mods of GA and PV and also @clamhurt_legbeard as jewish operatives

Doglegwarrior ago

He said you posted beastiality porn?

zyklon_b ago

where? show me 1 example?

DHmountainbiking ago


BushChuck ago

Not you, fuck face.


Salicaz ago

Is this all linked to that faggot drama shit that stirred up? I have no idea what it was about, don't want to either. Internet drama is pointless.

Edit. A word

dontforgetaboutevil ago

It's good to have.a clear direction. Thanks for listening.

lamabravo ago


ShakklezthaKlown ago

It's your life Putt, make a mess where you will, and be proud that it is yours. Just don't turn out to be an agent. I'd be very disappointed.