Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

@srayzie's kids were victims in 1990.

zyklon_b ago

i killt em

Croat_Goat ago

As it should be. Voat has grown (((tyrannical))).

anon44568821830 ago

I'm going to dox every single member of voat @zyklon_b you're getting a "box" sent to your address. Don't ask what it is because IDK if you'll like it and I want you to open it

zyklon_b ago

ok thanks for warning i screen shotted

anon44568821830 ago

You screenshotted it? To show your friends or something that someone actually likes you and is sending you a "gift"?

Don't worry dudeman I have your personal address, I'll be sending all kinds of stuff. Everyone around will hear that you got a package

clamhurt_legbeard ago

oh please

clammy might have zero cocks

ever think of that

clamhurt_legbeard ago


clammy doxxed testicle but has never made any definitive statements regarding cock

zyklon_b ago

gay and gayer d

clamhurt_legbeard ago

name one gay thing i ever said

i dare you to even try lol

zyklon_b ago

1990 is trufe

clamhurt_legbeard ago

in 2008 u/zyklon_b had a mixed race welfare child while high on meff and voting for obamalama


zyklon_b ago

trufe unlike yall i was out there gettin laid as i am now.....

clammy can make all the personal attacks she wants cause it aint gonna change the facts i have a reall.life and she just has a virtual one ....reeereeee

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Clammy all about them personal attacks.

I hear you smell bad, too.

zyklon_b ago

i do smell like beer n meff....thanks tho 4 bein solid komrade ;)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I have no idea what meth smells like, but it seems like it involves a lot of chemicals so I assume it's a strong chemical smell.


White_pride_cis ago

I am from the Mid-West which is like meth mecca... isn’t it made with drain cleaner, match heads, anhydrous, starter fluid.... all of which smells like Satans ass hole. I want to know the person that mixed all of this shit together, and said “you know what? I am just going to smoke this highly toxic smoothie.” And now you have to get your ID photocopied and go on a list for buying starter fluid. Cunts.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Or, somebody at a pharmaceutical company already knew the effects of different chemicals and found a way to make a crude version at home.

You know enough about the building blocks of something and you can do surprising things.

Shizy ago

Sounds like a toxic mix that will make someone retarded.

zyklon_b ago

if u really believe i be doin that sheeit din u as dumb as em...just sayin

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I plead ignorance. When I make things, it's not meth. I can only guess.

zyklon_b ago

u aint on trial y u actin like u did sumthn?

whatd u do?. aint a poker player i see??

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh I'm just saying by beliefs on what meth smells like are complete conjecture.

MadWorld ago

Appears to be someone's burner, but @anElf is also banned now: https://archive.fo/E5kUO

theoldones ago

that was one of the dox burners, yes

VicariousJambi ago

Why'd trigg get the ban but not z_b?

theoldones ago

this maybe?


i will publish her hubbies work and kids schools if i ever get a ben

blackmail with more doxxing, or so he says

VicariousJambi ago

That was z_b not trigg saying that

theoldones ago

trigg ran the doxxing sub, i assume

that sub is also gone. it had quotes and pictures from strayzie

VicariousJambi ago

Fuck me. I saw that this morning and downvoted everything but didnt think to report it, should have.

argosciv ago

@VicariousJambi is simply wondering why z_b hasn't copped a reaming from the hammer.

I'm also wondering the same, but, we now know that @PuttItOut is paying close attention.

Let's all just simmer down a tad and see what comes next -- y'know, aside from z_b and rott sperging out.

C_Corax ago


Jeg tro vi bliver nød til at indrage dit viking kort. Der er ikke plads til tudekællinger i Valhalla!

theoldones ago

fuck you, and ODIN's sixth charm.

C_Corax ago

Som sagt. I Valhalla er der ikke plads til tudeprinsesser.

virge ago

First time I've seen a post by @theoldones and immediately thought he might be right.

The blackmail threat a doxx to shield one from a ban is the equivalent of a doxx in the first place.

theoldones ago

"performance art" my ass. this is like israelis rigging up the 2 towers with bombs as an art project

CerealBrain ago

The guy is scum, the Zyklon faggot..carry on..

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Oh fucking please!!!

Ask yourself this question -

Do you really believe Z_B has this info? If he has it you surely have it. Do you have it?

At best he has compromising photos that she had shared. MAYBE!

This whole fucking website needs to grab its collective dick.

Come on man, somebody shits on your litter box and you respond in kind. This whole fucked up episode started because a group of cultists with a power hungry mod got offended.

Fuck Q and all of the retards that muck up the internet with that bullshit.

zyklon_b ago

attack @srayzie everywher3

CerealBrain ago

Fuck off you are next.

BushChuck ago

Good, do it.

Do it all!

Fucking drama queens.

theoldones ago

if he's gonna fucking do it he'd better do it, otherwise i might think him some sort of utter pussy

clamhurt_legbeard ago


zyklon_b ago

lie lie lie

its a promise not a threat


theoldones ago

"E-THUGGIN" apparently means threatening children and family members.

zyklon_b ago

"ALL is satire"

theoldones ago

do you expect us to believe that?

zyklon_b ago

i aint care wut u believe my art is for ALL

CerealBrain ago

You are losing traction bigly and your days are numbered trust me, behold what happened to Triggly..

Croat_Goat ago

Just ban everyone, faggot. Problem solved. This place has already changed for the worse.

CerealBrain ago

I want you guys to have complete freedom here as well and I study all angles, all things.

I especially want the JQ exposed, that's why I love this place.

Several of us were key to having Srayzie unban some people..

Astupidname69 ago

Getting closer to reddit every day, I fucking swear.