invisiblephrend ago

I'll permaban myself as punishment. And OP will deliver.


not sure if he was just making a bad joke, but his account hasn't been active since.

invisiblephrend ago

voat claims to hate jews, but the second putt tried to deal with people subverting subs and committing vote manipulation, people started sperging out big time about muh free speech! then putt announced that he will be stepping down, which i hope to god isn't true because he's been doing a fantastic job. so way to go, goyim! enjoy your future reddit.

GreenSlug ago

Slurp slurp slurp slurp.

DintDoNothin ago

You might want to look in the mirror you have something brown on your nose

DHmountainbiking ago

You guys all remind me of being at high school again

capnflummox ago

"remind me"... um, dude, your first period bell just rang.

Zoldam ago

Diligence is needed for defense. Inches must never be given, that's how clown world developed. Staying on top of bullshit in order to keep the site good is fine by me.

Patchouli ago

He has the reddit trannies in his ass and mossad's dick in his mouth.

Native ago

I share the sentiments. Putts heart is in the right place and for that I thank him. He doesn’t have to keep this site running.

Honestly with all the drama in the last few days I would have spitefully shut down the site for 48 hours just so people calm down and realize the net positive things he users and the site is; instead of harping on the negatives.

It’s why I’m not an admin ha and he is.

Keep up the good work despite the Q judeo-Christian brainwashing we have a lot more in common than we like to admit.

Since I have this opportunity I also want to tell Q followers that we aren’t racist. Rhetoric aside we don’t hate niggers. We just realize that they are incompatible with Western Society.

The reason they were sent to Voat is to realize this one basic human truth.

Have a great week and thanks to Putts for having thick skin and a great sense of humour.

PS I’m looking forward to the Friday sticky

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Putt is fine. Always has been.
Q LARPs are not fine and never have been. They're also not Christian because to say or believe that God has a "chosen people" based on race is anti-Christ. The Judeo prefix as standalone is apt.

ruck_feddit ago

Rhetoric aside we don’t hate niggers.

I'm just one guy, but I'm pretty sure a literal goat-ton of us actually and justifiably hate niggers.

Patchouli ago

There are 2 of us at least then. Native can go guzzle nigger cum. I want to hang all niggers.

ruck_feddit ago

Maybe he hit his head earlier? Or, maybe he's just extending an olive branch to the sensitive Qtards? Maybe we just don't know what nigger-friendly we he's talking about? So many questions need answered!

Chiefpacman ago

Long live the King!

Vigilance is good. You could say people's attitudes were kind of shitier this time, and it got mixed up with a lot of people's petty bullshit. But hopefully this can have been a healthy little rebellion..

Chad88 ago

When you're too late to a post to comment so you just make your own post instead.