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18883605? ago

3 contribution points...all that time correcting SQL errors as a portal tester....BWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

18883678? ago

Putt unbanned her

18883688? ago

For now.

18883750? ago

They suck ass all day everyday.

I agree this isn't over yet. They tried to attack GA today after srazie quit and the new mod there banned a bunch of them.

18884707? ago

and now KevDude is the number 1 endorser of QRV!

He's now encouraging more harassment of GA, saying it's justified because shitposters are crying rivers of tears 'halp halp dey beaan me again' reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

18884959? ago

Hahaha..halp halp reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I enjoy reading the minutes from their high school meetings serious and so concerned.

18885157? ago

It's true, the powermod KevDude has thrown the owner of voat under the bus, telling GA members to run for the hills of QRV because the immune system of Voat is going to kill GA and it's mods. Voat now has goat AIDS because a handful of spiteful shitposters hold more value than regular members of the subs.

18885252? ago


Guess I better get caught up on the minutes again.

sbbh is going to lay waste to that sub.

Guess it's more important to keep the few namefags happy than the many regulars.

And to think that by banning just one user Z this could have all been avoided.

18885313? ago

even admin crumpled from the pressure of out of control Z goats looking for scorched earth Keks. They get the slightest pushback and they reeeeee like NPC bitches screaming at the sky. Powermod suckles them off his builder teat and declares that their wrath is justified, villagers be damned.

18885410? ago

Destroy qrv the q'ers are retards wait a minute that's the only sub with free speech, run to qrv while we burn voat down around it

18885516? ago
